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$Title{Glossary of Terms}
$Subject{Glossary glossaries word words term terms definition definitions}
Glossary of Terms
Abortion: Premature termination of a pregnancy; may be induced or
spontaneous (miscarriage).
Abortion, Miscarriage that has not been induced artificially, but
spontaneous: rather occurs due to natural causes.
Abscess: A collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue, caused
by local infection and accompanied by pain, heat, and
Accommodation: The continuing process of adjusting to one's environment.
Acquired immune (AIDS) a usually fatal disease caused by a virus that
deficiency destroys the immune system's ability to fight off
syndrome: infection.
Acrosome: The packet of enzymes in a sperm's head that allows the
sperm to dissolve a hole in the coating around the egg,
which allows the sperm to penetrate and fertilize the egg.
Acrosome reaction: Chemical change that enables a sperm to penetrate an
Adhesion: A union of adjacent organs by scar tissue.
Adrenal glands: The endocrine gland on top of each kidney.
Aerobic bacteria: Bacterial organisms that require relatively high
concentrations of oxygen to survive and reproduce.
Afterbirth: Refers to the placenta and other specialized tissues
associated with fetal development that are expelled after
the delivery of the baby.
Agglutination: Clumping together, as of sperm, often due to infection,
inflammation, or antibodies.
Alpha-fetoprotein: A substance formed in the fetus and excreted into the
amniotic fluid. High levels of this substance in the
mother's blood may indicate that the fetus has spina
bifida or anencephaly. A test to detect this substance in
the mother's blood is now generally performed on all
pregnant women.
Allergen: An environmental substance that causes an allergic
response in a sensitive individual.
Allergy: A state of sensitivity to a particular environmental
substance, or allergen. An allergic reaction is the
body's response, directed by the immune system, to
exposure to an allergen.
Amenorrhea: Absence of menstruation.
Amino acid: A building block of protein, which is used by the body to
build muscle and other tissue.
Amniotic fluid: The liquid that fills the amniotic sac and surrounds and
protects the developing fetus. The fluid usually contains
cells shed by the fetus.
Amniotic sac: The bag in which the fetus and amniotic fluid are
contained during pregnancy. Also called the "bag of
Amniocentesis: Aspiration of amniotic fluid from the uterus, usually
performed at three to three and a half months of
pregnancy to test the fetus for genetic abnormalities.
Anaerobic Bacterial organisms that survive in relatively low oxygen
bacteria: concentrations.
Analgesic: A drug that inhibits the perception of pain.
Androgens: Male sex hormones.
Andrologist: A specialist who treats sperm problems.
Anencephaly: Failure of the brain to develop in the fetus.
Anemia: Any condition in which the number or volume of red blood
cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is
inadequate. Red blood cells are the oxygen-carrying
component of blood.
Anesthesia: The loss of sensation that is medically induced to permit
a painless surgical procedure. General anesthesia
involves the entire body and produces loss of
consciousness; regional and local anesthesia involve loss
of sensation only in specific parts of the body.
Anesthesiologist: A physician who specializes in the administration of
Animism: The belief that anything that moves is alive.
Anomaly: Malformation or abnormality of a body part.
Anorexia nervosa: An eating disorder characterized by compulsive
self-starvation, which may result in life-threatening
weight loss.
Anovulation: Absence of ovulation.
Antibiotic: A drug, usually derived from living organisms, used to
combat bacterial and fungal infections.
Antibody: A protective agent produced by the body's immune system in
response to a foreign substance.
Antigen: Any substance that induces the formation of an antibody.
Antisperm Antibodies that can attach to sperm and inhibit movement
antibodies: of sperm or fertilization.
Antitoxin: An antibody either produced by or introduced into the body
to counteract a poison.
Anus: The opening at the end of the rectum, through which feces
Apgar scoring A method of evaluating a baby's physical condition (on the
system: basis of ratings for heart rate, breathing, skin color,
muscle tone, and reflex responses) immediately after
Apnea: Temporary involuntary cessation of breathing.
Appendicitis: An inflammation of the appendix (a small pouch at the
juncture of the small and large intestines).
Areola (plural, The pink or brown circular area of skin that surrounds the
areolae): nipple of the breast.
Artificial (AI) Placement of a sperm sample inside the female
insemination: reproductive tract (See also intracervical insemination,
intrauterine insemination, intratubal insemination).
Aspirate: 1. To inhale a liquid or solid into the lungs.
2. To remove fluid from the lungs by means of a suction
Aspiration: Suctioning of fluid, as from a follicle.
Assimilation: The process of incorporating new experiences and
information into one's consciousness.
Asthma: A respiratory disorder characterized by unpredictable
periods of breathlessness and wheezing; often an allergic
Asymptomatic: Without any symptoms.
Attachment An outward expression of a young child's need to
behavior: re-establish contact and reaffirm the bond with the
primary caregiver. Attachment behavior is most often
displayed when the child is confronted with unfamiliar
Attention A relatively rare syndrome marked by developmentally
deficit disorder inappropriate inattention, impulsivity, and restlessness.
with A child with ADHD may have learning problems and impaired
hyperactivity visual/spacial coordination. Thorough medical evaluation
(ADHD): must be done before the diagnosis of ADHD can be made.
Care must be taken to distinguish a true disorder from the
normal overexuberance of a young child.
Aural: Relating to the ear or the sense of hearing.
Autoantibodies: Antibodies formed against one's own tissues.
Autoimmunity: An immune reaction against one's own tissues.
Azoospermia: Absence of sperm.
Bacteria: Microscopic, single-celled organisms that can cause
infections of the genital tract.
Basal body (BBT) The temperature taken at its lowest point in the
temperature: day, usually in the morning before getting out of bed.
Bile: The fluid secreted by the liver to aid in digestion,
especially of fatty foods.
Bilirubin: A reddish-yellow pigment in the blood, urine, and bile
that results from the normal breakdown of hemoglobin in
the red blood cells. When present in the blood in
excessive amounts, as in jaundice, it gives the skin and
the whites of the eyes a yellowish tinge.
Biopsy: A fragment of tissue removed for study under the
Birth canal: Vagina.
Blood-testis Barrier that separates sperm from the bloodstream.
Bloody show: Blood-tinged mucus that is released from the cervix before
or during labor.
Bonding: The development of a deep emotional attachment between
parent and child.
Botulism: A severe form of food poisoning, caused by a bacterium
(Clostridium botulism) often found in improperly canned
or preserved foods. The early symptoms (vomiting,
abdominal pain, and double vision) may progress to muscle
weakness, respiratory difficulties, and even death.
Braxton Hicks Contractions of the uterus that occur before labor.
contractions: Generally, they begin during the first trimester of
pregnancy and occur irregularly until labor. They are
felt as a tightening in the abdominal area.
