Who were the parents of John the Baptist? Simeon and Anna Priscilla and Aquila Zechariah and Elizabeth Hannah and Bethuel cLk 1:5 Where was Jesus baptized? Jordan River Tigris River Euphrates River Nile River aMt 3:13 Finish the passage: Store up for yourselves ________________ in heaven. faith hope treasures money cMt 6:20 How many of the ten lepers who were healed returned to thank Jesus? 1 2 6 10 aLk 17:18 Who said, 'I did not come to bring peace but a sword?' John Elijah Jesus John the Baptist cMt 10:34 Who is called the Son of David? Jeroboam John the Baptist Paul Jesus dMt 1:1 Which expression refers to both Jesus and Jonah? Nineveh a gourd overboard 3 days and 3 nights dMt 12:40 What did Jesus use to feed the 5000? 5 loaves and 2 fish 4 loaves and 3 fish 5 loaves and 5 fish 100 loaves and 200 fish aMt 14:17 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for what? a Pharisee to enter heaven a proud man to enter heaven a Gentile to enter heaven a rich man to enter heaven dMt 19:24 On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday? donkey ox horse goat aMt 21:7 How many times did Peter deny Jesus? 1 2 3 4 cMt 26:34 Which prisoner was released in Jesus' place? Ananias Theudas Barabbas Bar Kochba cMt 27:26 What was the occupation of James and John when Jesus called them? insurance salesman tax collectors carpenters fishermen dMk 1:19 With what was Jesus crowned when the soldiers mocked him? thorns twigs silver gold aMk 15:17 In what was Jesus laid after he was born? inn house manger tent cLk 2:7 Why did Joseph take his family to Bethlehem? family reunion economic conditions He found a new job. government census dLk 2:5 Who insisted to Jesus he would never fall away? Thomas James Peter Andrew cLk 22:31+ Which sister listened to Jesus while the other worked in the kitchen? Mary Martha aLk 10:39 Who was a worrywart? Mary Magdalene Joanna Priscilla Martha dLk 10:41 Who had been placed in Joseph's tomb before Jesus? his mother his father his brother no one dLk 23:53 Whom were the Jews talking about when they asked, 'Will he kill himself?' Judas Saul the jailor at Philippi Jesus dJn 8:21+ Who was Mary's and Martha's brother? Simon James Lazarus Aquila cJn 11:2 Which disciple did not want Jesus to wash his feet? John Bartholomew Andrew Peter dJn 13:8 Who cut off the ear of one of the high priest's servants? John James Peter Simon the Zealot cJn 18:10 From what did Jesus receive a drink before he died? sponge cup jug straw aJn 19:29 Who said, 'I will not believe until I see the nail marks in his hands'? Judas Levi Thomas Philip cJn 20:25 To whom did Jesus say, 'Blessed are they who have not seen & yet have believed'?James Nicodemus Nathanael Thomas dJn 20:29 Which disciple jumped in the water to meet Jesus after his resurrection? John Peter Andrew Nathanael bJn 21:7 To whom did Jesus say, 'Feed my lambs'? Andrew John Peter James cJn 21:15 To whom did Jesus day, 'When you are old someone else will dress you'? John Judas Philip Peter dJn 21:18 Who said, 'Do unto others as you would have them to unto you'? Moses Jesus Elijah Paul bMt 7:12 Who said, 'I say to my servant, Go, and he goes'? a tax collector a fisherman a governor a centurion dMt 8:8 About whom did Jesus say, 'I have not found such great faith in Israel'? a centurion a tax collector a priest a Pharisee aMt 8:5+ At whose house did Jesus say, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor'? Matthew's Peter's James John's aMt 9:10+ How many disciples did Jesus have? 10 11 12 13 cMt 10:1 Jesus told his disciples to be as innocent as: ravens foxes wolves doves dMt 10:16 Who ate locusts and wild honey? Jesus Isaiah John the Baptist Zechariah cMt 3:4 In the parable of the tares, who sowed the bad seed? the devil the Pharisees the Jews a man named Jehu aMt 13:25 Who said, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his own country'? John the Baptist Elijah Jesus Isaiah cMt 13:57 How old was Jesus when he began his public ministry? 