Which prophet was swallowed by a huge fish? Daniel Jeremiah Jonah Elijah cJon 1:17 What is the longest psalm? 36 58 119 146 cPs 119 Who was the priest under whom Samuel served? Hophni Phinehas Eli Abimelech c1 Sm 2:11 Who was Solomon's mother? Bathsheba Abigail Michal Ruth a1 Kgs 1:11 Who was accused of being drunk as she prayed silently? Peninnah Ruth Hannah Naomi c1 Sm 1:13 Who thought Eli was calling him when it really was God calling him? Samuel Manaoh Samson Hophni a1 Sm 3:5 With what did David kill Goliath? arrow spear stone sword c1 Sm 17:49 What tribe was King David from? Gad Manasseh Benjamin Judah d2 Sm 2:11 Which son of David proclaimed himself king in his father's place? Solomon Amnon Absalom Nepheg c2 Sm 15:10 Who was Solomon's mother? Bathsheba Abigail Michal Abishag a1 Kgs 1:11 What did Solomon ask for when God told him he could ask for anything he wanted? wealth long life a Rolls Royce wisdom d1 Kgs 3:9 Which prophet was fed by ravens? Elijah Elisha Ahijah Micah a1 Kgs 17:3,4 Who sulked because he couldn't get Naboth to sell him his vineyard? Jehu Omri Nimshi Ahab d1 Kgs 21:4 Who was known as the psalmist of Israel? Saul Jeroboam David Joshua c2 Sm 23:1 Man who tried to kill all the Jews at the time of Esther: Admatha Mordecai Haman Memucan cEst 3:6 Man who adopted Esther, his uncle's daughter: Haman Eliezer Mordecai Vashti cEst 2:15 Who was best known for his patience? Job David Solomon Josiah aJob 2:10 Who said, 'I know that my Redeemer lives'? Job David Isaiah Daniel aJob 19:25 Who wrote Psalm 23? Asaph Moses Ethan David dPs 23 Which prophet said, 'Here am I. Send me. Send me.'? Daniel Jonah Isaiah Malachi cIs 6:8 Which prophet spoke to dry bones which then came to life? Jeremiah Nahum Obadiah Ezekiel dEze 37:7 Why were the 3 men in 'Daniel' thrown into the fiery furnace? they had stolen something they had rebuked the king they had hatched a plot they refused to worship image dDn 3:12 What led to Daniel's being thrown into the lion's den? jealousy greed adultery ambition aDn 6:3,4 Who was thrown into the lion's den? Daniel David Jeremiah Isaiah aDn 6:16 How many books are in the entire Bible? 39 55 66 78 cgeneral How many books are in the Old Testament? 27 39 53 66 bgeneral Who dreamed that the sun and the moon and 11 stars bowed down to him? Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph dGn 37 How many psalms are there? 120 140 150 160 cgeneral Who said, 'Am I my brother's keeper?' Cain Abel Seth Adam aGn 4:9 In what form did Satan appear in the garden of Eden? apple serpent spider fox bGn 3:1 Why wasn't David allowed to build the temple? He committed adultery. He took a census. He was a bigamist. He was a warrior. d1 Chr 28:3 Who was the architect for the temple Solomon built? David Solomon Hiram Rehoboam a1 Chr 28:11 Which king of Persia decreed that the temple be rebuilt? Xerxes Cyrus Darius Ahasuerus bEzr 1 Which priest was in charge of rebuilding the temple after the Babylonian exile? Nehemiah Zadok Ezra Abiathar cEzr 7:12 Who took charge of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem after the exile? Ezra Nehemiah Shallum Zerubbabel bNe 2:17 Which queen was deposed because she refused the summons of Xerxes? Vashti Esther Jezebel Sheba aEst 1:19 Who was hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai? Hathach Haman Shethar Memucan bEst 7:10 Which feast did the Jews celebrate because of their delivery at Esther's time? Pentecost Feast of Weeks Purim Feast of Booths cEst 9:26 How many children did Job lose in a storm? 