Mercantilism: Was a military system. Insisted on a favorable balance of trade. Was adopted in England but not in France. Claimed that state power was based on land armies. BFrench Protestants tended to be: Poor peasants. The power behind the throne of Louis XIV. A financial burden for France. Clever business people. DThe War of the Spanish Succession began when Charles II of Spain left his territories to: The French heir. The Spanish heir. Eugene of Savoy. The Archduke of Austria. AThis city was the commercial and financial capital of Europe in the 17th century: London. Hamburg. Paris. Amsterdam. DOf the following, the country most centered on middle-class interests was: England. Spain. Netherlands. France. CWHich of the following Englishmen was a Catholic? James II. Oliver Cromwell. Archbishop Laud. William III AWhich of the following is NOT a characteristic of an absolutist state? Sovereignty embodied in the person of the ruler. Bureaucracies solely accountable to the king. A strong voice expressed by the nobility. Permanent standing armies. CCardinal Richelieu's most notable accomplishment was: The creation of a strong fiancial system for France. The creation of a highly effective administrative system. Wining the total support of the Hugenots. Allying the Catholic church with the government. BThe statement "There are no privileges and immunities which can stand against a divinely appointed king" forms the basis of the: Stuart notion of absolutism. Stuart notion of constitutionalism. English arliament's notion of democracy. English Parliament's notion of constituionalism. AThe English Long Parliament: Enacted legislation supporting absolutism. Supported the Catholic tendencies of Charles I. Supported Charles I as a military leader. Enacted legislation against absolutism. DCromwell's government can best be described as a: Constitutional state. Democratic state. Military dictatorship. Monarchy. CAbsolute monarchs secured mastery over the nobility by: The creation of a standig army. The creation of a state bureaucracy. The use of war. All of the above. DCardinal Richelieu consolidated the power of the French monarchy by each of the following EXCEPT: Destroying the castles of the nobility. Ruthlessly treating conspirators who threatened the monarchy. Keeping nobles from gaining high governmental office. Eliminating the "intendant" system of local government. DOne way in which Louid XIV controlled the French nobility was by: Maintaining standing armies in the countryside to crush noble uprisings. Requiring the presence of the major noble families at Versailles for at least part of the year. Periodically visiting the nobility in order to check on their activites. None of the above. BFeatures of the French army under Louis XIV included the following EXCEPT for: Standardized uniforms and weapons. Living off the countryside. The ambulance corps caring for the troops. A system of recruitment, training and promotion. BThe Peace of Utrecht, 1713: Enlarged the British Empire significantly. Reflected the balance of power principle. Ended Spain's role as a major power in Europe. All of the above. DThe downfall of Spain in the 17th century from being a major European power can be blamed on: A weak monarchy. A decline in industry and trade. A contraction of slave labor. All of the above. DWhen Archbishop Laud tried to make the Presbyterian Scots accept the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, the Scots: Revolted. Reluctantly accepted the archbishop's directive. Ignored the directive. None of the above. AActing as spokesman for the landowning class and proponent of the idea that the purpose of government is to protect life, liberty and property, was: Thomas Hobbes. William of Orange. John Locke. Edmund Burke. CAfter the United Provinces of the Netherlands won independence from Spain, their structure of government was: A strong monarchy. A centralized parliamentary system. A weak union of strong provinces. A democracy. CThe Dutch economy was based on: Fishing and the merchant marine. Silver mining in Peru. Export of textiles. All of the abovel A