20 25 30 35 cLk 3:23 To what did Jesus compare Solomon? a lily a lion a hill a sword aMt 6:29 Which disciple held a feast for Jesus and invited tax collectors and 'sinners'? Peter Andrew John Matthew dMt 9:10 Who decreed that all the world should be taxed? Julius Caesar Caesar Augustus Marc Antony Nero bLk 2:1 Who came to Jesus at night? Nicodemus Andrew Bartholomew Matthew aJn 3:2 What was the name of the pool where people would gather to get well? Siloam Megiddo Bethesda Pharpar cJn 5:2 What was the name of the synagogue ruler whose daughter Jesus raised? Jairus Zaccheus Cornelius Andrew aMk 5:22+ At which well did Jesus talk with a Samaritan woman? Abraham's Isaac's Esau's Jacob's dJn 4:6 What did Jesus do on Maundy Thursday to teach his disciples to serve others? He broke bread. He washed their feet. He cleaned their sandals. He taught them to pray. bJn 13:5 Finish the passage: Enter through the ___________ gate. broad narrow true open bMt 7:13 Finish the passage: You cannot serve God and __________________. Money Man Yourself Angels aMt 6:24 Finish the passage: Do not worry about _________________. today the future tomorrow the past cMt 6:34 Where did the devils go when Jesus cast them out from a man in the Gadarenes? a herd of pigs a flock of sheep a herd of cattle a flock of birds aMt 8:32 Who climbed into a tree to see Jesus? Matthew Peter Thaddaeus Zaccheus dLk 19:2+ Who was the widow who met the baby Jesus at the temple? Anna Mary Magdalene Lydia Priscilla aLk 2:36 Which tribe of Israel did Jesus (according to his human ancestry) come from? Benjamin Ephraim Levi Judah dLk 3:33 What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment of the law? Love the Lord your God. Love your neighbor Keep the sabbath day. Do not kill. aMt 22:37 How was the woman with internal bleeding healed? She touched Jesus' cloak. She kneeled at Jesus' feet. She asked Jesus. She sent a friend to him. aMt 9:21 Whom did Jesus call the greatest among men? John the Baptist Peter John himself aMt 11:11 What did Jesus tell his disciples to do when they left an unrepentant town? call down lightning shake the dust off their feet pray for them not give up bMt 10:14 Which law did the Pharisees accuse Jesus of breaking? Levitical law Honor your parents. Keep the Sabbath. Do not bear false witness. cMt 12 On what day of the week did Jesus heal the invalid at Bethesda? Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday cJn 5:9 Whom did Jesus call a lamp that burned? John the Baptist Isaiah Elijah Peter aJn 5:35 Did Jesus say it had been lawful for a child to be circumcised on the Sabbath? yes no aJn 7:23 Who said, 'Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him?' Joseph Bartholomew Thaddaeus Nicodemus dJn 7:50 Where did Jesus send a blind man to wash? pool of Siloam pool of Bethesda pool of Hezekiah ocean aJn 9:7 How many days had Lazarus been dead when Jesus reached Bethany? 1 4 8 12 bJn 11:17 What food did Jesus eat when he met with his disciples after his resurrection? fish beef mutton veal aLk 24:42 Which disciple did Jesus see sitting under a fig tree? Peter Nathanael Simon the Zealot Philip bJn 1:48 Who asked, 'How can a man be born when he is old?' Peter Nicodemus Thomas Philip bJn 3:4 Who referred to himself as the friend of the bridegroom? Jesus Simon John the Baptist Zaccheus cJn 3:29 Who asked Jesus, 'Are you greater than our father Jacob?' man from Macedonia man from Egypt woman from Tyre woman of Samaria dJn 4:7+ Which disciple kept the money bag? Thaddaeus Matthew Judas James cJn 12:6 Which disciple said, 'Lord, show us the father'? Simon the Zealot Bartholomew Philip James cJn 14:8 Whose ear did Peter cut off? Eutychus Malchus Annas Ananias bJn 18:10 Who advised the Jews that it would be good if one man died for the people? Caiaphas Annas Pilate Gamaliel aJn 18:14 To whom did Jesus say, 'My kingdom is not of this world'? Herod Pilate the Pharisees Caiaphas bJn 18:36 What language is the word 'Golgotha' taken from? Greek Latin Aramaic (Hebrew) Syriac cJn 19:17 How did the soldiers decide who would get Jesus' undergarment? by rank by fist by splitting it by casting lots dJn 19:24 Who helped Joseph of Arimathea prepare Jesus' body for burial? Nicodemus Bartholomew Judas James aJn 19:39 Who thought Jesus was a gardener when she saw him after he had risen? his mother Mary Magdalene Joanna Elizabeth bJn 20:11+ What does the name 'Jesus' mean? anointed one prophet Savior righteous cMt 1:21 Which two gospels have genealogies of Jesus? Matthew and Mark Mark and Luke Luke and John Matthew and Luke dMt 1, Lk 3 Which two books start with 'In the beginning'? Genesis and Matthew Exodus