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- Plan
- User Guide
- Version 4.1
- Copyright Andy Clarkson 1995,1996
- All rights reserved.
- The information within this manual and the associated software are
- subject to change without notice.
- Some of the names used within this manual and displayed by the
- software are registered trademarks. Such names are acknowledged as
- trademarks even though they have not been marked with the symbol.
- 1.1 About this manual
- 1.2 What is Plan?
- 1.3 Installation
- 1.3.1 Installation of Plan from a ready to run SSD
- 1.3.2 Manual installation of Plan
- 2.1 Fundamental concepts
- 2.2 Example
- 2.3 Calculation of task start dates
- 3.1 Creating a new plan
- 3.2 Creating a new resource
- 3.3 Creating tasks
- 3.4 Setting dependencies
- 3.5 Summary tasks
- 3.6 Updating a task
- 3.7 Tracking work done
- 3.8 Reviewing a task when it is underway
- 3.9 Task end/work/rate calculation
- 3.11 Example Plan
- 6.1 Task view
- 6.2 Task list view
- 6.3 Gantt chart
- 6.4 PERT chart
- 6.4.1 Appearance of the PERT chart
- 6.4.2 Positioning tasks in the PERT chart
- 6.4.3 Moving around the PERT chart
- 6.5 Resource usage view
- 6.5.1 Resource work hours
- 6.5.2 Resource usage histogram
- 6.5.3 Over-allocated resources
- 6.6 Holiday view
- 7. TASKS
- 7.1 Standard Tasks
- 7.2 Summary Tasks
- 7.3 Deleting tasks
- 7.4 Masking tasks
- 10.1 Calculation (end/work/rate)
- 10.2 Tracking work done
- 10.3 Reviewing a task when it is underway
- 11. MEMOS
- 15.1 Microsoft Project MPX module
- 15.2 Postscript module
- 15.3 Agenda module
- 1.1 About this manual
- This manual describes how to use Plan for the Psion 3a.
- A version of this manual which includes screenshots is available
- from my homepage (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/andyc).
- The installation instructions within this section of the manual
- describe how to install Plan.
- The section "Project planning" describes key concepts which are used
- throughout this manual and should be read before the rest of the
- manual. Plan is easy to use, provided that the fundamental concepts
- are understood. This manual should be sufficient in order to use
- Plan, however if you are unfamiliar with project planning in general
- then you may wish to read one of the many books available on the
- subject.
- The "Fast start tutorial" section describes the main features of
- Plan and provides a quick method of getting up to speed with Plan.
- The rest of the manual contains detailed information on all of the
- features of Plan.
- On-line help is available from the help key within Plan provided
- that the on-line help file has been installed.
- 1.2 What is Plan?
- Plan is a project planning tool for the Psion 3a. It allows an
- initial project plan to be created and refined and subsequently,
- when the project is underway, provides facilities for tracking
- progress.
- A project consists of a set of resources, (individuals or groups)
- who are assigned to specific tasks within the project. The project
- is split into a number of separate tasks. Each task has a start and
- end date, an amount of work, and a number of assigned resources.
- Dependencies may be set between tasks, indicating that one task
- cannot start until another finishes. In this way if one task is
- updated within Plan, any tasks dependent upon the task will be
- recalculated automatically.
- Plan may be used as a stand-alone project planning tool or may be
- used in conjunction with PC based project planning tools such as
- Microsoft Project. When used with Microsoft Project, Plan provides
- an ideal means of transporting project plans out of the office. A
- project plan may be transferred from Microsoft Project on a PC to
- Plan on the Psion and readily updated "on the move". The project may
- subsequently be transferred back to the PC upon return to the
- office.
- 1.3 Installation
- Plan may be supplied either ready to run on a Psion Solid State Disk
- (SSD) or may need to be installed from the distribution media,
- (usually a 3.5" MSDOS floppy disk).
- Before installing Plan ensure that any previous version of Plan or
- Plan Deluxe has been backed up and removed from the Psion.
