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298 lines
Module : TVTOOLS
Description : Various tools and addings for TV
Remark : This library calls a lot of general functions
from the 'general' libraries (STRINGS.LIB, TOOLS.LIB,...).
This mean that you have to include the related include
files and to link (some of) the other libraries with your
New operators: TMenuItem = TMenuItem + TMenuItem
============= TMenuItem += TMenuItem
TSItem = TSItem + TSItem
TSItem += TSItem
TSubMenu += TSubMenu
TSubMenu += TMenuItem
TStatusDef += TStatusDef
TStatusDef += TStatusItem
General List:
TGenCollection: Same as TStringCollection
TGenCollection( ccIndex = 0, ccIndex = 0 );
but with two output functions:
char *getData( ccIndex ); // to return the data
char *getText( ccIndex ); // to display text in a viewer
By default, getData() calls getText().
These functions have to be used in place of TStringCollection ones
and can be overloaded:
ccIndex indexOf( char *item ); // data index
ccIndex indexOfText( char *item ); // text index
void *firstThat( ccTestFunc Test, void *arg ); // search
void *firstTextThat( ccTestFunc Test, void *arg ); // search
int getCount(); // returns number of items
int getTextLength(); // returns maximum length of text
int compare( void *, void * ); // function to compare to items
All these virtual functions are designed to work as is with
TStringCollection lists.
The functions you need to overload to use another list mechanism are:
getData(), getText(), getCount()
the other ones use these three ones.
default compare() is case-insensitive
(also éàÅ,... are treated as normal letters).
TComboBox: Pop-up box with a list viewer
Must be linked with a TInputLine (or TStaticInputLine)
ans a TGenCollection.
When pressing characters, the first list item matching these
characters is focused. If a non matching character is pressed,
a buzzer sound is output.
Enter or double-click is used to select an item.
The corresponding data will so be given to the TInputLine.
TComboBox( const TRect&, TInputLine *, TGenCollection * );
TComboBox( TInputLine *, TGenCollection * ); // Right of line
New Input fields:
TInput1Line( x, y, len )
T1StaticText( x, y, string ): same as TStaticText
TStaticTextf( const TRect& bounds, const char *fmt, ... )
TStaticTextf( const ushort x, const ushort y, const char *fmt, ... )
same as TStaticText but allows same syntax as printf()
T1Label( x, y, string, link )
TInputKey: Same as TInputLine, except invalid if empty
TInputKey( const TRect&, int len );
TInputKey( int x, int y, int len );
TInputPasswd: Same as TInputLine, but display only '*'
TInputPasswd( const TRect&, int len );
TInputPasswd( int x, int y, int len );
TInputRegExp: Same as TInputLine, but filter input to be in a 'set'
and check result to match the regular expression 'regexp'.
If UPPER or LOWER is given as last parameter, all characters
are translate into upper/lowercase (also éàÅ,...).
If an invalid character is pressed, a buzzer sound is output.
If input does not match the regular expression, a messageBox
is output at valid() time. This message may be replaced
or disabled (0).
char *invMsg = " \n\03Invalid entry !";
'set' and 'regexp' comply with UNIX-grep regular expressions;
ex: set = "0-9a-z+-*/" or "^0-9"
regexp = "[0-9]*.[a-zA-Z]*..*"
'set' and 'regexp' can be nul (0 or not given).
TInputRegExp( const TRect&, int len [, char *set [, char *regexp [, UPPER/LOWER]]] );
TInputRegExp( int x, int y, int len [, char *set [, char *regexp [, UPPER/LOWER]]] );
TInputInt: Accepts only valid numeric input (int) between Min and Max
If a wrong character is pressed, a buzzer sound is output.
TInputInt( const TRect&, int len = 7, int min = -MAXINT, int max = MAXINT );
TInputInt( int x, int y , int len = 7, int min = -MAXINT, int max = MAXINT );
TInputLong: Accepts only valid numeric input (long) between Min and Max
If a wrong character is pressed, a buzzer sound is output.
TInputLong( const TRect&, int len = 12, long min = -MAXLONG, long max = MAXLONG );
TInputLong( int x, int y , int len = 12, long min = -MAXLONG, long max = MAXLONG );
TInputDouble: Accepts only valid numeric input between Min and Max
If a wrong character is pressed, a buzzer sound is output.
