Subject: gthorne - regarding computer deletion and lack of security
Message Body =
on considering the article posted regarding pc spying on you - and its references to how difficult it is to hide data from 'data' prosecutors,
is it any wonder why the US military (probably in the TEMPEST specification on comupter security) only considers a hard drive clean after being overwritten 7 times completely with zeroes?
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i thought the 7x erasure was in that reading, but looking back - it was mentioned in the same article where i first read about tempest - it ws on government security in general
tempest itself requires that not only are there high grade cables, but the rooms must be armored... ie: lead lined to prevent EM
that is how they solve it
recently i read about how much government surplus military mechandise was being marked as 'destroyed' or 'inoperable' and yet was mis-marked
everything from tanks to automatic weapons to guided missile systems are being sold at ridculously cheap costs on the open market - so their paranoia in creating a tempest spec to keep people from using scanners to pick up your keypresses is justified... especially when the rest of the world has access to USA's own high tech equipment
effectively - reading more and more about government oversights, the more scary it becomes
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