- 1.3.1 Installation of Plan from a ready to run SSD
- If Plan is supplied ready to run on an SSD then insert the SSD into
- one of the SSD drives on the Psion. From the Psion system screen
- select the "Install" menu option from the "Apps" menu. Change the
- displayed disk item to refer to the drive which contains the Plan
- SSD and select the file named "Plan.opa". Press enter to install the
- Plan icon onto the Psion system screen.
- 1.3.2 Manual installation of Plan
- If Plan is provided on a floppy disk or you want to install Plan
- onto another Psion drive, such as an SSD, then proceed as follows...
- A typical installation of Plan on the Psion 3a would consist of the
- following files:
- M:\APP\PLAN\PLAN.HLP (optional)
- M:\APP\PLAN\PLAN.TTL (optional)
- M:\APP\PLAN\AGN.OPO (optional)
- M:\APP\PLAN\MPX.OPO (optional)
- M:\APP\PLAN\PS.OPO (optional)
- M:\OPD\PLAN.REG (optional)
- M:\PLN\EXAMPLE.PLN (optional)
- M:\PLN\EXAMPLE.RES (optional)
- The above example shows Plan installed on the internal drive (M).
- Plan may also be installed on a RAM or FLASH SSD in drive A or B.
- Plan requires between 90K and 150K of disk space for installation
- depending upon whether the optional files are installed. A minimum
- of 35K of run-time memory is required in order to start Plan,
- additional memory will be required depending upon the size of a
- plan.
- Start the installation by copying the Plan main application file
- PLAN.OPA into a directory called \APP on any drive and install from
- the system screen as described in section 1.3.1.
- If you are installing Plan from a PC using PsiWin and the message
- "Failed to convert file" is displayed when dragging files from the
- PC to the Psion, then you will need to turn off automatic conversion
- of files. This may be done by selecting the "Conversions" menu item
- from the "Setup" menu in PsiWin. Ensure that "Allow convert on Drag
- & Drop between Computers" is turned off.
- Create a directory called PLAN below the APP directory where the
- PLAN.OPA file has been installed. Copy the Plan message file into
- the \APP\PLAN directory:
- The remaining files which may be installed provide optional
- facilites. These files may be omitted from the installation if you
- are short of disk space.
- If installing Plan via a Mac and you get the message "Incompatible
- message file" when first starting Plan then this indicates that the
- PLAN.MSG file has been corrupted. The cause of this is often that
- the file has been treated as a text file rather than a binary file
- when extracting it from the supplied ZIP file. The solution is to
- ensure that a file with extension .MSG is extracted with a type of
- "BINA" (binary file) by setting the preferences appropriately.
- If on-line help is required then also copy the on-line help file
- into the \APP\PLAN directory:
- If a registration file, PLAN.REG, has been supplied copy this to the
- \OPD directory, otherwise you will need to enter a registration code
- using the "Registration" menu option on the "Special" menu when you
- start Plan.
- The PLAN.TTL file provides an optional title screen when Plan starts
- and may be copied into the \APP\PLAN directory.
- If any of the optional plan modules are required then they also
- should be copied into the \APP\PLAN directory. The currently
- available Plan modules are AGN.OPO, PS.OPO and MPX.OPO. See the
- "Modules" section of this manual for further details on what the
- various Plan modules are for.
- The plan and resource files used by Plan should be kept in a top
- level directory called \PLN on either the internal disk or an
- external RAM disk. An example project plan, EXAMPLE.PLN, along with
- a resource file, EXAMPLE.RES, are provided which may optionally be
- installed into the \PLN directory.
- This software is provided as is, without any warranty of any kind.
- The author and distributor shall not be liable for any loss of data
- or damage arising from the use of this software.
- Plan is shareware, which means that if you continue to use it you
- should register with the author. The software may be freely
- distributed provided all files in the package are included. A
- maximum of 10 tasks may be entered until the program is registered
- by entering a special code via the register menu option.
