<script>on mouseUp--This button gives you information about this card.----HeidiTools offers two types of on-line help:----System 7.0 users can get information about the--HeidiTools stack by switching on Balloon Help.----For detailed help throughout the HeidiTools stack,--just press the option key and click on any button.global helpFlagif helpFlag is true then exit mouseUpif the optionKey is down thendoHelpexit mouseUpend ifput "the " & the short name of this card & " card" into theCardsend doHelp to cd btn theCardend mouseUpon mouseEnterput "the " & the short name of this card & " card" into theCardput "Click here to learn more about " & theCard & ". " & ¬"Just hold down the option key and click any button for detailed " & ¬"help throughout the HeidiTools stack." into balloonTextHCBalloon balloonTextend mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--This button takes you to the Acknowledgements card.----HeidiTools builds on the efforts of many people, from many--parts of the Macintosh world. This stackware is meant--to be taken as a celebration of their contributions.----"And when you see something that's yours to be done, and--there's nobody else doing it, that's your legitimate territory."-- -- Robert Hunter----(from CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD by David Gans,--to be released in August 1991 by Citadel Press)----If you like HeidiTools, please take a few minutes--to find out about the folks who did the real work ...----Just press the option-key and click any button for more info!if the optionKey is down thendoHelpexit mouseUpend ifglobal rememberCardput the short name of this cd into rememberCardlock screengo cd "Acknowledgements"unlock screen with barn door open fastend mouseUpon mouseEnterget the name of meput "This button takes you to the Acknowledgements card." into balloonTextHCBalloon balloonTextend mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--This is a pre-historic form of Balloon Help!if the optionKey is down thendoHelpexit mouseUpend ifend mouseUpon mouseEnterHCBalloon "This is a pre-historic form of Balloon Help!"end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Do It Yourself</name>
<script>on mouseUp-- Adding your own buttons to HeidiTools is easy!--Just go to the "Your Tools" card and change the name of any "YourTool" button to the name of an application that--you would like to add to your HeidiTools stack.----Click on the the Prefs button and select the "Button"--tool from the HyperCard "Tools" menu. Then change--name of the "Remember path for YourTool?" button,--replacing "YourTool" with the name that you gave--to your button. Select the "Field" tool from the--HyperCard "Tools" menu, and do the same thing--with the field called "saveYourToolPath". You'll--then need to do some simple script editing; again, just--change YourTool to your button name and you are all set!hideDoItYourselfend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--Click this button to quit HeidiTools--or go back to your Home stack.if the optionKey is down thendoHelpexit mouseUpend ifdoQuitend mouseUpon mouseEnterput "Press this button to quit or go back to your Home stack." into balloonTExtHCBalloon balloonTextend mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on mouseUpcleanCardend mouseUp</script>
<script>--Script of Tools background of HeidiTools by Bill Johnston.--© 1991 Biscuit City Software--Handlers: openCard,closeCard,cleanCard,showPrefs,hidePrefs,doHelp-- closeTextoid,getAppName,openApp,quitPrompt,hideQuitPrompt--Functions: MFactive(),nameOnly(fullPathName),notFound(fullPathName)-- Creator(fileName),Type(fileName)-- checkExtension(fileName,rightExtension)on openCardshowToolspass openCardend openCardon closeCardcleanCardpass closeCardend closeCardon cleanCardglobal helpButtonNamehide cd btn "ToolMask"hide bg btn "screenButton"if the visible of cd btn "Done" is true then send "hidePrefs" to this cardif there is a window helpButtonName then close window helpButtonNameif the visible of bg fld "quitPromptField" is true then hideQuitPromptshowToolsend cleanCardon showPrefsglobal helpFlaghideToolslock screenshow cd btn "Prefs Window"show cd btn "ToolMask"show bg btn "screenButton"put the short name of this cd into fooput foo & " Preferences" into tempshow cd btn tempsend "showButtons" to cd foosend "showFields" to cd fooshow cd btn "Done"set the icon of bg btn "Help" to "HeidiHelp.gray"put true into helpFlag -- disable doHelpunlock screen with dissolve very fastend showPrefson hidePrefsglobal helpFlaglock screenhide cd btn "Prefs Window"hide cd btn "ToolMask"hide bg btn "screenButton"put the short name of this cd into fooput foo & " Preferences" into temphide cd btn tempsend "hideButtons" to cd foosend "hideFields" to cd foohide cd btn "Done"set the icon of bg btn "Help" to "HeidiHelp"put false into helpFlag -- enable doHelpunlock screen with dissolve very fastshowToolsend hidePrefson doHelpshow cd btn "ToolMask"pass doHelpend doHelpon closeTextoidhide cd btn "ToolMask"pass closeTextoidend closeTextoidon getAppNameglobal defaultApplication,userPromptanswer file userPrompt of type "APPL"put it into defaultApplicationend getAppNameon openAppglobal errGlobal,defaultApplication,userPrompt,specifiedButtonhidePrefsput the short name of the target into theAppput theApp & "Path" into thePathput "save" & thePath into theFieldput cd fld theField into appPathif appPath is empty or notFound(appPath) thenput "Where is " & theApp & "?" into userPromptgetAppNameif defaultApplication is empty thenput empty into appPathput empty into cd fld theFieldset the highlight of cd btn specifiedButton to falseexit openAppelseput defaultApplication into appPathput defaultApplication into cd fld theFieldset the highlight of cd btn specifiedButton to trueend ifend if -- path has been specifiedquitPrompt theApp -- if running MF or System 7 remind user to quitopen appPathif the result is not empty then put the resultend openAppon quitPrompt theAppif MFactive() thenput "Don't forget to quit " & theApp & " when you are done!" & return ¬& "Click anywhere to return to HeidiTools ..." into userPrompthideToolslock screenput return & return & userPrompt into bg fld "quitPromptField"show cd btn "ToolMask"show bg btn "screenButton"show bg fld "quitPromptField"unlock screen with iris open very fastend ifend quitPrompton hideQuitPromptlock screenput empty into bg fld "quitPromptField"hide bg fld "quitPromptField"hide cd btn "ToolMask"hide bg btn "screenButton"unlock screen with iris close very fastshowToolsend hideQuitPrompt-- Functions used by cards of Tools background of stack HeidiTools.function MFactiveglobal errGlobalput MFIsRunning("noDialog:errGlobal") into tempif errGlobal is not empty then put empty into errGlobalreturn tempend MFactivefunction nameOnly fullPathput the length of fullPath into numCharput 1 into theCountrepeat with x = (numChar - 1) down to 1if char x of fullPath is ":" then exit repeatadd 1 to theCountend repeatput (numChar - theCount + 1) into firstCharput char firstChar to numChar of fullPath into tempreturn tempend nameOnlyfunction notFound fullPathNameglobal errGlobalput true into tempif FileExists(fullPathName,"nodialog:errGlobal") is true then put false into tempif errGlobal is not empty then put empty into errGlobalreturn tempend notFoundfunction Creator fileNameglobal errGlobalput FileCreator(fileName,"nodialog:errGlobal") into tempif errGlobal is not empty thenput empty into errGlobalput empty into tempend ifreturn tempend Creatorfunction Type fileNameglobal errGlobalput FileType(fileName,"nodialog:errGlobal") into tempif errGlobal is not empty thenput empty into errGlobalput empty into tempend ifreturn tempend Typefunction checkExtension fileName,rightExtensionif fileName contains rightExtension then put true into tempelse put false into tempreturn tempend checkExtension</script>