Subject: WINICE and SOFTICE confusions for newer users
Message Body =
winice is simply the 'other name' for any version of softice that is not the DOS-only version
(softice for WinNT, for Win3.1, for Win'95)
I can see how that would be confusing to people who are not familiar with the pseudonym
many programs have pseudonyms, often hidden
for example, if you see reference for 'GODOT' it is referring to a version 3 winice
photoshop 4 is known as the 'big electric cat' (ever hold down the alt key while loading the about-box/splash-screen?)
no wonder since it is such a memory hog...
win95 called CHICAGO (the not-entirely-hidden ID code used by win95 apps to identify themselves as win95 native)
newer versions called NASHVILLE and CAIRO just for the sake of having identity crisis alleviated when people talk about win95 upgrades (or just being silly maybe... who knows or cares)
Subject: RE: gthorne - regarding computer deletion and lack of security
> is it any wonder why the US military (probably in the
> TEMPEST specification on comupter security) only
> considers a hard drive clean after being overwritten 7
> times completely with zeroes?
Actually, overwriting with zeroes is maybe not good enough. One should overwrite with different patterns like: 00 FF AA 55 and possibly some random values also.