Breech A fetal position in which the baby's feet or buttocks are
presentation: nearest the cervix. Compare to cephalic presentation.
Bromocriptine: (Parlodel) A drug that reduces levels of the pituitary
hormone prolactin.
Bronchi: Plural of bronchus.
Bronchiole: One of the progressively narrower branches of the airway
between the bronchi and the tiny air sacs (alveoli) of the
Bronchiolitis: Inflammation of the bronchioles, usually due to bacterial
or viral infection.
Bronchitis: A respiratory disease characterized by inflammation and
swelling of the mucous membranes lining the bronchi (the
main airways connecting the windpipe and the lungs)
usually due to bacterial or viral infection.
Bronchus: One of the larger passageways that carry air between the
trachea and the air sacs of the lungs. The trachea
divides first into two main bronchi, which in turn divide
into five lobar bronchi, which divide into twenty
segmental bronchi, and so on for two or three further
subdivisions of progressively smaller diameter.
Bulimia: An eating disorder characterized by episodes of
binge-eating (rapidly consuming large amounts of food)
followed by purging (getting rid of the food by causing
vomiting, using laxatives or diuretics, or other means).
Cannula: A hollow tube used, for example, to inseminate sperm
Capacitation: Process by which sperm become capable of fertilizing an
Carbohydrate: Any of the organic compounds, including starches,
cellulose, and sugars, that are an important dietary
source of energy and fiber.
Caries: Tooth decay; dental cavities.
Catheter: A flexible tube used for aspirating or injecting fluids.
Caudal anesthesia: A form of regional anesthesia used for vaginal deliveries.
It is achieved by injecting an anesthetic into an area of
the lower spinal column.
Cauterize: To destroy tissue with heat, cold, or caustic substances
usually to seal off blood vessels or ducts.
Cephalic A fetal position in which the baby's head is nearest to
presentation: the cervix.
Cerebrospinal Fluid that surrounds and cushions the brain and spinal
fluid: cord.
Cervix: The lower portion of the uterus that opens into the
Cesarean section: Delivery of a baby through a cut made in the abdominal and
uterine walls of the mother; used when the usual vaginal
delivery is inadvisable or impossible.
Cervicitis: Inflammation of the cervix.
Chicken pox: A common, highly contagious disease, primarily of
childhood, caused by the zaricella zoster virus. Symptoms
include an itchy rash with blisters, fever, and mild
coldlike symptoms. Chicken pox is usually a relatively
mild disease in childhood.
Chlamydia: A type of bacteria that is frequently transmitted sexually
between partners or from an infected mother to her newborn
child; the most common sexually transmitted bacterial
Chloasma: A patchy, brownish discoloration of the skin, especially
of the mother's face during pregnancy.
Chorionic villi A technique for prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal
sampling: abnormalities, whereby samples of the projections of the
membrane surrounding the fetus (the chorionic villi) are
collected for laboratory analysis.
Chorionic (CVS) Taking a biopsy of the placenta, usually at the end
villus of the second month of pregnancy, to test the fetus for
sampling: genetic abnormalities.
Chromosome: Threads of DNA in a cell's nucleus that transmit
hereditary information.
Chromosomes: The cellular structures within each cell that contain the
Circumcision: Surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis.
Cleft lip: Congenital defect in which the structures that form the
upper lip fail to merge.
Cleft palate: Congenital defect in which the bones that form the sides
of the roof of the mouth fail to fuse.
Clomiphene citrate: (Clomid, Serophene) A fertility pill that stimulates
ovulation through release of gonadotropins from the
pituitary gland.
Colic: Repeated episodes of inconsolable crying, possibly due to
abdominal discomfort, in a baby who previously was not
especially fussy.
Colostrum: The yellowish nourishing liquid secreted by the breasts
shortly before and for a few days after childbirth until
milk production begins.
Colposcopy: Examination of the cervix through a magnifying telescope
to detect abnormal cells.
Condom: A latex (rubber) device that fits over the penis to
prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
Concussion: An injury to the brain (usually temporary) caused by a
violent jar or shock, such as a blow to the head.
Congenital: Present at the time of birth or before.
Congenital defect: A birth defect.
Conjunctivitis: A redness or pinkness of the white portion of the eye that
often accompanies a cold. The infection may be caused by
the same virus that caused the cold or may be due to a
secondary bacterial infection. Also called pinkeye.
Conization: Surgical removal of a cone-shaped portion of the cervix,
usually as treatment for a precancerous condition.
Contraindication: A reason not to use a particular drug or treatment.
Convulsion: Involuntary, violent, and uncontrolled muscle contractions
of the face, trunk, or extremities.
Corpus luteum: ("Yellow body") Formed in the ovary following ovulation,
it produces progesterone.
Cradle cap: A common form of seborrheic dermatitis in infants that
causes the scalp to appear yellowish, scaly, and crusted.
Croup: An inflammation and swelling of the larynx or trachea,
usually caused by a virus.
Cruising: The act of taking steps while holding onto supports, such
as furniture.
Cryocautery: Cautery by freezing.
Cryptorchidism: Failure of one or both testicles to descend into the
CT scanning: A diagnostic imaging technique whereby a computer
generates cross-sectional images of an organ or part of
the body based on x-ray images taken in a series of planes
through the body.
Culdoscopy: Examination of the internal female pelvic organs through
an incision in the vagina.
Culture: To cultivate microorganisms from an infected area on a
special substance that encourages growth.
Cul-de-sac: Pouch located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity
between the uterus and rectum.
Curette: A scoop-shaped instrument used to scrape the internal
surface of an organ or cavity.
Cyst: A sac filled with fluid.
Danazol: (Danocrine) A synthetic androgen frequently prescribed
for endometriosis.
D & C (dilatation A surgical procedure in which the uterine cervix is
and curettage): expanded with an instrument called a dilator and the
lining of the uterus is scraped with a curette, usually
performed to remove abnormal tissue or to obtain a
specimen for diagnostic purposes.
Deciduous teeth: The first set of twenty teeth, which usually begin to
erupt at about six months of age. Also called baby teeth
or primary teeth.
Defecate: Pass feces from the bowels.
Dehydration: Excessive loss of water from the body, often due to severe
vomiting, diarrhea, exertion, or extreme environmental
Deoxyribonucleic (DNA) The combination of amino acids in the cell's
acid: nucleus that make up the chromosomes, which transmit
hereditary characteristics.
Diabetes mellitus: A disease in which the body cannot properly utilize
carbohydrates because of insufficient production of
insulin by the pancreas. While diabetes is generally
chronic, there is a form of the disease, called
gestational diabetes, that develops only during pregnancy
and usually subsides after delivery. A woman who develops
gestational diabetes, however, is more likely to develop
chronic diabetes later in life.
