<script>on mouseUp--The StuffIt XCMDs were written by Leonard Rosenthol,--aka 'MACgician'. Leonard is also known for his work--with Microphone II™, a product of Software Ventures.----StuffIt, StuffIt Classic, StuffIt Deluxe, and--StuffIt Engine, are © Aladdin Systems, Inc.----The Stuff and Unstuff XCMDs are--© Leonard Rosenthol & Lazerware, Inc.----If you have any comments, suggestions, etc.--relating to these XCMDs, please send them to:----Leonard Rosenthol--Software Ventures--2907 Claremont Ave.--Berkeley, CA 94705----GEnie: MACgician; AppleLink: D0025; AOL: MACgician1--Internet: leonardr@sv.portal.com or sv@well.UUCPdoHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--MacBooz was written by Michael Niehaus.----MacBooz version 2.1 is a freeware utility for extracting--files archived using the ".zoo" compression format. The--zoo compression algorithm was developed by Rahul Dhesi.----Zoo is available for Un*x, VMS, and Amiga systems.--The source code has been placed in the public domain.----MacBooz 2.1 is © 1990 Michael Niehaus,--portions © 1989 Symantec.----MacBooz 2.1 is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--Extractor was written by Bill Goodman, author--of the popular shareware archiver Compact Pro™,--and other useful freeware utilities:---- SitExpand, for extracting StuffIt 1.5.1 archives-- SitToCpt, for 1.5.1 -> .cpt format conversion-- Extractor, dearchiver for 1.5.1 and .cpt archives----Extractor v.1.20 is © 1991 Cyclos. Extractor is--a freeware dearchiver for files compressed with--Compact Pro (".cpt") or StuffIt v.1.5.1 (".sit").----Extractor is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<name>About the Author</name>
<script>on mouseUp--Bill Johnston is a graduate student in materials science at the--University of Delaware. He plans to do post-doctoral work--on Macintosh-based image analysis for electron microscopy.----Thanks to Bernie Wieser, Leonard Rosenthol, Sak Wathanasin,--Bill Goodman, Lloyd Chambers, Craig Ruff, Kendall Redburn,--D.G. Gilbert, Lennart Saaf, Peter Lewis, and Kevin Calhoun--who offered many useful design and scripting suggestions.--Thanks also to Prof. Timo Salmi, Steve Hayman, Raymond Chen,--and Geoff Allen for permission to use their FAQ compilations.----Special thanks to Dave Landis and Cathy Dentan--who endured many beta versions of HeidiTools.----Biscuit City Software, 38 Chambers St., Newark, DE 19711.--Phone: 302-368-1949; E-mail: johnston@minnie.me.udel.eduglobal helpButtonName,helpMessageput getComments(the name of me) into helpMessageput the short name of me & " ..." into helpButtonNamedoHelpend mouseUpon mouseEnterHCBalloon "This button tells you about Biscuit City Software."end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--Tar for the Macintosh was written by Craig Ruff.----Tar can be used to create and extract files--archived using the Un*x Tape ARchive format.----Tar v.3.0 is a public domain program written by--Craig Ruff with excerpts from John Gilmore's--public domain tar program. The source code for--Tar is available in a separate archive.----Tar for the Macintosh is available from--many user groups and online services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--MacCompress was written by Lloyd Chambers, who--is also the author of DiskDoubler™, © Salient, Inc.----MacCompress v. 3.2 is a freeware utility that can create--and extract files archived using the Un*x compress command.----MacCompress can be freely copied, provided that--it is not modified in any way. No fee may be charged--for its use. Check out the online help for more info.----MacCompress is © Lloyd Chambers 1988,--portions © Think Technologies.----MacCompress is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--Unshar v.1.5 was written by Sak Wathanasin.----E-mail addresses: uucp: ...!ukc!nan!sw--Internet: sw@network-analysis-ltd.co.uk----Unshar v. 1.5 is a public domain utility for the Macintosh--to extract files in the Un*x SHell ARchive ".shar" format.--Credits: Amanda Walker (unshar) and Paul Dubois (Transkel).