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- *** BEGINNER DRILLS - Menu 2 - HELP Facility Page 1
- The Beginner Drills selection menu is the place for you to start if you
- are not familiar with the standard "QWERTY" style keyboard and wish to learn
- the generally accepted methods of touch-typing using the HOME keys as a base.
- If you are already familiar with the keyboard but want to brush up on your
- keyboarding skills, especially on the unique IBM-PC style keyboard, you may
- find these beginner drills helpful.
- The methods used here for teaching you to touch-type in any of these
- drills is RANDOM PROMPTING. That is, FAS-TYPE will randomly select a char-
- acter from the list displayed in the panel above the screen keyboard and prompt
- you to type that key by changing the color of it. When you have pressed the
- correct key, the color will change back and another key is selected randomly.
- This goes on until you have successfully typed the number of characters in-
- dicated by the "Drill is XX Characters" message displayed in the text panel.
- Keystroke errors are indicated by a big red X overlaying the key that you
- incorrectly pressed. Meanwhile the key you are being prompted for will cont-
- inue to flash and you will not be able to proceed until the correct letter
- is typed.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *** BEGINNER DRILLS - Menu 2 - HELP Facility Page 2
- < F2 > The HOME Keys
- The HOME Keys (asdf jkl;) are where the fingers of both hands are placed
- when you start to type, and where each finger returns to after a different let-
- ter is typed. Pressing F2 will allow you to initially learn how to type the
- letters of the HOME keys plus the space bar. All previous drill or exercise
- selections are reset. You can also select just the HOME keys from the
- Progressive Letters List <F3>.
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- < F3 > Progressive Letters
- This function will display a list of letters that you can choose to learn
- to type. The numbered selection you choose will include all of the letters
- in the previous entries of the list. You should use this list to add
- more letters to your typing skills.
- After you learn the HOME keys (Entry #1 in the list), the next letters
- you should learn are e, i, and the ENTER key. Therefore you would select
- entry #2 which then adds the letters e, i, and ENTER key to the list of HOME
- key letters and the space bar.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *** BEGINNER DRILLS - Menu 2 - HELP Facility Page 3
- < F4 > Progressive Numbers
- Numbers are hard to learn. The selection process is the same as Prog-
- gressive letters. Numbers that you select from the list will be added to your
- drill list displayed in the text panel.
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- < F5 > Special Characters & Symbols
- If you want to practice the special characters and symbols (upper+lower)
- on the keyboard then press this function key. These characters will be
- added to your drill list displayed in the text panel.
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- < F6 > CAPITAL Letters
- You will be drilled on CAPITAL Letters only; no lower case letters, num-
- bers or symbols will be included. These drills will teach you accurate use
- of both the left and right SHIFT ("up-arrow") keys.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *** BEGINNER DRILLS - Menu 2 - HELP Facility Page 4
- < F7 > ALL of the Above
- Press this key if you want to be drilled on everything. The drills will
- include all lower case letters, all the numbers, symbols, and Capital
- letters. We suggest that you set the number of characters for each drill
- to forty or more to make the drills meaningful. (See Menu 5).
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- < F8 > This key is not used
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- < F9 > RETURN to Main Menu
- Press this key if you want to return to the MAIN menu (Menu #1).
- You can also simultaneously press the ALT key and any F1 thru F5 function key
- if you want to immediately transfer to another menu list.
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- < F10 > START Drill
- Press this key to start your drill. The menu will be cleared and
- the screen keyboard displayed. The text panel will indicate the drill or
- exercise you have selected.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------