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DiaFile.LZH short filenote:
Dialog File Utility/Module Lister/Editor v0.5
DiaFile.LZH long filenote:
Lists/edits/deletes DialogBBS files via CLI options or online as
module. Search any/all fields for matching files. Any
combination AND'ed or OR'ed together. Individual values or ranges
allowed. Search by: file area, filename, file number, uploader
name, upload date, new files since last call, # of times
downloaded, file size, attributes, days since upload, file
description, etc.
Please delete all prior versions of this prg after putting
this current version online.
Updates/bug fixes and listed in reverse chronological order
at the end of this file.
All the latest releases of my DialogBBS modules/utilities are
available by download to members of:
The Amiga ShareWare HeadQuarters BBS
Bill Beogelein
Box 52441
Livonia, MI 48152
313-473-2020 (BBS); 1:120/207 (Fido)
An "all work in progress" disk (95-99% full) is available
by US mail for $15. It guarantees you all the latest updates to all
my utilities/doors as well as other's related Dialog/BBS/
Telecommunication shareware.
Please create file t:DiaFile.log and include it when reporting bugs.
If you suspect a bug has been located, specific debugging can be
turned on with the "-Z 00000000" option. The parameter is a 8-bit
binary number. Each bit represents the ON/OFF setting of the
following debugging info:
8- Changes made with +options.
/ 7- Expansion of ^values.
// 6- Ranges interpreted/used.
/// 5- File names loaded/used.
//// 4- Area names loaded/used.
///// 3- Open/Closing of all files.
////// 2- Alloc/freeing of all memory used.
/////// 1- CLI or menu passed -options.
DiaFile -Z 11111111 (Turn on all debugging)
Any of 256 combinations are valid. Bits not shown are considered OFF.
"-Z 00000111" is equivalent to "-Z 111" turning on -option, memory
allocation, and file handling debugging.
Keep a backup copy of your FILE:*.fd files available.
Only the 1st char of each option is checked.
-name is equal to -n, etc...
KEYWORDS: -(nscdDAtTcC...)
Must appear immediately before their companion values.
You can optional replace the required value with "-?string_strings"
which will prompt the user for this missing value.
DiaFile -AREA 1 -name *.arc ; Search for these files
DiaFile -AREA 1 -name -?Filename: ; Prompt user for filename
DiaFile -AREA 2 -days 0-7 ; Search for all files uploaded this week
DiaFile -AREA 2 -days -?Days: ; Prompt user for this value
An internal/default prompt string is used by specifying "-option
-?" without trailing prompt string.
Can appear anywhere on cmd line and DON'T need companion values
All switches and keywords ARE case sensitive.
Each option can only be used once.
All values are 'AND'ed together unless '-or' option is used.
1> DiaFile -help >prt: ;;; Will output help screen to printer ;;;
Auto validate/delete files via nightly midnight.sh.
All the altering options (+option) that are followed by a numerical
value can specific a +value, -value, or absolute value.
; It is highly recommended that you use script files and/or alias cmds
; for commonly used DiaFile functions:
alias touch DiaFile -name [] +
alias purge DiaFile -TIMES_DL 0 -size 50000- -days_ul 120-
alias find DiaFile -name []
alias ULer DiaFile -uploader []
alias never DiaFile -T 0
alias rare DiaFile -T 0-2
alias popular DiaFile -T 10-
alias big DiaFile -s 80000-
alias small DiaFile -s -3000
alias text DiaFile -t []
alias new DiaFile -d 0-2
alias old DiaFile -d 120-
alias recent DiaFile -D 0-2
alias today DiaFile -days_ul 0
alias yester DiaFile -days_ul 1
alias recent DiaFile -days_ul 0-2
alias weekly DiaFile -days_ul 0-7
alias inactive DiaFile -days_ul 99- -TIMES_DL 0
alias early DiaFile -file# 1-3
alias kill DiaFile -name [] +KILL
alias arced DiaFile -n *.arc
Log Generation:
t:DiaFile.LOG exists- Append to end file.
t:DiaFile.LOG doesn't exist- No log output generated.
