In which book do we find Satan appearing before the Lord with the angels? Exodus Joshua Job Ecclesiastes cJob 1:6 Which book has--'A virgin will conceive and bear a son.' Malachi Psalms Jeremiah Isaiah dIs 7:14 Which book describes Jesus as 'stricken, smitten, and afflicted'? Jeremiah Micah Habakkuk Isaiah dIs 53:4 Which book has--'He was pierced for our iniquities'? Isaiah Jeremiah Micah Habakkuk aIs 53:5 Which book follows Genesis? Judges Exodus Leviticus Numbers bgeneral Which book follows Numbers? Deuteronomy Jeremiah Judges Ruth ageneral Which book follows Ruth? Samuel Kings Maccabees Chronicles ageneral Which book follows 2 Chronicles? Daniel Ezra Nehemiah Esther bgeneral Which book follows Job? Isaiah Psalms Proverbs Ruth bgeneral Which book follows Isaiah? Zechariah Jeremiah Lamentations Haggai bgeneral Which book follows Daniel? Hosea Job Amos Obadiah ageneral Which book follows Obadiah? Jonah Micah Malachi Habakkuk ageneral Which book follows Haggai? Ezekiel Daniel Zechariah Malachi cgeneral Which book has--'In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth'? Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers aGn 1:1 On what mountain did Moses receive the ten commandments? Ebal Ararat Sinai Gerazim cEx 19:2 What is the name of the mountain on which Noah's ark came to rest? Everest Sinai Ebla Ararat dGn 8:4 Which city did the children of Israel march around 7 times? Ai Jericho Rimmon Gilgal bJos 6 What is the site of Jesus' first miracle? Jerusalem Nazareth Emmaus Cana dJn 2:11 Where were two disciples headed when Jesus joined them as a stranger? Bethany Hebron Bethel Emmaus dLk 24:13 To which city was Saul headed when he saw a vision of Jesus? Damascus Antioch Tarsus Jerusalem aAc 9:3 Where did Elisha tell Naaman to wash and be cured of his leprosy? the Nile the Jordan the Abana the Pharpar b2 Kgs 5:10 What is the birthplace of Jesus? Bethany Bethlehem Jerusalem Nazareth bLk 2:4 Jesus was crucified near this city: Bethlehem Nazareth Jerusalem Capernaum cLk 13:33 To which country was Joseph the son of Jacob taken as a slave? Babylon Saudi Arabia Egypt Greece cGn 37:28 In which river did John the Baptist baptize people? Jordan River Tigris Euphrates Pharpar aMk 1:5 In which city was the temple located? Bethlehem Nazareth Cana Jerusalem dLk 2:45 Which river did the Israelites cross to enter the promised land? Tigris Euphrates Jordan Yarmuk cJos 4:1 Which land did God promise to the Israelites? Canaan Egypt Goshen Babylon aGn 17:8 In which city did King David set up his palace? Bethlehem Nazareth Jerusalem Succoth c2 Sm 5:11+ When Joseph brought Jesus back from Egypt, where did he take him? Bethlehem Nazareth Jerusalem Cana bMt 2:23 Which book comes before James? 1 Peter Galatians Titus Hebrews dgeneral Which book comes before Jude? Titus 2 Peter 3 John 2 Timothy cgeneral The tower of Babel was built in this land: Babylon Assyria Palestine Egypt aGn 11 Where was Abraham when God told him to leave his country? Ur Haran Canaan Egypt bGn 11:31 Where did Jacob find his wife (I should say wives)? Canaan Egypt Bethel Paddan Aram dGn 28:5 The Israelites crossed this sea as they left the land of Egypt: Red Sea Black Sea Dead Sea Mediterranean Sea aEx 13:18 The river of Egypt that turned to blood during the first plague: Jordan Euphrates Nile Tigris cEx 7:17 A land described to the Israelites as flowing with milk and honey: Canaan Negev Egypt Assyria aEx 3:8 The land of this tribe does not border the Sea of Galilee: Zebulun Naphtali Judea cgeneral Where did Jesus say, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his own country'?Nazareth Bethlehem Jerusalem Bethany aMt 13:54+ Where did Jesus talk with a woman who had had five husbands? Galilee Samaria Judea Perea bJn 4:5 To which city did Saul go in order to arrest Christians? Bethlehem Damascus Tarsus Jericho