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- A batch file contains within it a series of DOS commands in a
- list. The commands may be either DOS other special batch
- commands you wish the computer to perform in sequence. These
- operations can be DOS operations (e.g., format a disk, display
- the date and time, etc) or other operations which load or start
- another program.
- Another way to think about a batch file is that it takes the
- place of your keyboard and issues commands one after another
- until it reaches a conclusion. Batch files operate line by line
- and are read directly from the disk which makes them a little
- slow, but nevertheless useful and extremely flexible.
- Batch files can even prepare a menu system for your hard drive
- and spare you the expense of buying a menu program from commercial
- sources. Working with batch files means you are programming in
- the most literal sense!
- Each line of a batch file contains one instruction or operation
- which the computer is to perform. Below is a listing for a very
- simple batch file example. Don't worry about understanding it
- just yet, simply note that each instruction is a DOS command on
- a separate line . . .
- | |
- date date displayed
- time time displayed
- ver DOS version displayed
- dir a:/p directory of a: floppy
- displayed with a pause
- The primary use of batch files is to automate sequences or
- instructions which you use frequently. A batch file always has
- the extension BAT. Example: hello.bat
- Each line in the batch file is a separate command and is
- performed AS IF you had typed in the command from your keyboard
- at the DOS prompt! In addition to the usual DOS commands, batch
- files can also contain special batch commands which allow you to
- build small programs. We will talk about the special batch
- commands a little later in this tutorial. Branching (selecting
- various directions or choices) and iteration (repetitions of a
- command) are allowed within the framework of these unique batch
- commands. In addition, batch files may have special parameters
- or inputs passed to them at the time you run the batch file from
- the DOS command line or prompt. Batch files are POWERFUL and can
- control many operations! They are also fun and easy to try.
- A batch file is run or started by typing the file name without
- the extension. This of course applies to all files ending with
- file extensions BAT, EXE or COM.
- Example: a>hello Then pressing enter or return key starts the
- batch file hello.bat
- Example: c>whoops starts the file whoops.exe
- To terminate or stop any batch file in progress issue the break
- command which uses the two key combination CONTROL-BREAK (hold
- down the control CTRL key then press the break key) or
- Let's prepare a batch file:
- First make sure you have a formatted disk in your disk drive and
- DOS is displaying a DOS prompt such as a>. We will be using the
- command COPY CON (copy data from the CONsole) command. Note that
- any ASCII (plain english) text word processor or even EDLIN on
- your DOS disk can be used to prepare a batch file; COPY CON is
- only one of several alternatives. You can use either upper or
- lower case to prepare batch files (capitals or small letters.)
- Type the following list when you have a DOS prompt such as a>
- and a blank formatted floppy disk in the drive to accept the batch
- file.
- copy con 1.bat (press enter) (cursor skips to new line)
- echo Hello there (press enter)
- ver (press enter)
- date (press enter)
- dir/p (press enter)
- ^Z (press F6 OR hold control AND Z,
- then press enter)
- When done you'll have prepared a batch file of DOS commands
- named 1.bat. This small file will print "hello there" then type
- the DOS version in use then display date and finally produce a
- directory listing and pause after each screenful. At this point
- the batch file ends and returns you to DOS. In the first line we
- use COPY CON to begin to prepare a batch file named 1.bat. In
- the last line the ^Z means end of batch file preparation - exit
- back to DOS. To run or execute the batch file since its name is
- 1.bat, just type 1 (then press enter key) at the DOS prompt.
- Another example batch file for you to try:
- copy con f.bat (press enter)
- cls (press enter)
- pause (press enter)
- format b: (press enter)
- rem all done (press enter)
- ^Z (press F6) then (press enter)
- This batch file (activated by typing f then enter) will clear
- the screen then prepare to format a blank disk in b: drive - you
- MUST have FORMAT.COM on the same disk as this batch file -
- remember that format is an EXTERNAL command. After the batch
- file has formatted the disk it prints "all done" on the screen.
- Ctrl-Break key combination will halt the batch file operation
- if you wish!.
- The next batch file might be used to backup wordprocessing data
- files which end in the file extension TXT (such as ACCOUNTS.TXT)
- from a source disk in the a: floppy drive to the b: floppy
- drive. You could name it B.BAT and when you need to backup
- simply put the master data disk in the a: drive and the backup
- disk in the b: drive and type B at the DOS prompt. We've omitted
- the copy con command at the top of the file and the ^Z at the
- end since you already know how to start and end a batch file.
- REM This batch file backs up files ending in TXT to backup disk
- REM All done!
