Pearl Shareware-Krönchen 15
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About Help
Enter Help by selecting Help from the main menu or left
clicking on the (H) button. Use the right scroll bar to move
up and down within the Help screens, or else press any key
except <ESCAPE> to move forward through help screens.
To leave Help, left click on the upper left button, right
click anywhere, or else press <ESCAPE>.
1 To Shoot
To shoot the cue ball, move the mouse pointer anywhere on the
screen where there is no pool ball, and then left click. Now
the cue stick will appear pointing at the cue ball. Move the
mouse around to aim the cue stick in various directions. The
longer the cue stick appears, as you move it about the screen
the greater will be the strength of the shot when you finally
do shoot. After stopping at your desired angle and strength
of shot, just left click to actually execute the cue shot. At
this point the cue stick will pull back and then move forward
striking the cue ball in the direction and with the strength
that you gave it.
2 Aiming
Since you cannot stick your eyeball inside the monitor to
line up the cue ball with the target ball when taking aim,
Pool Shark provides an easier way. While moving the cue stick
about before shooting just right click, and a sight line will
appear, emanating out from the cue ball in the direction that
would be taken if you shot at that point. To stop the sight
line, just right click again.
3 Tight Squeeze
There are positions where the cue ball is located at one of
the table ends when you may want to shoot with enough power
to reach the other end of the table, but the cue stick is
backed up against the wall so that it cannot be stretched out
longer, to increase the power of the shot. When this happens,
to increase the power of the shot press one of the following
keys : "2", "3", "4". The two key will double, the three key
will triple, and the four key will quadruple the power of the
4 Scoring and Moving Balls
As balls are sunk, Pool Shark automatically displays the
appropriate high and low scores in the score box area at the
top of the pool table screen.
If a player scratches by sinking the cue ball, the black ball
or some other way, it is up to that player to pay the penalty
by bringing up the appropriate balls.
This is how to move balls around the table for this purpose,
or just for fun when practising. Left click on the ball that
you wish to move. Move the mouse pointer to the position at
which you wish to move the ball to, and left click again. The
ball will now be moved to the desired location.
(NOTE: If you are not familiar with pool rules refer to any
game reference book on the subject.)
5 Control Panel
At the top of the pool table screen between the two score
boxes is a box with four buttons marked "H", "M", "S", and
"Q". Left click on these buttons to enter into various Pool
Shark program options as follows :
(H) is the Help Button that opens this Pool Shark help screen
(M) is the Menu Button that opens the Pool Shark main menu.
(S) is the Sound Button that toggles sound on and off. This
setting is saved from session to session so that if
desired the music that plays on game start up can be
suppressed. When sound is enabled the (S) shows up on
this button. When sound is disabled the (S) disappears.
(Q) is the Quit Button that allows for program exit.
When balls are in motion, the mouse pointer will disappear.
When this happens these options can be selected by pressing
the corresponding keyboard key.
The center of the control panel is used to display the last
ball that was sunk. Each time the cue stick is invoked, the
displayed ball is cleared.
6 Pool Shark Main Menu
The main menu can be entered by clicking on the (M) Menu
button from the pool table, by right clicking from the pool
table, or by pressing <ESCAPE> or "M" from the pool table.
Once in the menu, options can be selected by either left
clicking on the option or pressing the high lit first
character of the menu option. Details of the menu options
are described in the following sections.
To return to the pool table from the main menu, right click,
select "Continue Play", or else press <ESCAPE>.
6.1 Help
Enter Help by selecting Help from the main menu or left
clicking on the (H) button. Use the scroll bar to move up
and down within the Help screens. Use the upper left exit
button, right click, or press <ESCAPE> to leave Help.
6.2 Continue Play Option
This option simply leaves the main menu and returns to the
pool table. This can also be accomplished by right clicking
from the main menu.
6.3 New Game
New Game racks up a fresh triangle of balls for a new game,
restores the color of the table to the original green felt,
and returns to the pool table.
6.4 Demo
This option demonstrates a Pool Shark 1.2 game played with
all sixteen pool balls. Pool Shark 1.1 only comes with six
balls. See Replay option 5.6 to find out how to make your
own Pool Shark Demo.
