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- ^Tutorial 16 - Remembering Jokes and Stories\
- You have already learned the systems which will enable you to remember %any\
- joke or story. The >Key Thought\ idea, the >Link System\, and the >Peg
- System\ can all help you to remember Jokes and Stories.
- Have you ever wondered how professional comedians can tell jokes for an hour
- or more, and repeat the same act night after night, telling the same jokes
- in the same order ? Well, many professional comedians >Link\ a >Key Thought\
- of one joke to the >Key Thought\ of the next, and so on. The comedian knows
- each of the jokes - he simply needs reminders of the jokes and their
- sequence.
- So, a Link of >Irishman\ to >hamster\ to >doctor\ to >figs\ would be
- sufficient to remind a comedian to first tell the joke about the Irishman,
- then tell the one about the hamster, then the one about the doctor, and so
- on.
- If you would like to remember a number of jokes, simply form a Link of Key
- Thoughts which will remind you of the jokes. To start your Link, you can
- picture any simple joke or gag, and associate that to a mental image of
- yourself dressed as a circus clown, telling jokes.#
- Suppose you pick a very old gag such as 'What's black and white and red all
- over..... a newspaper'. The >Key Thought\ from this joke is $newspaper\, so
- you would associate $newspaper\ to that picture of yourself telling jokes
- as a clown.
- When you hear or read a joke that you would like to remember, you simply
- decide on a Key Thought to remind you of the joke, and associate it to the
- last item in your mental <'Joke Chain'\. So the second joke you want to
- remember would be associated to $newspaper\, the third joke to the second,
- and so on.
- Selecting a single >Key Thought\ or >Key Word\ to remind you of a joke is
- easier than you might think. After all, when you hear people talking about
- jokes, they usually say things like 'Tell us the one about the elephant', or
- 'Did you hear the one about the nun'. Each joke is summarised by one, >Key\
- word. Also, concentrating on the joke to come up with a >Key Thought\ will
- make you concentrate on that joke, and be Initially Aware of it.#
- When you are forming your 'Joke Chain', use the principles you have already
- learned to make your visual associations strong ones. Be sure that your
- mental pictures are %ludicrous\ and %humorous\. See them <clearly\ in your
- mind's eye for just a fraction of a second, and you will not forget them.
- To recall the jokes you have memorised, you simply run through your Link
- mentally, and stop at the Key Thought for any joke that you wish to tell
- or recall.
- For short gags, you can extend the Link idea by associating the punchline to
- your >Key Thought\ for the joke. Take the following short joke :
- ^Two eggs were in a saucepan. The first egg said 'I'm fed up with this -
- it's boiling in here'. 'Just wait till you get out' said the second egg,
- 'They smash your head in !'\
- The >Key Thought\ of this joke is |eggs\, so you would include |eggs\ in
- your 'Joke Chain'. If you then associated |eggs\ to |smashed head\, you
- would also remember the punchline of the joke.#
- For longer jokes, anecdotes, and stories, you simply associate your Key
- Thought for the story to a series of 'minor' Key Words that will remind you
- of the ^sequence\ of the story.
- Consider the following story :
- ^
- A duck walked into a Public Library. It went over to the counter and said
- to the librarian 'Book Book...Book Book...Book Book'. The librarian
- grabbed a broom and shooed the duck out of the library. Five minutes later
- the duck waddled in again, went over to the counter and said 'Book Book...
- Book...Book'.
- This time the librarian became angry and threw a book at the duck, which
- picked up the book in its beak and rushed out. It carried walking until
- it reached a big pond. In the middle of the pond was a frog, sitting on a
- big water lily. The duck splashed into the water, swam over to the water
- lily, and dropped the book in front of the frog.
- The frog picked up the book, tossed it impatiently aside, and croaked
- 'Reddit Reddit...Reddit Reddit'.\#
- Now, your Key Thought for this story could be |duck\. To remember the
- sequence of the story, simply Link each of the main points of the story,
- starting with |duck\. For example, you could Link |duck\ to |library\ to
- |broom\ to |angry librarian\ to |book\ to |pond| to |frog\ to |reddit\.
- This would remind you of all the points in the story, ^in sequence\.
- An alternative method to Linking the jokes you want to remember is to use
- the ^Peg System\. If you know Peg Words 1 to 100, then you have the means to
- remember a hundred jokes, in and out of sequence.
- Simply associate the Key Thought of each joke you want to remember to a Peg
- Word. You then have an easy method of recalling jokes at random. Simply
- think of a Peg Word between 1 and 100, and the Peg Word for that number will
- remind you of the Key Thought for the joke you associated to it.
- For example, suppose you associated a joke about a |donkey\ to <net\, which
- (as you know) is the Peg Word for 21. If you subsequently think of 21, you
- ^know\ that the Peg Word for that number is <net\, which will remind you of
- |donkey\.#
- Before leaving this tutorial, go over the ideas discussed and think how
- you might apply them to the sort of jokes, gags, anecdotes. stories, etc.,
- that ^you\ would like to be able to tell.
- As an exercise, try the following over the next week or so. Every time you
- see, hear or read any type of joke, wisecrack, funny story, etc., decide on
- a Key Thought for that joke and associate it to a Peg Word. Start at Peg
- Word 1, and continue until you have exhausted all the Peg Words you know.
- The joke could be heard or seen anywhere - television, radio, at work or
- school, in a newspaper or book - absolutely anywhere. Make sure that the
- associations you form are strong and clear, and you will not forget those
- jokes.
- When you have completed the exercise, go over each of the Peg Words you
- know, and you will be amazed to find that you have memorised that number of
- jokes within a week. You will be particularly impressed if you know 100 Peg
- Words, and so a hundred jokes !
- That concludes the Tutorial on Remembering Jokes and Stories. Pres Page Down
- to return to the Main Menu.~