- One batch file can start or call another, but the original batch
- file cannot be returned to - you must continue on within the
- second batch file.
- If a batch file contains a typing or syntax error in any of its
- commands, the computer will stop execution at that point and
- return you to DOS. DOS remembers which disk contains the batch
- file and the drive it was in. If you remove the original disk,
- DOS will ask you to replace it so it can finish executing the
- batch file. Batch files execute one step at a time from the disk
- and NOT from RAM memory. This disk-based nature of batch files
- make them a little slow, but they get the work done eventually.
- Special batch file compiler utilities exist which speed
- execution of batch files. Contact the author of PC-LEARN if you
- are curious and want to make your batch files fly!
- A superlative book on batch files you might wish to investigate
- is MOS-DOS Batch File programming by Ronny Richardson, 1988,
- Wincrest Books.
- You should also investigate the superb SEBFU (Scanlon
- Enterprises Batch File Utilities) shareware software package
- which is a series of small batch file utilities which offer
- an improvement over the standalone DOS batch file programming
- language. SEBFU allows the user to produce subtle, powerful batch
- files and includes an excellent tutorial about using batch files
- for productivity. If you wish to try SEBFU write for the shareware
- version, and include $5 for shipping and handling. Of course,
- register the package if you find it useful after evaluation, as
- with all shareware packages. For the SEBFU shareware disk:
- Scanlon Enterprises
- 38354 17th ST E #C
- Palmdale, CA 93550
- (805) 272-4827
- Remember the VDISK command in our second DOS tutorial? Many DOS
- experts put commonly used batch files in the virtual or RAM disk
- where a batch file really flies! This is one trick which can
- turbocharge your batch file operations. Instead of executing in
- slow fashion from a disk drive, the batch file is forced to run
- from a speed ramdisk!
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- The AUTOEXEC.BAT file starts your computer exactly the way you
- want. It allows you to customize the machine to your liking as
- the computer comes to life. You can cause the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
- to print a startup menu of choices, load one particular program,
- execute another batch file or other useful tasks. The
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file is the first file DOS runs after loading
- itself and configuring the computer. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file must
- be on the same disk as DOS when the computer starts.
- The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is a special batch file which MUST be
- placed in the main or root directory of a disk to function
- properly.
- An AUTOEXEC.BAT file can always be modified, enlarged, edited,
- or deleted later as you wish. Sometimes it is useful to have
- several AUTOEXEC.BAT files. Each on a different startup disk to
- operate different programs! An AUTOEXEC.BAT file (like all BAT
- or batch files) can be modified with any common word processor.
- You don't have to use the copy con facility each time! DOS EDLIN
- line editing word processor will also do. EDLIN is covered in
- your DOS manual.
- Make sure you have a formatted disk in your disk drive and DOS
- is displaying the usual DOS prompt when you construct a batch
- file. Make sure you do not accidentally over-write or destroy
- your current AUTOEXEC.BAT file! If necessary, rename your
- current AUTOEXEC.BAT file (using the rename or REN command)
- and make a new file while saving the old one "just in case."
- Never edit on your original DOS disk, work on a copy!
- Examine the next batch file preparation sequence:
- copy con AUTOEXEC.BAT (press enter)
- 123 (press enter)
- ^Z (press enter)
- This means (first line) create a file named AUTOEXEC.BAT as
- typed from the keyboard or con (console). The (second line)
- start program named 123. Final line end of batch file
- preparation - stash it on the disk.
- When finished you'll see a file named AUTOEXEC.BAT on your
- directory listing screen which contains automatic startup
- instructions. If this file were placed on your main DOS disk it
- would try to start a program such as 123.EXE if such a program
- existed there.
- You can also start the AUTOEXEC.BAT by typing autoexec and then
- pressing enter. To take a "peek" at the contents of an
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file (or any bat file) simply use the type command.
- Example: c>type AUTOEXEC.BAT (shows contents on your screen)
- Example: a>type b:AUTOEXEC.BAT
- Here is another AUTOEXEC.BAT file, this time from a hard drive
- startup sequence; it provides a higher degree of control and
- direction that a computer user might need for hard drive
- customization.
- copy con AUTOEXEC.BAT (press enter)
- path \dos;\reflex;\wp;\util;\doc;\nor;\bat (press enter)
- prompt $P$G (press enter)
- cpu n (press enter)
- verify on (press enter)
- blank (press enter)
- mode bw80,r (press enter)
- dispclk (press enter)
- type menu (press enter)
- ^Z (press F6 OR hold control AND Z, then press enter)
- Let's examine this more complicated AUTOEXEC.BAT file in greater
- detail:
- The first line after "copy con AUTOEXEC.BAT" establishes a path
- command to help DOS search every subdirectory on the hard disk
- (you don't have to switch around to different areas of the disk,
- DOS will search around for you since it now knows the various
- "paths" to take.)
