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LinguaPro Release 2.11a User's Guide
The Spanish Version
Schulenberg & Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 1005
Houston, Texas 77251
(713) 440-4444 (Voice)
(713) 980-7164 (FAX)
Compuserve ID: 72650,3160
LinguaPro/SPANISH is a PC-based program designed for the serious language
student. The major capabilities of Version 2.11a are described in the following
NOTE: Be sure to look at Appendix B and C
How to use LinguaPro for the construction of English
vocabularies for reference or flashcarding. Also, how
to use LinguaPro for the construction of general question
and answer files (e.g., historical dates, legal court cases,
medical terminology, etc.)
1.1 On-Line Dictionary Facility (ODF)
The On-Line Dictionary Facility provides an initial set of 5 vocabulary
files consisting of over 18,000 Spanish words. These files are named:
NOTE: If you have the Shareware version of LinguaPro/SPANISH then you
will have instead a file named SHARE1.SPA. This vocabulary file contains
approximately 1,000 words and was randomly selected from LEVEL1.SPA to
provide a cross-section of interesting words. You can easily add your
own words, or form additional vocabulary files as described in this
user's guide.
Using the ODF the user can quickly look up words either from English
to Spanish or Spanish to English simply by typing the first few letters of
the word. If the word is not currently in the dictionary, the user may
easily add the new word so that it is available for future lookups.
The user can create an unlimited number of new vocabulary files in
addition to the supplied files. This will permit the user to build up
specialized vocabulary sets (e.g., medical terminology), or to enter the
vocabulary presented in a particular textbook on a lesson-by-lesson basis.
Thus, if the user is taking a Spanish course, or simply working independently
in a textbook, the words and exact definitions can be added to a vocabulary
file and used for memorization and review as the user progresses through the
In addition, these vocabulary files are ideal for users who do a lot of
reading or writing in Spanish. A specific word can be found in times ranging
from a tenth of a second, to about a second on most PCs (out of 18,000 words).
Also, all vocabulary files constructed or maintained by the ODF are
available for "flashcarding". This is described in the next section.
1.2 FLASHCARD Facility for Vocabulary Items
The LinguaPro Flashcard Facility provides an efficient way for users to
absorb large amounts of Spanish vocabulary. Any of the vocabulary files
discussed above, or any combination of them (depending on the usable memory of
your PC), can be specified. The Flashcard Facility allows the user to work
from Spanish to English or English to Spanish (or to choose a mixture of part
English and part Spanish with specified ratios).
The Flashcard Facility allows the user to specify entire vocabulary
files, or one or more "subgroups" of about 100 words each. No matter how
many words are specified for flashcarding, however, LinguaPro will parcel out
the chosen words in "clusters" of 30-35 words. Unless overridden by the user,
the Flashcard Facility will not advance to the next "cluster" until the user
demonstrates a reasonable level of proficiency in the "current" cluster.
(See the A and F commands).
The Flashcard Facility keeps track of words that the user has missed.
LinguaPro will continue to drill the user more intensively on these words
even when the user has moved on to a new "cluster" of words. Furthermore,
if the user saves the file before exiting (using the X command), then the
statistics will be available on the next invocation of LinguaPro and the
user will continue to be drilled on the troublesome words.
The Flashcard Facility allows the user to KILL words that he/she no
longer wishes to be tested upon. Such words are automatically removed from
the selected vocabulary file and are archived into a special vocabulary file
with the name "KILLED.SPA". The KILLED file can be viewed as just another
vocabulary file. If desired, the user can load the KILLED file and use the
Flashcard Facility to double-check that the user, in fact, fully understands
the words. Words can also be moved back into the main vocabulary files if
the user determines that they were "killed" prematurely.
1.3 FLASHCARD Facility for Verb Forms
Two separate sets of verb files are provided with LinguaPro/SPANISH.
Each verb file contains 76 fully conjugated verbs or verb phrases. The first
set of verb files are Verb Phrase files and are named:
NOTE: If you have the Shareware version of LinguaPro/SPANISH then
you will only have the file TVERB1.SPA due to space reasons (each
file requires about 67,000 bytes of disk space).
This set of files consists of 380 verbs and verb phrases arranged in an
order similar to that encountered in a typical series of Spanish textbooks.
In other words, irregular verbs are gradually introduced as the user gains
familiarity with the 3 regular conjugation patterns. Also, verbs involving
direct and indirect object pronouns are introduced at a later stage, as are
reflexive verbs.
In the "T" verb series, phrases and sentences are emphasized so that the
user can learn the verb conjugations in proper context. When one of these Verb
Phrase files is selected, the flashcard system will generate complete sentences
that exercise the selected verbs in the tenses and persons specified.
Additional vocabulary is provided within these generated sentences.
The second set of verb files are Verb Conjugation files and are named:
NOTE: None of these files are included with the Shareware version due
to space limitations.
This set of files contains 532 Spanish verbs and is designed to cover all
common irregular verbs, and all standard conjugation patterns (including rarer
verb forms). No attempt is made with these Verb Conjugation files to generate
complete sentences. The emphasis is totally on the verb conjugation itself.
The user should generally begin with the TVERB set prior to commencing work
with this set of verb forms.
The Flashcard Facility for Verbs provides a flexible set of screens that
allow the specification of the forms to be used. After loading the desired
verb file, the user must first select the Tense or Tenses desired (e.g.,
Present, Preterit, etc.). The user will then select any desired subset of
the 76 verbs or verb phrases contained in the verb file. The user can then
select the person or persons to be exercised. This gives the student of
American Spanish the ability to dispense with the "vosotros" forms (used
only in Spain). Finally, several additional options are provided. One of
the most important of these is the ability to specify that the user is a
female. This will result in the generation of sentences and adjectival
genders that reflect a female speaker. Also, once the user is familiar with
Spanish verb conjugation patterns and sentence structure, the option is
provided here to suppress nonessential subject pronouns.
Once the Flashcard Facility for Verb Forms has been configured, operation
is similar to that of the Flashcard Facility for vocabulary items. Users may
test themselves from English to Spanish or Spanish to English (or use a mixture
of forms). The "cluster" concept mentioned above applies here, too. Verb
forms are presented in "clusters" of 30-35 forms and the user is not advanced
to the next cluster until the hit/miss ratio is acceptable (although users
always have the option of forcing an advance to the next cluster, or of staying
in the current cluster indefinitely).
Verb forms that are totally mastered may be "killed" by the user. Unlike
vocabulary items, however, the verb form is not moved out to the archival file
but is simply suppressed. (The "killed" verb forms may be reactivated at any
time by saving the verb file with the XX option rather than the normal X
option. This will also, of course, erase all knowledge contained in the file
about which verb forms are giving the user the most trouble.)
The Flashcard Facility for Verbs provides two different styles of verb
presentation. The default style is to utilize short phrases, or complete
sentences (in the case of the "T" series of Verb Phrase files), without any
specific clues as to Tense, Mood, and Voice. In this case the user must
decide upon the correct response just as in a speaking or writing situation.
In the second style of presentation, however, the user is prompted for a
specific person, verb, and tense. Presentation modes may be switched back
and forth by means of the S command.
1.4 VERB Reference Facility (VRF)
Version 2.11a of LinguaPro(Spanish) supplies a reference capability
which gives the complete definitions, and the full conjugation patterns of
over 5000 Spanish verbs. This VERB Reference Facility may be entered either
from the Flashcard Facility, or from the On-Line Dictionary Facility. The
access to the VRF is accomplished by means of the V command.
NOTE: If you have the Shareware version of LinguaPro/SPANISH then the
SPANISH.VRB file supplied only contains the definitions and conjugations
for a random sampling of about 300 verbs. The 5,000 verb file requires
over 200,000 bytes of disk space.
1.5 HELP Screens
HELP Screens are available at any time by pressing the F1 key (Function
key 1). Due to space limitations these help screens are not reproduced in
this document. Also, the F2 key may be used at any time to produce a blank
screen. Pressing any key will bring back the screen displayed previously.
In addition to a 'beep' tone if an error message is generated,
LinguaPro/SPANISH utilizes 4 sound patterns to signal the following conditions:
a. User has typed the E command to signal that he/she has missed a word
(a high-low pair of notes).
b. User has typed the K command to signal that the word is to 'killed'
(funeral dirge).
c. A low-high pair of notes provides an audible signal that the word just
presented on the screen is one that has been giving trouble (has a
non-zero error count).
d. A 6-note flourish indicates that the program has advanced the user to
the next cluster of words.
NOTE: The sound patterns can be turned off (or on again) by use of the
Z command.
II. LinguaPro Installation and Operation
2.1 Installation
Release 2.11a of LinguaPro/SPANISH consists of the following files:
(Items provided on the Shareware release are marked with an asterisk).
Note that the USORT.BIN and SPA.BIN files will be dynamically constructed
(c) the first time they are needed (for the Shareware release).
* LP.EXE The LinguaPro Program executable file
* LP.LIB LinguaPro Library File
c USORT.BIN LinguaPro System File
c SPA.BIN LinguaPro System File (Spanish compression)
* SPANISH.VRB Verb Reference File (defns and conjugations of 5000+ verbs)
VRBINDEX.SPA Verb Index File of 5000+ verbs
* (LEVEL1.SPA) Vocabulary File (level 1) --- or --> SHARE1.SPA
LEVEL2.SPA Vocabulary File (level 2)
LEVEL3.SPA Vocabulary File (level 3)
LEVEL4.SPA Vocabulary File (level 4)
LEVEL5.SPA Vocabulary File (level 5)
* TVERB1.SPA Spanish Verbs & Verb Phrases #1
TVERB2.SPA Spanish Verbs & Verb Phrases #2
TVERB3.SPA Spanish Verbs & Verb Phrases #3
TVERB4.SPA Spanish Verbs & Verb Phrases #4
TVERB5.SPA Spanish Verbs & Verb Phrases #5
VERBS1.SPA Alternate Verb Set #1
VERBS2.SPA Alternate Verb Set #2
VERBS3.SPA Alternate Verb Set #3
VERBS4.SPA Alternate Verb Set #4
VERBS5.SPA Alternate Verb Set #5
VERBS6.SPA Alternate Verb Set #6
VERBS7.SPA Alternate Verb Set #7
Version 2.11a of LinguaPro/SPANISH requires a PC with at least 450K of
available memory. It will, however, utilize all available memory within the
first 640K. Memory space only becomes a factor of importance for those users
who wish to use LinguaPro as a comprehensive on-line dictionary. LinguaPro
does not currently attempt to use expanded or extended memory.
The program is activated by typing LP at a DOS prompt. Assuming that the
entire contents of the release floppies have been transferred to a subdirectory
named LPRO, the program is activated by typing:
2.2 Loading Vocabulary Files
When LinguaPro is activated it will request the name of a Vocabulary File
as in Figure 1. At this point the user has 3 choices:
1. Specify an existing Vocabulary File such as LEVEL1.SPA or SHARE1.SPA
(for the Shareware version), or a vocabulary file previously created by the
user. Up to 6 such files can be loaded simultaneously depending on the
capacity of the LinguaPro program.
2. Specify a Verb Phrase file such as TVERB1.SPA, or a Verb Conjugation
file such as VERBS1.SPA. Unlike Vocabulary files, only one verb-type file may
be loaded at a time.
3. Specify a nonexistent file name such as MEDICAL.SPA.
In the third case the user will be informed that the file does not exist
and the user will be asked if it should be created. If the user answers Y
(or YES), then LinguaPro will automatically put the user in the On-Line
Dictionary Facility (ODF) and prompt for the new Spanish word and its defin-
ition. In this way the user may construct a new vocabulary file from scratch.
NOTE: Be sure to look at Appendix B to see how to utilize this facility
for the creation of English vocabulary flashcard files, or to construct
general Question/Answer type files.
NOTE: The suffix SPA is optional. If you wish to create an English or
general purpose file, however, then you must specify the suffixes ENG or GEN,
If a Verb file is specified, then the user is limited to exactly one
file (of up to 76 fully conjugated verbs or verb phrases). In this case
the user will have access only to the Flashcard Facility and to the Verb
Reference Facility (the ODF is not accessible if verb files are loaded).
If a Vocabulary file is specified, LinguaPro will then accept a total
of up to 6 such file names. All files will then be available for flashcard
drilling or for the On-Line Dictionary (ODF). Vocabulary files will be
marked with the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F, respectively. All files loaded
in this manner are referred to as WORKING files to distinguish them from
various EXTERNAL files (such as KILLED.SPA).
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant
Copyright (c) 1993, Schulenberg and Associates, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
What is the name of the Vocabulary File? (press F1 for HELP)
Figure 1. File Loading Screen
If you need help with inputting a vocabulary file name you may press the
F1 key to obtain help. The help display will show you all files in your
current directory with the suffix .SPA.
Figure 2 shows the LinguaPro Loading Screen after the Vocabulary file
LEVEL1.SPA has been loaded. Notice that 3,673 mainline entries have been
loaded and that a total of 7,264 individual words are defined. LinguaPro
vocabulary files generally will place several related words on a single line,
e.g., a verb and a derived noun and/or adjective. Version 2.11a limits the
user to 10,750 entries. This will normally correspond to a word count of
over 14,000 words. It can also be seen in figure 2 (line 3) that the %Full
indicators are 34.2% and 62.9%. The first figure means that LinguaPro has
utilized 34% of its maximum of 10,750 mainline entries (i.e., 3673 is 34%
of 10,750). The second figure means that the TEXT size is 63% of the maxi-
mum. Thus, it will not be possible to immediately load the second vocabulary
file (LEVEL2.SPA). Instead, the user should employ the Flashcard Facility
to drill on LEVEL1. The KILL feature should then be used to remove enough
of the simplest words so that LEVEL2 (and the LEVEL3, 4, 5 can be loaded).
A larger capacity version of LinguaPro, however, will permit almost all of
the vocabulary files to be loaded simultaneously (e.g., the 600K version).
Appendix A describes additional methods for "loading" all vocabulary files
for reading or reference purposes.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: LEVEL1.SPA Loaded: 3673 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 Batavg: 1.000
%Full: (34.2,62.9) Selected: 0 (SPA) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 Batavg: 1.000
What is the name of the Vocabulary File? (press F1 for HELP)
File Name #Entries #Words
LEVEL1.SPA 3673 7264
Figure 2. File Loading Screen (1 File Loaded)
When all desired vocabulary files have been loaded (one in this case),
the user should then simply press the ENTER key. This will cause LinguaPro
to advance to the Group Selection Screen shown in Figure 3. The purpose of
this screen is to constrain the number of words that will be tested in the
Flashcard Facility. If the user presses ENTER (or types 'ALL' and presses
ENTER), all 3673 word entries will be utilized. This is still subject,
however, to the clustering logic which will present the words to the user
in clusters of 30-35 words. Alternatively, the user may select group 1
for example. This will select about 105 word entries (perhaps 120-130
individual words) out of the total set of 3,673. The words will be chosen at
random from the full set, and will be presented in a random order. However,
every time that the user selects group 1, the same set of 105 word entries
will be used. This permits the user to select group 1 for practice on
Monday, select group 2 for practice on Tuesday, select groups 1 and 2 for
reinforcement practice on Wednesday, and so forth. In this wasy the entire
contents of LEVEL1.SPA may be learned in a short time, and as words are learned
(and KILLed), the size of the LEVEL1.SPA file will decrease (as the size of
the KILLED.SPA file increases). This will ultimately permit the higher-level
files (LEVEL2, 3, 4, and 5) to be loaded simultaneously.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: LEVEL1.SPA Loaded: 3673 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 Batavg: 1.000
%Full: (34.2,62.9) Selected: 0 (SPA) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 Batavg: 1.000
3673 Vocabulary items have been loaded.
This will be divided into 35 groups of about 105 items each.
Enter " "/"ALL" or Range of Groups, e.g., 1, 2-4, ... :
Figure 3. Group Selection Screen
2.3 The Flashcard Facility (Vocabulary)
In Figure 4 we can see an example of the Flashcard Facility (for
Vocabulary). In this case all words were selected from LEVEL1.SPA so it can be
seen at the top of the screen that 3,673 entries have been loaded, and that
3,673 entries have been selected. The VIEW counters keep track of how many
words have been viewed in English and in Spanish. In this case the words are
100% Spanish to English so that all words appearing on the left are Spanish
words. The Batting Average statistics keep track of the number of words guessed
correctly divided by the total number of words viewed (in that language).
Another feature that is evident in Figure 4 is the Clustering Logic. It
can be seen that we are in Cluster 1 (which contains 35 distinct word entries),
that the cluster is 48% complete (because 17 words have been displayed thus
far), and that the user has up to now not missed any of the words (Zero Cluster
Errors). LinguaPro will not advance to Cluster #2 (the next 35 word entry)
until the number of cluster errors is about 5 or less (unless the user types
the A command to force an Advance). The advance to the next cluster is
accompanied by a 6-note melody. This may be suppressed by means of the Z
Notice that the words are being presented in a totally random order.
This would also be the case if the user had specified only one, or several
groups on the Group Selection Screen.
