SDN¹ Plus
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193 lines
Appendix A. Quick Reference
Formatting and Preference Options:
/Pause => Pause when screen full.
/Pause:Directory => Pause on directory boundaries as well.
/Wide => List names only across the screen.
/SINGle => One file per line with extra info.
/Totals => Sub and Grand totals only.
/Totals:Global => Grand totals only.
/Totals:Subtotals => Subtotals only.
/Header:n => Header level n: 0 .. 2.
/STats:n => Statistics level n: 0 .. 4.
/STats:f:h => Statistic levels for floppy:hard disks.
/CAse:option => Select Upper/Lower/Initial(default) caps.
/12 => Select 12 hour time format.
/Output => Output to DOS Standard Output allowing
redirection and piping.
/Output:filespec => Output to filespec (batch processing
default extension is ".BAT").
/PRint:printer => Format for printer (sets /Output:PRN).
/PRMode:mode => