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- PC MAGAZINE (at most newstands) The preferred magazine for
- businesses and serious hobbyists. This is the one to subscribe
- to if you can afford the financial and time committment to only
- ONE computer magazine. The best and most detailed equipment and
- software reviews in the industry. PC Magazine has a well-
- deserved reputation as the largest circulation computer magazine
- for the serious business computer user and hobbyist. Back issues
- at most libraries are ESSENTIAL goldmines for beginner and
- advanced alike. Software utilities published by PC Magazine and
- available through most computer clubs and PC Magazine MagNet
- (modem service) are instant classics. The clout of the magazine
- is so pervasive that a single favorable editor's choice review
- of a software or hardware product can make that vendor several
- million dollars in sales in less than a month!
- Uncle Hank's Shareware Review Magazine is a Bi-Monthly collection
- of reviews of some of the finest Shareware Programs available today.
- A great little magazine discussing low cost quality shareware
- programs for beginners and advanced computer users alike! For a
- sample copy, send $1 to: Uncle Hank's Shareware, 8 Hendricks
- Street, Easthampton, MA 01027.
- COMPUTER SHOPPER (at most newstands) A monthly review of mail
- order and deep discount computer sources. The largest and most
- detailed pc purchasing guide in existence. Contains updates on
- new software, discount computer reviews, news articles, listings
- of local computer clubs and mail order sources for shareware.
- Page after page of mail order ads offer tremendous diversity and
- equipment choice. Bring a wheelbarrow or small truck to lug each
- issue home!
- LOTUS MAGAZINE (circulation office: PO Box 9123, Cambridge, MA,
- 02139-9123, telephone (617) 494-1192) The ultimate spreadsheet
- periodical. Back issues at some public libraries and many
- University and College libraries are essential resources
- featuring SUPERB applications and UNDERSTANDABLE examples. For
- some folks the spreadsheet is the ultimate number crunching
- engine as well as an adequate database and even a poor man's
- word processor. Lotus magazine shows you how to turbocharge your
- spreadsheet via detailed and interesting examples. Glance at a
- copy even though you may have no interest in spreadsheets -
- you'll soon be hooked!
- PC Resource Magazine. No longer published, but back issues in
- library archives are ESSENTIAL reading. Simple detailed articles
- on computing for beginners. Track down a library archive for
- this rich resource!
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- Understanding Computers (multiple volume series) By editors of
- Time-Life Books. 1985. Reader information service, 541 North
- Fairbanks Court, Chicago, Ill 60611. Found in most libraries,
- this multiple volume set of lavishly illustrated computer guides
- covers topics such as computer security, data input,
- programming, computer history, new technology and other topics.
- Nicely done series with better color illustrations than any
- computer book yet published.
- (Three books) IBM XT Clone Buyers Guide and Handbook. IBM AT
- Clone Buyers Guide and Handbook. 386 Buyers Guide and Handbook.
- Edwin Rutsch. 1988. Modular Information Systems. This trilogy of
- books cover computers of all major categories in the IBM clone
- world. Buy an edition which is six months or less old; frequent
- updates are common. Back issues of PC Magazine also review
- computers and recommend "editor's choices" and best buys in most
- classes of IBM clone computers.
- Home Businesses Under $5000. Joyce Lain Kennedy. Sun Features
- Inc. POB 368, Cardiff, CA 92007. (cost: $4.50). Everyone who
- owns a computer wonders if there isn't a way to start their own
- small business out of the den or garage and use the computer to
- make money rather than punch a time clock for the boss. This 36
- page booklet is a practical guide to doing just that. Nothing
- high tech. Simple suggestions and tips for starting everything
- from a mail list maintenance business to a pet portrait
- business. Send $4.50 and a self stamped (75 cents) self-
- addressed envelope for this little jewel. Joyce also publishes
- other booklets of similar design on resumes, financial aid for
- college students, job interviews and other common sense
- practical guides.
- Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer Programs and
- other Threats to Your System. John McAfee and Colin Haynes. 1989
- St Martins Press. Written by the chairman of the Computer Virus
- Industry Association, this book presents a chillingly detailed
- look at viruses and other destructive software progams. Includes
- actual programming code for two virus samples as well as
- detailed reviews of software protection programs, computer
- security methods and historical anecdotes about virus infections
- in corporate and university settings. A frighteningly accurate
- look at a subject most computer users do not understand.
- Computer Viruses. Ralph Roberts. 1988 Chilton Books. A detailed
- discussion of programs which deliberately attempt to corrupt
- your data. Discusses many known viruses, how they work,
- telephone and on-line sources for help and virus antidotes.
- Shareware Magazine. Published by PC-SIG, 1030-D East Duane
- Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Voice telephone: 408/730-9291 FAX:
- 408/730-2107. Included with membership in PC-SIG, one of the
- largest shareware disk distributors in the world. A bimonthly,
- "light and lively" guide to the shareware market featuring
- reviews and articles on the best and latest in shareware, author
- interviews and discussion and analysis of trends in the
- industry.
- Dr. File Finder's Guide to Shareware by Michael Callahan and
- Nick Anis. ISBN: 0-07-881646-7. A book and disk package teaching
- you how to find and use the best in shareware. Learn about disk
- vendors, computer club sources, details about the very best
- shareware in 20 categories. Disk includes such popular programs
- as Qmodem, Dos line editor, Anarkey, MackMail and more. Two
- additional disks available upon submission of a postcard
- contained in the book.
- Writing & Marketing Shareware - a book and companion cassette
- tape by Steve Hudgik, HomeCraft, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR
- 97062. Tel 503/692-3732. The best book in the industry for
- learning about programming, designing and MARKETING shareware
- for maximum financial return. Shows you how to become a
- successful shareware author who develops WINNING shareware for
- maximum income. Includes mailing list of distributors, equipment
- suppliers, service providers, how to design your shareware and
- more!
- $hareware Marketing $ystem. Two disk set containing tutorials
- and quarterly marketing newsletter for shareware authors plus
- dBase format mailing list on disk of over 3,000 addresses for
- industry contacts: computer clubs, disk vendors, magazine writers
- and more who use, distribute or review shareware. The mailing
- list on disk is ready to import into many database software
- packages and print mailing labels directly. By Jim Hood, the
- author of THIS tutorial you are now reading. $25 registration or
- $90 to subscribe to 4 quarterly issues. The package is itself
- a shareware product. POB 1506, Mercer Island, WA 98040.
- 206/236-0470.
- Alfred Glossbrenner's Master Guide to Free Software and
- Shareware, c/o FireCrystal Communications, 699 River Rd,
- Yardley, PA 19067. Alfred writes one of the largest and most
- respected guides to shareware in the industry and is a
- contributing editor to several computer industry magazines.
- Tips and Techniques for Using Low-Cost and Public Domain
- Software. John Gliedman. 1988. McGraw-Hill. A thorough guide to
- low cost, effective shareware and public domain programs
- including RAM disks, word processors, batch file systems, hard
- disk managers, tutorials and other topics. Save hundreds of
- dollars in higher priced commercial software when a less
- expensive software package can do the same or better job.
- Dvorak's Guide to PC Telecommunications. John Dvorak and Nick
- Anis. 1990 McGraw-Hill. At over 1037 pages this is the essential
- book for those interested in learning about modems, bulletin
- board systems, E-Mail, Compuserve or anything related to
- computers and telecommunications. Contains two disks with useful
- programs such as Telix, CED, Shez, PKZip, Modem Tutor, and
- others which compliment the text section of the book. Essential
- reading. Appendix sections include the Hayes AT command set and
- hundreds of BBS telephone numbers plus discount coupons for
- products and services.
