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- ^Tutorial 17 - Reading, Studying, and Learning\
- Having worked through Memory Master tutorials 1 to 16, you now have the
- necessary knowledge to remember any reading material ^as you read it\.
- The facts in reading material are normally sequential, so you can apply,
- basically, the |Link System\. Within most reading material you may come
- across names, unfamiliar words, numbers, technical data, and so on. None of
- this need present a problem, because you already know how to memorise them.
- You are familiar with the Substitute Word system, which will help you
- remember names, unfamiliar words, and concepts. You know the Key Word or
- Key Thought idea, which, together with the Link System, will help you
- remember those things in sequence. You also know how to picture numbers,
- which will enable you to remember them as you read.
- All you have to do is simply apply the Memory Master systems to the reading
- material you wish to remember.
- Let's see how that actually works in practice. Assume you want to remember
- the facts in the following 'mini geography lesson' about the island of
- Jamaica.#
- ^'The island of Jamaica lies in the Caribbean Sea, and is one of the group
- of islands known collectively as the West Indies. Jamaica covers an area of
- some 4,411 square miles, and has a population of 2,388,000. The island's
- capital is Kingston, which is situated in the South.
- Jamaica was first reached by Europeans when Columbus landed there in 1494.
- The island became British in 1655, and independent within the Commonwealth
- in 1962.
- The island's chief exports are sugar, bananas, bauxite, and coffee. Jamaica
- also has a rapidly expanding tourist industry.'\
- Now, start applying the Link System to the facts in this text about Jamaica.
- You should begin your Link with a 'Heading' picture, a Substitute thought
- which will remind you of Jamaica. You might, for example, picture a <Jam
- Maker\, a chef dressed all in white who is frantically making pots and pots
- of strawberry jam, and getting covered in it from head to toe.#
- As always, the picture which you think of yourself is best for you to use,
- but let's assume for the moment that you are going to use ^Jam Maker\ to
- begin your Link.
- Before proceeding with the Link, you should realise that although the silly
- pictures described on the next few pages take a lot of words to describe,
- the actual images are formed in your mind as fast as thought.
- O.K, picture a ^Jam Maker\ <carrying beans\ to some >Vest Indians\ - a group
- of Red Indians wearing string vests. This ludicrous picture will remind you
- of the first few facts - you're reading about ^Jamaica\, which lies in the
- <Caribbean\, and forms part of the >West Indies\. See the crazy picture in
- your mind's eye for just an instant, right now.
- The next two facts to remember both involve numbers - the area of Jamaica is
- 4,411 square miles, and has a population of 2,388,000. This is precisely
- the type of data which is normally so difficult to remember - it is
- completely abstract.#
- But, you have now learned how to picture numbers, so (as, incidentally they
- say in Jamaica) it is 'No Problem !'. The number 4,411 could transpose to
- %Re-routed\, and 2,388,000 to $Gnome Viva Success\. So you could picture
- those Red Indians in string vests running around and being %re-routed\ as
- they run, by a giant hand. And, as they are re-routed, they keep tripping
- over a garden $gnome\, which hops about shouting $'Viva Success'\.
- Now, it may take a little time to come up with that picture, but, in order
- to do so, you are really concentrating on the material, and heightening your
- Initial Awareness of the facts you wish to remember. Also, how would you set
- about memorising a number like 2,388,000 ^without\ a system ?
- Make sure you see that last picture clearly, then continue your Link.
- Associate the gnome saying 'Viva Success' to |King's Ton\ (Kingston). You
- might picture a |King\ sitting on a throne, surrounded by a |ton\ of gold
- coins. Suddenly, out of the gold pops that gnome, still merrily shouting
- 'Viva Success !'.
- The next fact to remember involves a date - Columbus discovered the island
- in 1494. To picture any date, simply split it into two two-digit numbers and
- link the Peg Words for those numbers. So, 1494 would be ^Tyre Bear\.#
- Now, link $King's Ton, Column Bus (Columbus) and Tyre Bear\. Imagine the
- King counting his ton of gold when out of the gold pile drives a ^bus\
- shaped like Nelson's ^column\. The ^column bus\ drives round and round on
- the ton of gold, then screeches to a halt. Out of the bus leaps a ^bear\,
- swinging a big tyre around its middle like a hoola-hoop. Try and see that
- zany picture right now. It does take a little imagination to come up with
- the sily pictures, but once you see them clearly, just for a split second,
- you will have memorised the facts you wish to learn.
- The next fact to remember is that the island became British in 1655. To
- picture this, you could see a |dish\ - shaped |lily\ (16 - 55) waving a
- Union Jack flag. Now associate that image to Tyre Bear. Picture that bear,
- still swinging the tyre around its middle, leaping into a pond full of
- dish-shaped lilies which are vigourously waving Union Jack flags. As
- mentioned earlier, this picture takes a lot of written words to describe,
- but is actually seen in an instant.#
- Continue your Link. Jamaica became independent in 1962 (tap - chain).
- Picture a %tap\ with arms and legs which swings a heavy %chain\ around in
- the air. As it does this, it jumps across that lily pond, stepping on the
- dish-shaped lilies as it goes, until it falls >in\ the >deep end\
- (independent) of the pond and sinks slowly, dramatically, to the bottom.
- Now, form your own silly pictures to Link to the next facts - Jamaica's
- exports include sugar, bananas, bauxite, rum, and coffee. Include each one
- of these items in your Link :- associate tap - chain to sugar to bananas to
- bauxite to rum to coffee (hint - for bauxite picture ^box it\ - the other
- items can be easily pictured). Make those associations clearly, right now.
- Complete your Link by associating coffee to the final fact - the island's
- rapidly expanding tourist industry. Picture lots of tourists who are somehow
- expanding very quickly, as if being inflated by a giant pump. They are
- drinking coffee, which is so hot it makes them burst, like balloons. Make
- that mental image as comical as possible, and you are sure to remember it.#
- That completes your Link, and also the task of memorising the stated facts
- about Jamaica. Go over the complete Link in your mind once more, before
- reading any further. If you have really tried to see all the ridiculous
- pictures, you will remember all the facts in the 'mini lesson'.
- In this example, ^every\ fact from the reading material was included in the
- Link. Obviously, when you actually start to use the system in practice,
- you will be selective and only link the facts you feel you want to remember.
- Press Page Down to see how well the systems worked for you in remembering
- the facts from the example given.~