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- /* this file contains code from two TextEdit-based little editors: */
- /*********************************************************************
- mini.windows.c
- window functions for MiniEdit
- The sample application from Inside Macintosh (RoadMap p.15-17)
- beefed up a bit by Stephen Z. Stein, Symantec Corp.
- *********************************************************************/
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
- #
- # MultiFinder-Aware TextEdit Sample Application
- #
- # TESample.c
- #
- # Copyright ⌐ 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* the integration of the two environments (MiniEdit is autowrap-only, TESample
- is horizontal scroll only, both are single-window and their programming style is
- often radically different) is by us: */
- /*******************************************************************************\
- main events module
- suntar, ⌐1991-92 Sauro & Gabriele Speranza
- This program is public domain, feel free to use it or part of it for anything
- \*******************************************************************************/
- /* In general, we have kept the general structure of MiniEdit (which is easier to
- understand) but inserting many small excerpts of code from TESample (which is more
- powerful: for example, it supports the zoom box). Many features, however, are
- completely new for suntar and come from neither MiniEdit nor TESample.
- */
- /*#include "antiglue.h"*/
- #include "windows.h"
- extern BitMap screenBits;
- #define HScrollMax 256 /* in caratteri */
- #define MaxDocWidth 16000 /* in pixel */
- /* per essere intelligenti, bisognerebbe che HScrollMax e MaxDocWidth siano legate alla
- lunghezza max delle righe nel testo (legate, e non coincidenti, perchÄ ad es 0 ha un
- significato speciale) ma Å molto pi¥ semplice sia un valore costante, anche molti programmi
- seri fanno cosô */
- int current_font=4, /* Monaco */
- current_size=9,
- current_style=0,
- curr_font_index;
- long myClickLoop(void);
- void new_Hscroll_bar(window_def *,Boolean);
- void set_window_flags(window_def *);
- void dummyClickLoop(void);
- void CClikLoop(void);
- void AdjustText (window_def *);
- void SetVScrollMax(window_def *);
- void SetView(WindowPtr);
- pascal void ScrollProc(ControlHandle,short);
- void resize_controls(WindowPtr);
- void resize_text(WindowPtr);
- void testo_in_abbondanza(TEHandle,int *);
- short find_new_position(window_def*,short);
- void new_window()
- {
- Rect destRect, viewRect;
- int i,height;
- if((i=get_window_index())<0)return; /* non dovrebbe capitare, open Å disabilitato */
- set_window_flags(curr_window);
- {Rect bounds;
- bounds.left=4+8*i;
- bounds.bottom=min(480,screenHeight) -16+3*i;
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- bounds.right= min(640,screenWidth) - (screenWidth<640 ? 32 : 68) +3*i;
- #else
- bounds.right= min(640,screenWidth) - (screenWidth<640 ? 32 : 72) +3*i;
- #endif
- /* se gli si fornisce l'area allocata, NewWindow non fa altro che ritornare il
- primo parametro, quindi Å inutile leggerlo a meno di test errori... */
- if(NULL==NewWindow( curr_window, &bounds, window_title, 1,
- vecchiaROM ? 0 : 8, -1L, (curr_window->flags&NOCLOSEBOX)==0, (long)i));
- }
- SetPort(myWindow);
- TextFont(current_font);
- TextSize(current_size);
- TextFace(current_style);
- {Rect vScrollRect;
- vScrollRect = (*myWindow).portRect;
- vScrollRect.left = vScrollRect.right-SBarWidth;
- vScrollRect.right += 1;
- vScrollRect.bottom -= SBarWidth-1;
- vScrollRect.top -= 1;
- #ifndef SUNTAR
- /* creo la scrollbar invisibile, tanto poi viene resa attiva comunque, in
- modo che la sua mancanza contribuisce a rafforzare l'impressione di attesa
- del cursore a forma di orologio durante il caricamento del file */
- curr_window->vScroll = NewControl( myWindow, &vScrollRect, PNS, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, scrollBarProc, 0L);
- #else
- curr_window->vScroll = NewControl( myWindow, &vScrollRect, PNS, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, scrollBarProc, 0L);
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- if(curr_window->flags & HSCROLL) new_Hscroll_bar(curr_window,1);
- #else
- if(curr_window->flags & HSCROLL) new_Hscroll_bar(curr_window,0);
- #endif
- #endif
- {Rect destRect;
- viewRect = thePort->portRect;
- viewRect.right -= SBarWidth;
- viewRect.bottom -= SBarWidth;
- InsetRect(&viewRect, 4, 4);
- destRect=viewRect;
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- /*if(curr_window->flags & HSCROLL)
- destRect.right = destRect.left + MaxDocWidth;inutile perchÄ SetView lo riassegna*/
- #endif
- TEH=curr_window->TEH = TENew( &destRect, &viewRect );
- }
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if(curr_window->flags & HSCROLL) (**TEH).crOnly=-1;
- #endif
- /*set_window_font();*/
- SetView(thePort);
- curr_window->dirty = 0;
- if(curr_window->flags&READONLY) curr_window->lastPrompt=32767;
- if(!vecchiaROM){
- TEAutoView (true,TEH); /* auto-scroll on...*/
- curr_window->itsClickLoop=(**TEH).clikLoop;
- (**TEH).clikLoop=(ProcPtr)myClickLoop;
- }
- /* il chiamante dovrê occuparsi dei valori corrente e max delle scrollbar
- (non posso farlo ora perchÄ il buffer Å ancora vuoto)
- -- the caller must set the current and max values of the scrollbar (after
- filling the window with the initial text, if any)
- */
- }
- static void new_Hscroll_bar(window,visible)
- register window_def *window;
- Boolean visible;
- {
- Rect hScrollRect;
- hScrollRect = ((WindowPtr)window)->portRect;
- hScrollRect.top = hScrollRect.bottom-SBarWidth;
- hScrollRect.bottom += 1;
- hScrollRect.right -= SBarWidth-1;
- hScrollRect.left -= 1;
- if(window != curr_window) visible=false;
- window->hScroll = NewControl( window, &hScrollRect, PNS, visible, 0, 0,
- HScrollMax, scrollBarProc, 0L);
- SetCtlValue(window->hScroll,0);
- /*if(window != curr_window) HideControl( window->hScroll );*/
- }
- int get_window_index()
- {
- int current_index=0;
- if(n_currently_open>=n_max_windows)return -1; /* non dovrebbe succedere, il comando Å disabilitato...
- -- it should never happen, if the New command is disabled when...*/
- while(my_windows[current_index].used) current_index++;
- curr_window=&my_windows[current_index];
- curr_window->used=true;
- n_currently_open++;
- return current_index;
- }
- static void set_window_flags(window)
- register window_def *window;
- {
- int markChar;
- extern MenuHandle myMenus[4];
- window->flags=default_flags;
- window->lastPrompt=32767;
- GetItemMark (myMenus[prefM], pmAutowrap, &markChar);
- if(!markChar) window->flags |= HSCROLL;
- }
- #if 0
- /* used for debugging: print to the second window (Ok, it would be more
- powerful to adapt printf to print to any window...) */
- #include <string.h>
- #include "suntar.h"
- void print_string(buf)
- char*buf;
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort(&my_windows[1]);
- TEInsert(buf,(long)strlen(buf),my_windows[1].TEH);
- SetPort( savePort );
- }
- void print_int(i)
- {
- char buffer[20];
- my_itoa((long)i,buffer);
- print_string(buffer);
- MaintainScrollBars(&my_windows[1]);
- }
- void print_number(desc,i)
- char*desc;
- {
- TESetSelect((long)32767,(long)32767,my_windows[1].TEH);
- print_string(desc);
- print_int(i);
- print_string("\r");
- MaintainScrollBars(&my_windows[1]);
- }
- #endif
- /* questa routine modifica gli attributi della finestra specificata per
- adeguarli alle preferenze correnti */
- void apply_preferences(w)
- /* apply the current setting of the preferences menu to the window.
