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TrashIt is a Commodity to supplement the TrashCan and the Delete... command
from the Icon menu. It has two basic functions, which you can mix and match
according to your desires.
(1) It can start an AppIcon on your WorkBench screen, onto which you can drop
files. It will immediately delete the file(s), or drawer(s) and all of their
contents, without showing a requester to make sure you didn't mess up and
without storing them on your disk until you tell it to Empty the Trash. The
only exception to this is that it will NOT delete files that are protected.
!!! So Be Careful !!!
Do not drop anything on the AppIcon unless you absolutely
want it out of your life _NOW_. If you delete any files
accidentally, it's your fault, not mine...
(2) It can also keep an eye on any directory you want. You can either have
it immediately delete all the files in the drawer every time you copy a file
into it, or delete all the files in the drawer after a certain amount of
time elapses. This is basically so you can tell it to watch your TrashCan
drawer and have it delete the files immediately or every so often.
!!! Again, Be Careful !!!
TrashIt will completely empty this drawer. Not just the
new files in the drawer will be deleted. Note that if you
don't specify a time interval, then this option is almost
exactly like the AppIcon, with the exception that dropping
a file from another device (disk drive) will not delete the
original file, just the copy made by WorkBench. It is easy
to forget that TrashIt is keeping an eye on this drawer,
because there is no visual clue except perhaps the AppIcon.
Anyway, TrashIt can be run from either a CLI, shell, or WorkBench. It is not
resident, so if you want your shell back, you have to
RUN >NIL: <NIL: TrashIt
or whatever is appropriate for your setup. There are currently five
arguments, which can be given either on the command line or in the TrashIt
icon ToolTypes using the Information... command from the Icon menu. They
ICONXPOS= This option lets you specify the x coordinate of the TrashIt
AppIcon. If you don't specify a valid position, or the
position you specify is over another icon, the icon will be
placed in the next available spot on the screen.
Example: ICONXPOS=200
ICONYPOS= The same as ICONXPOS, except that this is for the y
coordinate of the TrashIt AppIcon. I know, this is terribly
confusing, but stick with me...
Example: ICONYPOS=100
ICONNAME= This option lets you specify the name of the AppIcon. If you
don't specify a value, the name of the icon will be the name
of the program (i.e., TrashIt). If you set ICONNAME to OFF,
then there will be no AppIcon.
Example: ICONNAME=MyTrashCan
TRASHDIR= This option lets you specify the name of the drawer to use as
an automatic disposal. I you do not specify a drawer, then
there will be no automatic disposal drawer.
Example: TRASHDIR=Sys:TrashCan
EMPTYTIME= This option lets you specify the time, in minutes, that
TrashIt will wait before it empties the TRASHDIR. If you do
not specify a time, or if the time is not more than zero
minutes, then TrashIt will empty the TRASHDIR whenever you
add or delete a file from that dir. If you use this option,
TrashIt will flash the screen and beep twice before it
deletes anything.
!! Flash...Beep...Delete !!!
If your screen flashes and/or beeps twice, DO NOT reboot or
turn off your computer. Give TrashIt a little time to take
care of business.
This is to give you warning so you don't reboot or power off
while TrashIt is deleting your files, because this could
corrupt your disk.
Example: EMPTYTIME=30
If you forget these options, typing a question mark (?) in the command line
will give you a template. These tooltypes should already be present in the
TrashIt icon ToolTypes. The DONOTWAIT ToolType should also be present so you
can simply copy TrashIt to the WBStartup drawer of your system disk. Note
that if you run TrashIt from a shell, it will only read options from the
command line, not from the icon, if one exists.
If the TrashIt icon exists (in the drawer where TrashIt resides), TrashIt
will use that icon image for its AppIcon. Otherwise, it will use the
standard TrashCan icon found in the Amiga ROMs. If that somehow does not
exist, there will be no AppIcon.
NOTE: TrashIt requires the Delete command to be present in C:. This should
be no problem, I hope. I also hope to change this in future
Assuming TrashIt is up-and-running, whenever you want to immediately delete a
file from WorkBench, simply drag it onto the TrashIt AppIcon (if there is
one). The file and it's icon will be deleted, but the icon will not
disappear. Select Update from the Window menu if you want to update the
display. If you have the EMPTYTIME option set, it is usually a better idea
to drop files that you want to delete into the TRASHDIR. This gives you a
little time to change your mind in case you messed up. The only reason to
use the AppIcon is if you absolutely need the space on your disk right away,
or if you are absolutely sure you don't need the file.
To quit TrashIt, simply double click on its AppIcon or send it a Control-C.
From the CLI, you can just hit Control-C or use the Break command if you
used Run to start TrashIt. And, of course, since TrashIt is a Commodity,
you can use the Commodities Exchange program to Enable, Disable, or Kill
Also, TrashIt will exit by itself if there is no AppIcon and no TrashDir.
One final note: this is version 1.0 of this program. What that means is that
there are certain to be bugs, which, in a program like this, could be very
dangerous. Please cease to use it if you notice any strange behavior, and
PLEASE send me any bugs you find. I really hope you don't lose an files
because of this program. Please don't use it if you do not have backup
copies of all your files. Rest assured, though, that I use this program
regularly, so I will find and fix any bugs that may exist.
Benbuck Nason
1156 High St. - Oakes #608
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
email: torp@cats.ucsc.edu
I'm also on Cal's Amiga Den (408-688-4074) as Ben Nason.
So, this program is completely freely distributable, but please be sure to
include this document if you distribute the program, so that nobody has to
experiment with this and end up erasing an entire disk. (Easy to do - just
drop a disk onto the AppIcon.) You don't have to send me anything except
bug reports and suggestions for future versions.