All options ARE case-sensitive.
All options are significant only by 1st character.
Others are ignored. ("-time" == "-t") ("-TiMeThIs" == "-T")
The -x -X +x +X (i/o input/output) options allow output to be formatted
and output to a file of your choice.
The filename specified with -x must contain one of eight characters
at the start of every line. See DiaFile.cfg for more information.
All ^values can also be passed directly from CLI with the -X by
replacing the filename with body string desired.
1> DiaFile -s 50000-90000 -X _^n_^s_^d
The following TCS (text control sequences) values are allowed
within the specified "-x filename" formatting file.
(8 reserved chars are \ ( ) , + - . ; % Do Not Use)
^a Attributes shown as 0-32768
^e Attributes shown as 16 bits string "YYY__YY__YYY___Y"
^A Current area #
^B User's baud rate
^f File's number
^E All area #s to be searched
^m # of mins to D/L file as 00:00:00 (Currently only for 2400baud callers)
^s Size of file in bytes
^S Size of file in K bytes
^T # of times file has been D/Led
^U Upload date as 01Jan90
^R Upload date as "Sat 08 Sep 90 19:34"
^n Filename
^t 1st 70-80 chars of filenote
^u Uploader's name
^d # of days since uploaded
^x DiaFile.cfg name passed via CLI with -x option
^X cfg string passed via CLI with -X option
^| ttl_num_missing Total # of missing files in all areas.
^= ttl_num_matched Total # of files matching search criteria.
^' ttl_num_changed Total # of files changed.
^` ttl_num_not_changed Total # of files not changed.
^~ num_est Estimated # of files in area (hi_pointer-lo_pointer+1).
^> ttl_num_est Estimated # of files ttl (hi_pointer-lo_pointer+1).
^< __DATE__ DiaFile's compile dat.
^@ num_matched Number of files in 1 area matching search criteria.
^! num_changed Number of files total matching search criteria.
^$ num_act Number of actual files in 1 area.
^^ "^" Single ^ char.
^* num_not_changed Total # of files changed.
^{ DAY Current day of week.
^} DATE Current date as 01Jan90.
^] ttl_num_del Total # of files deleted in all areas.
^[ ttl_num_act Total # of files online.
^_ LDATE Current date as 900101 (for sorting).
^= TIME Current time as 00:00:00.
^? VERSION DiaFile's name/version#.
^: num_del # of files deleted in 1 area.
^& num_missing # of files missing in 1 area.
Each will output the corresponding value. These ^TCSs are identical
to the -options used on the CLI cmd line.
Special TCSs:
^; Remainder of line is comment.
^. Suppress automatic linefeed at end of line.
All values can LEFT or RIGHT justify with width-value immediately
following each '^' char.
^10n Right justify
^-10n Left justify
^+10n Center justify
^05n Right justify, padded with 0s
^,10n Right justify, filling w/commas
[^-40n] gives [DiaFile.LZH ] left-jusify in 40cols
[^+40n] gives [ DiaFile.LZH ] center in 40cols
[^40n] gives [ DiaFile.LZH] right-justify in 40cols
[^09s] gives [000123456] right-justify in 9cols, w/zero padding
[^,9s] gives [ 123,456] right-justify in 9cols, w/comma expansion
Also expanded within ^format-file or ^values passed from CLI:
\\ (ANSI) Single backslash (dec- 92)
\a (ANSI) Alert user (dec- 7) (Amiga screen flash/beep)
\b (ANSI) Backspace (dec- 8)
\f (ANSI) Form feed (dec- 12)
\n (ANSI) Linefeed (dec- 10)
\r (ANSI) Carriage return (dec- 13)
\t (ANSI) Tab (dec- 9)
\v (ANSI) Vertical tab (dec- 11)
\e Escape char (dec- 27)
\E CSI (dec-155)
\% Percent sign (dec- 37)
Revision history:
The following update info is for internal reference only.