bAc 9:2 Which book speaks of the missionary journeys of the apostles? Matthew Luke Acts Revelation cAc The sea which lies on the west coast of the land of Israel: Aegean Mediterranean Sea of Galilee Black bmap Joseph, the son of Jacob, became second in command over this country: Israel Assyria Egypt Lybia cGn 41:41 Nehemiah supervised the rebuilding of the walls of this city: Shechem Hazor Jericho Jerusalem dNe Jesus was not born here but he was raised here: Jerusalem Capernaum Bethlehem Nazareth dLk 2:39 This city lies on the coast of the Mediterranean: Joppa Jerusalem Jericho Nazareth amap A city on the Mediterranean, known for its trading: Gazara Gennesaret Tyre Nineveh cEze 27:4 Place where God planted a garden: Cush Canaan Eden Ur cGn 2:8 Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar appear in the book of: Ecclesiastes Psalms Song of Solomon Job dJob In which book do you find the ten commandments? Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers bEx 20 Which book of the Bible makes no mention of the Lord? Esther Hezekiah Malachi Ecclesiastes aEst Which book has--'There is a time for everything.' Psalms Isaiah Song of Solomon Ecclesiastes dEc 3:1 Which book has--'Your old men will dream dreams'? Psalms Joel Amos Hosea bJl 2:28 Which book has--'The righteous (just) will live by his faith'? Habakkuk Isaiah Ezekiel Malachi aHab 2:4 Which book has--'You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it'? Zephaniah Zechariah Malachi Haggai dHg 1:6 Which book has--'Watchman, what of the night?' Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel bIs 21:11 What land did Joseph assign to his family in Egypt? Sinai upper Nile Goshen Memphis cGn 46:34 What is the home town of the apostle Paul? Antioch Tarsus Lystra Damascus bAc 22:3 Land inhabited by the descendants of Esau: Moab Egypt Edom Assyria cGn 32:3 Is it possible for a man to keep the ten commandments? yes no bRo 3:20 Where did Abraham bury his wife Sarah? cave of Machpelah Ur of the Chaldees Beersheba Egypt aGn 23:19 In which city would you find the Areopagus (Mars Hill)? Athens Ephesus Berea Corinth aAc 17:16+ The cities of Tyre and Sidon lie in this country: Phoenicia Samaria Israel Egypt amap David started his reign here, and Absalom proclaimed himself king here: Jerusalem Samaria Shechem Hebron d2 Sm 15:10 Elijah stayed with a widow in this city: Jerusalem Sidon Bethlehem Zarephath d1 Kgs 17:9 City where not one stone would be left upon another: Capernaum Jerusalem Bethsaida Hebron bMt 24:2 Paul wanted to visit this country, but the Bible doesn't say if he did: Spain Italy Greece Galatia aRo 15:28 Paul met Lydia, the seller of purple, in this city: Philippi Thessalonica Athens Paphos aAc 16:12+ Which book has 'I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys'? Job Ecclesiastes Proverbs Song of Solomon dSol 2:1 Which book has 'Out of the depths have I cried unto you, O Lord'? Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes bPs 130:1 Which book focuses on the kings of Judah? Chronicles Kings Joshua Judges a1 & 2 Chr Which book has the Aaronic benediction (The Lord bless you...)? Genesis Exodus Numbers Joshua cNu 6:24 What is another name for the Sea of Galilee? Dead Sea Red Sea Black Sea Sea of Tiberias dJn 6:1 In which city did Peter raise Tabitha from the dead? Caesarea Jerusalem Bethsaida Joppa dAc 9:36 What is the name of the valley by the Mount of Olives? Kidron Megiddo Calvary Jordan aJn 18:1 In which city were people first called Christians? Antioch Damascus Jerusalem Joppa aAc 11:26 In which city was there an altar to the unknown god? Corinth Thessalonica Athens Ephesus cAc 17:16+ On which island did the apostle John see his vision of Revelation? Cyprus Malta Crete Patmos dRe 1:9 Where was Jesus when he read a portion from Isaiah in a synagogue? Capernaum Bethsaida Nazareth Bethlehem cLk 4:16+ How far was Emmaus from Jerusalem? 