- Using PFS: First Choice. George Omura. 1988 Sybex. A thorough
- beginners guide to mastering the First Choice integrated program
- which is popular with those needing a single program which
- contains a word processor, spreadsheet, database, report
- generator, graphics and telecommunications package. If you need
- a single program and a single book to do it all on your PC this
- is the choice.
- Managing Your Hard Disk. Don Berliner. 1988 Que Publishing.
- Topics include installing and formatting a hard disk, learning
- about subdirectories, backup methods plus many tips, tricks and
- traps in using the all essential hard drive in your PC. Also
- includes suggestions for use of many popular software packages
- such as Automenu and other hard drive management systems. This
- book will make using your hard drive much more efficient and
- understandable.
- Using 123. 1989 Que Publishing. With over one million copies
- sold, this is far and away the number one choice in Lotus 123
- guides. Includes basics of command structure, installation,
- spreadsheet template examples, graphing, traps and techniques
- for advanced use, menu structure, effective macro use and much
- more. 837 pages of detailed information.
- Using Wordstar. Steve Ditlea. 1988 Que. Wordstar 5 users will
- delight in over 600 pages of tips on this classic word
- processing package. Covers installation, editing, printing,
- command structure, mail-merging techniques, spell-checking,
- macros and much more. Also includes tips on using this classic
- word processor with other packages such as 123 and PC-Outline.
- Fire in the Valley, Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine, Berkeley
- California, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1984. The classic pre-history
- of the early days of personal computers. Colorful, animated and
- witty discussion about the makers of the personal computer
- revolution.
- The Printer Bible. Scott Foerster, Que Corporation, 1990. This
- is by far the biggest and best book ever written on using ANY
- type of printer effectively. How to fully use, buy, maintain,
- upgrade everything from the humble dot matrix printer to the
- flashiest laser. Contains a thorough review of printer
- technology, comprehensive charts, installation tips, postscript,
- ribbons, ink technology, the works!
- Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Steven Levy, New
- York: Doubleday, 1984. A fascinating look at the early computer
- hacker culture in the days at MIT. A great book to curl up with
- on a long rainy weekend!
- Whole Earth Software Catalogue, Stewart Brand (ed.), Garden
- City, N.Y. Quantum Press/Doubleday, 1984. Nitty gritty software
- reviews.
- The Joy of Computers, Peter Laurie, London: Hutchinson, 1983.
- The Computer Glossary, Alan Freedman, 1989, AMACOM. Find out
- exactly what determines the difference between a pixel and a
- TSR. Plus thousands of other terms you may need to understand at
- 3AM when trying to decipher the documentation manual which comes
- with your computer. Written in a savvy and witty manner, this
- book is the essential computer dictionary of terms for all
- personal computer users.
- The New Alchemists, Dirk Hansen, Boston: Little, Brown, l982.
- The Elements of Style, William Strunk and EB White, 1979,
- Macmillan. This little book is a classic for writers and
- communicators alike. For those who aspire to write simply,
- cleanly and well, THIS is the little book which should accompany
- all word processing packages. Learning the precepts of this
- small book will require a lifetime of practice and reward you
- with text which explains, delights and clarifies. Isn't that why
- we invented writing in the first place?
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig, 1977,
- Bantam Books. Understanding how YOU fit in with computers means
- understanding the philosophy and history of computers. A non-
- technological look at using high technology to tinker
- effectively and adapt to the oddities and pleasures of software
- and life in this electronic age.
- The Random House Book of Computer Literacy, Ellen Richman, New
- York: Vintage Books, 1983
- History of Programming Languages, Richard Wexelblat, New York:
- Academic Press, 1981.
- The Elements of Spreadsheet Style, John Nevison, 1987, Brady
- Books. The essentials of proper construction and use of
- spreadsheets. Years later you can come back to the spreadsheet
- you designed for a complex budget report and know WHAT and HOW
- it works plus WHERE the formulas are. Advanced spreadsheet users
- will find this little book packed with exceptional techniques
- for using these marvelous number crunching programs. Applies to
- any spreadsheet package, including Lotus 123.