- To register send a 15 UK pounds cheque to:
- Mr. A. Clarkson,
- 3 Ashmead Drive,
- Hardwick,
- Cambridgeshire.
- CB3 7XT.
- U.K.
- When registering please state the version of the program, (which is
- 4.1), and where you obtained the copy. This allows me to check that
- you are using the latest version.
- In return for the registration you will receive a password code
- which may be entered into Plan. This will remove the 10 task limit
- which applies to the unregistered version, enabling up to 200 tasks
- to be entered. If you have an email address quote this in order to
- receive the registration code via email more quickly.
- For members of Compuserve, Plan may be registered electronically via
- the SWREG facility (Enter "GO SWREG" and select the file with ID
- 6310). The charge is US$25 which will be added to your normal
- Compuserve bill.
- For users outside the UK the following methods of payment can also
- be accepted:
- Payment in UK pounds 15 UK pounds
- (cash, cheque, eurocheque
- or money order)
- Payment via cash in local equivalent of 17 UK pounds
- currency (non-UK pounds) (US$25)
- Payment via a cheque in equivalent of 19 UK pounds
- local currency (non-UK pounds) (US$30)
- The additional charges for non-UK currency is to cover exchange and
- bank charges.
- For any further information I can be contacted via email at
- 100661.2440@compuserve.com
- 2.1 Fundamental concepts
- Plan allows a project plan to be constructed from individual task
- components. Task and resource details are entered into the
- application along with dependencies between tasks. The application
- will then calculate the schedule for each task and the project as a
- whole.
- Each task within a project plan has the following key values:
- - start constraints (given by a specified start date and/or
- dependencies upon earlier tasks)
- - the amount of work required to complete the task
- - a number of assigned resources working at a given rate
- - end date and time
- Usually three of the above values are entered, with the other value
- being calculated by Plan. For example:
- - End. A start date and time may be specified (usually in
- relation to the end of an earlier task) along with an amount of work
- and details about assigned resources. Plan will then calculate the
- end date and time for the task. This is the most common calculation
- method.
- - Work. Given a start and end date and time, and assigned
- resources, Plan will calculate the work. This could be used where a
- task has been completed, the start and end are known, along with the
- average work rates for each assigned resource, but the total amount
- of work needs to be calculated.
- - Rate. Given a start and end date and time and the work
- required, Plan will calculate the average work rates for each
- assigned resource. This could be used in order to calculate the
- number of people required to complete a task on a given date.
- A number of resources may be assigned with given work rates to each
- task. The resource work hours, holiday information and work rates
- are then taken into consideration when calculating task values, such
- as end dates.
- 2.2 Example
- Consider a task which is estimated to take two man days to complete,
- (one man day being the time between the start and end of a normal
- working day, set to 8.0 hours in this particular example). A
- resource is assigned to the task where the resource has the
- following attributes:
- - Works a standard work day, starting at 9:00am, ending at 5:00pm
- - Works a standard week starting on Monday and ending on Friday.
- The task start day is set to a Monday at 9:00am and the work set to
- two days. Plan calculates the end of the task to be 5:00pm on
- Tuesday. Assume now that the resource is only available to work on
- the task at a rate of 50% rather than 100%. Plan would now indicate
- the end of the task to be Thursday at 5:00pm. Assume also that the
- resource takes one day holiday on Tuesday. Plan would calculate the
- end to be Friday at 5:00pm. Suppose that the task is completed and
- actually finished at 5:00pm on Wednesday rather than 5:00pm on
- Friday. Plan will allow the end time to be set to the actual end
- time and will then calculate the work given the start, end and
- resource details to be one man day rather than two.
- Plan works internally down to an accuracy of one second. There is an
- option in the preference settings for each project which controls
- whether values are entered and displayed in units of days or units
- of days, hours, minutes and seconds.
- 2.3 Calculation of task start dates
- The start of any task is controlled either by dependencies defined
- on earlier tasks, a specified start on/after date, or a combination
- of the two.