The Flashcard Facility is designed around use of the ENTER key and a set
of one or two letter commands. The ENTER key will cause the display of the
definition for the word currently on the left-hand side. If the user has
correctly guessed the definition then the ENTER key may be pressed again to
bring up the next word. If the user has missed the word, however, then the
E (error) command should be used to mark the word as a problem word.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: LEVEL1.SPA Loaded: 3673 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 Batavg: 1.000
%Full: (34.2,62.9) Selected: 0 (SPA) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 Batavg: 1.000
Clust#: 1; 35 items; %Complete: 48%; #Clust Errs: 0; Stage#: 1; Mode: 1
parado/a stopped
a la una en punto at one o'clock on the dot
el vinagre the vinegar
al poco rato;al poco tiempo after a short while
la insistencia the insistence
ofensivo/a offensive/insulting
conducente conducive/leading to
abrochar to fasten/button on
durante mucho tiempo for a long time
vencer to defeat/vanquish/overcome
las tinieblas the night/hell
por desgracia unfortunately
el campamento the camp
mecánico/a mechanical
espiritualizar to spiritualize
públicamente publicly
el/la educando/a the student/pupil
el/la suegro/a
Figure 4. Flashcard Facility (Vocabulary)
LinguaPro employs the HONOR system in evaluating the user's proficiency
with vocabulary. Although a Multiple Choice approach (or Matching approach)
may be beneficial in some cases, it is felt that the design of LinguaPro is
far better for mature students who want the full benefits of a Flashcard
facility. Far greater speed is possible with the adopted approach. If a
user feels that he/she has "missed" the word, then an E (or e) command can be
typed. The E (Error) command signifies that the user has missed the word, or
some aspect of the word. LinguaPro will then flag the word on the screen with
an "e>>" symbol, sound a 2-note acknowledgement (unless suppressed via the Z
command), update the Cluster Error counter and the Batting Averages, and
maintain associated statistics that will permanently record that the user has
had trouble with that word.
When six or more words have been marked as "errors", LinguaPro will
lock-in the current cluster until the user as either gotten the words correctly
on a sufficient number of subsequent tries, or until the user explicitly
advances to the next cluster with the A (Advance) command. In general, if a
user has gotten a word wrong once, then he/she will have to get it right on
four or five subsequent attempts for the error counters to drop back to zero
for that word.
*** Deleted for space reasons. HELP may be accessed at any time by
use of the F1 key ***
Figure 5. HELP Screen for Flashcard Facility
The first few screen columns in the Flashcard Screens are set aside
for several purposes. In the first place, words flagged by the users as
"incorrect" are marked with the symbol "e>>" in these columns. Also, words
that have been "killed" by the user are marked with the symbol "k>>" in these
initial columns. The standard use for these columns, however, is to show the
user how many times he/she has seen that word previously, and to provide an
estimation of how "troublesome" that word has been.
Column 1 of the Flashcard Screen is reserved for a Dictionary ID. This
is a letter (A, B, C...) that is assigned sequentially as the vocabulary files
are loaded. The ID assignments can be seen by pressing the F1 key to access
Help. If you have only loaded one vocabulary file then its ID is 'A'. In this
special case no letter is shown. You will only see file IDs if you have loaded
two or more vocabulary files.
The next few columns of the Flashcard Screen will either show blanks or
an integer value. If the field is blank it signifies that, as far as
LinguaPro knows, the user has never seen this word in this or any previous
session. An integer value of 1, 2, etc., signifies that the user has been
exposed to this word that many times previously. These statistics are only
maintained, however, if the user exits from LinguaPro with the X command.
If the user simply escapes (ESC), or uses the UNLOAD (U) command, then these
statistics are not updated for the current session. Furthermore, if the
user exits with the XX command, then all of the statistical information is
To the right of the VIEWED PREVIOUSLY statistics a field is set aside
to show the user approximately how many times the word has been guessed
incorrectly. As mentioned previously, the user signifies that he/she has
missed a word by typing the E command. As the screen scrolls the offending
word off the top of the screen, LinguaPro will begin to redisplay that word
(plus other troublesome words) at a frequency sufficient to permit the user
to master the definition. When the word is redisplayed, it will generally
show a single asterisk (*) in the ERROR columns. If the word has been missed
repeatedly, however, then LinguaPro will employ the following succession of
symbols to remind the user of the relative difficulty of the word:
* ** *** ! !! !!!
These symbols will build up (to the maximum value of !!!) as the user continues
to miss the word, and will then count down (ultimately to a blank) as the user
gets the word correctly on subsequent tries.
Figure 5 shows the HELP Screen available within the Flashcard Facility
when the user presses the F1 key (Function Key 1). Each of these commands will
now be discussed in turn. All commands can be typed in either upper or lower
case, and all commands must be followed by the ENTER key.
1. "A" command. The A (ADVANCE) command causes an immediate advance to
the next word cluster regardless of how many errors the user has made during the
current cluster. However, the clustering logic is always interrupted by the
injection of previous "troublesome" words. The troublesome words of all
previous clusters will continue to pop up randomly (but at a reduced frequency)
during the new cluster.
2. "F" command. The F (FREEZE) command is the inverse of the A command.
It causes a freeze of the current cluster so that the user can drill
exhaustively on the current set of 30-35 words without an automatic progression
to the next cluster. Once an F command has been entered, however, a subsequent
A command must be used to cause resumption of normal program sequencing. When a
cluster is in a FROZEN state, this is indicated by the word FROZEN (in red) in
the upper right section of the screen.
3. "D" command. The D (DICTIONARY) command causes an immediate switch
from the Flashcard Facility to the On-Line Dictionary Facility (ODF). When the
Dictionary Facility is exited, the user will be put back in the Flashcard
Facility, and in the same cluster.
4. "E" command. The E (ERROR) command is used to signal an error. As
mentioned earlier, the honor system is employed to detect words guessed
incorrectly by the user. Note: The E command may be used "retroactively" to
mark an error on a previous word even if a new word has appeared -- provided
that the definition for the new word has not yet been shown. The K (KILL)
command also works in this retroactive way. Words flagged as "errors" will be
marked with the symbol "e>>".
5. "K" command. The K (KILL) command is used to KILL a word. It should
be used whenever the user feels that the word being displayed has been totally
mastered. The K command causes the specified word to be removed from the
active working vocabulary file and moved into the KILLED.SPA file. Thus, words
are never totally lost, but rather moved to archival storage where they can be
subsequently reviewed or interrogated. As in the case of the E command, the K
command can be used retroactively for a word provided that the definition has
not yet been displayed for the subsequent word. Words that have been "killed"
will be marked with the symbol "k>>".
6. "L" command. The L (LOAD) command is used to LOAD an additional
vocabulary file. It causes LinguaPro to return control to the File Loading
Screen where an additional file or files may be loaded (provided program limits
are not exceeded).
7. "R" command. The R (RECYCLE) command causes LinguaPro to recycle back
to the Group Selection Screen whereupon the user can select a different group or
groups to be used in the Flashcard Facility.
8. "U" command. The U (UNLOAD) command causes all current vocabulary
files to be dropped, and control to be returned to the File Loading Screen.
If the user has marked one or more words as "errors" (E command), or has
altered the vocabulary files via the On-Line Dictionary Facility, then the user
will be requested to explicitly OK the loss of this information. If the U
command is used then all changes made to all active vocabulary files, plus all
statistical information gathered via the E command, will be lost. Only the
X command (save and exit) causes all statistics and vocabulary file changes to
be permanently recorded.
9. "V" command. The V (VRF) command causes an immediate transfer to the
VERB Reference Facility (described in a later section). If the current line
contains a Spanish verb, then the VERB Reference Facility will position to that
verb automatically so that the conjugation pattern is automatically displayed.
10. "X" and "XX" commands. The X (EXIT) command is the normal way for a
user to exit from LinguaPro. It causes all information acquired during the
session to be permanently updated in the various vocabulary files. Statistics
on words missed, as well as any file changes resulting from kills (K command)
or Dictionary operations (Purge, Modify, New word, etc.) are saved. The XX
command is like the X command in that all substantive dictionary changes are
saved. However, the XX command causes a "resetting" of all view and error
statistics so that LinguaPro will have no future knowledge of which words the
user has previously seen and which words have been causing errors.
11. "Z" command. The Z (SOUND) command will turn off the sound effects,
if they are on, or turn them on if they are off.
12. Mixture commands (< , <<, >, >>). The mixture commands are used to
change from Spanish to English or English to Spanish (or a percentage mixture
of both). Initially, LinguaPro defaults to all Spanish on the left-hand side.
This is based on the presumption that it is natural for English-speaking
persons to learn words initially from Spanish to English before attempting the
reverse direction.
Use of the < command tells LinguaPro to use LESS Spanish on the left-hand
side. Several usages of the < command will result in a 50-50 mixture (half of
the time the word on the left will be Spanish and the rest of the time it will
be English). Even more usages of the < command will cause NO Spanish on the
left, that is, all words on the left-hand side will be English words. The <<
command, however, causes an immediate switch to 100% English to Spanish.