- I wrote this routine for a multiwindow editor where changing the
- preferences does not automatically change the configuration of
- the current window, and there was an explicit "Apply" command.
- In suntar there is only one window, and this routine is called
- every time one changes the font, style, size or the autowrap/Hscroll
- mode.
- In a different environment, one could be obliged to store different
- settings of the preferences menu and its submenus and restore them
- into the menu every time a window becomes the current window. Obviously a new
- window should inherit the current settings in the preferences menu
- */
- register window_def *w;
- {
- FontInfo fInfo;
- int oldbottomline;
- int oldflags;
- GrafPtr savePort;
- register TEHandle myTEH=w->TEH;
- GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort(w);
- oldflags=w->flags;
- /*
- print_number("old val=",GetCtlValue(w->vScroll));
- print_number("old max=",GetCtlMax(w->vScroll)); */
- set_window_flags(w);
- (**myTEH).crOnly = (w->flags & HSCROLL) ? -1 : 0;
- oldbottomline= ((**myTEH).viewRect.top - (**myTEH).destRect.top) / (**myTEH).lineHeight;
- /* that's not the same as GetCtlValue, it could have been clipped to the max...*/
- (**myTEH).viewRect.bottom = ((WindowPtr)w)->portRect.bottom- SBarWidth; /* perchÄ Å mantenuta
- multiplo della lunghezza della linea, cambiando cambia tutto...*/
- EraseRect(&(*myTEH)->viewRect);
- InvalRect(&((WindowPtr)w)->portRect);
- HidePen();
- if( (oldflags&HSCROLL) != ( w->flags&HSCROLL) ){
- if(!(oldflags&HSCROLL))
- new_Hscroll_bar(w,1);
- else
- DisposeControl(w->hScroll);
- }
- TextSize ( (**myTEH).txSize=current_size );
- TextFont ( (**myTEH).txFont=current_font );
- TextFace ( (**myTEH).txFace=current_style );
- GetFontInfo(&fInfo);
- (**myTEH).lineHeight=fInfo.ascent+fInfo.descent+fInfo.leading;
- /*print_string("new line H=");
- print_int(fInfo.ascent+fInfo.descent+fInfo.leading);
- print_string("\r");*/
- (**myTEH).fontAscent=fInfo.ascent;
- /* w->char_width=fInfo.widMax; inutile, lo fa poi SetView */
- /*
- se l'altezza del font Å cambiata bisogna adeguare la posizione verticale, se la larghezza
- Å cambiata (e non posso guardare carattere per carattere nel caso di font proporzionali...)
- bisogna adeguare lo shift orizzontale; in caso di autowrap, una qualunque delle due cose
- e bisogna decidere dove portarsi */
- if( (w->flags&HSCROLL) && (oldflags&HSCROLL)){
- SetView(w);
- SetVScrollMax(w); /* lines_in_window may have changed... */
- SetCtlValue(w->vScroll,oldbottomline); /* that should still be the current value,
- but it could have been clipped to the max, and the max is changed */
- }
- else{
- int oldtopchar=(**myTEH).lineStarts[oldbottomline];
- /*int i;
- print_number("oldtop=",oldtopchar);
- print_number("old = ",((**myTEH).viewRect.top-(**myTEH).destRect.top));
- print_number("bottom line=",oldbottomline); */
- SetView(w); /* che in autowrap ricalcola gli inizi di riga...*/
- if( (w->flags&HSCROLL) && ! (oldflags&HSCROLL)){
- SetCursor(&waitCursor);
- TECalText(myTEH); /*in questo caso, SetView non la chiama..
