Why was it a great error for Louis XIV to revoke the Edict of Nantes? Protestants fled and they were business people who would have supported the monarchy. 20Define the purposes and operation of mercantilism. Planned economy by the state. Wealth measured in terms of gold and silver. 20What were the causes of the English Civil War? Struggle b/t king, Parliament (generally). Specific issues like control over money, foreign policy, representation. 20What were the results of the English Civil War? Parliament controlled money, foreign affairs (king executed). 20What was the Glorious Revolution? Removal of James II bloodlessly, 1689, replaced with William and Mary, end of Civil War. 20What was the impact of Louis XIV's wars on the French economy and French society? Depleted the treasury, led to (ultimately) overthrow of the monarchy, Peasants paid the bills. 20In what sense does the Palace of Versailles "symbolize" absolutism? Glorified the monarch. Nobillity gained status from location of their quarters with respect to him, where they sat, etc. 20List at least three things that Parliament and the Stuart kings quarareled over. Money, wars with Scotland, representation in Parliament, voting rights 20Why did the English bring back the Stuart monarchy after the death of Oliver Cromwell? Why didn't they continue Parliamentary rule? Nostalgia for monarchy, lack of suitable successor to Cromwell 20What was the Edict of Nantes and why was it significant? Toleration for French Protestants. They supported the absolutist kings of France. 20What were the "romances of chivalry"? Escapist fiction. 20What do we mean when we say Spain was the "victim of her past"? Resisted modernizing, dwelt on old glories. 20Who was Oliver Cromwell? Parliamentary leader of Roundheads. Defeated Chas.I. Dictator. 20How did Spain under Charles V differ from Spain under Philip II and Philip III? Was expanding under Chas., realizing the prosperity brought it by the conquest of the new world. Under Philip, decline set it, ex. defeat of the Armada. 20According to Trevor-Roper, what or who does Sancho Panza represent? Reality and practicality (usually) 20What were the "two worlds" of Don Quixote? The fantasy world of chivalry, real world (the days of Spanish glory, decline of the present) 20What is the most essential element in a constitutional form of government? Sovereignty of the people. 20Briefly describe how absolutism differs from totalitarianism. Absolutist rulers were answerable to the Church, totalitarian rulers were ungodly. Totalitarian regimes seek to control every aspect of life. 20How extensive was French influence on the rest of Europe during the 17th century? Use at least two aspects of the Universal Culture Pattern in your answer. Language and manners, clothing styles, classicism, absolutism patterned on the French model, etc. 20What position did the middle class take toward the Stuart monarchs attempts at absolutism? Objected to and blocked them. Executed one king, drove another off the throne. 20_______________ believed that the right to rule was given by God. The Stuart kings of England and the Bourbon kings of France. 1 The ________________ was the highest executive office of the Dutch Republic. stadtholder 1 James II of England violated the_____________ which prevented Catholics from holding government posts. Test Act 1