In a similar manner, the > command tells LinguaPro to use MORE Spanish on
the left-hand side. Again, this command may be repeated to achieve several
intermediate mixtures. Similarly, the >> command causes an immediate switch
to 100% Spanish to English.
The current Mixture setting is shown in the upper right-hand corner of the
LinguaPro Screen (see Figure 4).
It should also be noticed that the HELP screen (F1 key) shows the
vocabulary files currently loaded (marked as A, B, C, D, E, and F) and
indicates the number of "kills" and "purges" that have taken place for that
particular file (Purges are discussed in the next section which is devoted to
the On-Line Dictionary Facility).
2.4 The On-Line Dictionary Facility
The On-Line Dictionary Facility (ODF) is not accessible if a VERB file
has been loaded.
The On-Line Dictionary Facility is accessed from the Flashcard Facility by
using the "D" command. The Dictionary Facility is exited by using the ESC key.
This will cause control to be transferred back into the Flashcard Facility at
the point it was exited (in the same cluster and with the same cluster
The Dictionary Facility works with the files already loaded, and in some
cases, with an additional EXTERNAL File. The dictionary is searched by typing
at least three initial characters of a desired word, and then pressing the
ENTER key. By typing more letters, of course, the number of "hits" will be
reduced, and the resultant list will be shorter. If too many "hits" result,
the screen will show "..." at the bottom which indicates that the list of words
is incomplete. If the desired word does not appear on the partial list, then
the search should be retried with a longer search string.
The default for LinguaPro/SPANISH is for a Spanish word lookup. In
Figure 6 the search string entered was "pare" and LinguaPro displayed all
words in LEVEL1.SPA which START with the letters p-a-r-e. LinguaPro ignores
all accent marks and capital letters when making its searches. This makes it
easier for the user to enter the search string, and the desired word is sure
to be found even if it is stored with an initial capital letter (or an
unexpected accent mark).
To narrow the search farther, the user may terminate the search string
with the dollar ($) sign. This tells LinguaPro to ignore any words that
contain LETTERs following the search string. In other words, if the user
types "para", the displayed list will be of all words that START with the
letters "para" (parado, paraguas, parasol, etc.). If the user types "para$",
however, then only occurrences of the word "para" will be located.
In order to search for English words, the user must PREFIX the word
with a pound sign (#). The same rules apply as in the case of Spanish lookups.
The dollar sign ($) terminator may again be used. Thus if the user types
"#man" the resultant list will be too long, and will include such words as
many, manner, manager, etc. If the user types "#man$", however, then only
words or phrases containing "man " will be located.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: LEVEL1.SPA Knn (Kill) TnnX (Transfer) Pnn (Purge) Mnn (Modify)
%Full: (34.2,62.9) nn (Select) <Please indicate which was the desired word>
N (New) 3 to 20 Chars (Search) <ESC> (Exit) F1 (HELP) F2 (BLANK)
Specify Command or SEARCH string:
A 1 the couple/pair/mates;equal/like \ la pareja;parejo/a
A 2 similar/alike/resembling;good looking \ parecido/a;bien parecido/a
A 3 to seem(appear);to resemble/look alike;the opinion/mind/looks
parecer;parecerse(a);el parecer
A 4 the wall(inside);the strong,thick wall \ la pared;el paredón
A 5 apparently;it is hard to believe/it appears to be a lie
al parecer;parece mentira
Lookup String: pare TYPEOVER
Figure 6. The On-Line Dictionary Screen
In Figure 6 all 5 dictionary items are flagged with an A in column 1.
This signals that the words were all found in vocabulary file A (LEVEL1.SPA).
If other vocabulary files had been loaded then the user might see B, C, D, etc.
in column 1.
The Dictionary Facility has its own HELP Screen (See Figure 7). It
is also accessed by pressing F1 (Function Key 1).
*** Deleted for space reasons. HELP may be accessed at any time by
use of the F1 key ***
Figure 7. Dictionary HELP Screen
The Dictionary Facility has its own set of commands. Each command (except
for the ESC key to exit) requires that the command be followed by the ENTER
key. The Dictionary commands are as follows:
1. "ESC" key. The ESC key causes LinguaPro to exit back to the Flashcard
Facility. The user will be back in the same "cluster" as when the Flashcard
Facility was exited, and the cluster statistics will be as before.
2. "nn" Command. This command simply consists of typing the number of
one of the displayed words and pressing the ENTER key. For example, if the
user types 4 ENTER, he/she is signifying that the fourth line (see Figure 6),
containing the word "pared", was the desired word or words. LinguaPro will
mark this line with an asterisk (*) in column 1. LinguaPro will regard this
as an Error, similar to the use of the E command in the Flashcard Facility.
When the user returns to the Flashcard Facility, the word "pared" will be more
intensively drilled because the user has admitted having trouble with it. This
again is an example of the honor system employed by LinguaPro. Words that have
to be looked up in the course of reading a book are treated as though they
had been guessed incorrectly during a Flashcard session. If the user employs
the X command to exit from LinguaPro, then these statistics will be kept for
the next session as well.
3. "string". By typing a string of characters and pressing the ENTER
key, the user is requesting LinguaPro to find all Spanish words in the loaded
vocabulary files that START with that character sequence. The string may be
terminated with a dollar sign ($), as discussed above, to limit the search
4. "#string". By typing a pound sign (#) followed by a string of
characters and pressing the ENTER key, the user is requesting LinguaPro to
find all English words in the loaded vocabulary files that START with that
character sequence. The string may be terminated with a dollar sign ($),
as discussed above, to limit the search further.
5. "Knn". By typing a K followed by an item number, LinguaPro will
KILL all words on that line. All words will be moved to the KILLED.SPA file
and taken out of the working vocabulary file. Remember, however, that no
changes are permanently effective until the user employs the X command (or XX)
to exit from LinguaPro. If the user exits via an ESC (escape), or by use of
the U command, then all such changes are discarded.
In the example of Figure 6, if the user types K1 and ENTER then both of
the words "la pareja" and "parejo/a" will be KILLed, that is, removed from
LEVEL1.SPA and moved into KILLED.SPA. Thus the KILL command within the
Dictionary Facility is more encompassing than the K command within the
Flashcard Facility. Within the Flashcard Facility, use of the K command
causes the multi-word entry to be split. Only the word actually being
being displayed will be KILLed. Thus if the user is employing the Flashcard
Facility and the displayed word is "la pareja", use of the K command will
cause "la pareja" to be moved to the KILLED.SPA file but the word "parejo/a"
will be kept. The Dictionary Facility K command removes ALL words on the
displayed line.
6. "Mnn". The MODIFY command is used to modify or correct an existing
vocabulary file entry (or to add an additional word and its definition to a
line entry). It operates like the N (NEW) command except that the Spanish
and English sections are already filled in with the current text.
7. "N, NA, NB". The NEW command is the means whereby the user can add
wholly new words to new or existing LinguaPro vocabulary files. If only a
single vocabulary file is loaded, then the N command may be used by itself.
If more than one vocabulary file has been loaded, however, then the letter A,
B, C, etc., must be affixed to indicate the vocabulary file which is to contain
the new word. If the user omits the vocabulary file ID, the word will auto-
matically go into the last vocabulary file loaded, that is, the file with the
highest letter.
Figure 8 shows the LinguaPro Dictionary Screen after the N command has
been entered. The user is first prompted for the Spanish word (or words) to
be added. The user may type up to 125 characters of text to define the Spanish
word or phrase. The ENTER key will then result in a prompt to enter the
English word or phrase. A final ENTER key will cause the new word to go into
the indicated vocabulary file, and onto the screen as a new line item.
NOTE: NEW or Modified line items will be moved to the bottom of the
Use of the ESC (escape) key will back LinguaPro up so that if the user is
in the process of entering the English definition and sees that an error has
been made in the initial Spanish word, the ESC key will return control to the
Spanish section. Alternatively, the user may simply continue, knowing that
LinguaPro will provide a final opportunity to get the entries correct before
they are committed.
All languages, particulary Spanish, require accent marks. Within
LinguaPro, accent marks are entered by first typing the parent letter (a, e,
i, o, u, n) and then pressing the ALT A key one or more times to cycle through
the available choices (hold down the ALT key and press the A key at the same
time). Thus the user may type the letter n (or N), and immediately press the
ALT A key to get the ñ.
Enter the SPANISH word(s) to be added:
A 1 the couple/pair/mates;equal/like \ la pareja;parejo/a
A 2 similar/alike/resembling;good looking \ parecido/a;bien parecido/a
A 3 to seem(appear);to resemble/look alike;the opinion/mind/looks
parecer;parecerse(a);el parecer
A 4 the wall(inside);the strong,thick wall \ la pared;el paredón
A 5 apparently;it is hard to believe/it appears to be a lie
al parecer;parece mentira
Figure 8. The NEW Command
8. "Pnn". The PURGE command is like the KILL command except that ALL
words on the line are totally removed and discarded. The words are not
archived into the KILLED.SPA file. Be careful with this command!
