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- ^Tutorial 11 - Peg Words 1 to 20\
- The Peg Word system is based on the sounds of the Phonetic Alphabet. The
- Peg Word for each number contains <only\ the consonant sounds which that
- number transposes to, plus any vowels needed to form the word, as necessary.
- Remember that vowels have no value in the Phonetic Alphabet.
- For example, the number |'1'\ is always represented by the phonetic sound
- |'t'\ or |'d'\, so the Peg Word for 1 must contain >only\ that consonant
- sound. The word |tie\ contains only the consonant sound |'t'\, and can also
- be easily pictured, so |tie\ can be the Peg Word for the number '1'.
- Of course, there are many other words which could have been chosen to
- represent the number '1' using these rules - toe, tea, dye, die, and dew are
- just a few examples. But the Peg System revolves around the idea that there
- will be one Peg Word for each number, and it will always be the same word.
- So, a picture of a man's necktie will always represent the number '1'.
- Using the same rules, the Peg Word for '2' must contain >only\ the consonant
- 'n'. The word that will always represent '2' is %Noah\. Picture whatever
- image this word conjures for you - perhaps an old man with a long, grey
- beard standing on his ark.#
- The Peg Word for '3' will always be $ma\ - picture a little old lady, or
- your mother, or whatever that word suggests to you.
- The number 4 will always be represented by ^ray\ - picture a ray of
- sunlight, or a beam from a torch.
- The Peg Word for 5 is <law\ - picture a policeman, or perhaps a high court
- judge - anything which suggests 'law' to |you\.
- >Shoe\ is the Peg Word for 6. Picture a shoe.
- %Key\ is the Peg Word for 7. Picture a key.
- Your Peg Word for 8 is |ivy\ - picture ivy climbing all over a wall.
- ^Bee\ is the Peg Word for 9 - picture a large bumble-bee.
- The Peg Word for 10 must contain two consonant sounds, because the number
- '10' has two digits. The Peg Word for 10 will always be ^toes\.#
- Those are the first ten Peg Words in the Peg System. They are simple to
- remember, because the phonetic sounds more or less ^tell\ you what the words
- are. Read through them once more, and you should know them. You will know
- them in ^and out\ of order, because you know the ^phonetic sounds\ out of
- order. When you are confident that you know the ten words, proceed with
- learning Peg Words 11 to 20 :
- 11 : |toad\ - picture a croaking, wart-covered toad.
- 12 : |tin\ - picture an empty tin can.
- 13 : |dam\ - picture a dam on a river.
- 14 : |tyre\ - picture a car tyre.
- 15 : |doll\ - picture any sort of doll.
- 16 : |dish\ - picture any sort of dish.
- 17 : |dog\ - picture any dog that comes to mind.
- 18 : |dove\ - picture the white, cooing, bird.
- 19 : |tap\ - picture a tap, perhaps a dripping one.
- 20 : |nose\ - picture your nose.#
- Go over the twenty words in your mind several times , right now. Remember
- that the phonetic sounds practically >tell you\ what the words are. You
- should be able to think of any number from 1 to 20 and know the Peg Word
- instantly. Conversely, if you hear any of the Peg Words, you should
- immediately know what number it represents.
- When you know the first twenty Peg Words thoroughly, you will be ready to
- learn how to start applying the Peg System of Memory.
- Press Page Down to test yourself on how well you have learned the first 20
- Peg Words.~