- Dependencies may be set between tasks so that the start of one task
- depends upon the end of another. If the first task is delayed the
- second will also be delayed. Dependencies may be set for a number of
- reasons, such as:
- - If one task cannot logically start until another task finishes.
- For example, in a software development project the development may
- be dependent upon the requirements phase.
- - Resource limitations may impose dependencies, for example if
- two tasks need to be carried out by one person, and the person works
- on the tasks sequentially, then a dependency should be set between
- the tasks.
- When creating a task a start on/after date may be set to indicate
- either that the task should start on the specified date or cannot
- start before the given date. If no dependencies have been defined
- then the given date will be used as the start date for the task. If
- the task has one or more dependencies upon earlier tasks then the
- latest date will be used as the task start date, taking into
- consideration all the dependencies and the specified start on/after
- date.
- For a set of dependent tasks there will be a number of the tasks
- that are critical to the end of the project. If any one of these
- tasks is late then the end of the project will be delayed. These
- tasks are described as being on the critical path. It is important
- to know the critical path for two reasons. Firstly, it is useful in
- identifying the tasks that may be worth adding extra resource to, in
- order to bring the project in sooner. Secondly, it is useful in
- highlighting those tasks that will need to be monitored carefully
- when the project is in progress in order for the project to be
- completed on time. Plan has an option which will calculate the
- critical path.
- This section describes, by way of an example, how to use the main
- features within Plan. It includes an example of creating a plan,
- adding resources and tasks, and updating tasks.
- Plan has many features and it is not possible to describe all of
- these features within a short section such as this. This section
- includes enough to get started, as you become more familiar you may
- want to explore the rest of the manual to find out what else you can
- do with Plan.
- 3.1 Creating a new plan
- If Plan has not been installed or is not visible as an icon on the
- Psion system screen then refer to the installation section before
- proceeding.
- When first starting Plan it will create a default resource file
- which has a single resource called "General". The work days for this
- resource will be set to the work days set within the Psion Time
- application. The following tutorial assumes that the work days are
- Monday to Friday with Saturday and Sunday as non-working days.
- Before proceeding ensure that the work days are set accordingly by
- going to the Time application and selecting the "Workdays" menu
- option from the "Settings" menu.
- On the Psion, go to the system screen and position the cursor below
- the Plan icon. From the "File" menu on the system screen select "New
- file". In the dialog which appears enter a file name such as "Test"
- and press Enter.
- Plan will start up and display a screen with a top line reading TASK
- DESCRIPTION WORK,... Under the top line there will be a highlighted
- line or cursor. This is one of the many different views available
- within Plan.
- 3.2 Creating a new resource
- Start by creating a new resource. To do this, select the "Make" menu
- option from the "Resource" menu. Enter the name for the resource as
- "Res1". A second dialog will appear. In this dialog set the maximum
- units value to 1 which indicates that this resource represents a
- single person. A resource may be used to represent a group by
- setting the maximum units to a value greater than 1. Set the cost
- per hour to 5. Plan will calculate the cost of the project using the
- resource charge rates as entered here.
- Two more dialogs will appear prompting for the work hours for the
- resource. The first dialog shows the start times for each day of the
- week and the second dialog shows the end times. Leave these at the
- default of 9am to 5pm throughout the whole week. Press enter and the
- resource will be created.
- From the diamond menu select the "Holiday view" option. This will
- display the holidays for the newly created resource. These will
- default to the same holidays as the General resource which in turn
- will initially have been set using the rest days set in the Psion
- Time application. The cursor keys may be used to move from one day
- to the next and the enter key will toggle a holiday on and off.
- Leave all the holidays unchanged for the time being.
- 3.3 Creating tasks
- Now enter a new task. From the diamond menu select the "Task List"
- menu option.
- In the task list view each task is shown on one line of the display.
- Each task has a number of associated fields. The left and right
- cursor keys will shift the right hand side of the task list view to
- display the various fields for each task.
