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- /*********************************************************************
- miniedit.h
- header file for Miniedit
- Copyright (c) 1989 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.
- *********************************************************************/
- #define ErrorAlert 256
- /* resource IDs of menus */
- #define appleID 128
- #define fileID 129
- #define editID 130
- /* Edit menu command indices */
- #define undoCommand 1
- #define cutCommand 3
- #define copyCommand 4
- #define pasteCommand 5
- #define clearCommand 6
- /* Menu indices */
- #define appleM 0
- #define fileM 1
- #define editM 2
- #define SBarWidth 15
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0L
- #endif
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
- #
- # MultiFinder-Aware TextEdit Sample Application
- #
- # TESample
- #
- # TESample.h - Rez and C Include Source
- #
- # Copyright ⌐ 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* kOSEvent is the event number of the suspend/resume and mouse-moved events sent
- by MultiFinder. Once we determine that an event is an OSEvent, we look at the
- high byte of the message sent to determine which kind it is. To differentiate
- suspend and resume events we check the resumeMask bit. */
- #define kOSEvent app4Evt /* event used by MultiFinder */
- #define kSuspendResumeMessage 1 /* high byte of suspend/resume event message */
- #define kResumeMask 1 /* bit of message field for resume vs. suspend */
- #define kMouseMovedMessage 0xFA /* high byte of mouse-moved event message */
- #define kNoEvents 0 /* no events mask */
- /*******************************************************************************\
- include file
- suntar, ⌐1991 Sauro & Gabriele Speranza
- This program is public domain, feel free to use it or part of it for anything
- \*******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LF
- #define LF '\012' /* '\n' in Think C, '\r' in MPW */
- #define CR '\015' /* '\r' in Think C, '\n' in MPW */
- #endif
- #define enter_key 3
- #define opClose 1
- #define opQuit 2
- typedef struct windowdef{
- WindowRecord wRecord; /* Å importante sia al primo posto, secondo il solito
- criterio di costruzioni di sottoclassi
- -- it must be the first field, according to the usual
- object-oriented concept of inheriting a struct and
- adding new fields */
- TEHandle TEH;
- ControlHandle vScroll,hScroll;
- short linesInWindow; /* il numero di linee nella finestra */
- short char_width; /*larghezza in pixel dei caratteri: non Å essenziale sia il
- vero valore, determina l'ampiezza dello scroll orizzontale
- -- need not be the true width in pixels, it's used to choose
- the width of horizontal scroll*/
- char dirty;
- char used;
- short flags;
- short lastPrompt; /* serve in modalitê console (per semplicitê,
- readonly Å una console con lastPrompt=maxint)
- -- for "readonly" windows: a readonly window is readonly
- till this point, read/write after that. You should set this
- to a value different from 32767 only in console windows */
- ProcPtr itsClickLoop;
- } window_def;
- #define n_max_windows 2 /* per suntar, ne uso una sola .....