----Unshar is available with c source code--from users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--BinHex 4.0 was written by Yves Lempereur.----BinHex 4.0 was released as freeware in February 1985.--It greatly simplified the exchange of Macintosh binary--files over networks of computers running UN*X or MS-D*S.----The BinHex format is still widely used for exchanging--Macintosh files via text-only electronic mail services.----BinHex 4.0 is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--DeHQX was written by Peter Lewis.----Peter Lewis can be reached by postal mail:--10 Earlston Way, Booragoon, WA, Perth, 6154, Australia--or by e-mail (internet) as: "Lewis_P@cc.curtin.edu.au".----DeHQX is a convenient decode-only utility for--batch conversion of BinHex-encoded ".hqx" files.----DeHQX v.2.0 is also one of the first applications to--support System 7.0's "Inter-Application Communication"--via "Apple Events". This makes it possible to send--files to DeHQX even when DeHQX is already open or busy;--DeHQX can thus be used as a background DeHQXing "engine"--by other applications which support Apple Events.----DeHQX v.2.0 is © Peter Lewis, August 1991.----DeHQX is available from users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--ArcPop was written by D.G. Gilbert, who also wrote--ArcMac, ZipPop, and the "Martian Operating System".----ArcPop is a freeware dearchiver which can extract--".arc" files created with ArcMac or with the popular--ARC and PAK archivers for IBM PCs and compatibles.--It can also create self-extracting archives by--attaching itself to existing ".arc" archives.----ArcPop 1.3b by D.G. Gilbert is © 1988 dogStar Software.--ArcPop is no longer actively supported by Mr. Gilbert.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--UnZip is a freeware utility program written by--A.P. Maika using Paul Dubois' TranSkel 2.01--and TransDisplay 2.0 development tools.----UnZip can be used to extract files archived with the--"pkZip" compression utility for PCs and compatibles.----UnZip credits: The original C source code for--"extracting", "unshrinking" and "expanding"--was written in Turbo C 2.0 by Samuel H. Smith.--The original source code for "exploding" was--written in Turbo Pascal 5.0 by R.P. Byrne.----UnZip 1.01 is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Developer's Stack</name>
<script>on mouseUp--The Developer's Stack by Steve Drazga is a collection--of HyperCard external commands and functions. It is--available from many users groups and on-line services.----The ChangeFileType XFCN was written by Larry Wolfarth,--2133 N. Lincoln Street, Arlington, VA 22207.----Larry asks that you acknowledge his work if his--XFCN is used in a commercial stackware project.----Syntax: get ChangeFileType(fullpathName,TYPE,CREATOR)----The DeleteFile XFCN was written by Dewi Williams,--2227 Juniper Court, Boulder CO 80302----Syntax: get DeleteFile(fullPathName)----Thanks to Steve, Larry, and Dewi!doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<name>StuffItΓäó XCMDs</name>
<script>on mouseUp--The StuffIt XCMDs were written by Leonard Rosenthol.----Calling syntax: Stuff archiveName,filePath,archiveFormat;--Unstuff archiveName; (filePath = "Path:fileName" & return)----These XCMDs allow you to create StuffIt Deluxe archives--and decompress StuffIt Deluxe, StuffIt Classic, and--StuffIt 1.5.1 archives. They require that the StuffIt EngineΓäó--(part of the StuffIt Deluxe package) be in your System Folder.--If the Engine isn't present the XCMDs will return an error in--"the result." (HeidiTools uses the FileExists and SystemFolder--XCFNs to look for the StuffIt Engine. If it is not present,--the user is invited to sub-launch a different StuffIt utility.)----These XCMDs are freely distributable, but may not--be sold individually, or with any other product--without written permission from the author.answer "About the StuffIt XCMDs ..." with "Author" or "Syntax" or "Cancel"if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUpif it is "Syntax" thendoHelpexit mouseUpelse send doHelp to bg btn "the StuffItΓäó XCMDs"end mouseUp</script>