Diaphragm: The muscle dividing the abdominal and chest cavities that
is used in breathing.
Diastasis recti: Separation of the muscles in the middle of the abdomen.
Diethylstilbestrol: (DES) A synthetic estrogen (originally prescribed to
prevent miscarriage) that caused malformations of the
reproductive organs in some who were exposed to the drug
during fetal development.
Dilatation: The expansion or stretching of any organ or opening beyond
its normal dimensions.
Dilatation and (D&C) An operation that involves stretching the cervical
curettage: opening to scrape out the uterus.
Dilation: 1. The state of being expanded or stretched beyond normal
2. The enlarging of the cervical opening during labor,
measured in centimeters.
DINKS: An acronym for couples with Double Income, No Kids.
Diphtheria: A sudden, severe, and highly contagious disease caused by
bacteria. It primarily affects the tonsils, upper
airways, and larynx (voice box). Complications may
include inflammation of the heart muscle, which sometimes
results in heart failure. Diphtheria can be prevented by
immunization with the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP)
or diphtheria-tetanus (D-T) vaccine.
DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid. The molecular material, present in
nearly all living cells, that makes up the genes and
chromosomes. DNA is responsible for the transmission of
inherited traits.
insemination: Artificial insemination with donor sperm.
Doppler: An instrument used to listen to faint sounds within the
body; often used to detect the fetal heartbeat.
Down's syndrome: A birth defect in which a baby is born with an abnormal
number of chromosomes. The disorder is marked by mental
retardation and physical abnormalities.
Dysfunction: Abnormal function.
Eclampsia: A serious and potentially fatal complication in pregnancy
in which the pregnant woman develops high blood pressure,
seizures (convulsions), and edema and has protein in her
urine. Compare Preeclampsia.
Ectopic: Occurring in an abnormal location.
Ectopic pregnancy: Pregnancy located outside of the uterus, most commonly
in a fallopian tube.
Edema: Swelling; excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues.
Effacement: Softening, thinning, and shortening of the cervix that
normally takes place just before or during labor.
Egg: (Ovum) the female reproductive cell.
Egg donation: Donation of an egg by one woman to another who attempts
to become pregnant by in vitro fertilization.
Ejaculate: The sperm-containing fluid released at orgasm.
Ejaculatory ducts: The male ducts that contract with orgasm to cause
Electrocautery: Cauterization using electrical current.
Electro- Controlled electrical stimulation to induce ejaculation
ejaculation: in a man with damage to the nerves that control
Embryo: The developing baby from implantation to the second month
of pregnancy.
Embryologist: A specialist in embryo development.
Embryo transfer: Placing a laboratory-fertilized egg into the uterus.
Embryo transplant: A procedure that involves flushing an embryo from the
uterus and placing it into another woman's uterus.
Emetic: An agent that induces vomiting.
Endocrine gland: An organ that produces hormones.
Endometrial Removal of a fragment of the lining of the uterus for
biopsy: study under the microscope.
Endometriosis: Growth of endometrial tissue outside of its normal
location in the uterus.
Endometritis: Inflammation of the endometrium.
Endometrium: The inner lining of the uterus.
Engorgement: Overdistension of the breast with milk.
Enuresis: Bed-wetting; inability to control urination, especially
while sleeping.
Enzyme: A substance, usually protein, that speeds a chemical
reaction in the body without being used up itself.
Epididymis: The tightly coiled, thin-walled tube that conducts sperm
from the testicles to the vas deferens.
Epididymitis: Inflammation of the epididymis.
Epidural: A form of regional anesthesia used in both vaginal and
cesarean deliveries. It is administered by injecting all
anesthetic into a space outside the covering of the spinal
Epiglottitis: A life-threatening bacterial infection of the epiglottis
(the "lid" over the opening of the larynx) and surrounding
tissue. Symptoms include rapidly increasing difficulty in
breathing, drooling partial protrusion of the tongue,
difficulty swallowing, and high fever.
Episiotomy: An incision made in the tissues around the vagina during
the second stage of labor to make delivery of the baby's
head easier and to avoid extensive tearing of the tissues.
Erythroblastosis A form of anemia that develops in Rh-positive infants of
fetalis: Rh-negative women. Because the blood of the child
contains an antigen that is not present in the mother's
blood, antibodies are formed in the mother's blood that
attack the child's red blood cells. It is seen only
rarely in first babies because the mother usually is not
exposed to the baby's blood until delivery.
Esophagus: The tube through which food moves from the mouth to the
Estradiol: The principal estrogen produced by the ovary.
Estrogen: A hormone produced by the ovaries and the placenta during
pregnancy, responsible for female sex characteristics.
Eustachian tube: A thin, hollow tube that connects the middle ear with the
upper part of the throat and equalizes the air pressure in
the middle ear with the air pressure outside the body.
language The process of acquiring the ability to use the spoken
development: word.
Fallopian tube: One of the two tubes, which extend from the sides of the
uterus, through which an egg passes after it is released
from the ovary. These ducts are where a sperm normally
meets the egg to fertilize it.
False labor: Irregular contractions of the uterus that do not result in
dilation of the uterus.
Fatty acid: Any of the substances obtained by the breakdown of fats in
the digestive process, which play an essential role in
providing energy and in maintaining cell membranes
throughout the body.
Febrile A seizure related to a sudden elevation of body
convulsion: temperature.
Feces: The waste matter discharged from the large intestine; a
bowel movement.
Fecundability: The ability to become pregnant.
Fetal alcohol A condition that may develop ill the developing baby of a
syndrome: mother who drinks alcohol during pregnancy; associated
with physical abnormalities and mental retardation in the
Fetal monitor: An electronic device used to record the baby's heart rate
and the mother's uterine contractions during labor; may be
used either internally or externally.
Fetoscopy: A technique by which the fetus can be directly examined
for anatomical defects while still within the uterus. At
about fourteen to twenty weeks' gestation, a hollow tube
is inserted through an incision in the abdomen of a
pregnant woman, and a light source and special lens are
inserted to allow visualization of the structures within
the uterus. A separate channel in the tube may be used to
obtain, under direct guidance, blood or tissue samples for
laboratory analysis.
Fetus: The developing baby from the second month of pregnancy
until birth.
Fertilization: Union of the male gamete (sperm) with the female gamete
Fibroid: (Myoma or leiomyoma) a benign tumor of the uterine muscle
and connective tissue.
Fimbria: The finger-like projections at the end of the fallopian
tube nearest the ovary that capture the egg and deliver
it into the tube.
Fimbrioplasty: Plastic surgery on the fimbria of a damaged or blocked
fallopian tube.
Fissure: A gap or groove.
Fluoroscope: An imaging device that uses X-rays to view internal body
structures on a screen.
