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- /****************************************************************************
- * xwindows.c
- *
- * This module implements X-windows specific routines.
- *
- * from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- * Copyright 1991 Persistence of Vision Team
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Copying, distribution and legal info is in the file povlegal.doc which
- * should be distributed with this file. If povlegal.doc is not available
- * or for more info please contact:
- *
- * Drew Wells [POV-Team Leader]
- * CIS: 73767,1244 Internet: 73767.1244@compuserve.com
- * Phone: (213) 254-4041
- *
- * This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- * DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- * DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * Here are some routines I wrote which implement +d option on unix computers
- * running X-windows. For now, only black and white output is supported. If I
- * get access to a computer with a color monitor, I'll probably add support
- * for colors to my routines.
- *
- * In future I'll probably add some more dithering methods. I have tested these
- * routines on SUN 3 and SUN 4. I'm using the tvtwm window manager.
- *
- * If you have some suggestions to my source code or if you change anything,
- * please let me know. I can be reached at the following address: Marek
- * Rzewuski, Avstikkeren 11, 1156 Oslo 11, Norway or marekr@ifi.uio.no on
- * Internet.
- */
- /*
- * 91-07-29 Allan H. Wax (Wax.OSBU_South@Xerox.COM) Hacked this module so it
- * can be used with either a colour or B&W screen. Made all variables local
- * to this routine (no need for more globals if no one ever uses them). Fixed
- * bug in refresh routine. Use dither from colorx.c. Use xpov.icon instead of
- * theIcon.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h> /* some Xlib stuff */
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/Xos.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include "xpov.icn"
- #include <math.h>
- #include "frame.h"
- #include "povproto.h"
- #define BORDER_WIDTH 2
- #define EV_MASK (ButtonPressMask | \
- KeyPressMask | \
- ExposureMask | \
- StructureNotifyMask)
- static Display *theDisplay;
- static int theScreen;
- static int theDepth;
- static unsigned long theBlackPixel;
- static unsigned long theWhitePixel;
- static XEvent theEvent;
- static Window theWindow, openWindow();
- static GC theGC;
- static unsigned char *bitmap; /* pointer to our picture bitmap */
- static unsigned char *bitmapPos;/* position to the last drawn pixel in our
- * bitmap */
- static char *display_name = 0;
- static int disp_wide, disp_high;
- static XImage *xi;
- static char *data;
- static XGCValues gcvalues;
- static long colorpixels[256];
- static Bool iscolor;
- static int screen_open = 0;
- struct {
- void (*Init) ();
- void (*Close) ();
- void (*Finished) ();
- void (*Plot) ();
- } display;
- /* global POVRay variables */
- extern FRAME Frame;
- extern unsigned int Options;
- extern char DisplayFormat;
- extern int First_Line;
- /*
- * Sets up a connection to the X server and stores informations about the
- * enviroment
- */
- static initX()
- {
- theDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
- if (theDisplay == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Cannot establish a connection to the X server %s\n",
- XDisplayName(NULL));
- exit(1);
- }
- theScreen = DefaultScreen(theDisplay);
- theDepth = DefaultDepth(theDisplay, theScreen);
- theWhitePixel = WhitePixel(theDisplay, theScreen);
- theBlackPixel = BlackPixel(theDisplay, theScreen);
- }
- /*
- * This procedure will do the following things: 1) Set up attributes
- * desired for the window 2) Set up an icon to our window. 3) Send
- * hints to the window manager. 4) Open a window on the display 5) Tell
- * the X to place the window on the screen 6) Flush out all the queued up X
- * requests to the X server
- */
- static Window openWindow(x, y, width, height, flag, theNewGC)
- int x, y;
- int width, height;
- int flag;
- GC *theNewGC;
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes theWindowAttributes;
- XSizeHints theSizeHints;
- unsigned long theWindowMask;
- Window theNewWindow;
- Pixmap theIconPixmap;
- XWMHints theWMHints;
- /*
- * Set up some attributes for the window. Override_redirect tells the
- * window manager to deal width the window or leave it alone
- */
- theWindowAttributes.border_pixel = theBlackPixel;
- theWindowAttributes.background_pixel = theWhitePixel;
- theWindowAttributes.override_redirect = False;
- theWindowMask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;
- /* Now, open out window */
- theNewWindow = XCreateWindow(theDisplay,
- RootWindow(theDisplay, theScreen),
- x, y,
- width, height,
- theDepth,
- InputOutput,
- CopyFromParent,
- theWindowMask,
- &theWindowAttributes);
- /* Create one iconbitmap */
- theIconPixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(theDisplay,
- theNewWindow,
- xpov_bits,
- xpov_width,
- xpov_height);
- /*
- * Now tell the window manager where on screen we should place our
- * window.