TInputDouble( const TRect&, int len = 15, double min = -MAXDOUBLE, double max = MAXDOUBLE );
TInputDouble( int x, int y , int len = 15, double min = -MAXDOUBLE, double max = MAXDOUBLE );
TInputHexa: Accepts only valid hexadecimal string input
If a wrong character is pressed, a buzzer sound is output.
TInputHexa( const TRect&, int len );
TInputHexa( int x, int y , int len );
TInputDate: Accepts only valid date input
If a wrong character is pressed, a buzzer sound is output.
TInputDate( const TRect& );
TInputDate( int x, int y );
TInputCalcul: Accepts a calculation string
If a wrong character is pressed, a buzzer sound is output.
TInputCalcul( const TRect&, int len );
TInputCalcul( int x, int y, int len );
Same as TInputLine, but input must match a TGenCollection list.
When pressing characters, the first list item matching these
characters is displayed. If a non matching character is pressed,
a buzzer sound is output.
The left and right arrows are used to cycle through items,
Home & End to go to first & last item
(and the matching buffer is reset).
TStaticInputLine( TRect&, int len, TGenCollection *list );
TStaticInputLine( int x, int y, int len, TGenCollection *list );
New InputBox:
ushort inputPasswdBox( const char *Title, const char *aLabel, char *s, uchar limit );
ushort inputPasswdBoxRect( const TRect &bounds,
const char *Title,
const char *aLabel,
char *s,
uchar limit );
ushort execDialog( TWindow *d, void *data );
Execute a dialog box and returns entered values.
Fields are pre-loaded with data values.
If data is NULL, nothing is pre-loaded nor returned.
If the dialog is cancelled, data is not modified.
Dialog is destroyed before exiting.
Return: command (cmCancel, cmYes,...)
void putCommand( ushort What, ushort Command );
Put an event containing {What, Command}
appSystem( command );
Suspend critical error handler,
clears screen,
perform a system call,
resume critical error handler,
redraws screen.
void StatusBox( char *message );
void StatusBoxf( char *format-string, ... );
Puts a dialog box on screen to tell the user what the program is
doing while some long calculation is being done.
If a StatusBox is already on the screen it will be removed before
displaying the new StatusBox.
Strings are limited to 255 characters (like TStaticText).
void RemoveStatusBox( void );
Remove a StatusBox (if one is displayed).
Standard Buttons:
void OKCancelButtons( TWindow *window );
Insert a OK and a Cancel button in a window.
Insertion in the middle of the bottom of the window.
OK button is default one.
void YesNoCancelButtons( TWindow *window );
Insert a Yes and a No button in a window.
Insertion in the middle of the bottom of the window.
Yes button is default one.
TFileWindow::TFileWindow( const char *fileName );
Open a file viewer Window.
Clock: Display a clock on screen
TClockView::TClockView( TRect& r );
r is optional (default is upper right corner).
TClockView::update(); must be called in 'idle()'.
Heap viewer: Display the heap size on screen
and check for heap correctness.
THeapView::THeapView( TRect& r );
r is optional (default is lower right corner).
THeapView::update(); must be called in 'idle()'.
If an error occurs in the heap, a messageBox display
an error message and ask if you want to display the
message again (that means each time it is checked
before it is solved - if it is).
DeskTop Calendar: TCalendarView( TRect & r );
r is optional
TCalendarView( StreamableInit );
DeskTop Calculator: TCalcDisplay( TRect& r );
r is optional
TCalcDisplay( StreamableInit );
DeskTop ASCII table: TAsciiChart( TRect& r );
r is optional
TAsciiChart( StreamableInit );
ushort formatFloppy( int floppy );
Format a floppy if needed.
- Calls the DOS command FORMAT x: [/T:nn /N:nn] /V:""
- A check is performed after the format.
- If DOS version >= 4.0 use the /AUTOTEST switch
(undocumented) to skip prompt.
- If DOS version >= 5.0 use the /U switch to speed up format.
Parameters : in int floppy ( 0 = A:, 1 = B: )
Return : cmOK or cmCancel