5 IF MONO THEN C1=7:C2=0:C3=8:C4=2:BLOAD"mono.pic" ELSE C1=(VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,2)) MOD 6)+2:C2=0:C4=0:C3=(C1+2)+(6*(C1>5)):BLOAD"color.pic"
6 PLAY "MBt200mbmso3l4cdel8cl4dl8cl2eo3l4defl8dl4el8dl2fo3l4efgl8el4fl8el2gl8gl4g-fl8cl4dl2cl4o4c"
7 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN 7
9 COLOR C1,C2:CLS:LOCATE 5,7:PRINT "Sorry to disappoint you, but Mr. Phenomenal couldn't be here today.":LOCATE 7,21:PRINT "Substituting for Phil is Seymor Cursor."
10 LOCATE 9,20:PRINT "Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Cursor.":LOCATE 11,26:PRINT "Press any key to continue.":LOCATE 13,7:PRINT "(The cursor is the blinking underline at the bottom of the screen.)"
11 COLOR C3,C4:FOR R=15 TO 23:LOCATE R,39:PRINT CHR$(179):NEXT:LOCATE 24,39:PRINT CHR$(25);:LOCATE 25,39,7
66 TEXT$="As a review, choose one of the keys you learned about. Try and remember its use. Then to see if you are correct, press it. When you are finished, press the space bar."
67 GOSUB 200:DEF SEG=&H40:A=PEEK(&H17):CAPS.STAT=0<>(A AND &H40):NUM.STAT=0<>(A AND &H20)
68 A$=INKEY$:DEF SEG=&H40:A=PEEK(&H17)
69 IF CAPS.STAT<>(0<>(A AND &H40)) THEN GOSUB 109:GOTO 65
70 IF NUM.STAT<>(0<>(A AND &H20)) THEN GOSUB 118:GOTO 65
71 IF (A AND &H1) THEN GOSUB 127:GOTO 65
72 IF A$="" THEN 68 ELSE ON LEN(A$) GOTO 73,77
73 IF A$=" " THEN CLS:CHAIN"k1",,ALL
74 IF A$=CHR$(13) THEN GOSUB 93:GOTO 65
75 IF A$=CHR$(8) THEN GOSUB 101:GOTO 65
76 GOTO 68
77 A=ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))
78 IF A=72 THEN GOSUB 136:GOTO 65
79 IF A=80 THEN GOSUB 147:GOTO 65
80 IF A=75 THEN GOSUB 157:GOTO 65
81 IF A=77 THEN GOSUB 167:GOTO 65
82 IF A=82 THEN GOSUB 177:GOTO 65
83 IF A=83 THEN GOSUB 187:GOTO 65
84 GOTO 68
85 ' ====> space bar
86 TITLE$="The space bar"
87 TEXT$="Located at the bottom of the keyboard you will find the space bar. It is the longest key on the keyboard. It is just like the space bar on a typewriter keyboard. Use it as a reference point when finding other keys."
95 TEXT$="One of the most used keys on a computer keyboard is the return key. Whenever you finish typing a line, you MUST press return. Remember where it is located because you will use it literally thousands of times."
96 GOSUB 200
97 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 99
98 A$=INKEY$:IF A$<>CHR$(13) THEN 98 ELSE C5=C1:C6=C2
103 TEXT$="Located just above the return key is the backspace key. The backspace is your electronic eraser. You can correct a mistake in a line before you press return by using the backspace key."
104 GOSUB 200
105 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 107
106 A$=INKEY$:IF A$<>CHR$(8) THEN 106 ELSE C5=C1:C6=C2
111 TEXT$="Just to the right of the space bar is the Caps Lock key. This key affects ONLY the letters on the keyboard. It will not affect any special characters. Press it once for upper case letters, press it again for lower case."
112 GOSUB 200
113 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 116
114 DEF SEG=&H40:CAPS.STAT=0<>(PEEK(&H17) AND &H40)
115 IF CAPS.STAT=(0<>(PEEK(&H17) AND &H40)) THEN 115 ELSE C5=C1:C6=C2
120 TEXT$="To the right of the backspace key is the Num Lock key. It affects the number pad (the keys below the Num Lock) in the same manner as the Caps Lock key affects the letters. Press the Num Lock once for numbers, again to shut it off."
121 GOSUB 200
122 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 125
123 DEF SEG=&H40:NUM.STAT=0<>(PEEK(&H17) AND &H20)
124 IF NUM.STAT=(0<>(PEEK(&H17) AND &H20)) THEN 124 ELSE C5=C1:C6=C2
129 TEXT$="The shift key allows you to type the special characters on the top of a key. It also temporarily over-rides the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys. The shift key must be held down while the second key is pressed."
130 GOSUB 200
131 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 134
132 DEF SEG=&H40
133 IF (PEEK(&H17) AND &H1)=0 THEN 133 ELSE C5=C1:C6=C2
138 TEXT$="When the Num Lock key is off (or by using the shift key) the keys on the number pad are used for moving the cursor. By pressing the cursor up key, you can move the cursor up one space. REMEMBER: The Num Lock key must be off, or else use"
139 TEXT$=TEXT$+" the shift key."
140 GOSUB 200
141 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 145
142 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="8" THEN GOSUB 197
143 IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=72 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 145
149 TEXT$="The cursor down key lets you move the cursor down one row (maybe that is where it got its name?). Again remember, the Num Lock key must be off, or else you will have to use the shift key too."
150 GOSUB 200
151 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 155
152 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="2" THEN GOSUB 197
153 IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=80 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 155
159 TEXT$="By now you can probably guess what the cursor left key does. If not, it allows you to move the cursor to the left one position. It doesn't erase like the backspace key does."
160 GOSUB 200
161 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 165
162 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="4" THEN GOSUB 197
163 IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=75 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 165
169 TEXT$="Of course, the cursor right key moves the cursor to the right one position. The space bar does this as well, but the cursor right key won't erase."
170 GOSUB 200
171 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 175
172 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="6" THEN GOSUB 197
173 IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=77 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 175
179 TEXT$="You can insert characters in the middle of a line using the Ins key. Just move the cursor to where you want to insert and press the Ins key. The cursor will become larger to show that you are in insert mode, then just type in the letters."
180 GOSUB 200
181 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 185
182 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="0" THEN GOSUB 197
183 IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=82 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 185
189 TEXT$="The Del key is similar to the backspace key except it lets you erase to the right of the cursor. Pressing the Del key shuts off insert mode, but pressing the backspace does not."
190 GOSUB 200
191 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 195
192 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="." THEN GOSUB 197
193 IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=83 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 195