6 8 10 12 cJob 1:2 Who comforted Job in his distress? his wife Bildad Zophar none of the above dJob Whom did God ask, 'Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation'? David Job Daniel Ezekiel bJob 38:4 Whose daughters were famous for being beautiful? David's Abraham's Job's Jacob's cJob 42:15 Which king was taught sayings by his mother as related in Proverbs? Agar Hezekiah Lemuel David cPr 31:1 Who said that the making of books is endless? Solomon Hezekiah Agur Gutenberg aEc 12:12 How long did the Babylonian captivity last? 50 years 70 years 90 years 110 years bDn 9:2 Which prophet complained, 'I am only a child'? Isaiah Jeremiah Elijah Elisha bJr 1:6 Which prophet was told to buy a clay jar from a potter? Jeremiah Isaiah Elijah Jonah aJr 19:1 Which prophet was lowered into the mud (mire) of a cistern? Ezekiel Jeremiah Daniel Joel bJr 38:6 Which prophet was commanded to act as though he were going into exile? Habakkuk Zechariah Amos Ezekiel dEze 12:3 Which prophet did God appoint as a watchman? Jeremiah Jonah Ezekiel Malachi cEze 33:7 What did Nebuchadnezzar ask of his wise men that was considered outrageous? to turn straw into gold to make a flying machine to tell him what he dreamed to explain gravity cDn 2:5 What was the head of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream made of? gold silver iron bronze aDn 2:32 What was the chest of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream made of? gold silver iron bronze bDn 2:32 What was the belly of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream made of? gold silver bronze clay cDn 2:32 What were the legs of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream made of? gold silver bronze iron dDn 2:33 What were the feet of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream made of? iron and clay silver and gold bronze and silver iron and bronze aDn 2:33 What did the different parts of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream stand for? individuals kingdoms cities rivers bDn 2:39 Which prophet had his lips touched with a live coal? Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Jonah aIs 6:6 Which Babylonian king became insane and ate grass for a while? Belshazzar Nebuchadnezzar Nabonidus Sharezer bDn 4:33 Which king of Babylon saw a hand writing on the wall? Nebuchadnezzar Nebuzaradan Arioch Belshazzar dDn 5 What was Ahithophel's good advice to Absalom which went unheeded? gather more troops attack David that night ambush David's men use a 2-pronged attack b2 Sm 17:1 Which son of David tried to set himself up as king when David was near death? Ibhar Nepheg Nathan Adonijah d1 Kgs 1:5 What young virgin kept the aged King David warm? Tamar Abishag Michal Deborah b1 Kgs 1:3 How long did it take Solomon to build the temple? 3 years 5 years 7 years 9 years c1 Kgs 6:38 How long did it take Solomon to build his palace? 5 years 9 years 13 years 17 years c1 Kgs 7:1 Who was the craftsman that did the bronze work for Solomon's temple? Henadad Herkimer Hosea Huram d1 Kgs 7:14 Who was the first king of Israel after the 10 tribes split from Judah? Rehoboam Adonijah Jeroboam Hadad c1 Kgs 12:20 What mistake did Rehoboam make that resulted in the split of his kingdom? he listened to elders he listened to his peers he listened to no one b1 Kgs 12:14 Which prophet predicted that Jeroboam's son would die? Shemaiah Ahijah Micah Nathan b1 Kgs 14 Who was the devout believer who hid 100 prophets of the Lord from Ahab? Nahum Ahijah Shemaiah Obadiah d1 Kgs 18 Who predicted Ahab's death in battle when the other prophets predicted safety? Micaiah Elijah Zedekiah Ahijah a1 Kgs 22 Who murdered Ben-hadad and succeeded him as king of Aram? Jehu Hazael Joram Nimshi b2 Kgs 8:14,15Who was known for driving his chariot like a madman? Ahaz Joram Jehu Ahaziah c2 Kgs 9:20 Who carried out justice against Jezebel? Ahaziah Joram Hazael Jehu d2 Kgs 9:33 Which priest helped Joash to his rightful place as king of Judah? Zadok Abimelech Jehoidah Asaph c2 Kgs 11:4 Which king of Israel did Elisha instruct to strike the ground with arrows? Joram Ahab Jehu Jehoash d2 Kgs 13:14 Ahaz hired an Assyrian king to rescue him from Aram. Who was that king? Tiglath-Pileser Sennacherib Supiluliumas Nebuchadnezzar a2 Kgs 16:7 Which king of Judah copied the design of an altar in Damascus? Azariah Ahaz Amaziah Uzziah b2 Kgs 16:10 Which king of Assyria deported the ten northern tribes of Israel? Tiglath-Pileser Sennacherib Shishak Shalmanezer d2 Kgs 17:3 When an Assyrian king imported foreigners into Samaria, whom did they worship? the Lord idols both neither c2 Kgs 17:33 What was the bronze snake that Moses put up called? Ashima Nehushtan Nibhaz