Parenting - Prenatal to preschool
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$Title{Child Development: Appendix}
Lansky, Vicki}
$Subject{Appendix Tips Traveling travel Infants Children Safety Restraints
Complete Pregnancy and Baby Book
Tips for Traveling With Infants and Young Children
Traveling with infants and young children need not be a formidable task,
though any trip--even across town--requires common sense, planning, and
organization. You must always keep three important factors in mind: the
child's safety, physical comfort, and contentment.
Safety Restraints
Even before the baby's birth, parents should buy a quality child safety
restraint for use in the family car. Several good models are on the market,
but each of them must be installed properly to be effective. See Chapters 4
and 8 for helpful consumer information about car seats and other safety
Beginning with baby's first trip home, develop the habit of using the
safety restraint each time the child rides in the car, regardless of the
distance involved. Under no circumstances should any child be allowed to ride
"loose;" the lap of an adult passenger is an especially dangerous place for a
baby or young child.
Planning Your Trip
When including your baby in major traveling, begin planning for your trip
several weeks before departure. Tell your pediatrician about it and ask for
his advice. A few doctors do restrict infant travel.
If you will be traveling by commercial carrier--plane, train, or bus--ask
the ticket agent about infant passengers and special services. One domestic
airline, for example, requires a doctor's written consent before it will
transport an infant under seven days old. Most carriers need advance notice
to supply children's meals and to provide bassinets for use en route.
Prepare separate lists--the things you will need for the baby during the
trip, the things you will want at your destination, the things you might like
to have easily accessible (in the trunk of your car, for example, if you are
planning to drive). Then organize your packing according to your lists, using
a lightweight carry-along bag for traveling and a separate suitcase for the
rest of the baby's things.
Gather the necessary items in a single spot so that they will not be
forgotten. As you locate and pack each item, check it off the appropriate
list and take the lists with you--they perform admirably for the return trip
What to Pack
What you take with you is mostly a matter of common sense; it depends
primarily on the age of your child and your mode of transportation.
Formula can be refrigerated in insulated coolers packed with ice,
although commercial carriers frequently have refrigerator space for a bottle
or two. If necessary, you can warm bottles under a hot water faucet.
Traveling is infinitely easier since the advent of disposable diapers.
Even if you use washable ones at home, consider taking throwaways with you on
the trip. You need only take a few since the supply can be replenished
readily while traveling and after you arrive at your destination. Disposable
diapers eliminate the problem of storing soiled ones. Soiled washable diapers
should be rinsed out in a restroom before being stowed in a plastic bag until
laundry facilities are available.
Dress your youngster in loose, comfortable clothing suitable to the
particular travel environment; if the vehicle is air-conditioned, take along a
sweater or lightweight blanket for the child's comfort.
Facial tissues are "musts" when traveling with young children.
Commercially packaged, moistened towels are handy, but you can also carry
washcloths in a plastic bag.
A plastic trash bag functions well as a laundry bag, and a plastic sheet
protects beds from accidents, but be sure to place the plastic under the
bedsheet to avoid the danger of suffocation. Take a large bedsheet with
you--it provides a clean infant play area on a motel floor or bed or even on a
grassy area by the side of the road.
The Contented Traveler
Infants and young children do not tolerate restraint for extended lengths
of time, and since a cranky child can distract the driver, it's wise to stop
frequently, get out, and stretch. Encourage toddlers to run around in a safe
area, to play ball or tag. Place an infant on a flat surface or across your
thighs so he can kick for a few minutes. On commercial carriers, walk your
toddler in the aisle, holding his hand to protect him in case of sudden
It is also wise to purchase the best commercial travel accommodations you
can afford when young children are involved; the increased space provides
greater freedom of movement, and the service is usually better.
Keeping children content while confined in close quarters is often a real
challenge. Having an adult ride in the back seat of a car alongside a
restrained toddler is often a good idea. The child with adult companionship
will be happier and less likely to demand a place on the front seat.
Take along your child's favorite stuffed animal or blanket, a bag of
small, soft-plastic toys, or cloth books. Crayons and a coloring book or pad
of paper will help keep an older child occupied. Avoid hard or pointed
objects that could become dangerous in a moving vehicle.
Playing games helps to pass the time. For example, look for cows and
trucks in magazines or by the side of the road. An occasional snack provides
distraction and may alleviate motion sickness. Cookies or crackers may be a
little messy, but they are preferable to ice pops, lollipops, and hard
candies, which could prove dangerous.
If your trip is by car, limit your daily mileage to what your child can
tolerate. It is always a good idea to end your driving by late afternoon.
This prevents undue fatigue, ensures a night's lodging for a tired and
possibly cranky child, and provides the time for him to adjust to new
surroundings before bedtime.
Your young child's safety, comfort, and contentment help to make any
family trip an enriching experience. By using common sense to organize and
plan ahead, what might have been a formidable task could be a pleasant
interval in your daily routine.