and Revelation Genesis and Luke Genesis and John dgeneral Which two gospels do not record the birth of Jesus? Matthew and Mark Matthew and Luke Luke and John Mark and John dgeneral Who said, 'The ax is already at the root of the trees'? Jesus Mark John the Baptist Peter cMt 3:10 Whom did John the Baptist call a brood of vipers? the Pharisees the temple guards the common people Jesus' disciples aMt 3:7 According to the Sermon on the Mount, what can't be hidden? a city set on a hill a bushel basket a fig tree a mountain aMt 5:14 The Sermon on the Mount teaches us that sin can involve: actions words thoughts all of the above dMt 5:27+ What did Jesus say is the lamp of the body? ear mouth eye heart cMt 6:22 Jesus said not to give pearls to: dogs cats pigs cows cMt 7:6 How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness when he was tempted by Satan? 10 20 30 40 dMk 1:13 Whose disciples did not fast? John the Baptist's the Pharisees' Jesus' cMk 2:18 How long was Jesus on the cross? 3 hours 5 hours 6 hours 9 hours cMk 15:25+ What did Mary do right after the angel appeared to her? visited Elizabeth married Joseph went to Bethlehem went to Jerusalem aLk 1:39 What did Joseph and Mary offer at Jesus' presentation? a lamb a goat 2 birds a ram cLk 2:24 How many loaves did the disciples have when Jesus fed the 4000? 5 6 7 8 cMt 15:34 What did the rich young man do when Jesus invited him to follow? went away sad sold his goods gave money to the poor asked for time aMt 19:22 Who did Jesus say had made the temple a den of thieves? merchants Pharisees Roman soldiers lawyers aLk 19:45 What object did Jesus use to teach us to obey God and also our government? bird sword coin tax form cLk 20:24 What did Jesus say would happen to the temple buildings? be demolished be remodeled last forever be expanded aLk 21:6 What happened at the house of Simon the Pharisee? Jesus ate Passover. Woman poured perfume on Jesus.Jesus was an honored guest. Simon became a believer. bLk 7:38 What did the demon-possessed man from the Gerasenes say his name was? Millenium Falcon George Legion dMk 5:9 What favor did the people of the Gerasenes ask Jesus? to feed them to leave to heal their sick to bless their crops bMk 5:17 How did James and John most likely earn the nickname 'Boanerges'? they wanted to destroy a town they asked Jesus a favor they were good fishermen they were overweight aLk 9:54 What surprised a Pharisee when Jesus ate dinner at his house? Jesus didn't wash his hands. Jesus ate beef. Jesus healed a paralytic. Jesus didn't eat anything. aLk 11:38 What happened to some Galileans while they were offering sacrifices? They were robbed. They saw a vision. They were imprisoned. They were slaughtered. dLk 13:1 Why did a certain manager call in his master's debtors and reduce their debts? He wanted to be nice. He was being fired. His master was having a sale. He had a guilty conscience. bLk 16:1+ What kind of tree did Jesus refer to when his disciples asked him about faith? mulberry olive fig palm aLk 17:6 How many lepers did Jesus heal on one occasion? 9 10 11 12 bLk 17:12 In what connection did Jesus mention a fig tree sprouting leaves? his death Christian rebirth end of world spread of gospel cLk 21:29+ The sign that led Jesus' disciples to the house where they ate the last supper: colt tied to pole a street address home of Mary and Martha man with water jar dLk 22:10 Whom did Jesus ask where they could get bread for 5000 people? Peter Philip Nathanael Joseph bJn 6:5 Jesus did not describe himself as which of the following: shepherd gate wolf b and c cJn 10 Which disciple was called Didymus? Thomas John Judas Matthew aJn 11:16 When Jesus went to raise Lazarus, who said, 'Let us go and die with him'? Thomas Peter Judas James aJn 11:16 Which sister went out to meet Jesus when he arrived after Lazarus' death? Mary Martha Joanna Susanna bJn 11:20 Who objected when a woman anointed Jesus' feet with expensive perfume? Judas Thomas Didymus James aJn 12:4 To which of these disciples did Jesus appear on the way to Emmaus? Cleopas Simon Thaddaeus Matthew aLk 24:18 Who is the 'voice of one calling in the wilderness'? Jesus John the Baptist Isaiah Paul bLk 3:3 Which of these disciples of Jesus used to be a disciple of John the Baptist? Nathanael Judas Nicodemus Andrew dJn 1:35+