Terkal b2 Kgs 18:4 Which prophet comforted Hezekiah concerning the threat of the Assyrians? Amos Jonah Obadiah Isaiah d2 Kgs 19:6 Which priest found the Book of the Law in the temple while a good king reigned? Abimelech Zadok Melchizedek Hilkiah d2 Kgs 22:8 King Josiah died trying to keep a king from going through Megiddo. Which king? Sennacherib Shishak Jehu Neco d2 Kgs 23:29 Who was king of Judah when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem? Zedekiah Jehoahaz Josiah Amon a2 Kgs 25 How long did David reign as king? 20 years 30 years 40 years 50 years c1 Chr 29:27 Which of the following was not a part of Solomon's throne? a golden footstool 12 lions ivory oxen 6 steps c2 Chr 9:17 Which king of Judah had diseased feet but did not seek the Lord's help? Abijah Rehoboam Jehoshaphat Asa d2 Chr 16:12 Which king of Judah became leprous because he arrogantly offered incense to God?Manasseh Joash Uzziah Amaziah c2 Chr 26:19 Which evil king of Judah later repented? Manasseh Amon Amaziah Joash a2 Chr 33:13 Which prophet was told to marry an adulteress? Jeremiah Hosea Joel Amos bHo 1:2 Which prophet pictured the Day of the Lord with an army of locusts? Joel Hosea Amos Obadiah aJl 1 Which prophet saw a plumb line in a vision? Ezekiel Daniel Amos Joel cAm 7:8 Which prophet spoke against the descendants of Esau? Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum aOb When Jonah preached in Nineveh, he said it would be destroyed in how many days? 40 50 60 70 aJon 3:4 What caused Jonah to become angry? God spared Nineveh. His shade tree withered. His pet dog died. a and b dJon 4 Which prophet predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem? Jonah Hosea Daniel Micah dMic 5:2 Which of the following saw a vision condemning Nineveh? Nahum Obadiah Micah Jonah aNa 1:1 Nahum condemned the cruelty of which people? Babylonians Assyrians Persians Egyptians bNa 3:18,19 Who stood at his watch to receive the Lord's answer to his complaint? Micah Nahum Zechariah Habakkuk dHab 2:1 Whom did the Lord say he would make his signet ring? Shealtiel Zerubbabel Joshua Haggai bHg 2:23 What did the high priest Joshua receive in Zechariah's vision? a scroll a bowl a chariot clean garments dZch 3 Which prophet saw a flying scroll? Zechariah Zephaniah Haggai Malachi aZch 5:1 In what time period did the prophet Zechariah do his work? the time of Solomon the time of Hezekiah before Assyrian exile after Babylonian exile dZch 1:1 What calamity took place in the days of King Uzziah? flood famine epidemic earthquake dAm 1:1 Which prophet berated the Jews for offering blemished sacrifices? Malachi Jonah Nahum Haggai aMal 1:8 Which prophet spoke of 'the abomination of desolation'? Isaiah Haggai Habakkuk Daniel dDn 12:11 Which of these kings of Judah was God-fearing? Jehoram Ahaziah Amon Hezekiah d2 Kgs 18:3 How many years in all did Jacob work for Laban to have Rachel as his wife? 4 10 14 16 cGn 29 Which of these was an orphan? Rachel Rebekkah Hannah Esther dEst 2:7 Who violated Saul's charge not to eat food until evening in a certain battle? his father his brother his son his uncle c1 Sm 14:27 Which Amalekite king did Saul spare in disobedience to God's command? Og Sihon Eliab Agag d1 Sm 15:20 How many brothers did King David have? 3 5 7 9 c1 Sm 16:10 Who helped rescue David from death by putting his effigy in a bed? Jonathan Samuel Michal Merab c1 Sm 19:13 Who betrayed Abimelech the priest and David to Saul? Doeg Ichabod Abiathar Ish-bosheth a1 Sm 22:9 What made Abner change sides from Ish-bosheth to David? a threat a vision an accusation a realization of defeat c2 Sm 3:8 Who murdered Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul who reigned over Israel a short time? Joab and Zeruiah Absalom and Ibhar Recab and Baanah Rimmon and Eliada c2 Sm 4:5 Who inhabited Jerusalem before the Israelites? Rechabites Hittites Amorites Jebusites d2 Sm 5:6 Which wife of David was childless because she despised him as he danced? Merab Michal Bathsheba Abigail b2 Sm 6:23 Which one of David's advisers deserted to Absalom? Hushai Nathan Ahithophel Zadok c2 Sm 15:31