- The second line alters the cursor prompt to tell you your
- location and subdirectory.
- The third line is a reference to the speed the computer will
- operate at and is a unique command to a particular brand of
- machine (cpu n means start the central processing unit chip at
- normal speed.) Cpu is really CPU.COM, an external file which
- sets the computer's processing speed.
- The fourth line turns on the verify function for file copying.
- The next line instructs the DOS mode function to switch to black
- and white display, 80 columns wide and shift one column to the
- right for alignment.
- Next we ask DOS to tell us the time and date.
- A final line instructs DOS to type to the screen a file
- containing an ASCII test file prepared with an ordinary word
- processor the menu for the monitor to display. Menu probably
- gives us choices of programs to one and thus calls other
- batch files such as 1.bat, 2.bat and so on.
- The ^Z of course ends the file and instructs DOS to store the
- file away for future use on the disk.
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- In addition to the normal DOS commands, batch files have their
- own special subcommands. These commands are:
- ███ REM ███ The rem command sends a message to the screen or
- simply to document or note a part of a batch file's operation.
- You should use REM extensively to document long detailed batch
- files so you can revise things and locate portions of the
- program if you decide to change the batch file later. Remarks
- can be up to 123 characters long. REM does not cause any
- operation, it merely documents what you want to say or do.
- Example: c>REM this is the location of menu operations
- In DOS 2.0 the REM command could be replaced with a period or
- dot, but this is not true in DOS 3.0 and above.
- Example: c>. this is the location of menu operations
- ███ PAUSE ███ Stops batch file execution on a temporary basis
- until you press a key. Thus you can pause a batch file and do
- some operation (perhaps changing a floppy disk) and then
- continue when you strike a key.
- Example: b>PAUSE (no optional message included here)
- Example: b>PAUSE This is an optional message, pardner!
- ███ ECHO ███ Turns display listing of commands on/off. It can
- also send a message to the screen. It is frequently turned off
- to remove excessive screen messages. Normally, with ECHO on,
- screen messages are sent to the screen which can be distracting.
- To suppress them use the first example. To restart the messages
- use the second example. To add a message with the ECHO command
- see example three. REM or remark command can also send a message
- to the screen but NOT with ECHO turned off!
- Example: a>ECHO OFF
- Example: a>ECHO ON
- Example: a>ECHO It's raining cats, dogs and PC's.
- ███ PARAMETERS AND MARKERS ████ This is NOT a batch file
- command like ECHO or PAUSE.
- Instead parameters are additional pieces of information or
- "modifiers" which follow DOS commands.
- Example: c>format b:/s
- In the above, format is the command while b: and /s are the
- parameters. Parameters modify the basic operation of a DOS
- command but are not required by the command to operate. A batch
- file can also accept parameters such as a word, filename,
- symbol, drive letter or any useful character or group of
- characters!
- Markers placed inside the batch file listing signify which
- parameter goes where. Markers are made from a percent sign (%)
- and a single digit between 0 and 9 for a total of ten markers
- available (remember, zero is a number too.) Here are the ten
- markers:
- %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- Let's use an example. Pretend that DOLITTLE.BAT is on your
- floppy. Within its listing of commands there might be this
- single line:
- ECHO %0 %1 %2 (ECHO shows messages on the monitor)
- If at the DOS prompt you typed:
- b>DOLITTLE fancy pants (then press enter)
- Your screen would show the following: b>ECHO DOLITTLE fancy
- pants.
- In this case, %0 has taken on the value at the start of the DOS
- command which is the first word "DOLITTLE". Meanwhile %1 has
- become "fancy" and %2 is now pants.
- Looking at this another way:
- DOLITTLE fancy pants
- | | |
- ECHO %0 %1 %2
- Let's try an example. Pretend you had a large file of word
- processing accounts for bills you have to pay from time to
- time.
- You need to look up bills or amounts in the file accounts.txt
- which is in plain ASCII (english) text from your word processor.
- The DOS FIND utility can search large files for specific words,
- strings or characters. The general format for the FIND command
- is: FIND "text" filename. FIND is located in the file FIND.COM
- on your DOS disk and must be present with the batch file to be
- used.
- A simple batch file possibly named GET.BAT could do this:
- ECHO searching for data . . . .
