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- ----------------------------------
- If you wish to register the program, you can do so by post (snail-mail), or on-line
- using the SWREG facility on Compuserve, or by using RegNet (credit cards).
- If you are using the postal service, please send a cheque for 7 UK pounds or
- US$10 (or the equivalent in your actual currency - Sterling or US dollar cheques
- only please) to either of the following addresses:
- F A Richey F A Richey
- C/O SONAS 6001 Natick Court
- Calgary or: Burke, VA 22015
- Tobermory USA
- Isle of Mull
- Argyle
- PA75 6QT
- Please note the Scottish address is the address of an 'agent', as I have
- moved to the USA. If you use this address, Registration codes will be sent
- out immediately, but if you send a technical query, it will have to be
- redirected to me in the US, so might take a few weeks to reply. If you have
- access, I can be reached quickly on CompuServe, 100023,543 or E-Mail at
- alanrichey@msn.com.
- The quickest way to register, if you have access to CompuServe, is to use
- GO SWREG and use Registration ID - 10637
- If you wish to register using a credit card you can register through RegNet.
- RegNet can be located on the World Wide Web at the following URL:
- http://www.xmission.com/~wintrnx/regnet/regnet.htm
- or (in the USA) by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (801) 355-5110.
- or by following the links from my Home page at:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/alanrichey
- S3ACOLLECT has been allocated the REGNET Number: 215 and this should be quoted.
- (Note that paying by this method will involve an extra US$5 handling charge)
- I will then send you a personalised registration code to enter in (<PSION-$>),
- to remove the 'nag' screens, and allow full use of the program. Note that you
- will NOT need a new copy of the program, all the functionality is already there
- but needs 'unlocking' by the registration code. I will also ensure that this
- code remains forward compatible for future versions of the program so, unlike
- other programs, we will not be asking for a further fee for an upgrade.
- Also, if you like the look of this program, why not have a look at my other
- programs. They are
- S3ATASKx.ZIP : An Extended Task (ToDo) Manager
- S3ADRAWx.ZIP : A Drawing/Icon Viewer/Editor
- S3ABANKx.ZIP : A Personal Accounts package that includes all of the
- following smaller programs as optional modules.
- S3AHOMEx.ZIP : A Home Inventory program based on the Quicken version.
- S3APLANx.ZIP : A Budget Planner based on the Quicken Financial Planner
- S3AFUELx.ZIP : A Fuel Consumption Monitor.
- S3AINVx.ZIP : An Investment Tracking Program
- S3AEXPx.ZIP : An Expense Account Monitor
- ('x' denotes a version number)
- These should all be available at the same location where you found this program.
- If you cannot get them, a disc and Stamped Addressed Envelope to either of the
- addresses will get you copies of all the programs.
- Alternatively, you can always visit my home page on the World-Wide Web, where
- there are full details of all the programs, and news of any upgrades or enhancements.
- The address is : http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/alanrichey
- In the future, I intend to leave 'Beta' versions of the next versions of the
- programs on this site, as each new enhancement is incorporated. If you don't mind
- taking the odd risk, that will be a way of continually updating your program.
- Finally, If you've found this program useful and want to try some other
- Psion programs, why not try 3-Lib ??
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Steve Litchfield, 3-Lib. Series 3/3a PD and Shareware on Floppy & SSD.
- Established since January 1993, latest files from CIX, CI$, Internet,
- BBS & Author network. Send Stamped self-addressed envelope for catalogue.
- 3-Lib library, 22 Grays Crescent : Woodley : Berkshire : RG5 3EN : ENGLAND
- _______________________________________________________________________
- For those of you in the United Kingdom, try the Datalink BBS on 01202-660838
- for up-to-date copies of all my programs, and other Psion related files.
- Cheers
- Alan Richey