- -- only in this case, SetView does not call it */
- SetCursor(&arrow);
- }
- if(!(w->flags&HSCROLL) )
- testo_in_abbondanza(myTEH,&oldtopchar);
- SetVScrollMax(w);
- SetCtlValue(w->vScroll,find_new_position(w,oldtopchar) );
- }
- AdjustText(w); /* che scrolla per adeguare al settaggio delle scrollbar
- -- which scrolls the text according to the scrollbar settings */
- ShowPen();
- SetPort(savePort);
- /*print_number("new = ",((**myTEH).viewRect.top-(**myTEH).destRect.top));*/
- }
- /* purtroppo alla routine di ClikLoop Å stata imposta un'interfaccia che, pur
- assomigliando alle regole usate dal compilatore C, non coincide con esse per
- cui una routinetta di "glue" in assembly ci vuole
- -- unfortunately, the interface to the ClikLoop routine is not compatible
- with the C calling conventions */
- static void dummyClickLoop()
- {
- asm{
- extern myClickLoop: /* questo Å il vero entry point, non voglio eseguire le operazioni
- di ingresso inserite dal compilatore...
- -- that's the true entry point, after the operations introduced
- by the compiler (probably a LINK instruction); anyway it does
- not work to pass the C function name and doin return rather than rts */
- move.l curr_window,A0
- move.l OFFSET(window_def,itsClickLoop)(A0),A0
- jsr (A0) ; chiama prima la sua routine...
- movem.l D1-D2/A1,-(SP) ; salva i registri sporcati dalle funzioni C ma da non sporcare
- }
- CClikLoop();
- asm{
- movem.l (SP)+,D1-D2/A1
- moveq #1,D0
- rts
- }
- }
- void CClikLoop()
- /* presa da TEsample.c, negli esempi dell'MPW, ma con forti modifiche
- -- from TEsample.c, heavily modified */
- {
- RgnHandle region;
- int newscroll;
- region = NewRgn();
- GetClip(region); /* save clip */
- ClipRect(&myWindow->portRect);
- /* le formule qui usate ovviamente sono le stesse di MaintainScrollBars
- -- same formulas as in MaintainScrollBars: */
- newscroll=((**TEH).viewRect.top - (**TEH).destRect.top) / (**TEH).lineHeight;
- SetCtlValue(curr_window->vScroll,newscroll);
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if(curr_window->flags & HSCROLL){
- newscroll=((**TEH).viewRect.left - (**TEH).destRect.left)/curr_window->char_width;
- SetCtlValue(curr_window->hScroll,newscroll);
- }
- #endif
- SetClip(region); /* restore clip */
- DisposeRgn(region);
- }
- /* i casi sono due: o la posizione Å cambiata per azioni nel contenuto della finestra
- (tasti return o freccia o delete o paste o autoscroll...) e allora chiamo MaintaiScrollBars
- per adeguare la posizione dei bottoni delle scrollbar, o si Å agito sulle scrollbar
- e allora si chiama AdjustText per scrollare il testo in modo da adeguarsi
- -- if the position has changed for operations in the contents in the window
- one must call MaintaiScrollBars to adjust scroll bars, if the situation was
- changed due to a click/drag in the scroll bars, one must call AdjustText
- */
- void MaintainScrollBars(w)
- register window_def *w;
- {
- int newscroll;
- register TERec *TEp=*(w->TEH);
- /* se andassi a leggere i valori direttamente nel ControlRecord farei degli if