9. "Tnn". The TRANSFER command permits an entry (often more than one
word) to be moved from one of the loaded vocabulary files to another. For
example, if the user had loaded both LEVEL1.SPA and LEVEL2.SPA, then the
letter A would be assigned to LEVEL1 and the letter B would be assigned to
LEVEL2 (this can be checked by using F1 to bring up the HELP Screen as in
Figure 7). The user can then shuttle words back and forth between the two
vocabulary files.
If only a single vocabulary file is loaded then the Transfer command is
illegal. If exactly two vocabulary files have been loaded, the Transfer
command will simply move the word(s) to the OTHER vocabulary file. If three
or more vocabulary files have been loaded, however, then the user must specify
the TARGET vocabulary file. Thus the syntax for transferring, say, line #3 to
another vocabulary file would be:
T3 or T3B or T3C ....
The first example is only valid for two vocabulary files. The second example
would transfer the words INTO vocabulary file B, and the third example would
transfer the third entry into vocabulary file C. Note that a word cannot be
transferred within the same vocabulary file.
The TRANSFER command is especially useful for users who would like to
isolate specialized vocabulary items. For example, LEVEL1.SPA can be loaded.
MEDICAL.SPA and BUSINESS.SPA can then be "loaded" as NEW (empty) vocabulary
files (these will be marked as B and C, respectively). The user can then use
the TRANSFER command to remove medical terminology from LEVEL1.SPA and insert it
into MEDICAL.SPA. Similarly, business terminology can be transferred into
BUSINESS.SPA. Note again, however, that NO change is permanently effective
until the user employs the X command to terminate LinguaPro.
a. When inputting or modifying Spanish or English text, it has already
been pointed out that the ALT-A key may be used to install the proper accent
mark. Type the base letter (a, e, i, o, u, n) and immediately press
ALT A. If the text already exists, position the cursor to the FOLLOWING
letter and use the ALT A sequence. Nothing will happen if the cursor is on
the letter itself.
b. The HOME key will take the cursor to the beginning of the item.
The END key will take the cursor to the end of the item. The left and right
cursor keys (<- and ->) will move the cursor left and right within the line.
c. The CTRL END combination (hold down the CTRL key and press the END
key) will delete the current character through the end of the line. The
CTRL HOME combination will delete the entire line.
d. The INSERT (INS) key will toggle LinguaPro back and forth between
INSERT mode and TYPEOVER mode. The bottom of the On-Line Dictionary Screen
will display the word INSERT or the word TYPEOVER.
e. LinguaPro utilizes a convention that preserves memory space by
combining several related words and their definitions within a single line
entry (remember that the program has a limit of 10,750 line entries).
Individual words or phrases are set off by semicolons. Users are
encouraged to follow this convention. For example, in Figure 6 we see that
line 2 has the following structure:
similar/alike/resembling;good looking \ parecido/a;bien parcido/a
According to the convention employed by LinguaPro, "similar/alike/resembling"
matches up with "parecido/a", and "good looking" matches up with
"bien parecido/a". Notice also that slashes (/) are used to delimit closely
related synonyms, that the word "to" is always prefixed to English verbs, that
the word "the" always precedes English nouns, and that Spanish adjectival
endings are usually shown as "o/a" to indicate the masculine and feminine
10. "V". The V command (VERB) is used to access the Verb Reference
Facility. It is identical to the V command within the Flashcard Facility.
The last search argument used in the Dictionary Facility is used to establish
a starting point in the Verb Reference Facility. In other words, if the user
had last typed "para", the Verb Reference Facility would position the user at
the first verb that begins with the letters "para" (this might be the verb
"parabolizar"). When the user exits the Verb Reference Facility by using
the ESC key, control will be returned to the Dictionary Facility.
2.5 The VERB Reference Facility
The VERB Reference Facility (VRF) is accessed by typing a V command in
either the Flashcard or Dictionary Facilities. The initial position in the
VRF depends on which Facility the user entered from. If the user entered from
the Dictionary Facility, then the last inputted search string is used to pre-
position to a verb. If the user entered from the Flashcard Facility, LinguaPro
attempts to find a legitimate Spanish verb on the last displayed line and will
position to that. If no verb can be identified, the VRF will position to the
first verb in the database.
In Figure 9, the VRF is positioned at the verb "suspender". Notice that
the verb "suspender" is verb number 4726 out of the total of 5,044 verbs
currently documented in the VRF. The conjugation information for this verb
actually takes up 5 Screens (Page # 1 of 5). Notice that the conjugation
shown on the Main Screen is a thumbnail sketch of the entire conjugation:
Gerund, Past Participle, Present, Imperfect, Preterit, Future, Conditional,
Present Subjunctive, Past Subjunctive, and Imperative.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
What is the Spanish Verb?
VERB: suspender Pattern: std VERB#: 4726 of 5044
PAGE#: 1 of 5
suspender: to suspend
suspend- -o -es -e -emos -éis -en
suspend- -ía -ías -ía -íamos -íais -ían
suspend- -í -iste -ió -imos -isteis -ieron
suspender- -é -ás -á -emos -éis -án
suspender- -ía -ías -ía -íamos -íais -ían
suspend- -a -as -a -amos -áis -an
suspend- -iera/-iese -ieras/-ieses -iera/-iese -iéramos/-iésemos
-ierais/-ieseis -ieran/-iesen
suspend- -- -e;no/-as -a -amos -ed;no/-áis -an
Figure 9. VERB Reference Facility (screen 1)
Users can position to a different verb in one of two ways. If the
user types in the first few letters (the more the better) of the desired verb
and presses the ENTER key, LinguaPro will position to the first verb that
begins with those characters. If no verb exists within the database that begins
with those letters, then a beep will be sounded and the screen will not
change. Alternatively, the user may utilize the left and right cursor control
keys to step sequentially through the available verbs. If the left arrow (<-)
is used, LinguaPro will go to the preceding verb. If the right arrow (->) is
used, LinguaPro will go to the succeeding verb. The ENTER key alone will also
step to the next verb in sequence. To go to the first verb in the VRF, the
user could type the letter "a" and press the ENTER key. Similarly, to access
the last verb in the VRF, the user could type the sequence "zz".
NOTE: Unlike the Online Dictionary Facility (ODF) where text searches
ignore accent marks, accents MUST be included when positioning to a verb.
Accents can be entered in the usual manner (see the ODF section) by typing
the letter and then pressing the ALT A key (several times if necessary to
cycle through the available accent marks). You may type an a,e,i,o,u, or
n and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the a (or A) key. Thus,
to position to the verb "tañer" you should at least enter the three characters
"tañ". Similarly, to position to the verb "freír", you should specify at
least "freí".
To see the expanded details of the conjugation, the user can employ
the up and down arrow keys. The down arrow will cause the display of screens
2, 3, 4, and 5, successively. Pressing the down arrow again will cause the
redisplay of screen 1. Similarly, pressing the up arrow key will cause the
display of screen 5, and then 4, 3, 2, and 1.
HELP is available within the VRF by pressing the F1 key. Also, the F2
key will produce a blank screen.
The F3 key may be used to achieve a "flashcarding" effect within the VRF.
It will cause a verb to be randomly selected and displayed (and will preserve
the screen page setting). This is an additional way of drilling on specific
tenses for a very large number of verb forms.
Figure 10 - 13 show the successive screens accessed via the down arrow
key for the verb "suspender".
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
What is the Spanish Verb?
VERB: suspender Pattern: std VERB#: 4726 of 5044 #IOs: 16
PAGE#: 2 of 5
suspender: to suspend
suspend- -o -es -e -emos -éis -en
yo suspendo
tú suspendes
él suspende
nosotros suspendemos
vosotros suspendéis
ellos suspenden
suspend- -ía -ías -ía -íamos -íais -ían
yo suspendía
tú suspendías
él suspendía
nosotros suspendíamos
vosotros suspendíais
ellos suspendían
Figure 10. VERB Reference Facility (screen 2)
*** Deleted for space reasons ***
Figure 11. VERB Reference Facility (screen 3)
*** Deleted for space reasons ***
Figure 12. VERB Reference Facility (screen 4)
*** Deleted for space reasons ***
Figure 13. VERB Reference Facility (screen 5)
The Pattern field displayed at the top of the VRF Screen shows the
conjugation pattern that LinguaPro employs for that verb. A pattern of "std"
indicates that the conjugation is totally regular except for possible ORTHO-
GRAPHIC changes.