- */
- theWMHints.icon_pixmap = theIconPixmap;
- theWMHints.initial_state = NormalState; /* we don't want an iconized
- * window when it's created */
- theWMHints.flags = IconPixmapHint | StateHint;
- XSetWMHints(theDisplay, theNewWindow, &theWMHints);
- theSizeHints.flags = PPosition | PSize;
- theSizeHints.x = x;
- theSizeHints.y = y;
- theSizeHints.width = width;
- theSizeHints.height = height;
- /*
- * theSizeHints.min_width = width; theSizeHints.min_height =
- * height; theSizeHints.max_width = width; theSizeHints.max_height =
- * height;
- */
- XSetNormalHints(theDisplay, theNewWindow, &theSizeHints);
- if (createGC(theNewWindow, theNewGC) == 0) {
- XDestroyWindow(theDisplay, theNewWindow);
- return ((Window) 0);
- }
- /* make a name for our window */
- XStoreName(theDisplay, theNewWindow, "POVRay \0");
- /*
- * Now, could we please see the window on the screen? Until now, we have
- * dealed with a window which has been created but noe appeared on the
- * screen. Maping the window places it visibly on the screen
- */
- XMapWindow(theDisplay, theNewWindow);
- XFlush(theDisplay);
- return (theNewWindow);
- }
- static refreshWindow(theExposedWindow)
- Window theExposedWindow;
- {
- int i = 0, x = 0, y = First_Line;
- register unsigned char *dummy = bitmap;
- while (dummy != bitmapPos) {
- /* draw until most current pixel is drawn */
- if (*dummy)
- XDrawPoint(theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, x, y);
- if (x == Frame.Screen_Width) {
- x = 0;
- y++;
- }
- else {
- dummy++;
- x++;
- i++;
- }
- }
- XFlush(theDisplay);
- }
- /* Creates a new graphics context */
- static int createGC(theNewWindow, theNewGC)
- Window theNewWindow;
- GC *theNewGC;
- {
- XGCValues theGCValues;
- *theNewGC = XCreateGC(theDisplay,
- theNewWindow,
- (unsigned long) 0,
- &theGCValues);
- if (*theNewGC == 0) {
- return (0); /* error */
- }
- else { /* set foreground and background defaults for
- * the new GC */
- XSetForeground(theDisplay,
- *theNewGC,
- theBlackPixel);
- XSetBackground(theDisplay,
- *theNewGC,
- theWhitePixel);
- return (1); /* OK */
- }
- }
- static initEvents(theWindow)
- Window theWindow;
- {
- XSelectInput(theDisplay,
- theWindow,
- }
- void BWFinished()
- {
- }
- void BWInit()
- {
- int i;
- /*
- * set some room for a bitmap for our picture. I've got to "remember" the
- * whole picture bacuse of resizing of the window, overlapping etc. Then
- * I've got to refresh the picture. This should be easy to convert to an
- * "color version" in future
- */
- bitmap = (unsigned char *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) *
- (Frame.Screen_Width * Frame.Screen_Height));
- bitmapPos = bitmap;
- if (bitmap == NULL)
- printf("ERROR: Can not allocate the buffer..\n");
- for (i = 0; i < (Frame.Screen_Width * Frame.Screen_Height); i++) {
- *bitmapPos++ = 0;
- }
- bitmapPos = bitmap;
- initX();
- theWindow = openWindow(0, 0, Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height, 0, &theGC);
- initEvents(theWindow);
- XFlush(theDisplay);
- XNextEvent(theDisplay, &theEvent);
- XFlush(theDisplay);
- } /* end of display initilazation */
- void BWClose()
- {
- sleep(10); /* an simple delay. 10 seconds. */
- XDestroyWindow(theDisplay, theWindow);
- XFlush(theDisplay);
- XCloseDisplay(theDisplay);
- free(bitmap);
- }
- void BWPlot(x, y, Red, Green, Blue)
- int x, y;
- unsigned char Red, Green, Blue;
- {
- unsigned char color;
- long thePixel;
- /* lets find if there are some events waiting for us */
- while (XPending(theDisplay) > 0) { /* now deal with the events.. */
- XNextEvent(theDisplay, &theEvent);
- switch (theEvent.type) {
- case Expose:
- /* printf("Window is exposed.\n"); */
- refreshWindow(theEvent.xany.window);
- break;
- case MapNotify:
- /* printf("The window is mapped.\n"); */
- refreshWindow(theEvent.xany.window);
- break;
- case ButtonPress:
- /* printf("A mouse button was pressed.\n"); */
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify:
- /* printf("The window configuration has been changed\n"); */
- refreshWindow(theEvent.xany.window);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (dither(x, y, Red, Green, Blue)) {
- thePixel = BlackPixel(theDisplay, theScreen);
- XDrawPoint(theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, x, y);
- XFlush(theDisplay);
- }
- else {
- thePixel = WhitePixel(theDisplay, theScreen);
- }
- *bitmapPos++ = thePixel;
- }
- /* so we can get at the dimensions */
- extern FRAME Frame;
- /* x11 stuff */
- static Bool evtPred(d, e, a)
- Display *d;
- XEvent *e;
- char *a;
- {
- return (True);
- }
- static void BuildColormap()
- {
- XColor tmp;
- register unsigned short r, g, b, i;
- Colormap cmap;
- /*
- * build a colormap that will contain 216, or 6^3 colors. We won't do
- * anything clever like adding extra grays in the leftover space.
- * Remember, this was written in a few hours.
- */
- cmap = DefaultColormap(theDisplay, theScreen);
- i = 0;
- for (r = 0; r < 6; r++) {
- for (g = 0; g < 6; g++) {
- for (b = 0; b < 6; b++, i++) {
- tmp.red = (r * 36) << 8;
- tmp.green = (g * 36) << 8;
- tmp.blue = (b * 36) << 8;
- tmp.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
- if (!XAllocColor(theDisplay, cmap, &tmp))
- goto crap_out;
- colorpixels[i] = tmp.pixel;
- }
- }
- }
- crap_out: /* couldn't get what we wanted. Boo-hoo. */
- if (i != 216)
- fprintf(stderr, "warning: could only get %d colors.\n", i);
- }
- void ColourFinished()
- {
- XEvent *report;
- /* do nothing. I suppose we could wait... */
- while (1) {
- XNextEvent(theDisplay, &report);
- XPutImage(theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, xi, 0, 0, 0, 0, Frame.Screen_Width,
- Frame.Screen_Height);
- }
- }
- void display_close()
- {
- if(screen_open)
- (display.Close) ();
- }
- void display_plot(x, y, Red, Green, Blue)
- int x, y;
- unsigned char Red, Green, Blue;
- {
- (display.Plot) (x, y, Red, Green, Blue);
- }
- void display_finished()
- {
- if(screen_open)
- (display.Finished) ();
- }
- void ColourInit()
- {
- Pixmap icon;
- XSizeHints hints;
- long size, i;
- XSetWindowAttributes attrib;
- if ((theDisplay = XOpenDisplay(display_name)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't open X server %s.\n",
- XDisplayName(display_name));
- exit(1);
- }
- theScreen = DefaultScreen(theDisplay);
- /* screen dimensions */
- disp_wide = DisplayWidth(theDisplay, theScreen);
- disp_high = DisplayHeight(theDisplay, theScreen);
- theWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(theDisplay, RootWindow(theDisplay, theScreen),
- (disp_wide - Frame.Screen_Width) / 2,
- (disp_high - Frame.Screen_Height) / 2,
- Frame.Screen_Width,
- Frame.Screen_Height, 2 /* border width */ ,
- BlackPixel(theDisplay, theScreen), WhitePixel(theDisplay, theScreen));
- /* create a graphics context for drawing */
- gcvalues.function = GXcopy;
- theGC = XCreateGC(theDisplay, theWindow, GCFunction, &gcvalues);
- /* make a cute icon */
- icon = XCreateBitmapFromData(theDisplay, theWindow, xpov_bits, xpov_width,
- xpov_height);
- /* give a few clues about ourself */
- hints.flags = PPosition | PSize | PMinSize;
- hints.x = (disp_wide - Frame.Screen_Width) / 2;
- hints.y = (disp_high - Frame.Screen_Height) / 2;
- hints.width = Frame.Screen_Width;
- hints.height = Frame.Screen_Height;