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- PC Magazine DOS Power tools, 1990, Bantam - includes 2 disks
- with utilities. Probably the ultimate DOS book for those willing
- to roll up both shirtsleeves and crawl under the hood for a
- "nuts and bolts" understanding of the PC. If you can only afford
- one computer reference book, THIS IS IT! List price is $40 but
- available at discount from many bookstores. The disks of
- software utilities are worth the price of the book. 1251 pages!
- Running MS-DOS (2nd edition), Van Wolverton, 1985, Microsoft
- Press
- Quick Reference guide to MS-DOS, Van Wolverton, 1987, Microsoft
- Press
- Peter Norton's DOS Guide (rev. edition), Peter Norton, 1987,
- Brady Books Also responsible for the essential software utility
- toolkit of the same name, Peter Norton takes you on a friendly
- and detailed tour of setting up shop and getting results
- quickly.
- Tricks of the MS-DOS Masters, John Angermeyer, 1987, Howard Sams
- & Co.
- MS-DOS Bible, Steven Simrin, 1985, Howard W. Sams and Company
- (Division of Macmillan Inc. Publishers)
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- Below are listed several reputable software and hardware vendors
- who provide interesting catalogs and reasonable service. This
- does not suggest an endorsement, simply a resource with printed
- catalogs which are of good educational value.
- Selective Software Catalog (903 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz CA
- 95060)
- Power Up Software Catalog, POB 7600, San Mateo, CA 94403-7600.
- 1-800-851-2917.
- US Micro Inc 1-800-874-5505 or (206) 453-4046
- CompuAdd Computer 1-800-627-1967 or 1-800-666-1872
- Dell Computer 1-800-283-1290
- Austin Computer 1-800-752-1577
- Swan Computer 1-800-468-9044
- Northgate Computer 1-800-548-1993
- Zeos Computer 1-800-423-5891
- PC-Brand 1-800-PC BRAND
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- 55 Word Processors tested and evaluated, PC Magazine, February
- 29, 1988
- Programming Languages, Lawrence Tesler, Scientific American,
- September 1984.
- Economy class accounting for small business. PC Magazine, April
- 10, 1990.
- Advanced accounting packages evaluated and rated, PC Magazine,
- September 15, 1987
- Spreadsheet review, PC Magazine, April 24, 1988
- Hard drive use and evaluations, PC Magazine, June 9, 1987
- Best low end integrated packages including Microsoft Works, PC
- Magazine, December 26, 1989
- Printer evaluations and ratings, PC Magazine, November 10, 1987
- Also covered in PC Magazine issues: October 31, 1988 & November
- 14, 1989
- Basic programming language compilers, PC Magazine, October 31,
- 1989
- Best utilities, backup systems, fax review, PC Magazine, June
- 23, 1987
- Keyboards, mouse and other input devices, useful utilities, PC
- Magazine, August 16, 1987
- Project management programs, keyboard macro programs, 386 high
- speed computers, disc diagnostic programs, PC Magazine,
- September 29, 1987
- Desktop publishing, spelling checkers PC Magazine, October 13,
- 1987
- Spreadsheet reviews, backup software evaluation, PC Magazine,
- October 27, 1987.
- Hard drive cards - mail order drives, Low cost CAD packages, PC
- Magazine December 8, 1987
- The Excel spreadsheet from Microsoft, popup scratchpad/note-
- takers PC Magazine, December 22, 1987
- Best programs and hardware of 1989, PC Magazine, January 16,
- 1990
- Databases, expanded memory, graphics packages, 80386 computers,
- Personal Computing, January, 1988
- Portable computers, worms, PC Magazine, March 29, 1988
- Database package evaluation, Desktop publishing software, PC
- Magazine April 12, 1988
- Top charting and graphing packages, Projection screen systems,
- integrated word processors, PC Magazine March 15, 1988
- Evaluation of OS/2, Running a small business with personal
- finance software, Personal Computing, February 1988
- High speed modems, Personal Computing, December 1987