- per non chiamare queste routines se il nuovo valore Å uguale al vecchio, ma se devo
- chiamare delle GetCtl... per avere il vecchio, tanto vale chiamare comunque SetCtl.. */
- SetVScrollMax(w);
- /* calma, Å piuttosto stupido fare 2 modifiche se sia max sia val vanno cambiati,
- il thumb fa dei salti piuttosto antipatici, forse Å meglio allora chiamarne una sola,
- ingannando... non so se sia una buona cosa, perÿ...*/
- newscroll=(TEp->viewRect.top - TEp->destRect.top) / TEp->lineHeight;
- SetCtlValue(w->vScroll,newscroll);
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if(w->flags & HSCROLL){
- TEp=*(w->TEH); /* SetCtlValue may move memory */
- newscroll= (TEp->viewRect.left - TEp->destRect.left)/w->char_width;
- SetCtlValue(w->hScroll,newscroll);
- }
- #endif
- }
- static void AdjustText (w)
- register window_def *w;
- {
- int oldScroll, newScroll, delta1,delta2;
- register TERec *TEp=*(w->TEH);
- oldScroll = TEp->viewRect.top - TEp->destRect.top;
- newScroll = GetCtlValue(w->vScroll) * TEp->lineHeight; /* does not move memory */
- /*
- print_number("scrollbar=",GetCtlValue(w->vScroll));
- print_number("line height=",(**(w->TEH)).lineHeight);
- print_number("old scroll=",oldScroll);
- print_number("new scroll=",newScroll);
- TEp=*(w->TEH);
- */
- delta1 = oldScroll - newScroll;
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if(w->flags & HSCROLL){
- oldScroll = TEp->viewRect.left - TEp->destRect.left;
- newScroll = GetCtlValue(w->hScroll) * w->char_width;
- delta2 = oldScroll - newScroll;
- }
- else{
- delta2=0;
- if( ! (w->flags & HSCROLL) ) /* succede solo passando da scroll a autowrap */
- delta2=TEp->viewRect.left-TEp->destRect.left;
- }
- #else
- delta2=0;
- #endif
- if (delta1 || delta2)
- TEScroll(delta2, delta1, w->TEH);
- }
- static void SetVScrollMax(w)
- register window_def *w;
- {
- register int n;
- register TERec*TEp = *(w->TEH);
- /* It is a kluge necessitated by a minor bug in TE. The bug is that if the last
- character in the TE text buffer is a Carriage Return, the field "nLines" may be off by one,
- and cause slightly incorrect updating of the window. These instructions always returns the
- correct number of lines in the buffer.
- */
- n = TEp->nLines - w->linesInWindow;
- if (TEp->teLength > 0 && (*(TEp->hText))[TEp->teLength-1]==CR)
- n++;
- SetCtlMax(w->vScroll, n > 0 ? n : 0);
- }
- #ifdef may_run_on_64K_ROM
- ShowSelect()
- {
- /* se Å attivato l'autoscroll, il TextEdit provvede a portare in vista il punto in cui
- sta il cursore, quindi non devo fare altro che sistemare le scroll bar, e lo faccio senza
- chiamare questa routine; sulle vecchie ROM l'autoscroll non Å disponibile, e allora non
- posso fare a meno di cercare il punto di selezione e portarlo in vista */
- SetVScrollMax(curr_window);
- {
- register TERec* TEp;
- register int theLine;
- /* la ricerca lineare nell'array lineStarts fa schifo, bisognerebbe usare ricerca
- logaritmica. Non l'ho cambiato perchÄ viene usato solo con le ROM pre-Mac plus...
- Nota che l'ultimo lineStarts Å sempre uguale alla lunghezza del testo, per cui il
- ciclo si ferma comunque...