<script>on mouseUpanswer "About the SystemFolder XFCN ..." with "Author" or "Syntax" or "Cancel"if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUpif it is "Syntax" thenanswer "Syntax: put SystemFolder() into systemPath"else if it is "Author" thenanswer "The SystemFolder XFCN was written by " & return & ¬"Kevin Calhoun. It was distributed as part " & return & ¬"of the Dartmouth XCMDs Stack v.3.4.3." with "Thanks!"end ifend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--UUTool v.2.0.2 was written by Bernhard S. Wieser.--Bernie also wrote the shareware MicroBartender stack.----UUTool is a freeware utility that converts binary files--to ascii (text) using the Un*x "uu**code" format.----UUTool can not be sold or distributed for profit.--Version 2.0.3 is based on the "uuengine", which--can be licensed for use in other software.----UUTool v.2.0.3 by Bernhard S. Wieser is--© 1990, 1991 Octavian Micro Development Group.----UUTool is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--This button takes you back to the previous card.if the optionKey is down thendoHelpexit mouseUpend ifglobal rememberCardlock screenget rememberCardif it is empty then go cd 1else go cd rememberCardunlock screen with barn door close fastend mouseUpon mouseEnterHCBalloon "This button takes you back to the last card."end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>HCBalloon XCMD</name>
<script>on mouseUp--The HCBalloon XCMD was written by Lennart Saaf.--Len's e-mail address: "saaf@joker.optics.rochester.edu".----BalloonHelp for HeidiTools works with System 7.0.----Syntax: HCBalloon "Helpful text string ..."----Just select "Show Balloons" from the Help menu--and point to any button or screen object--for more information about that object.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--DDExpand was written by Lloyd Chambers,--who also wrote MacCompress and DiskDoubler™.----DDExpand™ is a freeware dearchiver--for files compressed with DiskDoubler™.----DDExpand™ and DiskDoubler™ are © 1991 Salient, Inc.--MacCompress is © 1988 by Lloyd Chambers.----DDExpand™ is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--CptExpand was written by Bill Goodman, author--of the popular shareware archiver Compact Pro™,--and other useful freeware utilities:---- SitExpand, for extracting StuffIt 1.5.1 archives-- SitToCpt, for StuffIt 1.5.1 -> .cpt format conversion-- Extractor, dearchiver for 1.5.1 and .cpt archives----CptExpand is © 1991 Cyclos. CptExpand is a freeware--dearchiver for files compressed with Compact Pro.----CptExpand is available from many--users groups and on-line services.doHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<name>About HeidiTools</name>
<script>on mouseUp--The release of HyperCard™ 2.1 and System 7.0 for the--Macintosh has created new opportunities for integrated--software design. Biscuit City Software was formed to--develop integrated engineering software using HyperCard,--System 7.0, and inter-application communications (IAC).----HeidiTools is being distributed because we believe that--data exchange between different computers should be easy.--We would also like to encourage Mac people to begin using--HyperCard 2.1 so that we have a market for future stacks--that take advantage of HyperCard 2.1 and System 7.0.----If your copy of HeidiTools did not come with the full set of--freeware utilities, just send a formatted 800K floppy and--a stamped, self-addressed mailer to the following address:----Biscuit City Software, 38 Chambers St., Newark, DE 19711.--E-mail (internet): johnston@minnie.me.udel.eduanswer "Read more about HeidiTools," & return & ¬"or take a quick tour of the stack?" with "Cancel" or "Read" or "Tour"if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUpif it is "Read" thenglobal helpMessage,helpButtonNameput the short name of me & " ..." into helpButtonNameput getComments(the name of me) into helpMessagedoHelpelse if it is "Tour" then doTourend mouseUpon doTourlock screengo cd 1 of bg "Tools"set lockMessages to trueset the cantAbort of this stack to trueunlock screen with dissolvewait 60repeat with x = 2 to the number of cards in bg "Tools"lock screengo cd x of bg "Tools"unlock screen with dissolvewait 60end repeatset lockMessages to falseset the cantAbort of this stack to falselock screengo cd 1 of bg "Title"unlock screen with dissolvewait 30showHeidiend doTouron mouseEnterHCBalloon "This button takes you on a short tour of HeidiTools."end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--This button takes you to the Acknowledgements card.