Who murdered John the Baptist? Archelaus Herod Pilate Philip bMk 6:16 Is there marriage in heaven? yes no bMt 22:30 Which of these is a sign of the end of the world? wars darkening of the sun stars falling from sky all of the above dMt 24 What did the five foolish virgins forget? lamps oil invitations lighter bMt 25:3 What did John the Baptist eat? bread locusts caviar maize bMt 3:4 Who was the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth? Judas John Simon Aquila bLk 1:57+ Who was Peter's brother? Andrew James John Bartholomew aJn 1:40 Who was Paul's companion on his first missionary journey? Timothy Barnabas Mark Silas bAc 13:2 What was the jailor at Philippi about to do when he saw the prison doors open? commit suicide run away report it bribe his superiors aAc 16:27 Who was the seller of purple who gave Paul and Silas a place to stay? Lydia Joppa Priscilla Tabitha aAc 16:14 Which disciple took care of Jesus' mother after Jesus was crucified? Peter John James Matthew bAc 19:26 Who was the disciple known as the one whom Jesus loved? John Peter Thomas James aJn 21:20+ Who delivered the Pentecost sermon? John James Andrew Peter dAc 2:14 About how many people became believers on the day of Pentecost? 1000 2000 3000 4000 cAc 2:41 Who lied to the Holy Spirit about a real estate transaction? Ananias Zechariah Chuza Demetrius aAc 5:1+ Who joined Ananias in his sin? Anna Sapphira Priscilla Deborah bAc 5:1+ Whose face glowed like the face of an angel? Timon Procorus' Stephen's Nicanor's cAc 6:15 Who was sent to the eunuch of Ethiopia? Stephen Philip Paul Timon bAc 8:26 What was Paul otherwise known as? Barnabas Saul Barabbas Simon bAc 13:9 Who wrote the Book of Acts? Matthew Mark Luke Paul cLk 1:3 & Ac 1What was the trade of the apostle Paul? fishing innkeeping cooking tentmaking dAc 18:3 What happened to Paul on the island of Malta? He was bitten by a viper. He was stoned. He was scourged. He became ill. aAc 28:3 Which apostle wanted to go to Spain? Paul Peter Matthew James aRo 15:28 Which of these books has a whole chapter dealing with the resurrection? Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Thessalonians Titus b1 Cor 15 Whom did Paul tell to drink a little wine because of his frequent illnesses? Timothy Titus Silas Luke a1 Tm 5:23 Who was Timothy's mother? Lois Eunice Lydia Tryphena b2 Tm 1:5 Who was given the vision recorded for us in the book of Revelation? Peter Paul James John dRe 1:9 What is the number of the beast in Revelation? 662 666 668 676 bRe 13:18 In Revelation, where did the demons gather the kings for battle with God? Apollyon Jerusalem Gethsemane Armageddon dRe 16:16 What is the last word of the Bible? Come Hallelujah Hosanna Amen dRe 22:21 Who tried to turn Sergius Paulus from the faith? Simon Magus Rufus Elymas Brutus cAc 13:8 How many men were chosen to distribute food to the widows in the early church? 4 5 6 7 dAc 6:3 From what book was the eunuch of Ethiopia reading as he sat in his chariot? Moses Daniel Isaiah Jeremiah cAc 8:28 Whom did Jesus ask, 'Why do you persecute me?' Caiaphas Pilate Saul Malchus cAc 9:4 From what did Peter heal Aeneas? blindness deafness paralysis leprosy cAc 9:33 What was Dorcas not famous for? making clothes doing good selling purple dye helping the poor cAc 9:36+ Who accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey? Barnabas Mark Silas Peter cAc 15:40 Why were the owners of a slave girl angry when Paul cast a demon from her? she was a murder witness they hated her she had spoken in tongues she had told fortunes dAc 16:19 What was the Areopagus? Athenian temple prison market-place Athenian council dAc 17:19 What were the seven sons of Sceva? carpenters bartenders exorcists fishermen cAc 19:14 What happened to the seven sons of Sceva? They were killed. They became blind. They became demon-possessed. They were beaten up. dAc 19:16 What was the main reason why the silversmiths started the riot in Ephesus? anticipated income loss concern for Artemis worship anger at Paul's exorcism