Follicle: A fluid-filled sac in the ovary that releases an egg at
Follicle (FSH) The pituitary hormone that stimulates follicle
stimulating growth in women and sperm formation in men.
Follicular phase: The pre-ovulatory phase of a woman's cycle during which
the follicle grows and high estrogen levels cause the
uterine lining to proliferate.
Fontanel: A soft, membrane-covered area on a baby's head where the
skull bones have not yet grown together; allows for easier
passage of the baby's head through the vaginal canal
during delivery. Also called soft spot.
Forceps: An instrument used to facilitate delivery of the baby's
Fraternal twins: Two babies that result from the fertilization of two
separate eggs but that are carried in the uterus at the
same time. They may or may not be of the same sex and
generally have no more in common physically than do
siblings resulting from separate pregnancies.
Fructose: Produced by the seminal vesicles, the sugar that sperm
use for energy.
Fundus: The top portion of the uterus.
Fungi: Plural form of fungus.
Fungus: A lower form of plant life, some species of which can
cause disorders in humans.
Gamete: A reproductive cell; the sperm in men, the egg in women.
Gamete Intra (GIFT) combining eggs and sperm outside of the body
Fallopian and immediately placing them into the fallopian tubes to
Transfer: achieve fertilization.
Gardnerella: A bacteria that may cause a vaginal infection.
Gastroenteritis: An inflammation of the lining of the stomach and the
intestines. Among the causes are viral or bacterial
infection, food poisoning, and allergic reaction.
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort,
and diarrhea.
Gene: The unit of heredity, composed of DNA; the building block
of chromosomes.
Genitalia: The sex organs.
Gestation: Pregnancy.
Gestational age: Duration of a pregnancy, measured from the first day of
the last menstrual period.
diabetes: See diabetes mellitus.
Gestation sac: The fluid-filled sac in which the fetus develops, visible
by an ultrasound exam.
GIFT: See Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer.
Gland: An organ that produces and secretes essential body fluids
or substances, such as hormones.
Gonadotropins: The hormones produced by the pituitary gland that control
reproductive function: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Gonadotropin (GnRH) the hormone produced and released by the
releasing hypothalamus that controls the pituitary gland's
hormone: production and release of gonadotropins.
Gonads: Organs that produce the sex cells and sex hormones;
testicles in men and ovaries in women.
Gonorrhea: A sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria
Neisseria Gonococcus that can lead to infertility.
Granuloma: A ball of inflamed tissue, commonly formed after vasectomy
due to sperm leaking from the vas deferens.
Gravid: Pregnant.
Gynecologist: A physician who specializes in disorders of the female
reproductive system.
Habitual abortion: Repeat miscarriages.
Hamster test: A test of the ability of a man's sperm to penetrate a
hamster egg stripped of its outer membrane, the zona
pellucida. Also called Hamster Zona-Free Ovum (HZFO)
Test or Sperm Penetration Assay (SPA).
Hemizona assay: A laboratory test of the ability of sperm to penetrate
into a human egg; first the egg is split in half, then
one half is tested against the husband's sperm and the
other half against sperm from a fertile man.
Hemoglobin: The red pigment contained in red blood cells, responsible
for transporting oxygen from the air sacs of the lungs to
other body tissues.
Hemorrhage: Bleeding, especially an abnormally large amount.
Hemorrhoids: Enlarged, blood-filled veins in the rectum.
Heredity: The transmission of traits from parents to offspring.
Heritable: Relating to a trait that can be passed on from parent to
Hernia: Abnormal protrusion of part or all of a structure through
surrounding tissues.
Herpes: A recurring inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes
caused by the herpes virus. A mild form causes
blister-like sores ("cold sores" or "fever blisters"),
usually around the mouth. A more severe form causes
painful blisters, usually on the external genitalia. In
some cases, infection of the eyes and brain is possible.
Transmission is by direct contact, sexual contact, or from
mother to offspring in the birth canal during labor and
vaginal delivery.
Hirsutism: Excessive hair growth.
Hormone: A substance, produced by an endocrine gland, that travels
through the bloodstream to a specific organ, where it
exerts its effect.
Host A woman carries to term a pregnancy produced by an
uterus infertile couple through in vitro fertilization.
Hostile mucus: Cervical mucus that impedes the natural progress of sperm
through the cervical canal.
Human (HCG) The hormone produced early in pregnancy to keep
chorionic the corpus luteum producing progesterone; may be injected
gonadotropin: to stimulate ovulation and progesterone production.
Human menopausal (HMG) see Pergonal.
Hydrocephalus: A condition in which the head becomes enlarged because of
excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the
Hydrotubation: Injection of fluid, often into the fallopian tubes to
determine if they are open.
Hyperactivity: See attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity.
Hyperemesis Excessive vomiting during pregnancy.
Hyperprolactinemia: Excessive prolactin in the blood.
Hyperandrogenism: Excessive production of androgens in women, frequently
a cause of hirsutism and also associated with polycystic
ovarian disease (PCOD).
Hyperstimulation: Excessive stimulation of the ovaries that can cause
them to become enlarged.
Hypertension: Abnormally high blood pressure.
Hyposensitization: A treatment involving the administration of increasingly
large doses of an allergen to gradually build tolerance to
the allergen in a sensitive individual.
Hypothalamus: The endocrine gland at the center of the brain that
produces gonadotropin releasing hormone and controls
pituitary function.
Hypothyroidism: Underactivity of the thyroid gland.
Hysterectomy: Surgical removal of the uterus.
Hysteroscopy: Examination of the inner cavity of the uterus through a
fiberoptic telescope inserted through the vagina and
cervical canal.
Hystero- (HSG) An X-ray examination of the uterus and fallopian
salpingogram: tubes.
Identical twins: Two babies that result from the fertilization of one egg
and that are carried in the uterus at the same time: they
are exactly alike in all physical traits.
Immune system: The body's defense against any injury or invasion by a
foreign substance or organism.
Immunity: The body's ability to resist infection. Active immunity
is acquired by vaccination against a disease or by
recovery from a previous infection. Passive immunity,
which is only temporary, is acquired from antibodies
obtained either from the mother (such as through
breast-feeding) or by injection of serum from an immune
person or animal who has active immunity.
Immunity: The body's ability to resist infection. Active immunity
is acquired by vaccination against a disease or by
recovery from a previous infection. Passive immunity,
which is only temporary, is acquired from antibodies
obtained either from the mother through the placenta
during gestation or by injection of serum from an immune
person or animal that has active immunity.
Immunization: The production of immunity to a disease either by
injecting antibodies into the body or by stimulating the
body to produce its own antibodies.
Immunoglobulin: A naturally occurring or artificially introduced protein
that plays an important role in the immune response
(antibodies and antibody activity) of the body to
Immunosuppressive A drug that interferes with the normal immune response.