- */
- {
- register int topLine, bottomLine;
- topLine = GetCtlValue(curr_window->vScroll);
- bottomLine = topLine + curr_window->linesInWindow;
- TEp=*TEH;
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- /* in questo caso theLine mi serve per il calcolo in orizzontale per cui non
- posso evitare di fare la ricerca */
- theLine = TEp->selStart < TEp->lineStarts[bottomLine] ? 0 : bottomLine;
- for (; TEp->selStart >= TEp->lineStarts[theLine+1]; theLine++)
- ;
- if (TEp->selStart < TEp->lineStarts[topLine] ||
- TEp->selStart >= TEp->lineStarts[bottomLine]) {
- SetCtlValue(curr_window->vScroll,theLine - curr_window->linesInWindow / 2);
- TEp=*TEH; /* SetCtlValue puÿ chiamare il Quickdraw e quindi anche il MemMgr */
- }
- }
- {
- int strwidth;
- strwidth=TextWidth( *(TEp->hText), TEp->lineStarts[theLine],
- TEp->selStart - TEp->lineStarts[theLine]);
- TEp=*TEH; /*non credo ci siano problemi, ma a scanso di guai...*/
- if(strwidth< (TEp->viewRect.left-TEp->destRect.left) ||
- strwidth> (TEp->viewRect.right-TEp->destRect.left) )
- SetCtlValue(curr_window->hScroll,
- (strwidth+ (TEp->viewRect.left-TEp->viewRect.right)/2)/curr_window->char_width);
- #else
- if (TEp->selStart < TEp->lineStarts[topLine] ||
- TEp->selStart >= TEp->lineStarts[bottomLine]) {
- theLine = TEp->selStart < TEp->lineStarts[bottomLine] ? 0 : bottomLine;
- for (; TEp->selStart >= TEp->lineStarts[theLine+1]; theLine++)
- ;
- SetCtlValue(curr_window->vScroll,
- theLine - curr_window->linesInWindow / 2);
- }
- #endif
- }
- AdjustText(curr_window);
- }}
- #endif
- static void SetView(w)
- /* SetView, da chiamare quando si crea una finestra o si modifica font, dimensione,
- o attributo di autowrap; NON si occupa delle scrollbar
- -- to be called when a window is created or the font-size-autowrap state is
- changed */
- /* calcola viewrect e informazioni associate; per autowrap (e solo autowrap)
- chiama anche TECaText */
- register WindowPtr w;
- {
- FontInfo fInfo;
- register TERec* TEp;
- GetFontInfo(&fInfo);
- TEp=*(((window_def*)w)->TEH);
- TEp->viewRect = w->portRect;
- TEp->viewRect.right -= SBarWidth;
- TEp->viewRect.bottom -= SBarWidth;
- InsetRect(&TEp->viewRect, 4, 4); /*certo non chiama il memory manager...*/
- ((window_def*)w)->linesInWindow =
- (TEp->viewRect.bottom-TEp->viewRect.top)/TEp->lineHeight;
- ((window_def*)w)->char_width=fInfo.widMax;
- TEp->viewRect.bottom = TEp->viewRect.top + TEp->lineHeight*((window_def*)w)->linesInWindow;
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if(((window_def*)w)->flags & HSCROLL)
- TEp->destRect.right = TEp->destRect.left + MaxDocWidth;
- else{
- TEp->destRect.right = TEp->viewRect.right;
- SetCursor(&waitCursor);
- TECalText(((window_def*)w)->TEH); /* anche in caso di creazione, perchÄ lo
- faccio PRIMA di caricare il file, il buffer Å vuoto... */
- SetCursor(&arrow);
- }
- #else
- TEp->destRect.right = TEp->viewRect.right;
- TECalText(((window_def*)w)->TEH);
- #endif
- }
- void UpdateWindow(theWindow)
- register WindowPtr theWindow;
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort( theWindow );
- BeginUpdate( theWindow );
- EraseRect(&theWindow->portRect);
- DrawControls( theWindow );
- DrawGrowIcon( theWindow );
- TEUpdate( &theWindow->portRect, ((window_def*)theWindow)->TEH );
- EndUpdate( theWindow );
- SetPort( savePort );
- }
- static pascal void ScrollProc(theControl, theCode)
- ControlHandle theControl;
- short theCode;
- {
- int scrollAmt;
- switch (theCode) {
- case 0:
- return;
- case inUpButton:
- scrollAmt = -1;
- break;
- case inDownButton:
- scrollAmt = 1;
- break;
- case inPageDown:
- case inPageUp:
- if(theControl==curr_window->vScroll){
- scrollAmt = ((**TEH).viewRect.bottom-(**TEH).viewRect.top) /
- (**TEH).lineHeight - 1;
- if(!scrollAmt) scrollAmt=1; /* with the minimum size window and the
- maximum size font it may happen */
- }
- else /* hScroll */
- scrollAmt = ((**TEH).viewRect.right-(**TEH).viewRect.left) /
- curr_window->char_width -1;
- if(theCode==inPageUp) scrollAmt = -scrollAmt;
- break;
- }
- SetCtlValue( theControl, GetCtlValue(theControl)+scrollAmt );
- AdjustText(curr_window);
- }
- void DoContent(theWindow, theEvent)
- WindowPtr theWindow;
- EventRecord *theEvent;
- {
- int cntlCode;
- ControlHandle theControl;
- int pageSize;
- GrafPtr savePort;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(theWindow);
- GlobalToLocal( &theEvent->where );
- if (PtInRect( theEvent->where, &(**TEH).viewRect )){
- TEClick( theEvent->where, (theEvent->modifiers & shiftKey )!=0, TEH);
- /* senza autoscroll il TEclick non puÿ avere provocato scroll e quindi
- il punto di selezione Å ancora in vista, con autoscroll ci pensa quello
- a portarlo in vista comunque, perÿ la posizione puÿ
- essere cambiata per cui su qualunque ROM: */
- MaintainScrollBars(curr_window);
- }
- else if ((cntlCode = FindControl(theEvent->where, theWindow, &theControl)) != 0) {
- if(cntlCode == inThumb) {
- TrackControl(theControl, theEvent->where, 0L);
- AdjustText(curr_window);
- }
- else
- TrackControl(theControl, theEvent->where, &ScrollProc);
- }
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- void MyGrowWindow( w, p )
- WindowPtr w;
- Point p;
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- long theResult;
- Rect r;
- /* in modalitê autowrap e per file lunghi questa routine e MyZoomWindow sono lente,
- ma visto che cosô non Å in modalitê scroll, suppongo che la colpa sia del ricalcolo
- degli inizi di riga per cui non c'Å niente da fare */
- GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort( w );
- SetRect(&r, 200, 90, screenBits.bounds.right, screenBits.bounds.bottom);
- theResult = GrowWindow( w, p, &r );
- if (theResult != 0){
- EraseRect(&w->portRect);
- SizeWindow( w, loword(theResult), hiword(theResult), 1);
- HidePen();
- resize_controls(w);
- resize_text(w);
- AdjustText(curr_window);
- ShowPen();
- }
- SetPort( savePort );
- }
- void myZoomWindow(w,where,code)
- register WindowPtr w;
- Point where;
- {
- GrafPtr saveport;
- GetPort (&saveport);
- SetPort (w);
- if ( TrackBox(w, where, code)) {
- EraseRect(&w->portRect);
- ZoomWindow (w, code, 0);
- HidePen();
- resize_controls(w);
- resize_text(w);
- AdjustText(w);
- ShowPen();
- }
- SetPort (saveport);
- }
- static void resize_controls(w)
- register WindowPtr w;
- {
- MoveControl(((window_def*)w)->vScroll, w->portRect.right - SBarWidth,
- w->portRect.top-1);
- SizeControl(((window_def*)w)->vScroll, SBarWidth+1,
- w->portRect.bottom - w->portRect.top-(SBarWidth-2));
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if(((window_def*)w)->flags & HSCROLL){
- int hsize=w->portRect.right - w->portRect.left-(SBarWidth-2);
- MoveControl(((window_def*)w)->hScroll, w->portRect.left - 1,
- w->portRect.bottom-SBarWidth);
- SizeControl(((window_def*)w)->hScroll, hsize, SBarWidth+1);
- }
- #endif
- }
- static void resize_text(w)
- register WindowPtr w;
- {
- int oldbottomline = GetCtlValue(((window_def*)w)->vScroll);
