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- Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- Version 1.0
- Copyright and Legal Information
- -------------------------------
- The following is legal information for the Persistence of Vision
- Ray-tracer a.k.a POV-Ray and applies to all POV-Ray source,
- executable, scene file, documentation archives and files contained
- in the archives. All of these are referred to here as "the software".
- This notice must accompany all Persistence of Vision files.
- It may not be removed or modified. This information pertains to
- all use of the package worldwide.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Permission is granted to the user to use the Persistence of Vision
- Raytracer and all associated files in this package to create and
- render images. The use of this software for the purpose of creating
- images is free. The creator of a scene file and the image created from
- the scene file, retains all rights to the image and scene file they created
- and may use them for any purpose commercial or non-commercial.
- This software package and all of the files in this archive are
- copyrighted and can not be distributed or modified without the written
- permission of the authors, the POV-Team, led by Drew Wells.
- No portion of this package may be separated from the package and
- distributed separately without the written permission of the authors.
- This software may not be included in whole or in part in any
- software without the written permission of the POV-Team.
- This software may not be included in any publication, such as, but
- not limited to, magazines, books, newspapers, or newsletters, without
- the written permission of the POV-Team.
- This software may not be included in any software compilation using
- media such as, but not limited to, CD-ROM, tape backup, optical disks,
- hard disks, or memory cards, without the written permission of the
- POV-Team.
- This package may not be compiled and distributed, modified or not, without
- the written permission of the POV-Team. The user is granted the
- privilege to compile the source for their own personal use. Executables
- created by the user from the source include in the source archive may not,
- under any circumstances, be distributed without the written permission
- of the POV-Team. The user is encouraged to send enhancements and bug fixes
- to the POV-Team, but they are in no way required to utilize these
- enhancements or fixes.
- The permission to distribute this package under certain very specific
- conditions is granted in advance, provided that the above and following
- conditions are met.
- Conditions for non-commercial distribution
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Non-commercial distribution is classified as a user
- copying the software for a personal friend or colleague
- and not charging money or services for that copy. This does
- not include non-profit organizations. These groups should use
- the Shareware/Freeware distribution company rules below.
- This method of distribution is encouraged as long as the archives
- are distributed complete and unmodified. We also ask that
- the user copy the executable archives, documentation archives, and
- sample scene file archives together for the friend or colleague.
- We consider this the full package for normal use.
- If the source archive is copied, we ask that the user also include
- the documentation archive and sample scene archive.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Conditions for SHAREWARE/FREEWARE distribution companies
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Shareware and freeware distribution companies may distribute the
- archives under the conditions following this paragraph. This privilege
- may be revoked at any time without warning or cause. The provider is
- required to cease distribution if and when the POV-Team requests
- that distribution stop.
- The archive containing the executable, the archive containing the
- documentation, and the archive containing sample scenes must be
- distributed together by shareware/freeware distribution companies.
- These archives must be the ones distributed by the POV-Team. They
- may not be modified or re-archived using a different method.
- No more than five dollars U.S. ($5) can be charged per disk for the
- copying of this software and the media it is provided on. Space on each
- disk must used completely.
- I.E. A shareware/freeware distribution company may only charge
- five U.S dollars or less for each disk required to provide this
- software.
- They must provide the excutable archive, documentation archive and
- sample scene file archive as one package. The company may not put
- each archive on a separate disk and charge for three disks if all
- three archives will fit on one disk. If more than one disk is needed
- to store the archives then more than one disk may be used and charged
- for.
- The distributor is not required to make the source archive available
- with the other archives. But if the distributor does choose to make
- the source archive available, the distributor must also make available
- the executable archive, the documentation archive and the sample scene
- file archive in the same manner.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Conditions for On-line Services and BBS's
- ------------------------------------------
- On-line services and BBS's may distribute the POV-Ray archives under
- the conditions following this paragraph. This privilege may be revoked
- at any time without warning or cause. The provider is required to cease
- distribution if and when the POV-Team requests that distribution stop.
- The archive containing the executable, the archive containing the
- documentation, and the archive containing sample scenes must be
- all be easily available on the service and should be grouped
- together in a similar on-line area.
- These archives must be the ones distributed by the POV-Team. They
- may not be modified or re-archived using a different method.
- The distributor is not required to make the source archive available
- with the other archives. But if the distrbutor does choose to make
- the source archive available, the distributor must also make available
- the executable archive, the documentation archive and the sample scene
- file archive in the same manner.
- These archives must be the ones distributed by the POV-Team. They
- may not be modified or re-archived using a different method without
- the written permission of the POV-Team.
- The on-line service or BBS may only charge standard usage rates for
- the downloading of this software. A premium may not be charged for
- this package.
- I.E. Compuserve or America On-Line may make these archives available
- to their users, but they may only charge regular usage rates for the
- time required to download. They must also make the all of the archives
- available in the same forum, so they can be easily located by a user.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------
- This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty.
- Although the authors have attempted to find and correct any bugs in
- the package, they are not responsible for any damage or losses of any
- kind caused by the use or misuse of the package. The authors are
- under no obligation to provide service, corrections, or upgrades
- to this package.
- [End of Legal Information]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have any problems with the program, the POV people would like to
- hear about them. Also, if you have any comments, questions or enhancements,
- please contact the POV-Team on the Compuserve Online Service in the
- GRAPHICS forums, COMART forum message section 16 (!GO COMART).
- The CIS COMART forum is devoted to computer generated artwork like
- raytracing, animation and fractals. For more information regarding the
- POV-Team see the file POVINF.TXT. For more information on
- Compuserve call (USA) 1-800-848-8990.
- Inquiries may be made to:
- Drew Wells
- POV-Team Leader
- CIS: 73767,1244 (preffered)
- AOL: Drew Wells
- Internet: 73767.1244@compuserve.com
- Prodigy: SXNX74A (not used often)
- US Mail:
- 905 North Avenue 66
- Los Angeles, CA, USA
- 90042
- Phone: (213) 254-4041
- The other authors' contact information may be found in POVRAY.DOC, which
- is included in the documentation archive.
- POV-Ray is based on the popular DKBTrace version 2.12 with the
- permission of the authors.
- DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.