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321 lines
NOZPhone V1.0
Craig Westbury
David Neighbour
⌐ Copyright 1992
Files In This Archive
NOZPhone - The program that does all the work.
NOZPhone.DOC - This documentation.
BBSAALL.DAT - A sample BBS list data file, release 9208
( 6 August 1992).
Ncomm-Oz-Rego.Readme - Info on registering Ncomm V2.0 in OZ.
Yes, the part of the documentation that MUST be there.
NOZPhone is not Public Domain, it is POSTWARE.... Ie, send us a
post-card, or lengthy message, and you can use it as much as you
like. See the end of this document for our Addresses.
NOZPhone may be freely distributed as long as the archive contents
remain unchanged and all files are included. (The archiving method
can be altered).
NOZPhone may not be used for comercial purposes unless full written
permission has been granted by the Authors, and any other conditions
they see fit to apply at the time.
The authors of NOZPhone cannot be held responsible for any damages
caused by NOZPhone, NOZPhone is used at your own risk. The authors
have endevoured to make NOZPhone as bug free as we can, but no
guarentees can be made, (at least it has not crashed our Hard Disk
yet!). We do encourage a report of any bugs you may find.
Now for the fun stuff !
NOZPhone is simply a small Utility that converts the Australian
BBS Registry's monthly BBS List into 8 Ncomm V2.0 phone books.
Why ? So that you can keep a record of all BBS's without having
to search through the BBS-LIST and then enter them into your
phone book.
The phone books created by NOZPhone are not designed to be your
working phone book, but a reference and easy way to call new
NOZPhone is easy to run, just type
at any CLI or SHELL prompt. If run like this, NOZPhone will
look for both the BBS list data file (BBSAALL.DAT) and will
save the 8 phone books, in the current directory.
The phone books will also have default setting's (see below).
Command Line Options
To alter the setting's for NOZPhone you can use a selection of
command line setting's. All options must be typed in lower case
and all paths must end with a '/' or ':'.
-? : Help, simply prints out a summary of command
line parameters.
-v : Run NOZPhone in verbose mode. This will make
NOZPhone report on each BBS System as it processes
it. In NON-Verbose mode only each state will be
reported as it is processed.
DEFAULT - Non Verbose
-d : Destination Directory. This is the directory where
NOZPhone will save it's phone-books.
e.g. -dNcomm:
DEFAULT - Current Directory
-s : Source Directory. This is the directory where
NOZPhone will look for the BBSLIST data file
(BBSAALL.DAT). It is only the path
e.g. -sram:
DEFAULT - Current Directory
-r : Remove Prefix. This option will remove a certain
telephone number prefix from all phone numbers
e.g. -r(08)
will remove the (08) from the start of any phone
number, so the SA phone book will have most of
it's phone numbers without STD area codes.
--- All the following options change the phone-book settings
for every entry made by NOZPhone.
-b : Baud Rate. Set the baud rate for each entry.
Accepted values are -
0 - 300 1 - 600 2 - 1200
3 - 2400 4 - 4800 5 - 9600
6 - 19200 7 - 38400 8 - 57600
9 - 76800 10 - 115200 11 - MIDI
12 - 1200/75
e.g. -b5
Sets all phone book entries to Baud Rate 9600.
DEFAULT - 3 (2400)
-c : Character Set. Sets the charcter set to be used
for all the phone book entires.
Accepted values are -
0 - ISO 1 - IBM 2 - IBN
3 - IPB 4 - US7 5 - UK7
6 - GE7 7 - FR7 8 - SP7
9 - IT7 10 - DE7 11 - NO7
12 - SF7
e.g. -c11
Sets all phone book entries to the character set
NO7 (Norway).
-o : Protocol. Change the transfer Protocol for all
phone book entries.