- First ensure that Caps lock is turned off and then press the enter
- key. A dialog will appear prompting for the task details. Enter the
- values as shown:
- Id T1
- Description Task 1
- Start on/after 1 Apr 1996, 09:00am
- Work 3 days
- When the enter key is used a second dialog will appear prompting for
- the details of the resources to be assigned to the task. Update the
- dialog as follows and press enter:
- Resource Res1
- Rate (%) 100
- The new task will be created and the screen will update to show the
- entered and calculated values. Note that the end date for the task
- has been calculated by Plan using the start on/after date and the
- work. The end should be displayed as 5pm on 3 Apr 1996. The labour
- cost is also calculated and displayed as 120.
- From the diamond menu select the Gantt chart. Press the space bar
- which will refresh the display on the right hand side to display the
- current task. This shows the task on one line with a graphical
- representation of the task on the right hand side of the screen.
- Press the down arrow to move the highlighted line, or cursor, to
- below task T1. Note how the graphical bar extends from the start of
- the task to the end, with the holidays shaded.
- Now enter a second task by pressing enter with the cursor below task
- T1. Create a new task with the following values:
- Id T2
- Description Task 2
- Start on/after 1 Apr 1996, 09:00am
- Work 1 day
- Resource Res1
- Rate (%) 100
- The new task will be shown below task T1 and will be shown as
- starting on the 1 Apr 1996 and ending at the end of the same day.
- 3.4 Setting dependencies
- Now set the start of task T2 to depend upon the end of task T1. With
- task T2 current, i.e. highlighted, select the "Dependencies" menu
- option from the "Task" menu. Set the first task Id to T1 by pressing
- the tab key and selecting T1. When the second dialog appears leave
- the "Lag-T1" field set to "None" meaning that task T2 will follow
- straight after task T1. When the enter key is pressed task T2 will
- be recalculated to start after task T1.
- 3.5 Summary tasks
- Now enter a summary task for task T1 and T2. Ensure that task T1 is
- current and press shift-enter to insert a new task. The enter key
- edits the current task, or creates a new task if no task is current,
- and shift-enter inserts a new task immediately above the current
- task. Set the Id to S1 and the description to "Summary task". Leave
- all the other fields unchanged. A new task will be inserted at the
- top of the list.
- At the moment all the tasks are normal tasks and we need to make T1
- and T2 sub-tasks of the new task. To do this, make T1 current and
- press control-right arrow. This will indent T1 and place a bullet
- next to the description. T1 is now a sub-task and S1 has been
- changed from a normal task into a summary task. Repeat this so that
- T2 is also a sub-task.
- 3.6 Updating a task
- To demonstrate how Plan automatically recalculates tasks, edit task
- T1 so that the start on/after date is 2 Apr 1996 at 09:00am. This is
- done by making task T1 current and pressing enter. When edited, task
- T1, T2 and the summary task will be recalculated automatically.
- 3.7 Tracking work done
- Imagine that task T1 is underway and that it is now the morning of
- the 4 Apr 1996. From the "Task" menu select "Set work done" and
- choose the option "Set by time...". This dialog allows the work done
- on a task so far to be set. Enter the work done as 2 days and set
- the "Done up to start of" value to 4 Apr 1996. The bar on the Gantt
- chart representing the task will be shaded to indicate the % of the
- work done so far.
- 3.8 Reviewing a task when it is underway
- Suppose that whilst task T1 is underway you receive information from
- resource "Res1" that there are still 2 more days work left to do
- rather than the 1 day which is currently planned. Plan can
- recalculate the end using the work done so far and information about
- the remaining work. From the "Task" menu select "Review
- calculation". Set the remaining work to 2 days and leave the
- remaining work rate set to 100%. The task will be recalculated to
- end on the 5 Apr 1996. To display all the tasks press psion-Z to
- zoom the view out. In the Gantt chart the psion-Z and psion-z keys
- zoom in and out and the left and right arrow keys move the display
- left and right. The space bar may be used to recenter the display to
- show the current task.