The file VRBINDEX.SPA (not included with the Shareware version for
space reasons) is designed to work in conjunction with the VRF. This special
vocabulary file contains the same verbs and definitions that are documented
within the VRF database. You can learn the verbs and definitions in the
same way that you would use for any other vocabulary file. However, if you
use the V command you are guaranteed to automatically enter the VRF and see
the complete conjugation of the verb.
2.6 Exiting from LinguaPro
If the user has not made any real changes to the loaded vocabulary
files, then the ESC key is sufficient to exit from LinguaPro. If changes
have been made, however, then either a Caution or a Warning screen will
appear to protect the user from the loss of data. The objective is to get the
user to employ the X command to preserve all statistics and data changes.
If the only changes made to the vocabulary files has been to flag some
missed words in the Flashcard Facility (E command), then the yellow CAUTION
screen (Figure 14) will show up.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
You have altered the statistics of the loaded vocabulary files by
marking words that you have missed (E command). If you wish this
information to be recorded, press ENTER and then use the X command.
A LEVEL1.SPA #Entries: 3673 #Words: 7264 #Kills: 0 #Purges: 0
Press F10 Key to SKIP Updates (or any other key to CONTINUE)
Figure 14. CAUTION Screen
This screen will appear if the user has marked words as "incorrect" and
has then tried to exit either by use of the ESC key or by use of the U command
(UNLOAD). If the user really wishes to terminate the session and NOT preserve
the error statistics, then the F10 key should be pressed. If the user wishes
to save the statistical information then any key may be pressed to return to
the Flashcard Facility and then the X command may be used to exit properly.
If, however, the user has made more major changes to the working
vocabulary files, then a red WARNING Screen will appear (Figure 15). This
will happen if the user has performed KILLs (K command) within the Flashcard
Facility, or performed KILLs (K), PURGEs (P), MODIFYs (M), TRANSFERs (T), or
added NEW words (N) while within the Dictionary Facility. If the user does
NOT wish to commit to the changes, then the F10 key should be pressed. If the
user wishes to make the changes permanent, however, then any key should be
pressed to return to the Flashcard Facility and then the X command should be
used to exit properly.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
!!! W A R N I N G !!!
You have made substantial changes to the loaded vocabulary files
by killing (K), purging (P), adding (N), or modifying (M) words. If
you wish these changes to be recorded, press ENTER and then use the
X command.
A LEVEL1.SPA #Entries: 3673 #Words: 7263 #Kills: 1 #Purges: 0
Press F10 Key to SKIP Updates (or any other key to CONTINUE)
Figure 15. WARNING Screen
2.7 The Flashcard Facility (VERBS)
If one of the verb files is loaded into LinguaPro, the user will be
presented with a different set of selection screens that will define the
precise verb forms to be exercised. In the following example the user has
loaded the file TVERB1.SPA. Figure 16 shows the VERB Tense Selection Screen
that first appears. If this is the first time that the user has loaded this
verb file then the Present Tense menu entry will be prefixed by an asterisk
(*). This means that if the user simply accepts this screen then only the
the Present Tense will be exercised. The user can alter the selections in
two different ways. In the first place, pressing the ESC key once will reset
all asterisks to blanks (pressing the ESC key a second time will take the user
back to the File Loading Screen). Once the screen has been cleared, the user
may select particular tenses by typing a number and pressing ENTER, e.g.,
4 ENTER, or specifying a range of tenses, e.g., 1-4 ENTER. HELP is available
at any point during these prologue screens by means of the F1 key.
If a menu item is selected that already has an asterisk, then the
asterisk is cleared. In other words, the VERB Tense Selection Screen "toggles"
the selected items. Thus, rather than press the ESC key to clear the menu
totally, the user could have typed 1 ENTER to clear the Present Tense line.
LinguaPro saves the user's desired VERB configuration in a file with
a SPC suffix (for Spanish). In this case the file name will be TVERB1.SPC.
On subsequent reloads of this same verb file, LinguaPro will initially default
to the same tense selection that the user previously chose for this set of
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: TVERB1.SPA Loaded: 3850 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
%Full: (35.8,18.3) Selected: 0 (SPA) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
Specify Range of Tenses to Enable/Disable (press F1 for HELP):
0 -> Participles (Presente/Pasado Participio)
* 1 -> Present (Presente de Indicativo)
2 -> Imperfect (Imperfecto de Indicativo)
3 -> Preterite (Pretérito)
4 -> Future (Futuro)
5 -> Conditional (Potencial Simple)
6 -> Present Subjunctive (Presente de Subjuntivo)
7 -> Past Subjunctive (Imperfecto de Subjuntivo)
8 -> Imperative (Imperativo)
9 -> Present Perfect (Perfecto de Indicativo)
10 -> Past Perfect/Pluperfect (Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo)
11 -> Preterit Perfect (Pretérito Anterior) <<formal writing>>
12 -> Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
13 -> Conditional Perfect (Potencial Compuesto)
14 -> Present Perfect Subj. (Perfecto de Subjuntivo)
15 -> Past Perfect Subj. (Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo)
Figure 16. VERB Tense Selection Screen
Once the user has completed the VERB Tense selection process by pressing
just the ENTER key, the VERB Selection Screen (Figure 17) will appear.
LinguaPro Release 2.11a limits the maximum size of a verb file to 76 fully
conjugated verbs or verb phrases. The verbs contained within the selected
verb file (in this case, TVERB1.SPA) will be shown in four columns of 19
verbs each. Again, since this is the first time that this verb file has
been loaded, all verbs will be marked with an asterisk to indicate that they
have been selected. The same options exist for modifying the VERB Selection
Screen that were available on the VERB Tense Selection Screen. The user can
press the ESC key once to clear all asterisks and then type explicit item
numbers (or ranges of numbers) to "turn on" desired verbs. Note that pressing
the ESC key a second time (when all items are already cleared) will cause
control to be transferred back to the Verb Tense Selection Screen.
Alternatively, the "toggling" feature can be used by typing in the number
of undesired verbs to turn them off! Once the desired slate of verbs has been
established, the user should press the ENTER key a final time to advance to
the next selection screen, the Person Selection Screen.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: TVERB1.SPA Loaded: 3850 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
%Full: (35.8,18.3) Selected: 0 (SPA) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
Specify Range of Verbs to Enable/Disable (press F1 for HELP):
* 1 acompañar *20 decir (1) *39 invitar (1) *58 repasar
* 2 aprender *21 decir (2) *40 invitar (2) *59 saber
* 3 arreglar (1) *22 decir (3) *41 ir (1) *60 saludar
* 4 arreglar (2) *23 decir (4) *42 ir (2) *61 ser
* 5 ayudar (1) *24 desear *43 ir (3) *62 tener (1)
* 6 ayudar (2) *25 doler (1) *44 llamar (1) *63 tener (2)
* 7 bailar *26 doler (2) *45 llamar (2) *64 tener (3)
* 8 buscar *27 empezar *46 llegar *65 tener (4)
* 9 cantar *28 enseñar (1) *47 llevar (1) *66 terminar
*10 cenar *29 enseñar (2) *48 llevar (2) *67 tocar
*11 cerrar (1) *30 enseñar (3) *49 llevar (3) *68 tomar (1)
*12 cerrar (2) *31 entrar *50 mirar (1) *69 tomar (2)
*13 comer *32 escribir *51 mirar (2) *70 tomar (3)
*14 comprar *33 escuchar (1) *52 necesitar *71 trabajar
*15 conocer *34 escuchar (2) *53 parecer *72 traer
*16 creer *35 estar *54 pensar *73 vender
*17 cuidar (1) *36 estudiar *55 poder *74 ver
*18 cuidar (2) *37 gustar *56 preparar *75 vivir
*19 dar *38 hablar *57 querer *76 volver
Figure 17. VERB Selection Screen
The Person Selection Screen works analogously to the preceding two
screens. Again, whatever options are selected by the user will be saved in a
file named TVERB1.SPC and will be used to set the initial defaults for the next
LinguaPro session. For Spanish students, turning off item 2 will disable the
'tú' forms of verbs. Similarly, turning off item 5 will disable the 'vosotros'
forms (used mainly in Spain). Items 3 and 6, of course, will generate the
formal 'usted' and 'ustedes' forms in addition to the usual 3rd person forms.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: TVERB1.SPA Loaded: 3850 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
%Full: (35.8,18.3) Selected: 0 (SPA) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
Specify Range of Persons to Enable/Disable (press F1 for HELP):
*1 -> yo
*2 -> tú
*3 -> él/ella/usted
*4 -> nosotros/nosotras
*5 -> vosotros/vosotras (SPAIN)
*6 -> ellos/ellas/ustedes
Figure 18. Person Selection Screen
After completing the Person Selection Screen the user will be confronted
with the Option Selection Screen shown in Figure 19. Option 1, if set, will
indicate that the user is a female. This will result in the generation of
adjectives with the proper gender as well as permitting the occurrence of
occasional 'nosotras' subject pronouns.