fallout with the goldsmiths aAc 19:25 Who quieted the rioting crowd in Ephesus? centurion city clerk proconsul synagogue ruler bAc 19:35 Which apostle was a Roman citizen? Peter Paul Thaddaeus Matthew bAc 22:25 What did Paul mention that caused a dispute between the Pharisees & Sadducees? judgment Jesus Holy Spirit resurrection dAc 23:6 With which king did Festus consult before he sent Paul to Rome? Herod Agrippa Philip Claudius bAc 25:13 Why did the people of Malta watch Paul for a long time? They liked his voice. He had just been shipwrecked. He had healed someone. They expected him to die. dAc 28:6 Which apostle said he worked harder than the others? Peter James Paul John c1 Cor 15:10 Which congregation had factions that identified with one apostle or another? Corinth Ephesus Rome Philippi a1 Cor 1:12 Was Titus circumcised? yes no bGa 2:3 Which disciple was a physician? Luke Thaddaeus Bartholomew James aCol 4:14 Who was Timothy's grandmother? Lois Eunice Lydia Priscilla a2 Tm 1:5 Who deserted Paul because he loved this world? Demas Luke Titus Erastus a2 Tm 4:10 How often could the high priest enter the Most Holy Place? once a week once a month once a year at any time cHe 9:7 Which was not a color of the four horses in the book of Revelation? black blue red white bRe 6 In the book of Revelation, how many were sealed from the tribes of Israel? 100,000 132,000 144,000 192,000 cRe 7:4 In Revelation, what color horse was 'Faithful and True' riding on? white brown black red aRe 19:11 Which apostle had something like scales fall from his eyes? Peter James Paul Nathanael cAc 9:18 Whom did Peter heal in Lydda? Cornelius Tabitha Barnabas Aeneas dAc 9:32+ Peter saw a vision of a sheet lowered from heaven. What was in it? clean animals unclean animals fish rocks bAc 10:12 Why was Herod struck down by the angel of the Lord? adultery pride murder theft bAc 12:23 How was the Herod who had imprisoned Peter killed? in a battle by worms by a heart attack by a stroke bAc 12:23 Which sorcerer did Paul say would become blind? Simon Magus Barabbas Bar-Jesus Bar-Jonah cAc 13:6 Which Greek deity did the people of Lystra connect with Paul? Zeus Hermes Apollo Thor bAc 14:12 What was a popular meeting place for the believers in the days of the apostles? Bethesda Solomon's Colonnade Bethany Mount of Olives bAc 5:12 Who advised the Sanhedrin to let Peter and John go? Theudas Hillel Gamaliel Annas cAc 5:34 Why did the Grecian Jews in the early church complain against the Aramaic Jews? Their widows were overlooked. They had been insulted. They were barred from church. They wouldn't play softball. aAc 6:1 After which event was there a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem?imprisonment of Peter healing of cripple raising of Tabitha death of Stephen dAc 8:1 Who offered Peter money for the power of giving the Holy Spirit? Simon Ananias Cornelius Niger aAc 8:18 Who placed his hands on Saul so that his sight was restored? Peter Philip John Ananias dAc 9:17 Who presented Saul to the apostles when they were afraid of him? Barnabas Peter Silas Timothy aAc 9:27 What was the topic of the council at Jerusalem after Paul's first journey? marriage with Greeks the sacrament of the altar circumcision the deity of Christ cAc 15:5 What was the basis of an argument between Paul and Barnabas? the circumcision of Timothy their destination who should speak in Lystra taking Mark along on journey dAc 15:37+ Which member of the Areopagus came to faith? Demetrius Dionysius Socrates Demosthenes bAc 17:34 What was the profession of Aquila and Priscilla? carpenter tentmaker baker boat-maker bAc 18:3 Who was the proconsul of Achaia who refused to hear the Jews' case against Paul?Gallio Sergius Paulus Justus Julius aAc 18:14 Which synagogue ruler was beaten in Corinth? Dionysius Demetrius Crispus Sosthenes dAc 18:17 Who was not present in the theater during the riot in Ephesus? Gaius Aristarchus Alexander Paul dAc 19:31 Who fell asleep during one of Paul's sermons? Sopater Secundus Gaius