Please excuse its "shorthand" nature.
Bugs/future updates:
check() needs to return/use success/range value to y/n/q, not just abort
Need to speed up ^value expansion
Unbuffered I/O for y/n/q w/o [RETURN]
Needs -option to save line to executable file
Needs ^option to output current execution argv
Bug if any user strings contain illegal chars ^ % etc
Save "changes" also to separate file
* Search/set [n]ew file date field (FILE:###/USER.FILE)
* Need info for each of 16 attribute bits
Full .CFG '|' support
* Which files can callers not view or D/L due to low access level
Needs to set -priority level
Needs to set -buffer size of FileNote
Needs to get user's baud from t:tr?.user instead of -BAUD option
* Given FILE:*.fd then find corresponding FILE.LZH.
* Given FILE.LZH then find corresponding FILE:*.fd.
Check -attributes with 16 bits Yy1 or Nn0_-
^value to halt screen output
^value for total bytes in area, total bytes online
* Tom/James/Mike I need more info before I can do anything
with these items. (Fido 1:120/207, 313-473-2020)
xxx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
v0.6 Tuesday 23-Oct-90 17:25:52
Removed dummy struct File_Areas from .h
Replaced with correct File_Area structs
Now compatable ONLY with Dialog update dated 17Oct90
"Should" exit safely with "Error in FILE:AREA.BBS" if an attempt is
made to use DiaFile with older, non-compatable FILE:Area.bbs format.
v0.5 Wednesday 26-Sep-90 08:19:40 (31520)
-!debug option is now a KEYWORD instead of a SWITCH (see above)
-!debug rename -zdebug and -ZDEBUG
v0.4 Tuesday 25-Sep-90 08:17:03 (30280)
If no -AREAS specified, use all actual areas, not 1-999
Don't close stdout if used for output as fp[1]
More info if -!debug used
Fixed file area name ^value ?? bug if (area #) > (# of areas)
Tweaked baud/cps for 00:00:00 D/L times ^values
Moved "cps to baud look-up" out of size2time() (Slightly faster)
Added ^B to show user's baud rate
Change File_Areas struct from 37/SHORT/13 to 38/SHORT/14 still 54
v0.3 Monday 24-Sep-90 16:10:39 (30076)
Clear 1st char in all opt_s, not last
Added missing -opt to usage2 string
MAXLEN shortened from 300 chars to 200
Cleared all head/body/tail once before use_format() and load_format()
^< shows compile date
Check for -? removed from makerange() (already in get_input())
Added file's (size) to .doc
Removed intuition.h from pre-compile
Faster/smarter/smaller showbits() loop
Char count of global footer not being cleared before run (fixed)
Correct 00:00:00 D/L time at all bauds if passed with new "-BAUD n"
Fixed non-working "-x -?" "-X -?"
Fixed non-working "+x -?" "+X -?" (Allows file overwrites. Caution)
Sloppy fix if "holes" in FILE:Area.BBS (!!!I need structs.h!!!)
v0.2 Saturday 22-Sep-90 19:36:46 (29648)
Added -attribute search support (Unable to find out what each bit means)
Removed a:zzzBBSad from .LZH, using version_0.? instead
^# changed to ^file# to match -file# option
Changed .CFG '-' char from PRIVATE to NO FILES FOUND
Added .CFG '|' char meaning PRIVATE files (Still not supported)
Changed cps @ 2400 baud from 200cps to 218cps (Partial support)
Added ^S file size in K bytes
Added ^G for string file area names
Added ^# for total # of file areas
v0.1 Saturday 22-Sep-90 03:59:33
1st release, list only, no edit/change +options
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
*** EOF DiaFile.doc ***