Immunotherapy: A medical treatment for an immune system disorder that
involves transfusing donor white blood cells into a woman
who has had recurrent miscarriages.
Implantation: Attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine lining,
usually occurring five to seven days after ovulation.
Impotence: Inability of a man to achieve an erection or ejaculation.
Incompetent Cervix with the inability to remain closed throughout
cervix: an entire pregnancy; a frequent cause of premature birth.
Infertility: Inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy or to carry a
pregnancy to term after one year of unprotected
Inflammation: A response to some type of injury such as infection,
characterized by increased blood flow, heat, redness,
swelling, and pain.
Inoculation: Artificial induction of immunity by introducing a disease
agent into the body.
Interpersonal Knowledge of one's self as an individual who is separate
awareness: and distinct from other human beings.
Intracervical (ICI) Artificial insemination of sperm into the cervical
insemination: canal.
Intratubal (ITI) Artificial insemination of sperm, which have been
insemination: washed free of seminal fluid, into the fallopian tubes.
Intrauterine (IUI) Artificial insemination of sperm, which have been
insemination: washed free of seminal fluid, into the uterine cavity.
In utero: While in the uterus during early development.
In vitro (IVF) (literally, "in glass") Fertilization outside
fertilization: of the body in a laboratory; the term "test tube baby"
is inaccurate since fertilization occurs in a small
circular dish, not a test tube.
Jaundice: A condition characterized by an elevated level of
bilirubin in the blood, indicated by a yellowish
discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes,
often caused by some degree of malfunction of the liver.
Karyotype: A chromosome analysis.
Klinefelter's A chromosome abnormality that prevents normal male sexual
syndrome: development and causes irreversible infertility due to the
presence of an extra female (X) chromosome.
Labia (singular,
labium): The folds of skin and tissue at the opening of the vagina.
Labor: Progressive contractions of the uterus that lead to
effacement and dilation of the uterus and the descent of
the baby through the pelvic and vaginal canals.
Laceration: A cut or wound caused by tearing of tissue.
Lactation: The production and secretion of milk by the breasts.
Lanugo hair: The fine hair on the body of the fetus; it is sometimes
present on the forehead, shoulders, and back of a newborn
infant, especially one that was born prematurely.
Laparoscope: An illuminated, tubular instrument that may be inserted
through the abdominal wall to visualize the organs in the
Laparoscopy: Examination of the pelvic organs through a small telescope
called a laparoscope.
Laparotomy: A surgical opening of the abdomen.
Large muscle Ability to perform movements--such as sitting, crawling,
skills: climbing, jumping, and walking--that require coordination
of the large muscles. Also called gross motor skills.
Larynx: Voice box.
Leiomyoma: (Fibroid) a benign tumor of the uterus.
Legumes: Seeds of the bean and pea family, including dry beans,
peas, and lentils, which are a good source of protein.
Leydig cells: The cells in the testicles that make testosterone.
LH surge: The sudden release of luteinizing hormone (LH) that causes
the follicle to release a mature egg.
Lightening: The descent of the baby into the pelvis; may occur before
or during labor.
Linea nigra: A dark line that develops on the skin in the middle of the
abdomen of a pregnant woman.
Lochia: The discharge of blood, mucus, and other tissue from the
vagina after childbirth.
Luteal phase: Post-ovulatory phase of a woman's cycle; the corpus luteum
produces progesterone, which in turn causes the uterine
lining to secrete substances to support the implantation
and growth of the early embryo.
Luteal phase (LPD) Inadequate function of the corpus luteum that may
deficiency: prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus or
may lead to early pregnancy loss.
Luteinized (LUF) syndrome: the failure of a follicle to release the
Unruptured egg even though a corpus luteum has formed.
Luteinizing (LH) The pituitary hormone that causes the testicles in
hormone: men and ovaries in women to manufacture sex hormones.
Lymph: The transparent, slightly yellowish liquid found in the
lymphatic system of vessels and nodes, which contains a
type of white blood cell, the lymphocyte.
Lymph node: Any of the oval-shaped organs located throughout the body
that manufacture lymphocytes and filter germs and foreign
bodies from the lymph fluid as it passes through.
Measles: A highly contagious viral disease that is spread from
person to person in airborne droplets of moisture from an
infected person's respiratory system. The disease is
marked by fever, coldlike symptoms, and a rash of dark red
spots that begins on the face and neck and spreads to the
torso, arms, and legs. Possible complications include
pneumonia and inflammation of the brain. Measles can be
prevented by immunization with the measles vaccine, which
is usually given as part of the measles-mumps-rubella
(MMR) vaccine.
Meconium: The contents of the intestines of the fetus, which
usually start being passed as bowel movements soon after
Menarche: The time when a woman has her first menstrual period.
Meninges: The membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
Meningitis: A very serious disease that involves inflammation and
infection of the meninges--the membranes that cover the
brain and spinal cord.
Menopause: The time when a woman stops having menstrual periods.
Metabolism: The sum of all the chemical processes in the body by which
food is converted into living tissue and energy.
Metrodin: (Pure FSH) An injectable drug consisting of pure follicle
stimulating hormone used to stimulate ovulation.
Microsurgery: Reconstructive surgery performed under magnification
using delicate instruments and precise techniques.
Middle ear A common form of ear infection, also called otitis media,
infection: that affects the part of the hearing mechanism between the
eardrum and the inner ear.
Miscarriage: Spontaneous abortion.
Morphology: The study of form, such as assessing the shape of sperm
during semen analysis.
Motility: Motion, such as the forward swimming motion of healthy
Motor skills, Ability to perform movements that require precise
fine: coordination of the small muscles, such as picking up and
manipulating small objects.
Motor skills, Ability to perform movements that require coordination of
gross: the large muscles, such as sifting, crawling, and walking.
Mucus: Secretion from a gland that can be watery, gel-like,
stretchy, sticky or dry; fertile mucus is watery and
Mucous plug: An accumulation of mucus in the cervical canal that serves
to seal off the uterus during pregnancy.
Mumps: A moderately contagious viral infection that affects the
salivary glands. Symptoms include fever, headache, loss
of appetite, and swelling of the glands in the neck.
Possible complications include meningitis, inflammation of
the brain, and permanent deafness. Mumps can be prevented
by immunization with the mumps vaccine, which is usually
given as part of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.
Mycoplasma: An infectious agent that falls structurally between a
virus and a bacterium.
Myomectomy: Surgical removal of a uterine fibroid tumor.
Natural Giving birth without the use of drugs.
Negativism: A normal stage of personality development during which a
toddler expresses a growing capacity for independence and
self-assertiveness by routinely refusing to comply with
instructions and requests.
Neonatal: Pertaining to the newborn infant (up to one month old).