Eutychus dAc 20:9 Who tied his hands and feet to warn Paul not to go to Jerusalem? Barnabas Pyrrhus Aristarchus Agabus dAc 21:11 About how many men swore an oath not to eat until they had killed Paul? 20 30 40 50 cAc 23:13 Who was Felix' wife? Lydia Joanna Tryphena Drusilla dAc 24:24 Who succeeded Felix as governor of Judea? Porcius Festus Claudius Lysias Herod Secundus aAc 24:27 Who was King Agrippa's wife? Priscilla Fang Bernice Drusilla cAc 25:13 Which centurion guarded Paul on the way to Rome? Julius Cornelius Lysias Festus aAc 27:1 What were the figureheads on the ship that took Paul from Malta to Italy? Mercury and Venus Mars and Jupiter Castor and Pollux Zeus and Hera cAc 28:11 Which apostle had to rebuke Peter on one occasion? John James Philip Paul dGa 2:11 Why did Paul rebuke Peter in Antioch? adultery hypocrisy eating pork slander bGa 2:14 Who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia? Eutychus Junias Epenetus Barnabas cRo 16:5 Who wrote down Paul's letter to the Romans? Secundus Tertius Quartus Quintus bRo 16:22 Whom did the Queen of the South travel to see? Jesus Solomon David Elijah bMt 12:42 What does 'Hosanna' mean? praise the Lord Save! blessed is he Forgive us. bdictionary What is a phylactery? statue prayer book coin box of Bible verses ddictionary Which of the following is the feast of unleavened bread? the Passover the festival of firstfruits the presentation the festival of tabernacles aMk 14:1 Levi is another name for which disciple? Matthew James Bartholomew Thomas aMk 2:15, Mt 9Which disciples were named 'Boanerges'? Peter and Andrew Philip and Bartholomew Matthew and Thomas James and John dMk 3:17 What is the meaning of the word 'Corban'? blood sacrifice tradition of elders bread used in Passover gift devoted to God dMk 7:11 What does 'ephphatha' mean? Be opened. Praise the Lord. Be silent. Come out. aMk 7:34 What was the father of Alexander and Rufus known for? being cured from leprosy giving to the poor arguing with Pharisees carrying Jesus' cross dMk 15:21 To which tribe did the prophetess Anna, who saw the baby Jesus, belong? Asher Levi Gad Benjamin aLk 2:36 What does the word 'Abba' mean? scroll father lamb prophet bRo 8:15 Which one of these is not one of the 12 disciples? Philip Silas Thomas Thaddaeus bMt 10:2+ Three pairs of Jesus' disciples had the same name. Which name is not repeated? Simon James Judas John dLk 6:12+ What is the meaning of 'Akeldama'? field of blood the stone pavement bowl of tears place of the skull aAc 1:19 How large was the group of believers just after Peter healed the cripple? 5000 6000 7000 8000 aAc 4:4 Which one of these men did not belong to the family of the high priest? Caiaphas John Alexander Rufus dAc 4:5 What was Barnabas' real name? James Joseph Simon Engelbert bAc 4:36 What tribe was Barnabas from? Asher Gad Levi Benjamin cAc 4:36 What does 'Barnabas' mean? son of thunder son of strength son of laughter son of encouragement dAc 4:36 Which Greek deity did the people of Lystra connect with Barnabas? Apollo Borax Zeus Hermes cAc 14:12 Who was killed when he led 400 men in revolt? James Simon the Zealot Ananias Theudas dAc 5:36 What is Tabitha's other name? Lydia Dorcas Mary Priscilla bAc 9:36 What was the occupation of the man who hosted Peter in Joppa? tentmaker tanner carpenter used-chariot salesman bAc 9:43 Which learned man knew only the baptism of John? Luke Timon Apollos Aquila cAc 18:25 Whose lecture hall did Paul use in Ephesus? Demetrius' Tyrannus' Archimedes' Dionysius' bAc 19:9 What was the value of the scrolls the former sorcerers burned in Ephesus? 10,000 drachmas 20,000 drachmas 40,000 drachmas 50,000 drachmas dAc 19:19 Who started the riot in Ephesus? Gaius Clarkus Kentus Demetrius Dionysius cAc 19:24 Who had 4 unmarried daughters with the gift of prophecy? Procorus Timon Philip Parmenas cAc 21:9 In Jerusalem, how many men did Paul join in taking a vow? 2 3 4 5 cAc 21:23 Who was the high priest who ordered Paul struck? Annas Caiaphas Ananias Zechariah cAc 23:2