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rem DX.CED CED Synonyms for DX v2.09 Robert K. Blaine/ECONO-SOFT 12/88.
rem This file is intended as a working sample of a set of CED synonyms
rem to make using DX easier. You may use them as is or take them as
rem examples in developing or augmenting your own.
rem PCED is a trademark of and available from:
rem The Cove Software Group
rem P.O Box 1072
rem Columbia, Maryland 21044
rem This synonym file will run without modification assuming that DX.EXE
rem is located in a directory on your PATH. To make the synonyms run faster,
rem it is advantageous to replace all occurances of "dx" in this file with
rem a call that specifies the entire path -- the best performance will be
rem achieved by copying DX to a RAM disk as part of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and
rem then replacing all occurances of "dx" in this file with "x:dx" where
rem "x:" is the name of the RAM disk.
rem Many people like to use a master synonym to call DX. This can be
rem a convenient method of setting DX's parameters as an alternate to
rem setting an environment variable. Be aware, however, that using a
rem master synonym has the drawback of reducing the amount of command
rem line available for individual options when calling DX. The total
rem length of the line after PCED has parsed all the synonyms is 127
rem characters.
rem This synonym file may be loaded into PCED with the following command:
rem ced -b1024,128,3000,128,128,128 load dx.ced
rem Try to avoid the use of positional parameters (%1, %2, etc.) as they
rem make the use of multiple patterns difficult (pattern1+pattern2;pattern3).
rem If you don't use any positional parameters, PCED will tack all the
rem parameters on to the end of the synonym. If you must use positional
rem parameters, using all 9 (as shown in the "comp" example) allows the most
rem flexibility in adding additional parameters.
rem ================ Clear Previous Synonyms ==================================
clear syn
rem ================ Quick and Easy Directories ===============================
syn d "dx"
syn da "dx a:"
syn db "dx b:"
syn dc "dx c:"
syn dd "dx d:"
rem Ex: d ;view default directory
rem db ;view directory of B:
rem ================ Quick and Easy Wide-Format Directories ===================
syn dw "dx /w"
syn daw "dx /w a:"
syn dbw "dx /w b:"
syn dcw "dx /w c:"
syn ddw "dx /w d:"
syn arcw "dx %1\/w"
rem Ex: dw ;view default directory in wide format
rem dd ;view directory of D: in wide format
rem arcw myarc ;wide directory of archive or library "myarc"
rem ================ Selecting Files ==========================================
syn new "dx /at:!a"
syn tod*ay "dx /since"
syn yes*ter "dx /since:yesterday"
syn sd "dx /at:!d"
syn ld "dx /ld"
syn ldw "dx /ld/w"
rem Ex: new ;view all files newly created or modified
rem tod ;view all files created or modified today
rem sd ;show all directories in current directory
rem ld ;show sizes of all files in each directory in
rem ;the tree from the current directory on down
rem ldw ;wide-format of the directory tree
rem ================ Deleting Files ===========================================
syn vdel "dx /del/v/ro:n"
syn dbak "dx %1*.bak /del /v- %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn dro "dx /del/v/ro:i"
syn gobak "dx /gobak /v-"
syn cleanup "dx /ff/del/p-/v- \%1.bak+.tmp+.hld+*temp*"
syn zdel "dx /size:0 /del /v-"
syn delsys "if not '%1' == '' dx %1\ibm*.com+command.com/ro:i/del/f"
rem Ex: vdel \path ;verified delete of normal files in "\path";
rem ;read-only files never touched
rem dbak c: ;delete all "C:*.BAK" files without verify
rem dro ;verified delete of all files ignoring the
rem ;read-only attribute
rem gobak prog.pas ;if "PROG.BAK" exists, delete "PROG.PAS"
rem ;and rename "PROG.BAK" to "PROG.PAS"
rem cleanup ;sweep the default drive and delete all ".BAK",
rem ;".TMP",".HLD", and "*TEMP*" files without asking
rem zdel ;delete all zero-length files in this directory
rem zdel \ /ff ;sweep the entire disk deleting zero-length files
rem delsys a: ;remove DOS system files from A:
rem ================ Copying, moving, and comparing files =====================
syn comp "dx /v-/p- %1 /comp:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn co*pyc "dx /v-/p- %1 /copy:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn vco*pyc "dx /v /p- %1 /copy:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn mo*ve "dx /v-/p- %1 /move:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn vmo*ve "dx /v /p- %1 /move:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
rem Ex: comp *.pas c: ;compare all "*.pas" to files on C:
rem copy *t e:\save\ ;copy all files ending in "t" to "E:\SAVE"
rem ;creating the directory if needed
rem vmov .hld \hold ;verified move of all "*.HLD" to "\HOLD"
rem ================ File Attribute and Date Manipulation =====================
syn fa "dx /v- %1 /fa:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn ro "dx /fa:r /v-"
syn rw "dx /fa:r-/v-"
syn ro-all "dx /at:r- /ff /fa:r /v- /p- \%1.com+.exe+.bat+.dev+.sys"
syn fd "dx /v- %1 /fd:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn touch "dx /fdate:now"
rem Ex: fa newfile a- ;turn off the archive bit on "newfile"
rem ro file.ext ;make "file.ext" read-only
rem rw .bas ;make all "*.bas" read-write
rem ro-all b: ;sweep the B: drive making all appropriate
rem ;files read-only
rem fd xx 3-sep:6p ;set xx's date/time to September 3 at 6:00pm
rem touch .pas ;set the date/time on all "*.PAS" files in this
rem ;directory to the current date/time
rem ========================== Utility Options ================================
rem Call Chris Dunford's file differencer, HDIFF, to compare a file with it's
rem backup version:
syn diffbak "dx /run:'hdiff -cs $d$p\$f.bak $s'"
rem Ex: diffbak prog.pas ;compare prog.bak with prog.pas
rem To print a complete disk directory in "tiny" print on an Epson printer:
syn fulldir "dx \%1 /f /ff:a /so:*nec /he:2 /st:4 /pr /prm:tiny /prmarg:10"
rem Display free space on a disk, type "free x:"
syn free "dx /st:4 /to"
rem To simply create a list of files, type "lf files"
syn lf*iles "echo $n | dx /b /ex- /o"
rem Test if a set of files exist in another drive/directory and delete them
rem from this directory if so:
syn tdel "echo if exist %2$n dx $n/del | dx/b %1"
rem Ex: tdel .pas b: ;delete *.pas if present on B: -- verified
rem Verified interface to PRINT.COM (PRINT.COM must have been previously
rem loaded or the system will hang):
syn vprint "dx /run:'print $n'"
rem Ex: vprint *.doc ;verified print of "*.DOC"
syn ff "dx /ff \"
syn ffa "dx /ff:a \"
syn fs "dx %1/fs:%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9"
syn view "dx /view /v-"