The second option causes the suppression of unnecessary subject pronouns.
Since the subject of a Spanish verb (at least in the 1st and 2nd persons) is
quite clear from the ending of the verb, it is normal for these pronouns to be
omitted in normal conversation. Exceptions are the Usted and Ustedes pronouns
which are generally always utilized. Option 2 will suppress the normal subject
pronouns but retain the Usted and Ustedes forms and any other 3rd person
pronouns needed for clarity.
Option 3 allows the user to select a desired form for the Past
Subjunctive (the 'ara' form is used as the default).
Finally, option 4 causes LinguaPro to generate the 'le' form for a direct
object pronoun if the recipient is a male human being. This practice (Leísmo)
is quite common in Spain but not encountered in Latin America where the 'lo'
form is standard.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: TVERB1.SPA Loaded: 3850 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
%Full: (35.8,18.3) Selected: 0 (SPA) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg: 1.000
Specify Range of Options to Enable/Disable (press F1 for HELP):
1 -> Female Speaker (yo)
2 -> Suppress optional subject personal pronouns
3 -> -se (Imperfect Subjunctive: -ase/-iese)
4 -> le (Male Direct Object Pronoun) (SPAIN)
Figure 19. Option Selection Screen
When the user has finished setting any desired options, a final ENTER
key will cause LinguaPro to enter the Flashcard Facility for Verbs. Unlike
the Vocabulary Flashcard facility, the VERB Flashcard Facility does not
currently permit entry to the On-Line Dictionary Facility (ODF). It does allow
access, however, to the Verb Reference Facility by use of the V command.
The VERB Flashcard Facility is very similar to the Vocabulary Facility.
In particular, the "clustering" logic ensures that the user is never confronted
by more than about 30-35 verb forms at a time (taken from the selected set).
The default is for Spanish to English and for the NORMAL mode of presentation
in which verb forms are presented in a format representative of reading,
writing, and speaking (phrases and sentences).
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: TVERB1.SPA Loaded: 3850 (ENG) Viewed: 0 Errors: 0 BatAvg:1.000
%Full: (96.3,82.1) Selected: 3383 (SPA) Viewed: 22 Errors: 0 BatAvg:1.000
Clust#: 1; 28 items; %Complete: 75%; #Clust Errs: 0; Stage#: 1; Mode: 1
you(m.pl) have prepared the lessons this morning
vosotros volveríais al teatro raremente si ...
you(m.pl) would rarely return to the theater if ...
vosotros escucharéis a la profesora tarde o temprano
you(m.pl) will listen to the teacher(f.) sooner or later
Ud. toma cereal en el desayuno
YOU(f.) are having cereal for breakfast
tú hubiste escuchado cuidadosamente
you(m.) HAD listened carefully
él ha dicho los datos esta noche he has told the facts tonight
yo volveré de vez en cuando I will return from time to time
ella la escucharía a ella a menudo si ...
she would listen to her often if ...
tú irás al campo en seguida
you(m.) will go to the country right away
vosotras trajisteis los paquetes por la mañana temprano
you(f.pl) brought the packages early in the morning
ellas saludan a Roberto y a Paco siempre
they(f.) always greet Roberto and Paco
yo tendría tiempo para estudiar el plan la semana que viene si ...
I would have time to study the plan next week if ...
Figure 20. VERB Flashcard Screen (NORMAL mode)(Spanish to English)
LinguaPro employs the following convention for Spanish pronouns. The
English word "you" is used to represent the Spanish familiar pronoun "tú".
The expression "you(pl)" is used to represent the Spanish pronoun "vosotros".
The complete table is:
you tú
you(pl) vosotros
YOU usted
YOU(pl) ustedes
Due to the poverty of English personal pronouns, use of this convention makes
it unambiguous which specific Spanish pronoun is desired.
Also, the word HAD, as in HAD gotten, is used to signify the Spanish
Preterit Perfect rather than the standard Past Perfect or Pluperfect (which
would be expressed as "had gotten"). It should be noted that the Preterit
Perfect is rarely used in spoken Spanish, but has been included for the sake
of completeness. This tense selection should generally be turned off.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: TVERB1.SPA Loaded: 3850 (ENG) Viewed: 35 Errors: 0 BatAvg:1.000
%Full: (96.3,82.1) Selected: 3383 (SPA) Viewed: 1 Errors: 0 BatAvg:1.000
Clust#: 2; 28 items; %Complete: 25%; #Clust Errs: 0; Stage#: 1; Mode: 1
tú habías comido jamón con frecuencia
we(m.) would begin to write the letter again if ...
nosotros empezaríamos a escribir la carta otra vez si ...
you(m.pl) will desire to paint the house at midnight
vosotros desearéis pintar la casa a la medianoche
you(f.) will have been able to close the door
tú habrás podido cerrar la puerta
it was strange that she had brought the grapefruits the day before
fue extraño que ella hubiera traído las toronjas anteayer
you(m.pl) HAD known Juanita
vosotros hubisteis conocido a Juanita
YOU(m.pl) believe Carlos Uds. creen a Carlos
I was sorry that they(f.) did not have time to complete the project
last Sunday
yo sentí que ellas no tuvieran tiempo para completar el proyecto el
domingo pasado
YOU(f.) aren't sure that she will have lunch with her friends(f.)
Ud. no está segura de que ella tome el almuerzo con sus amigas
he will have said it(m.) with feeling
Figure 21. VERB Flashcard Screen (NORMAL Mode) (English to Spanish)
Figure 21 shows the Flashcard system when it has been directed to display
English on the left-hand side. The HELP Screen (Figure 5) is available if the
user presses F1.
Let us now review all of the Flashcard commands giving emphasis to those
commands that are unique to the VERB flashcard system:
1. "A" command. Advance to the next "cluster".
2. "F" command. Freeze the current "cluster".
3. "C" command. This command will show the complete CONJUGATION of the
verb form being displayed as soon as the line is complete, that is, as soon as
the Spanish or English translation has been presented. The conjugation will
show all 6 persons for the Tense in question.
NOTE: If the user signals an "error" for the verb form (using the E
command, then LinguaPro will pretend that the user has also typed the
C command and will display the full conjugation for the verb in that
The "CC" command will enable a continuous conjugation of all displayed
verb forms. It can only be turned off by typing a subsequent "CC" command.
This allows the user to quickly review ALL persons of a given verb form once
the particular form being tested has been completed.
4. "D" command. This command will be ignored by the VERB Flashcard
5. "E" command. This command is used to signal that the user has
"missed" the verb form just displayed. (Note: As mentioned above, a full
conjugation for that verb in the current tense will be displayed as though
the user had also typed a C command).
6. "K" command. This command will SUPPRESS the verb form just
displayed. The verb form will, however, not be removed from the verb file
and it will reappear if the user ever resets the statistics for the verb
file by exiting with the XX command.
7. "L" command. The LOAD command will be ignored by the VERB Flashcard
8. "R" command. The RECYCLE command will return control to the VERB
Tense Selection Screen. This will allow the user to alter the selected slate
of verb forms without exiting from LinguaPro.
9. "S" command. The SWITCH command will cause the presentation style
of the VERB Flashcard Facility to switch to the GRAMMATICAL mode, or from the
GRAMMATICAL mode back to the NORMAL mode. The GRAMMATICAL mode is especially
useful for a student in the beginning stages of mastering a new verb tense.
In GRAMMATICAL mode the user likewise has the choice of a Spanish to English
or an English to Spanish drill. Additionally, the Mixture control commands
(<,<<,>,>>) can be used to select an intermediate mixture.
10. "U" command. The UNLOAD command will cause the current verb file
to be dropped. Control will then pass back to the File Loading Screen. If,
however, the user has flagged one or more verb forms as "missed" by using the
E (error) command, then the CAUTION Screen (Figure 14) will appear and the
user can press F10 to throw away the statistical information if desired.
11. "V" command. The VERB command will cause control to be passed to
the VERB Reference Facility (VRF) and the screen will be positioned at the
current verb.
12. "X" and "XX" commands. The X (EXIT) command is recommended as the
best way to exit from a LinguaPro session since it "saves" all changes and
statistics. If the user employs the XX command then all statistics will be
13. "Z" command. The Z command will disable (or re-enable) the use of
sound effects.
14. "<,<<,>,>>" commands. The Mixture Control commands work identically
in the VERB Flashcard Facility. The command ">>" will cause the left-hand
side to be entirely Spanish. The "<<" command will cause the left-hand side
to be entirely English. Use of the "<" and ">" commands will result in LESS
Spanish and MORE Spanish, respectively, on the left-hand side.