- int oldtopchar = (*((window_def*)w)->TEH)->lineStarts [ oldbottomline ];
- InvalRect(&w->portRect);
- SetView(w);
- if(!(((window_def*)w)->flags&HSCROLL) )
- testo_in_abbondanza(((window_def*)w)->TEH,&oldtopchar);
- SetVScrollMax(w);
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if(((window_def*)w)->flags & HSCROLL){
- SetCtlValue(((window_def*)w)->vScroll,oldbottomline);
- return;
- }
- #endif
- /* in modalitê autowrap cambiare dimensioni cambia anche la
- suddivisione in righe, bisogna verificare che pi¥ o meno quello che viene
- mostrato nella finestra sia sempre lo stesso pezzo di file */
- SetCtlValue( ((window_def*)w)->vScroll, find_new_position(w,oldtopchar) );
- }
- static void testo_in_abbondanza(myTEH,oldtopchar)
- /* the max number of chars that the window may hold may change when
- resizing it, changing font or going to autowrap, delete excess text
- */
- register TEHandle myTEH;
- int *oldtopchar;
- {
- int olds;
- if( (olds=(**myTEH).nLines - 32000/(**myTEH).lineHeight )>0 ){
- int olde,charsToDelete;
- charsToDelete= (**myTEH).lineStarts[olds];
- /*print_number("chars=",charsToDelete);
- print_number("lines=",olds); */
- if((*oldtopchar -= charsToDelete)<0) *oldtopchar=0;
- if((olds=(**myTEH).selStart-charsToDelete)<0) olds=0;
- if((olde=(**myTEH).selEnd-charsToDelete)<0) olde=0;
- TESetSelect(0L, (long) charsToDelete, myTEH);
- TEDelete (myTEH);
- TESetSelect((long)olds, (long) olde, myTEH);
- }
- }
- short find_new_position(w,oldtopchar)
- /* in TeachText and in other editors, many operations change the portion
- of text which is visible in the window. With this routine, the window
- is scrolled so that the first character on top bottom remains the first
- character on top bottom, it that's possible, even after a resize or a
- change of font or size.
- By G. Speranza: it existed since the first 1.1 alfa version of suntar, but
- a silly last-minute bug destroyed its work in the shipping 1.1
- */
- window_def* w;
- register short oldtopchar;
- {
- register short i=0;
- register short *p= (**((window_def*)w)->TEH).lineStarts;
- while(*p++ < oldtopchar) i++;
- return i;
- }
- void CloseMyWindow()
- /* to be called for clicks in the close box */
- {
- curr_window->used=false;
- TEDispose(TEH);
- CloseWindow(curr_window);
- curr_window=NULL;
- n_currently_open--;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- PositionDialog (from tinyEdit.c, another demo editor from Symantec,
- but modified to center with respect the the area below the
- menu bar, I think that's what Apple meant in its guidelines )
- Center the bounding box of a dialog or alert in the upper third
- of the screen. This is the preferred location according to the
- Human Interface Guidelines.
- Modificato: non ho ben capito come fa quello della Apple
- (utilities.c) ma ho la sensazione che faccia cosô, lascia fuori la
- men¥ bar dal conto
- ******************************************************************************/
- void PositionDialog(theRect)
- Rect *theRect;
- {
- short left,top;
- /* Center horizontally on screen */
- left = (screenBits.bounds.right - (theRect->right - theRect->left)) / 2;
- /* Leave twice as much space below */
- /* as above the rectangle */
- top = MBARHEIGHT +
- (screenBits.bounds.bottom - MBARHEIGHT - (theRect->bottom - theRect->top)) / 3;
- theRect->right += left - theRect->left;
- theRect->left = left;
- theRect->bottom += top - theRect->top;
- theRect->top = top;
- }