Neonate: An infant during the first four weeks after birth.
Night terror: A sudden feeling of extreme fear that awakens a sleeping
child. Episodes are marked by screaming, inconsolable
fear, and panic, but the child generally does not remember
such episodes in the morning.
Object The ability to retain an image of an item or person in
permanence: mental form even when that item or person is removed from
direct contact with the senses.
Obstetrician: A physician who specializes in the care of women during
pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period.
Obstetrician- (Ob-gyn) A physician who specializes in the treatment of
gynecologist: female disorders and pregnancy.
Oligomenorrhea: Infrequent and irregular menstrual cycles.
Oligospermia: A low sperm count.
Ovarian cyst: A fluid-containing enlargement of the ovary.
Ovarian wedge Surgical removal of a portion of a polycystic ovary to
resection: produce ovulation.
Ovary: The female gonad; produces eggs and female hormones.
Ovulation: Release of an egg from the ovary.
Oxytocin: A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland during labor to
stimulate uterine contractions and milk secretion. A
synthetic form is sometimes administered to initiate or
speed up labor.
Pap smear: Removal of cells from the surface of the cervix to study
Paradoxical Frequent passage of liquid stool that results when a child
diarrhea: withholds stool, often because of a previous painful bowel
Parallel play: A type of play generally displayed by toddlers in which
each engages in a separate activity in close proximity to
the other without actually sharing or interacting.
Parlodel: See Bromocriptine.
Patent: Open; for example, fallopian tubes should be patent after
a sterilization reversal operation.
Pediatrician: A physician who specializes in the care of children.
Pelvic cavity: The area surrounded by the pelvic bone that contains the
uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries in women, and the
prostate gland and seminal vesicles in men.
Pelvic (PID) inflammation of any of the female pelvic organs,
inflammatory usually due to infection from a sexually transmitted
disease: disease.
Pelvis: The bony structure in the mother through which the baby
must pass during a vaginal delivery.
Penetrak test: A test of how fast sperm can travel up through cow mucus.
Penis: The male organ of sexual intercourse.
Pergonal: (hMG) the luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones
recovered from the urine of postmenopausal women that is
used to induce multiple ovulation in various fertility
Perinatal: The period from twenty-eight weeks' gestation to the end
of the first week of life.
Perineal: Of or relating to the perineum.
Perineum: The region between the anus and the genital organs.
Pertussis: Whooping cough.
Petechiae: Small hemorrhages under the skin.
Phenylketonuria An inherited congenital disorder of protein metabolism,
(PKU) which, if untreated by dietary management, can lead to
mental retardation.
Pinkeye: Conjunctivitis.
Pinworms: An infection by tiny, white or tan, wormlike parasites
called pinworms. The infection begins when the
microscopic pinworm eggs get on a child's hands, usually
through the sharing of toys or utensils with an infected
child. The child puts the hands in the mouth, and the
eggs are ingested. The eggs mature in the intestine. The
female pinworm lays her eggs in the child's anal region at
night, which causes itching. When the child scratches the
anal region, the eggs get on the hands, and the cycle
continues until treated.
Pituitary gland: The endocrine gland at the base of the brain that
produces the gonadotropin luteinizing hormone and follicle
stimulating hormone, which in turn stimulate the gonads to
produce sex cells and hormones.
Placenta: The structure through which the fetus receives nourishment
and oxygen and eliminates waste products. It also
produces hormones that regulate many of the changes in the
mother's body that occur during pregnancy and childbirth.
Placenta: The structure that develops within the uterus during
pregnancy through which the fetus receives nourishment and
oxygen and eliminates waste products; it also produces
hormones that regulate changes in the mother's body during
pregnancy and childbirth.
Placental Premature separation of the placenta from the uterine
abruption: wall.
Placenta previa: A condition in which the placenta partially or completely
covers the cervix, often causing vaginal bleeding before
or during labor, hindering or preventing vaginal delivery.
Plasma: The liquid portion of the blood, in which the blood cells
are suspended.
Postpartum: Relating to the period after childbirth.
Play value: The degree to which a toy or object suits the interests
and abilities of a child at a particular stage in
Pneumonia: An inflammation of the lungs caused by a virus, bacteria,
other microscopic organisms, or inhaled irritants.
Polio: Poliomyelitis. A highly contagious disease caused by a
poliovirus. The disease occurs most often in children and
can involve the spinal cord, causing paralysis.
Poliomyelitis can be prevented by immunization with the
polio vaccine.
Polycystic (PCOD) A condition found among women who do not ovulate,
ovarian characterized by multiple ovarian cysts and increased
disease: androgen production.
Polyp: A growth or tumor on an internal surface, usually benign.
Position: The way the fetus is facing in relation to the mother's
Post-coital test: (PCT) Microscopic examination of a woman's cervical
mucus at the fertile time of the cycle to determine the
number and motility of sperm following intercourse.
Pre-eclampsia: A disorder of pregnancy, characterized by elevated blood
pressure, edema, and kidney malfunction, that may precede
the development of eclampsia.
Pre-embryo: A fertilized egg in the early stage of development prior
to cell division.
Pregravid: Of or relating to the period before pregnancy.
Prehension: Visually directed reaching.
Premature: Refers to birth that occurs before the thirty-seventh week
of pregnancy.
Prepared A method of childbirth education in which expectant
childbirth: mothers are informed about the anatomical, physiological,
and psychological aspects of pregnancy and childbirth and
are trained in physical and mental responses to labor.
Presentation: The position of the fetus in relation to the cervix when
labor begins.
Prickly heat: A mild skin condition caused by temporary blockage of the
sweat gland openings in the skin. It occurs when a child
is overheated.
Progesterone: The female hormone, produced by the corpus luteum after
ovulation, that prepares the uterine lining for
implantation of a fertilized egg and helps maintain the
Prolactin: The pituitary hormone that in high amounts stimulates milk
Prolapse: Downward displacement of an organ or structure from its
usual position.
Prolapse of the Situation preceding or during labor in which the umbilical
cord: cord passes through the cervix before the fetus, which can
result in compression of the cord and resultant reduction
in the amount of oxygen available to the fetus.
Prostate gland: The male gland encircling the urethra that produces the
fluid that transports sperm into the ejaculate.
Prostaglandins: A group of hormone-like chemicals that have various
effects on reproductive organs; so named because they were
first discovered in the prostate gland.
Pudendal: Of or relating to the pudendum.
Pudendum: The external genital organs, especially those of the
Pyelonephritis: An infection, usually bacterial, of the kidney.
Quickening: The first fetal movements felt by the mother, usually
occurring between the sixteenth and twentieth weeks after
the last menstrual period.
Radiography: The technique of examining the body by projecting x-rays
through it to produce images on photographic film.