Accepted values are -
0 - Xmodem
1 - Ymodem
2 - Ymodem Batch
3 - Ymodem-G
4 - Zmodem
5 - Kermit
6 - Extrenal XPR
7 - Compuserve-B
8 - Jmodem
e.g. -o2
Sets all the protocols to Ymodem-Batch
DEFAULT - 4 (Zmodem)
-l : Data Length. Changes the data length for all
phone book entries.
Accepted values are -
0 - 8 bits
1 - 7 bits
e.g. -l1
Sets phone book entries to 7 Data Bits.
DEFAULT - 0 (8 Bits)
-t : Stop Bits. Changes the stop bits for all
phone book entries.
Accepted values are -
0 - 1 Stop Bit
1 - 2 Stop Bits
e.g. -t1
Sets phone book entries to 2 Stop Bits.
DEFAULT - 0 (1 Stop Bit)
-p : Parity. Changes the Parity for all
phone book entries.
Accepted values are -
0 - None
1 - Odd
2 - Even
3 - Mark
4 - Space
e.g. -p3
Sets phone book entries to the Mark Parity.
DEFAULT - 0 (No Parity)
-x : Duplex. Changes the Duplex for all
phone book entries.
Accepted values are -
0 - Full Duplex
1 - Half Duplex
e.g. -x1
Sets phone book entries to the Half Duplex.
DEFAULT - 0 (Full Duplex)
-w : Swap DEL <-> BS. Changes the Swap Delete and
Backsapce key option for all phone book entries.
Accepted values are -
0 - Dont Swap
1 - Swap DEL <-> BS
e.g. -w1
Sets phone book entries to swap the DEL and BS keys.
DEFAULT - 0 (Dont Swap)
Bug Reports.
This version of NOZPhone has been tested with the BBSAALL.DAT
file release version 9208. NOZPhone will process any BBSLIST
file below this version that keeps the same format as 9208, and
also any future releases that follow the same format. If the
format is changed the authors will endevour to release a new
version of NOZPhone to suitably accomodate.
NOZPhone will create a phone book compatable with NComm V2.0,
the phone books will not work with earlier versions of NComm,
and once again, if the phone book format changes in future
versions of NComm, will we endevour to update NOZPhone.
Please report all bugs, problems, miracles etc to the authors
and we might even give you a free registered version of NOZPhone.
Future Enhancements.
Some ideas we have for the next version are a fully intuative
interface. Phone book updating, so that you can just use NOZPhone
to update your existing books (Keeping passwords etc). A pacman
game that you can play while it is processing, and other wondeful
If there is anything you would like to see, please feel free to tell
us, we will also not bother continuing with NOZPhone if we dont
hear from people who are using it!
Also, if you know of any other systems like the Australian BBS
Registry, that you would like to see done in the same way, please
send us a copy of the data file and info.
Registration is simple, send us a nice pretty Post-Card of where
you live, (or somewhere you wished you lived), saying hi, and telling
us a bit about yourself, your use of the Amiga, and what you think
of us (be nice now :)
Craig Westbury and/or David Neigbour
P.O. Box 664
Brighton, SA, 5048
Fidonet - 3:800/863
BBS - The Dominion BBS (24hr, 2400)
Australia - (08) 377 1984
International - +61 8 377 1984
The Dominion BBS - Australian Support for NCOMM V2.0 and NOZPhone!
Internet - cjwestbu@teaching.cs.adelaide.edu.au
The Australian BBS Registry.
Rodney Creer
PO Box 731
Penrith, NSW, 2751.
FIDONET : 3:713/317 BBS : (047) 35-6362
The BBS listing is produced once a month, and is usually
entitled BBSXXYY.LZH, where XX is the year number (e.g. 92)
and YY is the month (e.g. 08). Most BBS's should carry
the latest version of that file.
Ncomm V2.0 - Written by Torkel Lodberg
Torkel Lodberg
Pilotveien 10
N-0384 Oslo 3
Internet : torkell@ifi.uio.no
Last thanks to Steven Hunter, James Nobes, and all the other
Ncomm loving amiga users on the Dominion BBS.