- 3.9 Task end/work/rate calculation
- Imagine now that task T1 has been completed and actually finished at
- 5pm on Monday 8 Apr 1996. So you know when the task started and
- ended, plus the fact that Res1 worked on the task 100%. Normally it
- is the end date for a task that needs to be calculated, but in this
- case it is more appropriate to calculate the work from the start,
- end and rate. To get Plan to do this for you, ensure T1 is current
- and select the "End/work/rate" menu option from the "Task" menu. Set
- the calculate value to "Work". Now edit the task by pressing enter.
- Note how previously the start date and work fields were shown. Now
- it is the start and end dates that need to be entered. Update the
- end to 5pm on 8 Apr 1996. The task will be adjusted accordingly and
- the work recalculated as 5 days.
- To mark the task T1 as complete set the work done to 100% using "Set
- by %..." from the "Set work done_" menu option on the "Task" menu.
- To save the plan select "Save" from the "File" menu.
- Now look at the other views available in Plan using either the
- diamond key or the diamond menu. In all the task based views the up
- and down arrow keys change the current task.
- The task list view shows one task on each line of the display. Press
- the left and right arrow keys to shift the fields shown on the right
- hand side of the screen left and right.
- The Gantt screen has already been seen during the tutorial.
- The PERT screen will initially appear blank. To layout the PERT
- chart select the PERT view and choose the "Layout pert" menu option
- from the "View" menu. Leave the "X mag" and "Y shift" values set to
- 1. In the PERT chart each task is shown as a box with dependencies
- indicated by lines between tasks. The left and right arrow keys
- shift the PERT chart left and right and the Pg Up and Pg Dn keys
- shift the display up and down. The zoom menu options may be used to
- alter the scale.
- The resource usage view shows the working hours for a resource as
- well as the allocation of the resource to tasks.
- 3.11 Example Plan
- An example plan and resource file are supplied which may be used to
- further experiment with Plan.
- Plan has the following key features:
- - A separate file for each project plan with either plan specific
- or a shared resource file.
- - Up to 200 tasks may be entered, each having the following
- details:
- - Id
- - description
- - work
- - up to four assigned resources per task
- - rate of work for each assigned resource
- - start on/after date and time
- - start date and time
- - end date and time
- - calculation method (end, work or rate)
- - work done
- - labour and fixed costs
- - saved work, start and end dates and times for future reference
- - user floating point value and text fields
- - Calculation of end date and time, work, or work rates for each
- task.
- - A start constraint may be specified, i.e. the task must start
- on/after the given date.
- - A task may be dependent upon up to eight other tasks, with
- specified lag times with each dependency. Plan will automatically
- calculate the start of each task from the dependency and start
- on/after date.
- - Task tracking. The actual work done may be input and
- incrementally changed as work progresses.
- - A task may be re-estimated taking into account the work already
- done and the work remaining.
- - Calculation of critical path.
- - Accuracy down to the second with an option which controls
- whether dates or dates and times are entered and displayed.
- - Tasks may be grouped under a summary task whose fields are
- calculated automatically from the sub-tasks. Tasks may be nested up
- to eight levels deep.
- - The labour costs are calculated automatically for a task along
- with the total cost for the project.
- - A memo may be attached to each task. Memos are edited using the
- Psion Word application which is started via Plan.
- - Any number of resources may be input, (subject to memory limits
- imposed by the Psion operating system). Each resource has the
- following properties:
- - name
- - maximum units available
- - labour charge per hour
- - a three year holiday calendar
- - times for the start and end of work for each week day
- - Plan can check and highlight any over-allocated resources.
- - Plan will count resource holidays in a given period.
- - A Gantt chart view.
- - A PERT chart view.
- - A resource allocation histogram view.
- - Auto layout of tasks in the PERT chart.
- - Sorting of tasks by a number of attributes.
- - Export data to the Psion Agenda application.
- - Print Gantt and PERT charts on a postscript printer.
- - Transfer projects between Plan and Microsoft Project.