- hints.min_width = 32;
- hints.min_height = 32;
- XSetStandardProperties(theDisplay, theWindow, "povray", "povray", icon, NULL, 0,
- &hints);
- /* only want to know about expose events */
- XSelectInput(theDisplay, theWindow, ExposureMask);
- XMapWindow(theDisplay, theWindow);
- BuildColormap();
- size = Frame.Screen_Width * Frame.Screen_Height;
- data = (char *) XtMalloc(size);
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- data[i] = 0;
- xi = XCreateImage(theDisplay, DefaultVisual(theDisplay, theScreen), 8, ZPixmap, 0, data,
- Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height, 8, Frame.Screen_Width);
- };
- void ColourClose()
- {
- sleep(10);
- XDestroyImage(xi);
- XtFree(data);
- XDestroyWindow(theDisplay, theWindow);
- XCloseDisplay(theDisplay);
- }
- /* static */ int dither(x, y, Red, Green, Blue)
- register unsigned int x, y;
- unsigned char Red, Green, Blue;
- {
- /*
- * Perform ordered dithering for halftone screen. For details, see
- * Graphics Gems, Ed. Andrew Glassner, p. 176-178 Floyd-Steinberg dither
- * would look better, but we would need more saved state, making the
- * coding a lot uglier. Since this is just a display hack and not an
- * image processing package, I don't bother.
- */
- static unsigned int dm[] = {
- 0, 192, 48, 240, 12, 204, 60, 252,
- 128, 64, 176, 112, 140, 76, 188, 124,
- 32, 224, 16, 208, 44, 236, 28, 220,
- 160, 96, 144, 80, 172, 108, 156, 92,
- 8, 200, 56, 248, 4, 196, 52, 244,
- 136, 72, 184, 120, 132, 68, 180, 116,
- 40, 232, 24, 216, 36, 228, 20, 212,
- 168, 104, 152, 88, 164, 100, 148, 84
- };
- register unsigned long luminence =
- (307 * Red + 599 * Green + 118 * Blue) / 1024;
- return (luminence < dm[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]);
- }
- void ColourPlot(x, y, Red, Green, Blue)
- int x, y;
- unsigned char Red, Green, Blue;
- {
- long thePixel;
- int r, g, b;
- XEvent report;
- int luminence;
- /* scale rgb to be in our 216 color space */
- r = (Red * 216) / (256 * 36);
- g = (Green * 216) / (256 * 36);
- b = (Blue * 216) / (256 * 36);
- /* find the pixel we got */
- thePixel = colorpixels[(r * 36) + (g * 6) + b];
- XPutPixel(xi, x, y, thePixel);
- /* on each pixel, copy a scanline. Inefficient, but so what? See above. */
- XPutImage(theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, xi, 0, y, 0, y, Frame.Screen_Width, 1);
- /* poll for exposure events */
- if (XCheckIfEvent(theDisplay, &report, evtPred, "blah")) {
- XPutImage(theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, xi, 0, 0, 0, 0, Frame.Screen_Width, y + 1);
- }
- }
- void unix_init_POVRAY PARAMS((void))
- {
- }
- int matherr(x)
- struct exception *x;
- {
- switch (x->type) {
- case DOMAIN:
- case OVERFLOW:
- x->retval = 1.0e17;
- break;
- case SING:
- x->retval = 0.0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return (1);
- }
- extern void BWInit(), BWClose(), BWFinished(), BWPlot();
- void display_init()
- {
- Pixmap icon;
- XSizeHints hints;
- long size, i;
- XSetWindowAttributes attrib;
- if ((theDisplay = XOpenDisplay(display_name)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't open X server %s.\n",
- XDisplayName(display_name));
- exit(1);
- }
- screen_open = 1;
- theScreen = DefaultScreen(theDisplay);
- iscolor = (XDisplayCells(theDisplay, theScreen) > 2);
- if (iscolor) {
- display.Init = ColourInit;
- display.Close = ColourClose;
- display.Finished = ColourFinished;
- display.Plot = ColourPlot;
- }
- else {
- display.Init = BWInit;
- display.Close = BWClose;
- display.Finished = BWFinished;
- display.Plot = BWPlot;
- }
- XCloseDisplay(theDisplay);
- (display.Init) ();
- }