- -- suntar uses only one window, but the module was
- debugged as a text editor having 5 windows, and for some
- debugging we've used suntar with two */
- #define n_max_foreign 8
- #define maxTElength 32760
- #define DelChar 8
- #define prefM 3
- #define prefID 131
- #define fontID 142
- #define sizeID 143
- #define styleID 144
- #define pmAutowrap 1
- #define pmFont 2
- #define pmSize 3
- #define pmStyle 4
- #define vecchiaROM (ROM85==-1) /* 64K ROMs... prehistoric things */
- /*#define vecchiaROM 1 /*debugging*/
- extern window_def my_windows[n_max_windows];
- extern int n_currently_open;
- extern window_def *curr_window;
- #define myWindow ((WindowPtr)curr_window)
- extern TEHandle TEH;
- #define hiword(x) (((short *) &(x))[0])
- #define loword(x) (((short *) &(x))[1])
- #define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
- #define max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
- #ifdef may_run_on_64K_ROM
- #define MBARHEIGHT (vecchiaROM ? 20:MBarHeight)
- if(!vecchiaROM) \
- MaintainScrollBars(curr_window); \
- else \
- ShowSelect();
- #else
- #define MBARHEIGHT MBarHeight
- #define SCR_BAR_AND_TEXT_IN_SYNC MaintainScrollBars(curr_window);
- #endif
- #define screenHeight (screenBits.bounds.bottom)
- #define screenWidth (screenBits.bounds.right)
- /* masks for flag bits: */
- #define HSCROLL 1 /* autowrap or horizontal scroll */
- #define READONLY 2
- #define CONSOLE 4
- /* the two bits READONLY and CONSOLE and the lastprompt field are used to
- identify the three states of a window: read-only (e.g. a console without a prompt),
- fully read/write, console with a prompt currently on screen */
- #define NOCLOSEBOX 16
- #define isDAwindow(window) ((window)!=NULL && ((WindowPeek)(window))->windowKind < 0)
- #define our(window) ((window)!=NULL && ((WindowPeek)(window))->windowKind >= userKind )
- #define ourTE(window) ((window)!=NULL && ((WindowPeek)(window))->windowKind == userKind && ((WindowPeek)(window))->refCon>=0)
- /* l'applicazione che si appoggia a questo modulo puÿ definirsi delle finestre,
- ma o le distrugge prima di richiamare MainEvent (tipico per dialoghi modali) o
- deve mettere windowkind > userKind o refCon < 0
- -- the application which uses the routines in MainEvent.c and windows.c may
- have its own windows, but in order to tell to MainEvent that it must not
- touch them they must have either windowKind!=userkind or refCon<0 */
- #define myIndex(window) ((int)(((window_def*)(window))->refCon))
- #define AUTOSELECT /* usato solo per #ifdef */
- typedef void (*upd_proc)();
- extern void (*my_add_menus)();
- extern void (*my_handle_menus)(long);
- extern void (*my_event_filter)();
- extern int (*my_at_exit)();
- extern Boolean gInBackground;
- extern Boolean sto_lavorando;
- extern Cursor editCursor,waitCursor;
- extern unsigned char window_title[];
- extern short default_flags;
- extern unsigned char PNS[]; /* Pascal Null String: */
- /* it's silly to have tenths of null strings, rather refer to the same string */
- #define SUNTAR
- /* prototypes for MainEvent.c */
- void InitConsole(void);
- void install_handlers(WindowPtr,upd_proc,upd_proc);
- void remove_handlers(WindowPtr);
- void UpdateFilter (EventRecord *);
- void MainEvent(void);
- Boolean get_event(EventRecord*);
- void handle_event(EventRecord*);
- void DoKeyDown(unsigned char,short);
- void DoActivate(window_def*,short);
- void DoCommand(long);
- void DoFont(long);
- void MaintainCursor(Point);
- void MaintainMenus(void);
- void en_dis_edit(short,Boolean);
- int SilentSuppression(int);
- long pstrtoi(Str255);
- /* prototypes for windows.c */
- void new_window(void);
- int get_window_index(void);
- void apply_preferences(window_def *);
- void MaintainScrollBars(window_def *);
- void UpdateWindow(WindowPtr);
- void DoContent(WindowPtr,EventRecord*);
- void MyGrowWindow(WindowPtr,Point);
- void myZoomWindow(WindowPtr,Point,int);
- void CloseMyWindow(void);
- void PositionDialog(Rect *);
- /* debug only: */
- void print_string(char*);
- void print_int(int);
- void print_number(char*,int);
- /* prototypes for suntar's functions */
- int going_to_background(void);
- void unexpected_disk_insertion(long);
- void MaintainApplSpecificMenus(void);
- /* prototypes for printf.c */
- void disable_autoflush(void);
- void enable_autoflush(void);
- void start_of_line(void);
- void one_empty_line(void);
- void prompt(char*,int);
- void printf(char*,...);
- void print_chars(char*,int);
- void put_char(char);
- void update_console(void);