7 miles 8 miles 9 miles 10 miles aLk 24:13 About how far was Bethany from Jerusalem? 1 mile 2 miles 3 miles 4 miles bJn 11:18 In which city did Jesus perform his second miracle? Cana Capernaum Bethesda Nazareth bJn 4:46 Where was the disciple Philip from? Bethsaida Nazareth Nain Capernaum aJn 1:44 What island was Paul's first stop on his first missionary journey? Malta Crete Rhodes Cyprus dAc 13:4 In which city were Paul and Barnabas treated as gods? Lystra Derbe Iconium Antioch aAc 14:11 In which city was Paul stoned and left for dead? Iconium Derbe Perga Lystra dAc 14:8+ When Philip disappeared from the eunuch of Ethiopia, where did he appear? Samaria Azotus Damascus Caesarea bAc 8:40 Where did Peter heal Aeneas? Joppa Caesarea Jerusalem Lydda dAc 9:32+ Where was the prophet Amos from? Bethlehem Tekoa Hebron Omaha bAm 1:1 Where did Jeroboam set up calf idols? Bethel and Dan Shechem and Tirzah Jezreel and Dothan Borim and Abel-meholah a1 Kgs 12:29 What present-day country would have been the likely origin of the Wise Men? Egypt Libya Saudi Arabia Iran dMt 2:1 Jesus sent his disciples in a boat to this city as he dismissed the 5000: Bethel Bethany Bethlehem Bethsaida dMk 6:45 On what island was Paul shipwrecked as he was being taken to Rome? Cyprus Crete Patmos Malta dAc 28:1 What is the name of the city in Revelation that will be destroyed? Tyre Sidon Gomorrah Babylon dRe 14:8 Where was David anointed king? Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron Mahanaim c2 Sm 2:4 On which island was the city of Paphos located? Crete Malta Cyprus Sicily cAc 13:4+ Which book is addressed to 'the chosen lady'? 2 John 3 John 1 Peter 2 Peter a2 Jn 1 Which book is addressed to Gaius? 2 John 3 John 1 Peter 2 Peter b3 Jn 1 Lot went to this city as he fled Sodom: Gerar Nineveh Zoar Hebron cGn 19:23 River which forms the border between Moab and the Amorites: Nile Arnon Jordan Tigris bNu 21:13 The city from which the Israelites set out on their exodus from Egypt: Rameses Succoth Sinai Pithon aNu 33:3 Where Israel camped before they crossed the Jordan by Jericho: plains of Moab hills of Edom valley of Eshcol the Negev aNu 33:49 City where Israelites suffered defeat because of the sin of Achan: Hormah Jericho Jerusalem Ai dJos 7:4 Where did Jesus move to after he lived in Nazareth? Capernaum Bethlehem Jerusalem Bethsaida aMt 4:13 Jesus started his ministry in this region: Galilee Judea Perea Idumea aMt 4:12+ Where did Philip the evangelist live? Salamis Bethlehem Jerusalem Caesarea dAc 21:8 The place where David's army fought with Ish-bosheth's army: Jordan River pool of Gibeon Jerusalem plain of Sharon b2 Kgs 2:13 Paul visited this region after his conversion in Damascus: Spain Arabia Egypt Babylon bGa 1:17 Home town of Rachel and Leah: Shechem Hebron Succoth Padan Aram dGn 28:5 Number of headstreams formed by river flowing through Garden of Eden: 1 3 4 6 cGn 2:10 Out of Egypt I called my son' is a quote from: Hosea Joel Amos Zephaniah aHo 11:1 Which prophetic book is, in its entirety, an oracle concerning Nineveh? Jonah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah bNa This book speaks frequently of the 'great day of the Lord': Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai cZph 1:14 Which book speaks about how good it is when brothers live in unity? Job Psalms Esther Ecclesiastes bPs 133:1 Which book has the recurring formula, 'For three sins, even for four'? Amos Joel Jonah Obadiah aAm 1:13 Where is Bethphage? temple mount Calvary Mount of Olives Mount Sinai cMt 21:1 In the synagogue of which town did Jesus deliver his bread of life sermon? Bethlehem Jerusalem Capernaum Nazareth cJn 6:59 Where was John baptizing when his disciples got into an argument with a Jew? Aenon Jericho Succoth Beth-Shan aJn 3:23