- FIND "%1" %2
- ECHO Finished, boss
- Start the batch file get.bat with search data like this:
- a>get grocery accounts.txt (first word starts get.bat, second
- word is the item to search for, third item is the file to
- search.)
- As a result, you will get a report of the line where the word
- "grocery" is found and any other data on the same line. This
- could also be used to search a telephone list or list of employee
- names and addresses. Pretty powerful idea for such a short
- batch file!
- ███ GOTO ███ Jumps to a labeled set of commands within the
- batch file. The general format for the command is GOTO LABEL
- where LABEL is a line in the batch file which must start with a
- colon (:) followed by a name up to eight characters long.
- A simple, but useless batch file illustrates the GOTO command by
- looping around in circles doing the same task endlessly.
- Example listing for batch file:
- :kitty
- REM watch this fill your screen over and over, folks
- GOTO kitty
- This batch file will continue to print the remark line over and
- over since it always returns to the start. Tap Ctrl-Break to
- stop this silliness. The true usefulness of the GOTO command is
- best understood by allowing the GOTO within a batch file to
- transfer control elsewhere within its listing rather than to the
- line immediately next in sequence. You can thus cause one thing
- to happen (depending on a condition) or a different thing to
- happen: choices and different outcomes!
- ███ IF ███ Allows conditional operation of a command. This is a
- fancy way of saying you can cause a batch file to make decisions
- based on a logical condition or input then do something. The
- usual syntax of the IF command is IF CONDITION COMMAND. Let's
- take this apart and examine the concept.
- In the situation IF CONDITION COMMAND:
- COMMAND is any normal DOS or batch file command and CONDITION is
- one of three possible tests that yield true or false.
- Example: IF %1==w GOTO dog (we'll explain this in a bit)
- Example: IF %3 == 80 MODE BW80 (we'll explain this in a bit)
- The three possible tests are:
- 1. The ERRORLEVEL condition (i.e., a specific number is found).
- 2. The STRING COMPARISON. (i.e., two strings are equivalent or
- not.)
- 3. The FILE EXISTENCE condition. (i.e., if a file exists or not.)
- In true full-featured programming languages many other logical
- tests might be allowed, but for batch files these are these the
- only three tests. Let's examine the three more closely. Then
- illustrate with an example.
- 1. ERRORLEVEL is a number which tells DOS whether the last
- program run was successful. If so the errorlevel is zero (0)
- anything else above zero means unsuccessful.
- 2. STRING COMPARISON, the second conditional test, is always
- indicated in a batch file by double equals signs (==). A test is
- symbolically shown by the condition IF string1 == string2.
- Frequently used with parameters or markers such as: IF %3 == 80
- MODE BW80.
- 3. In the final and third conditional test, FILE EXISTENCE, the
- usual format is IF EXIST d:filename.ext. which checks for a
- certain file on a certain drive. You can thus check for a
- certain disk or file before continuing the batch file process.
- Pathnames are not allowed (d:\slip\and\slide).
- Let's try a batch file example to illustrate the use of STRING
- COMPARISONS to make a choice in how the batch file does its
- work. Pretend you have two programs. One is a word processor
- whose command to start is WORD and the other is a spreadsheet
- whose command is LOTUS to start.
- If we prepared a simple batch file called 1.bat whose listing is
- below, we could start one or the other program by using either
- the command:
- a>1 w (to start the word processor OR
- a>1 s (to start the spreadsheet).
- The remarks (REM) in the example below give you a clue to the
- construction of the batch file program but are not themselves
- commands. The end result of this batch file is a saving of
- keystrokes for two programs we might start often. You'll notice
- we have omitted the copy con at the beginning and ^Z at the end
- since you already know from previous examples how to start and
- stop batch file preparation using those steps. The REM (remarks)
- in this batch file are optional and could be omitted from the
- real thing
- REM This batch file selects one of two choices based on input
- REM The next line turns off the screen echo to avoid screen clutter
- REM Begin test for one of two choices
- REM %1 in the next lines are markers for "w" or "s" from keyboard
- IF %1==w GOTO dog
- IF %1==s GOTO cat
- REM Next line forces goto end if no match is made for w or s
- GOTO end
- :dog
- REM Next command starts word processor
- GOTO end
- :cat
- REM Next command starts spreadsheet
- GOTO end
- :end
- REM Next line switches to root directory/leave the batch file
- CD\
- ECHO Batch file done, bye bye!
- ███ SHIFT ███ Re-assigns the relationship of parameters to
- markers. It changes their values. And it does it in a very odd
- way . . .