Realism: A toddler's inability to distinguish dreams from reality.
language The process of acquiring the ability to understand the
development: spoken word.
Rectum: The portion of the large intestine closest to the anal
Reproductive An ob-gyn who specializes in the treatment of hormonal
endocrinologist: disorders that affect reproductive function.
Reproductive An ob-gyn or urologist who specializes in the surgical
surgeon: correction of anatomical disorders that impair
reproductive function.
Retrograde Ejaculation backwards into the bladder instead of forward
ejaculation: through the urethra.
Rh factor: A group of antigens in the blood that stimulate the
production of antibodies. Persons who have the Rh
factor are designated Rh-positive; those who lack the Rh
factor are designated Rh-negative. Erythroblastosis
fetalis can occur if an Rh-negative mother bears an
Rh-positive baby.
Rh A condition in which an Rh-negative mother who has
incompatibility: developed antibodies to the Rh factor becomes pregnant
with an Rh-positive baby; this condition can lead to a
form of anemia in the baby.
RhO (D) immune A substance injected into an Rh-negative woman shortly
globulin: after she delivers an Rh-positive baby that destroys any
Rh-positive blood cells that may have entered her body,
thus preventing the development of antibodies against
Rh-positive blood.
Rickets: A condition caused by a deficiency of vitamin D in the
diet, beginning most often during infancy and early
childhood, which is characterized by defective bone growth
and sometimes results in skeletal deformities. An
adequate diet containing sufficient vitamin D, coupled
with exposure to ultraviolet light (such as sunlight),
will generally both prevent and cure rickets.
Ringworm: A fungal infection of the skin that causes red, scaly,
itchy, ring-shaped lesions on the skin.
RNA: Ribonucleic acid. A material that, along with DNA, is
present in all living cells and is responsible for the
transmission of inherited traits.
Rooting: A reflexive turning of the head when the cheek is touched.
Roseola: A disease marked by high fever that lasts two to four days
and goes away. It is followed by the appearance of a
transient red rash. It occurs most commonly during the
first three years of life.
Rubella: A contagious viral disease marked by fever, mild coldlike
symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, and a red rash. The
disease is usually mild in children; however, if a
pregnant woman contracts rubella during early pregnancy,
her baby may be born with severe birth defects. Rubella
can be prevented through immunization with the rubella
vaccine, which is usually given as part of the
measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Also called German
Salpingectomy: Surgical removal of the uterus.
Salpingitis: Inflammation of the fallopian tube.
Salpingitis An abnormal condition of the fallopian tube where it
isthmica attaches to the uterus, characterized by nodules.
Salpingostomy: An incision in a fallopian tube, such as to remove an
ectopic pregnancy.
Salpingotomy: An operation to open a blocked fallopian tube.
Scabies: A contagious skin infection caused by small insects called
mites, which burrow into the skin and lay eggs, causing an
itchy, red rash.
Scrotum: The sac containing the testicles, epididymis, and vas
Scurvy: A condition due to deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
in the diet, characterized by anemia, extreme weakness,
spongy gums, and hemorrhaging under the skin and in the
mucous membranes.
Seborrhea, A skin condition causing redness, scaling, and sometimes
seborrheic itching. Dandruff and cradle cap are mild forms of
dermatitis: seborrhea.
Semen: The fluid containing sperm and secretions from the
testicles, prostate, and seminal vesicles that is
expelled during ejaculation.
Semen analysis: Laboratory examination of semen to check the quality and
quantity of sperm.
Seminal vesicles: The paired glands at the base of the bladder that
produce seminal fluid and fructose.
Seminiferous In the testicles, the network of tubes where sperm
tubules: are formed.
Sensorimotor: Relating to the first stage of development in which basic
information about the world is gathered through the senses
and physical movements.
Septum: A wall that divides a cavity in half, such as a uterine
Sertoli cells: The cells in the testicles that provide nourishment to the
early sperm cells.
Sexually A disease caused by an infectious agent transmitted during
transmitted sex
disease: (STD).
Shock: A condition that results when the circulatory system slows
down or ceases to function in response to injury,
infection, or profound emotional disturbance. Symptoms
include rapid pulse, low blood pressure, paleness, and
cold, clammy skin.
Small muscle Ability to perform movements--such as picking up and
skills: manipulating small objects--that require precise
coordination of the small muscles. Also called fine motor
Sperm: Male gamete or reproductive cell.
Sperm bank: A place where sperm are kept frozen in liquid nitrogen for
later use in artificial insemination.
Sperm count: The number of sperm in the ejaculate (when given as the
number of sperm per milliliter, it is more accurately
known as the sperm concentration or sperm density).
penetration assay: (SPA) See Hamster test.
Spermicide: An agent that kills sperm.
Spider nevi: Minute broken blood vessels that appear under the skin;
spider veins.
Spina bifida: Failure of the spinal column to close completely in the
Spinal anesthesia: A form of regional anesthesia used in vaginal and cesarean
deliveries; administered by injecting an anesthetic into
the fluid-filled canal surrounding the spinal cord.
Compare to epidural, caudal anesthesia.
Steady staring: An apparently passive state during which a baby or toddler
actually is taking in a substantial amount of
environmental stimuli through the eyes.
Sterilization: A surgical procedure (such as tubal ligation or
vasectomy) designed to produce infertility.
Sterilization A surgical procedure used to undo a previous
reversal: sterilization operation and restore fertility.
Stillbirth: Delivery of a dead fetus after the twenty-eighth week of
Stool: Feces.
Strabismus: Condition in which the eyes are not aligned and are unable
to focus simultaneously.
Stranger anxiety: A temporary phenomenon, common during the second half of
the first year of life, in which a baby expresses extreme
discomfort about being in the company of unfamiliar
Stretch marks: Streaks that develop on the abdomen, breasts, and thighs
of a pregnant woman due to stretching of the skin; striae.
Striae: Streaks ("stretch marks") seen on the abdomen of a
pregnant woman, due to stretching of the skin to
accommodate the enlarging uterus.
Sudden infant The sudden, unexpected, and unexplained death of an
death syndrome apparently healthy and normal infant during sleep. It
(SIDS): occurs most often during the second and third months of
life. The cause is unknown.
Superovulation: Stimulation of multiple ovulation with fertility drugs;
also known as controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH).
Surfactant: A substance produced by the fetal lungs that prevents them
from collapsing at birth.
Surrogate mother: A woman who becomes artificially inseminated with a
man's sperm and carries the pregnancy for an infertile
couple, who adopt the baby after its birth (the man being
the biologic father of the child).
Sutures: Long, thin spaces between the bones of the developing
baby's skull that allow the bones to slide over one
another during delivery.