6.5 Setup
Setup is used to control various Pool Shark program options.
Left click on a field to select it for change or just hit
<ENTER> to move through the fields. To exit Setup left click
on the upper right exit button, right click, or else press
<ESCAPE>. The setup fields work as follows :
Pocket Size (1,2,3): Controls the play level difficulty.
One is the smallest and three is the largest pocket
size. Although changing pocket size has an immediate
effect in changing difficulty of play, the actual size
of the pocket as appearing on the pool table will not
be seen until after selecting the New Game option from
the main menu.
Low Ball Player : Use this option to change the name of
the low ball player that appears in the upper left
score box.
High Ball Player : Use this option to change the name of
the high ball player that appears in the upper right
score box.
Practise Mode (Y,N): Pool Shark can be set up to play in
practise mode or in competition mode. When in
competition mode Pool Shark will prompt for the player
name and display it in the appropriate score box when
the first of a high ball or the first of a low ball
has just been sunk. At the end of a game when the
black ball has been sunk by a player who has no other
balls left, Pool Shark will ask whether or not that
player has won the game. (He must ask since the shot
may have just been a fluke in a call shot game).
If you respond that yes indeed that player has won,
then the winner screen will be opened in dedication
to the winning player. When the winner screen has
finished, you will be given an opportunity to save
the game for later replay if desired. (See Replay
option 5.6) If practise mode is set to (Y)es then
none of this wonderful stuff will happen!
Table Color: Clicking on any of the sixteen color boxes in
this option will immediately change the felt color of
the table. The large color box at the left displays
the current table color. Using the New Game option
from main menu will always restore the table to the
original green color.
6.6 Replay
Replay can be used to do instant replays of a current game in
progress or to create your own demos. If a game is currently
in progress, to do an instant replay, just right click to the
main menu and choose this option. All of the shots made
during the current game will be replayed, and the pool table
will be left in the position where the game left off,
awaiting your next shot.
If a game is played right through to the winner screen, you
will be given an opportunity to save that game. If you save
a game, it can be replayed any time by selecting the New Game
option from the main menu and then immediately selecting the
Replay option from the main menu.
In summary Replay can be used to do an instant replay of a
current game in progress, or to run your own demo of a
previously saved game. Which action Replay takes depends on
whether it is run from the beginning of a new game, or from
the middle of a game that has already had some shots taken.
Pool Shark only provides for saving one user made demo. If
you want to save more, go into the Pool Shark directory and
make a copy of the file named "REPLAY".
6.7 Order Info
The Order Info option gives ordering instructions on how to
get Pool Shark 1.1 and Pool Shark 1.2 and describes the
difference between the two. Pressing <ENTER> from the Order
Info screen, opens an on-line order form that can be used to
conveniently order Pool Shark 1.2. Using the on-line order
form is easy. Just fill out the fields, use <ENTER> to
accept a field and move to the next, or use <BACKSPACE> to go
back to the previous field. After all fields are entered to
satisfaction, press <PRT-SCREEN> to print out the order. Press
<ESCAPE> to exit the order screen. The order information is
not saved upon exit of the order form, so make sure that a
print is done before exiting.
6.8 Quit
Use Quit from the main menu to exit Pool Shark. This can
also be done by left clicking on the (Q) button on the top
control panel. After selecting Quit, Pool Shark will ask
whether you really want to quit in case the option was chosen
accidentally. To answer yes press the "Y" key or left click.
To answer no press the "N" key or right click. For instant
quit without any bothersome questions press the "E" (End) key
from the pool table.
If you have to quit to do something else in the middle of a
game that you would like to finish later, there is no problem
because Pool Shark will keep the current state of the game
intact, and start up from the same positions the next time
you start up the program. The following settings are saved
from session to session : All ball positions.
Player Names
Player Scores
Sound (On or Off)
Mode of Play (Practise or Competition)
7 Yes/No
Anywhere in the game when Pool Shark asks a questions and is
waiting for a yes or no answer, you can enter a "Y' or "N"
from the keybouard or left click to answer yes and right
click to answer no.