----HeidiTools builds on the efforts of many people, from many--parts of the Macintosh world. This stackware is meant--to be taken as a celebration of their contributions.----"And when you see something that's yours to be done, and--there's nobody else doing it, that's your legitimate territory."-- -- Robert Hunter----(from CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD by David Gans,--to be released in August 1991 by Citadel Press)----If you like HeidiTools, please take a few minutes--to find out about the folks who did the real work ...----Just press the option-key and click any button for more info!global rememberCardif the optionKey is down thendoHelpexit mouseUpend ifput the short name of this cd into rememberCardlock screengo cd "Acknowledgements"unlock screen with barn door open fastend mouseUpon mouseEnterput "This button takes you to the Acknowledgements card." into balloonTextHCBalloon balloonTextend mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Inevitable Disclaimer</name>
<script>on mouseUp--HeidiTools is supplied "as is" with no warranty of any kind.--Please see the "HeidiTools README" file for the fine print.----HeidiTools has been tested on a Mac Plus, Mac II, SE/30,--and Mac IIcx under Macintosh OS versions 6.0.5, 6.0.7,--and System 7.0 (in 24 and 32-bit modes). If you have problems--with the stackware or utilities please let us know so that--we can correct bugs or include suitable conflict warnings.----A final note: many of the freeware utilities invoked--by HeidiTools were written by and for professionals.--The authors of these utilities are busy folks who have--invested their free time creating tools for Mac users.--Please remember that their time for support is limited.----Biscuit City Software, 38 Chambers St., Newark, DE 19711.doHelpend mouseUpon mouseEnterHCBalloon "They made me do it!"end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Textoid XCMD</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal helpMessage,helpButtonName,wrapTextanswer "About the Textoid XCMD ..." with "Author" or "Syntax" or "Cancel"if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUpelse if it is "Syntax" then Textoid "?"else if it is "Author" then Textoid "!"put " " & it & ":" & return & return & " " & the result & return & return into helpMessageput "About " & the short name of me & " ..." into helpButtonNameput true into wrapTextdoHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<name>FullReplace XCMD</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal helpMessage,helpButtonName,wrapTextanswer "About the FullReplace XCMD ..." with "Author" or "Syntax" or "Cancel"put it into theAnswerif theAnswer is "Cancel" then exit mouseUpelse if theAnswer is "Syntax" then get FullReplace("?")else if theAnswer is "Author" then get FullReplace("!")put " " & theAnswer & ":" & return & return & " " & it & return & return into helpMessageput "About " & the short name of me & " ..." into helpButtonNameput true into wrapTextdoHelpend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUp--Click this button to quit HeidiTools--or go back to your Home stack.if the optionKey is down thendoHelpexit mouseUpend ifdoQuitend mouseUpon mouseEnterput "Press this button to quit or go back to your Home stack." into balloonTExtHCBalloon balloonTextend mouseEnter</script>
<script>--Script of Title background of HeidiTools by Bill Johnston.--© 1991 Biscuit City Software--Handlers: closeCard,cleanCardon cleanCardglobal helpButtonNamehide bg btn "screenButton"if there is a window "About Heidi ..." then close window "About Heidi ..."if there is a window helpButtonName then close window helpButtonNameend cleanCardon closeCardcleanCardend closeCard</script>