Syphilis: An infectious venereal disease caused by the microorganism
Treponema pallidum, Transmission may be either congenital
(from mother to offspring in the vagina during childbirth)
or by sexual contact. The degenerative course of the
disease begins with the appearance of a primary sore and,
if left untreated, eventually involves all the organs of
the body.
Tay-Sachs disease: A fatal hereditary disease that affects the nervous system
of the baby.
Testicle: The male gonad; produces sperm and male sex hormones.
Testicular biopsy: The removal of a fragment of a testicle for
examination under the microscope.
Testosterone: The primary male sex hormone.
Tetanus: A serious infection caused by a bacterium that invades an
open wound. It affects the central nervous system,
causing severe, painful muscle contractions. Tetanus can
be prevented by immunization with the
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) or diphtheria-tetanus
(D-T) vaccine.
Thyroid gland: The endocrine gland in the front of the neck that
produces thyroid hormones, which regulate the body's
Tocolytic: A drug that relaxes smooth muscles and therefore
interferes with uterine contractions; frequently used to
stop premature labor.
Tonic neck A natural response in the newborn that results in the
reflex: "fencer's pose." When the newborn is in a faceup position
and the head is turned to one side, the arm on that side
will extend while the arm on the opposite side will bend.
Total An estimate of the number of sperm in an ejaculate capable
effective of fertilization; total sperm count X percent motility X
sperm count: percent forward progressive motility X percent normal
Toxemia of A serious disorder of pregnancy (encompassing
pregnancy: pre-eclampsia and eclampsia) in which poisonous compounds
are present in the bloodstream. Characterized by high
blood pressure, edema, and kidney malfunction in the
pregnant woman.
Toxin: A poison produced by a living organism, such as by some
Toxoid: A poison that has been altered so that it is no longer
poisonous but still stimulates the formation of
antibodies, as in vaccinations.
Toxoplasmosis: A disease caused by the one-celled parasite Toxoplasma
gondii, which is transmitted from animals (especially
cats) to humans who handle parasite-infected feces
(for example, cat litter) or who eat undercooked meat
containing the parasite. Infection during pregnancy can
cause death of the fetus or birth defects, especially
mental retardation and blindness, in the newborn.
Trachea: The tube that extends from the larynx to the bronchi; the
Transition: The period in the first stage of labor during which the
cervix dilates from seven centimeters to ten centimeters.
Transitional A toy, blanket, or other such item that provides a feeling
object: of security as a baby moves from complete helplessness to
early independence.
Transverse A fetal position in which the fetus is lying perpendicular
presentation: to the mother's body (i.e. sideways). Usually, the
shoulder of the fetus is closest to the cervix.
Trimester: One of three approximately equal periods of time.
(Pregnancy is traditionally divided into three trimesters,
each three months in length.).
Tubal ligation: Surgical sterilization of a woman by obstructing or
"tying" the fallopian tubes.
Tubal pregnancy: The most common form of ectopic pregnancy, in which the
fertilized egg starts to develop in one of the fallopian
tubes rather than in the uterus.
Tuberculosis: A contagious bacterial infection that usually affects the
lungs but may also affect other body parts including the
spine, kidneys, and digestive tract.
Tuboplasty: Plastic or reconstructive surgery on the fallopian tubes
to correct abnormalities that cause infertility.
Tumor: An abnormal growth of tissue that can be benign or
malignant (cancerous).
membrane: Eardrum.
Umbilical cord: The structure through which the fetus' blood flows to and
from the placenta, to obtain oxygen and nutrients and to
dispose of waste products.
Umbilical hernia: Protrusion of abdominal contents through a defect in the
abdominal wall near the navel.
Umbilicus: The navel ("belly button"), where the umbilical cord is
attached to the fetus.
Ultrasound: (US) Use of high-frequency sound waves for creating an
image of internal body parts.
Ultrasound A technique for displaying and recording the echoes from
imaging: high-frequency sound waves reflected from the various
tissues within the body, used to produce images of organs
and other structures.
Umbilical cord: The structure through which fetal blood flows to and from
the placenta to obtain oxygen and nutrients and eliminate
fetal waste.
Umbilical A gray mass of tissue that develops where the umbilical
granuloma: cord separates. Treatment may require cauterization.
Ureaplasma: A microorganism similar to mycoplasma.
Urethra: The tube through which the urine passes from the bladder
to the outside.
Urinate: To pass urine from the bladder through the urethra to the
outside of the body.
Urologist: A physician who specializes in the general and surgical
treatment of disorders of the female urinary tract and
male genitourinary system (reproductive tract).
Uterus: The hollow, muscular organ in which the fertilized egg
becomes implanted and grows; the womb.
Vaccination: Introduction of an antigenic substance (a solution
containing dead or weakened microorganisms or specially
treated toxins) to stimulate the production of antibodies,
creating immunity to a disease.
Vaccine: A solution containing dead or weakened microorganisms or
specially treated toxins that, when introduced into the
body, stimulates the production of antibodies, creating
immunity to a disease.
Vagina: The female organ of sexual intercourse; the birth canal.
Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina.
Varicocele: A varicose vein in the scrotum.
Varicose: Abnormally swollen or dilated. Often used to describe
veins in which the valves are weakened, allowing backflow
of blood, most commonly seen in the rectum (hemorrhoids)
and in the legs (varicose veins).
Varicose veins: Swollen, distended veins, usually in the legs.
Varicosity: An area of abnormal dilatation of a structure.
Vas deferens: The tubes that conduct sperm and testicular fluid to the
ejaculatory ducts.
Vasectomy: Surgical sterilization of a man by interrupting both vas
Vasectomy Surgical repair of a previous vasectomy for a man who
reversal: wants to regain his fertility.
Vasogram: An X-ray study of the vas deferens.
Venereal disease: See Sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Vernix caseosa: A protective, cheeselike fatty substance that covers the
skin of the fetus; some may be present in skin folds at
Virus: A microscopic infectious organism that reproduces inside
living cells.
Visually directed The ability to use the hands under the direction of the
reaching: eyes.
Vulva: The external female genitalia, surrounding the openings of
the vagina and the urethra.
Water Severe overhydration that can result in nausea, vomiting,
intoxication: weakness, tremors, and sometimes even seizures and death.
Whooping cough: A disease, primarily affecting children, due to bacterial
infection. Symptoms include inflammation of the mucous
membranes of the air passages, excessive secretion of
mucus, mild fever, and attacks of explosive coughing
followed by gasping breaths (which produce the
characteristic whooping sound). The disease can be
prevented by immunization with the
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine. Also called
Zona pellucida: The protective coating surrounding the egg.
Zygote: An egg that has been fertilized but not yet divided.
Zygote Intra (ZIFT) In vitro fertilization with a transfer of the
Fallopian zygote into the fallopian tube; a combination of in
transfer: vitro fertilization and gamete intra fallopian transfer