36 TEXT$="As a review, choose one of the keys you learned about. Try and remember its use. Then to see if you are correct, press it. When you are finished, press the space bar."
37 GOSUB 159
38 A$=INKEY$:DEF SEG=&H40:A=PEEK(&H17)
42 IF A$="" THEN 38
43 IF A$=" " THEN CLS:CHAIN"k2",,ALL
44 IF A$=CHR$(27) THEN GOSUB 62:GOTO 35
45 IF A$=CHR$(9) THEN GOSUB 70:GOTO 35
46 IF LEN(A$)<2 THEN 38 ELSE A$=RIGHT$(A$,1)
47 IF A$=CHR$(59) THEN GOSUB 105:GOTO 35
48 IF A$=CHR$(60) THEN GOSUB 114:GOTO 35
49 IF A$=CHR$(61) THEN GOSUB 123:GOTO 35
50 IF A$=CHR$(66) THEN GOSUB 132:GOTO 35
51 IF A$=CHR$(67) THEN GOSUB 141:GOTO 35
52 IF A$=CHR$(68) THEN GOSUB 150:GOTO 35
53 GOTO 38
54 ' ====> space bar
55 TITLE$="The space bar"
56 TEXT$="Once again, locate the space bar. It is used a reference point for the other keys."
80 TEXT$="There is a shift key on the left side of the keyboard as well. You can use either shift key, the computer doesn't care. Remember, the shift key must be held down while the second key is pressed."
81 GOSUB 159
82 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 85
83 DEF SEG=&H40
84 IF (PEEK(&H17) AND &H2)=0 THEN 84 ELSE C5=C1:C6=C2
98 TEXT$="Like the Ctrl key, the Alt key is a special type of shift key. In BASIC it can be used to type special words with only two keystrokes. For example, if you press the Alt key and the C key together, the word COLOR will be displayed."
99 GOSUB 159
100 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 103
101 DEF SEG=&H40
102 IF (PEEK(&H17) AND &H8)=0 THEN 102 ELSE C5=C1:C6=C2
107 TEXT$="The function keys are programmable keys. This means you can tell the computer what each one is supposed to do. The BASIC Prof has told the computer to backup one page whenever you press function key 1 (F1)."
108 GOSUB 159
109 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 112
110 A$=INKEY$:IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=59 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 112
125 TEXT$="When you press F3, the current page will be re-printed on the screen. This is usefull if the instructions scroll off the screen when you try something out."
126 GOSUB 159
127 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 130
128 A$=INKEY$:IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=61 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 130
134 TEXT$="Function key 8 allows you to go back to the lesson menu and choose which ever lesson you want. You then also have the option of aborting the BASIC Prof."
135 GOSUB 159
136 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 139
137 A$=INKEY$:IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=66 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 139
143 TEXT$="When you press function key 9, the BASIC Prof. will show you a table of contents. You then will be able to choose a specific page to turn to, or return to the page you were at.
144 GOSUB 159
145 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 148
146 A$=INKEY$:IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=67 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 148
152 TEXT$="When you press function key 10, the BASIC Prof. will show you an alphabetical index. You then will be able to choose a specific page to turn to, or return to the page you were at.
153 GOSUB 159
154 C5=C3:C6=C4:GOSUB 157
155 A$=INKEY$:IF LEN(A$)=2 THEN IF ASC(RIGHT$(A$,1))=68 THEN C5=C1:C6=C2:GOTO 157