- Remember that there are only ten markers available to a batch
- file to hold the parameter values as we mentioned above. Here
- they are:
- %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- However you can raise the limit of 10 parameters in a batch file
- using the single word SHIFT. When this command is encountered in
- a batch file, all the parameter and marker pairings are shifted
- one unit to the left. Whatever was assigned to %0 is lost.
- A diagram to visualize. Before a SHIFT command is issued the
- parameters and markers might be:
- %0 %1 %2
- | | |
- dog cat computer
- After the SHIFT command we would see:
- %0 %1 %2
- | | |
- cat computer
- Notice that dog is lost, %1 becomes computer and %2 is left
- vacant unless it takes a new parameter from %3 (if %3 had a
- parameter). The effects of the SHIFT command are wide ranging
- throughout the batch file but provide great flexibility and a
- range of parameters greater than ten values.
- ███ FOR..IN..DO ███ Allows iteration (repetition) of actions
- or commands. The command is similar to a FOR...NEXT...STEP loop
- programmers use.
- The command is rather subtle and could be thought of as a three
- part single line command. The syntax is on the next line:
- FOR %%Variable IN (Set) DO Command
- Let's look more closely at the three parts:
- FOR %%Variable IN (Set) DO Command
- ============== ======= ==========
- | | |
- part 1 part 2 part 3
- Translating into english it means something like: FOR a certain
- batch file variable withIN a SET of filenames or commands DO a
- certain action which DOS can carry out.
- The %%VARIABLE is a one-letter variable which must have a double
- %% prior to the letter to distinguish it from single % markers
- we have seen earlier.
- The SET portion of the command is always in parenthesis as
- (SET). The SET represents filenames or DOS commands you wish the
- %% variable to assume while the command is executing. A space is
- used between entries. Pathnames are never allowed but wildcards
- such as *.* are acceptable. If the SET contains DOS command then
- only the %%VARIABLE is used.
- The COMMAND is a DOS command or batch subcommand. One or several
- of these commands will contain the %%Variable in it.
- Let's try an example. Pretend by you want a batch file to see
- the DOS version then clear the screen and finally issue the
- directory. We could do this with a three line batch file but
- FOR..IN..DO can do this in one:
- Example: FOR %%T IN (Ver cls Dir/P) DO %%T
- Notice in the above example how each DOS command is separated by
- a space. ? and * are not allowed within any command within the
- SET. Use a colon (:) instead of a space within the set when
- passing parameters to programs. You can issue the FOR..IN..DO
- batch file subcommand at the DOS prompt by dropping one of the
- percentage signs ( % ) on the variable.
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- Use your imagination to construct batch files to shorten your
- DOS tasks.
- Here is the source code text of GO.BAT which used to control
- the old version of PC-LEARN with a batch file menu!
- You could use a batch file such as this to operate a menu for
- your hard drive! By the way, for a lengthy batch file such as
- this, you would probably use your word processor to prepare the
- batch file rather than the tedious COPY CON command method used
- earlier - just make sure that the final file is ASCII text; see
- your word processor manual for notes on this technique. The basic
- flow of this long batch file is to display a menu screen, wait for
- a keypress by the user and then use a label system to branch to
- the area of the program that displays a tutorial to the screen.
- Menu batch file for an older version of PC-LEARN:
- | |
- ECHO OFF Cause screen NOT to display each batch file command
- CLS Clear screen from any previous program display
- DRIVER1 Run driver1.com to display cover screen of PC-LEARN
- PAUSE Wait for keypress
- :TOP Label marker, serves as a "bookmark"
- DRIVER2 Run driver2.com, diplay main menu
- :START Label marker, serves as a "bookmark"
- DRIVER3 Run driver3.com, detect keypress for menu selection
- ECHO ON Turn on echo to display following comment . . .
- ECHO OFF Turn echo back off to quench screen clutter
- IF ERRORLEVEL 27 GOTO END "errorlevel" line tests keypress
- IF ERRORLEVEL 21 GOTO START another errorlevel test
- IF ERRORLEVEL 20 GOTO LABELT another error level test
- :LABELA Destination label if keypress is "A"
- view intro.tut Run view.com to display intro tutorial
- GOTO TOP Goto label "top" when done
- :LABELB Remaining lines similar to above
- view history.tut
- view dos1.tut
- view dos2.tut
- view batch.tut
- view wordp.tut
- view spread.tut
- view databs.tut
- view hd.tut
- view displstd.tut
- view equipmnt.tut
- view bibliog.tut
- view usergrp.tut
- view glossry.tut
- view software.tut
- view modem.tut
- view tips.tut
- view virus.tut
- view bonus.tut
- view author.tut
- :END