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This program is a shareware product. You may use it for some time to
see if it meets your needs and whether you want to start using it
regularly or not. If you don't like this program, just throw it away
and forget about it. But if you do like it and want to see it getting
even better, please send a donation of ten U.S. dollars (U.S.D. 10) to
the address listed in the end of this file. Later, you will be sent
the latest version of this program and possibly some other interesting
shareware/public domain programs.
If you don't want to pay, please think twice. It takes lots of time to
develop versatile and reliable programs - programs that you want to use.
The people who write such programs often like programming but that does
not mean that they didn't have to eat anything. The shareware fees are
usually very tolerable and much less than what you would have to pay
for the same programs if they were 'real' commercial products. And
besides, with your little donation you encourage the programmers to
create even better shareware products - from which we all will benefit.
Thanks for your time. Now let us get to the real stuff...
Dial v0.27
Dial -- a smart but simple phone dialer program
by Supervisor Software ⌐ 1991
Dial uses a Hayes(TM) compatible modem to dial a phone number given on
the command line or in a phone catalog file. It also understands the
phone numbers given in ASCII form (like 415 32-AMIGA for Radical Eye
Command line syntax (lower case letters are optional)
dial [options] #number|name
where options is any combination of
[-CATalog=<filename>] [-INTernational=<string>]
[-COUntry=<string>] [-AREa=<string>] [-PArea=<string>]
[-DEVice=<name>] [-Unit=n] [-Baud=n] [-Quiet] [-Show]
Phone number or person's name must be the last item on the command line
(all options must be specified before the number). If a # character is
placed before the string the number is considered to be an actual phone
number. If no # is found, the string will be searched in the phone
catalog file and the corresponding number will be dialed.
-Show only shows the requested phone number without dialing it using
the modem.
-CATalog sets the phone catalog file name (default is s:phone_catalog).
-INTernational sets the international prefix code for dialing. This
code is needed when calling numbers abroad. When this code is given,
Dial inserts it before any phone number beginning with '+'.
-COUntry sets the local country code. Dial uses this to determine
whether the international prefix code and country code have to be
dialed (whether the number being called is in the current country).
-AREa sets the local area code. Dial uses this to determine whether
the are code has to be dialed before the actual phone number (whether
the number being called is located in the current area). Area code
must NOT contain the area prefix code used in some countries (like
Finland). See -PArea below.
-PArea sets the area prefix code. This code must be left out of the
area code in some countries when calling from abroad.
-DEVice sets the modem device name (default is serial.device).
-Unit sets the unit number for modem device (default is 0).
-Baud sets the baud rate for modem device (default is 2400 bps).
-Quiet suppresses the dialing message.
number is the number to be dialed. If number is preceded with '#'
the number will be used as the actual phone number. Otherwise, number
will be interpreted as a name and the actual phone number will be gotten
from the phone catalog.
Environment variable
Dial uses an environment variable PhoneDialer to store its default
parameters. This way the local environment (prefix and area codes and
device parameters) can be set at boot time. Command line parameters
override those specified in the environment variable.
Format of the environment variable is the same as that of command line.
Phone catalog
If a person's name was given instead of a phone number (no # sign was
found in front of the string), that name will be searched in a phone
catalog file. Default file name for phone catalog is s:phone_catalog
but any name can be given with the option -CATalog.
The phone catalog must have a certain format. Each phone number must
have its own line, terminated by LF character. Each line starts with
the person's name, which is followed by two or more white spaces (this
is important!!). Everything after the white spaces (TABs or SPACEs) is
considered to belong to the phone number. An example line might look
as follows:
Supervisor Software +358 (71) 232 793
First there is a name (Supervisor Software in this case) followed by
the white spaces. Then there is a + sign meaning that the international
prefix must be added here to call this number from abroad. Immediately
following the + sign is the country code and then the area code in
parentheses. Last but not least is the actual phone number.
The country and area codes are not necessary but they make tho phone
catalog fully portable. Dial is smart enough to strip off the country
code when calling within the same country and the are code if a short
distance call is made. So, if the call was made from Kuopio (the town
where Supervisor Software is located), only the "232 793" part of the
phone number would be used.
For the intelligent number parsing to work you must set the local
country and area codes using -COUntry and -AREa options. If a area
prefix code is used in your country you must set it with -PArea option.
For convenient use, these parameters can be set in the PhoneDialer
environment variable.
Use the -Show option to see the phone numbers without dialing them.
Experiment with different phone numbers and local data and you will
get familiar with the system. Of course, if there's no need for the
intelligence, you are free to specify the plain phone numbers with
no local data and Dial will act like a stupid dialer for you.
Phone numbers and names
Phone numbers can be specified directly on the command line in which
case they must begin with # sign. If no # was found, Dial will look
for the given name in the phone catalog. Note that the name does NOT
have to be enclosed in quotes ("") even if it contains commas or white
space characters (as everything after the options is considered to be
part of the phone number).
The standard characted substitutes for numbers are recognized. So,
#Amiga gives the number 26442 and #ILikeThis gives 454538447. Numbers
and alphabets can be freely mixed.
The standard ARP/AmigaDOS 2.0 wildcards can be used to search phone
numbers from the catalog file. With the -Show option you can view
the persons in phone catalog, e.g. Dial "Mike*" -show will list all
persons named Mike.
Shareware fees, bug reports, enhancement requests
Shareware fees and any comments may be sent to
Supervisor Software
Jukka Marin
Metsurintie 17 B 8
70150 Kuopio
Comments and questions can also be e-mailed to