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Makefile | 1992-03-18 | 3.4 KB | 113 lines |
- # Makefile for Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- # This file is released to the public domain.
- #
- #
- # MAKE Macros and Such...
- #
- #***************************************************************
- #*
- #* UNIX Makefile
- #*
- #***************************************************************
- # The exact options may depend on your compiler. Feel free to modify
- # these as required.
- # Added for colorx addition. You _do_ have $X11 defined by your .cshrc,
- # don't you?
- X11 = /usr
- CFLAGS= -c -O
- LFLAGS = -O $(X11)/lib/libXt.a $(X11)/lib/libXext.a -lX11 \
- -o povray
- CC = cc
- OBJ = o
- MACHINE_OBJ = xwindows.$(OBJ)
- # Make's implicit rules for making a .o file from a .c file...
- #
- .c.o :
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
- POVOBJS = povray.$(OBJ) render.$(OBJ) tokenize.$(OBJ) parse.$(OBJ) \
- objects.$(OBJ) spheres.$(OBJ) quadrics.$(OBJ) lighting.$(OBJ) \
- prioq.$(OBJ) texture.$(OBJ) matrices.$(OBJ) csg.$(OBJ) \
- hfield.$(OBJ) txtcolor.$(OBJ) txtbump.$(OBJ) txtmap.$(OBJ) \
- txttest.$(OBJ) colour.$(OBJ) viewpnt.$(OBJ) ray.$(OBJ) point.$(OBJ)\
- planes.$(OBJ) iff.$(OBJ) gif.$(OBJ) gifdecod.$(OBJ) blob.$(OBJ)\
- triangle.$(OBJ) raw.$(OBJ) dump.$(OBJ) targa.$(OBJ) poly.$(OBJ) \
- bezier.$(OBJ) vect.$(OBJ) boxes.$(OBJ) $(MACHINE_OBJ)
- povray: $(POVOBJS)
- cc $(POVOBJS) -lm $(LFLAGS)
- povray.$(OBJ) : povray.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- xwindows.$(OBJ): xwindows.c xpov.icn frame.h povproto.h config.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(X11)/include xwindows.c
- tokenize.$(OBJ) : tokenize.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- parse.$(OBJ) : parse.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- render.$(OBJ) : render.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- lighting.$(OBJ) : lighting.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- prioq.$(OBJ) : prioq.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- texture.$(OBJ) : texture.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h texture.h
- txtcolor.$(OBJ) : txtcolor.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h texture.h
- txtbump.$(OBJ) : txtbump.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h texture.h
- txtmap.$(OBJ) : txtmap.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h texture.h
- txttest.$(OBJ) : txttest.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h texture.h
- objects.$(OBJ) : objects.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- spheres.$(OBJ) : spheres.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- planes.$(OBJ) : planes.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- poly.$(OBJ) : poly.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- hfield.$(OBJ) : hfield.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- bezier.$(OBJ) : bezier.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- vect.$(OBJ) : vect.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- quadrics.$(OBJ) : quadrics.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- matrices.$(OBJ) : matrices.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- csg.$(OBJ) : csg.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- colour.$(OBJ) : colour.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- viewpnt.$(OBJ) : viewpnt.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- ray.$(OBJ) : ray.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- iff.$(OBJ) : iff.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- gif.$(OBJ) : gif.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- gifdecod.$(OBJ) : gifdecod.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- raw.$(OBJ) : raw.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- triangle.$(OBJ) : triangle.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- dump.$(OBJ) : dump.c povproto.h frame.h config.h
- boxes.$(OBJ) : boxes.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h
- blob.$(OBJ) : blob.c povproto.h frame.h vector.h config.h