Figure 22 shows the screen format when the operational mode has been
SWITCHed (S command) from the NORMAL mode to the GRAMMATICAL mode. Also,
the left-hand side has been set to English via the "<<" command. In this
mode of operation the user is told the required tense, English pronoun, English
verb, and desired Spanish verb. When the user presses the ENTER key, the
required Spanish equivalent is displayed.
LinguaPro(TM) V2.11a - The Professional Language Assistant 100% Spanish->English
File: TVERB1.SPA Loaded: 3850 (ENG) Viewed: 52 Errors: 0 BatAvg:1.000
%Full: (96.3,82.1) Selected: 3383 (SPA) Viewed: 1 Errors: 0 BatAvg:1.000
Clust#: 2; 28 items; %Complete: 85%; #Clust Errs: 0; Stage#: 1; Mode: 1
PrPerfSub: we(m.) /learn (aprender)
que nosotros hayamos aprendido
PaPerfSub: we(m.) /close (cerrar)
que nosotros hubiéramos cerrado
Imperf.: they(f.) /review (repasar) ellas repasaban
Pres Subj: they(f.) /see (ver) que ellas vean
Fut. Perf: you(f.pl) /teach (enseñar) vosotras habréis enseñado
Past Perf: you(f.pl) /say (decir) vosotras habíais dicho
Present: you(f.pl) /listen to (escuchar)
vosotras escucháis
Imperf.: I /have (tener) yo tenía
Pret Perf: we(m.) /straighten up (arreglar)
nosotros hubimos arreglado
Present: we(m.) /look for (buscar) nosotros buscamos
Future: you(m.) /need (necesitar) tú necesitarás
Imperf.: he /take (tomar) él tomaba
Cond Perf: you(f.pl) /say (decir) vosotras habríais dicho
Cond Perf: you(f.pl) /help (ayudar) vosotras habríais ayudado
Cond Perf: they(m.) /arrange (arreglar) ellos habrían arreglado
Fut. Perf: you(m.) /give (dar) tú habrás dado
Pret Perf: I /work (trabajar)
Figure 22. VERB Flashcard Screen (GRAMMATICAL Mode)
If your PC has an insufficient amount of available memory (in the first
640K), then it will be impossible to load all five supplied vocabulary files
as WORKING (or internal) files. For users who wish to drill vocabulary, of
course, each of the five vocabulary files can be loaded separately and
practised individually. For users who wish to immediately utilize LinguaPro
for reading, or who desire total access to all available words, there are two
approaches that can be taken.
A.1 Build the KILLED.SPA File
In this approach the user should load LEVEL1.SPA and begin to KILL
(K command) all words that are truly well memorized. This will quickly reduce
the size of the LEVEL1.SPA file as the words are moved into the KILLED.SPA
file. The user may then load LEVEL2.SPA and knock out its easier words in a
similar fashion. When sufficient words have been "killed" the user will be
able to load the entire vocabulary set:
Now, when the user enters the On-Line Dictionary Facility (ODF) and begins
to search for words, LinguaPro will automatically treat the KILLED.SPA file as
an EXTERNAL file and it will be searched as well. In this case the user has
access to all available words. As new words are added in the course of
reading, they will by default be placed in the LEVEL5.SPA. Alternatively, the
user can create a new file by specifying the desired name at the File Loading
Screen. In this case all new words to be added will be appended to the user-
supplied vocabulary file (unless a different file is selected). Remember that
dictionary adds (N command) by default go into the "last" vocabulary file
When a SEARCH is performed, any words located within the "kill" file
(KILLED.SPA) will be marked with a red letter "K" in column 1. These words
cannot be manipulated by normal dictionary commands since they are coming from
an EXTERNAL file.
A2. Omit the File LEVEL1.SPA
The second option open to the user is leaving out the loading of the
file LEVEL1.SPA. In this case any searches made within the On-Line
Dictionary Facility will interrogate the LEVEL1.SPA file as an EXTERNAL file.
Again, words located within the LEVEL1.SPA file will be marked with a red
letter "K" because they are acting as though they had come from the
KILLED.SPA file. With this approach LinguaPro will have plenty of reserve
capacity to allow large numbers of words to be added to the LEVEL5.SPA file.
Ultimately, however, the user should switch to the first approach so that
all active dictionary files can be loaded simultaneously. Also, bear in mind
that if the LEVEL1.SPA is being viewed as the EXTERNAL file, then the
KILLED.SPA file will not be searched. Release 2.11a of LinguaPro allows only
one external file to be active at a time.
LinguaPro release 2.11a permits the user to utilize the power of the
Flashcard and Dictionary facilities for English, and General categories.
B1. ENGLISH Vocabulary Files
English vocabulary files are constructed simply by the user specifying
the suffix ENG when entering a file name at the File Loading Screen. The
English "words" take the part of the Spanish words in a SPA file. The
definitions of the English words act in a similar manner to the English
equivalents of Spanish words. This can be summarized as follows:
English Vocabulary Item <-----> Spanish Vocabulary Item
English Definition <-----> English equivalent of Spanish word
Within the On-Line Dictionary Facility (ODF), English vocabulary words
can be found by simply typing the first few letters of the word. The '#'
sign prefix is then used to find desired keywords within the definitions of
the English words.
Similarly, when entering new English vocabulary words the ODF will first
request the English vocabulary word and then its definition.
B2. General Question and Answer Files
In addition to the SPA and ENG categories, LinguaPro supports a General
category. General category files are marked by a suffix of GEN. These may
be created by typing a file name such as HISTORY.GEN at the File Loading
Screen. In this case the counterpart to a Spanish vocabulary item is a
QUESTION, and the counterpart to the English definition is the ANSWER (to the
Within the On-Line Dictionary Facility, QUESTIONs may be located by
typing in the first few letters of any word forming part of the question.
Locating ANSWERs is then performed by using the # sign prefix.
The General Category item file provides a convenient way for users to
build up lists of things to be memorized such as Medical terminology, court
cases (Law), historical events, and so forth.
- If you are making frequent changes to vocabulary files by performing
KILLs, adding words, or modifying words, it is strongly recommended that
you copy the various *.SPA (or *.ENG, *.GEN) files to a backup medium
on a regular basis. Remember that when you save a file (the X command),
the previous file is being overwritten. If you run out of disk space
during the store operation, or if you suffer a power transient, then
your file may be corrupted.
- If you are using LinguaPro in an environment in which you may be
interrupted occasionally by people curious about what you are doing,
remember that the F2 key will instantly give you a blank screen. Also,
the Z command will shut off the musical sounds employed by the program.
You will still get beeps, of course, if you type something incorrectly.
- If you inadvertently HOLD the ENTER key down for more than a few
seconds while you are in the Flashcard System, your PC may hang.
This problem has been observed occasionally on a few systems and can be
prevented either by proper use of the ENTER key, or by disabling the
sound effects with the Z command.
- The verb capabilities of LinguaPro are quite extensive. Be sure that
you load the file TVERB1.SPA (for example) and try the following:
a. Use the << and >> mixture commands to select Spanish on the left
or English on the left.
b. Try the autoconjugating command (CC) to get the complete conjugations
of the verb form interspersed with the generated sentences.
c. Try the S command to SWITCH presentation modes to the GRAMMATICAL
mode of presentation (while in this mode, also try the << and >>
mixture control commands).
d. Try the V command to get to the Verb Reference Facility (VRF).
While in the VRF, try typing 'a ENTER', 'b ENTER', ... to position
to the first verb beginning with the letter 'a', 'b', etc.
Try the cursor control keys to select previous/successor verbs or
to step up and down through the complete conjugation of the verb.
- Load the file VRBINDEX.SPA (not included with the Shareware release)
and drill on the verbs as vocabulary items. Whenever a conjugation
is in doubt, use the V command to enter the VRF. The complete
conjugation of the selected verb will be immediately displayed.
- When learning Vocabulary Items:
a. Load LEVEL1.SPA (or SHARE1.SPA) and select group 1 only! When
this group has been mastered, use the R command to RECYCLE and
pick group 2 only! When this group has been mastered, use the
R command again and pick groups 1-2 for review. Then do group
3, groups 1-3, group 4, etc.
b. If you are an English-speaking person then first learn the
various groups in the Spanish to English mode before attempting
the reverse direction.
- When learning Verb Items:
a. Load TVERB1.SPA, select the Present Tense only, pick a single
verb, turn off the 'vosotros' forms (unless you are immediately
taking a trip to Spain), and be sure to indicate if you are
a female speaker. Be sure to leave all subject pronouns enabled
until you have thoroughly mastered them.
b. Use the S command (SWITCH) to enter GRAMMATICAL mode. Set the
mixture controls to display Spanish on the left. You should
use grammatical mode until you are comfortable with the verb
conjugation in that selected tense before switching back to
NORMAL mode wherein the verb forms are presented in sentence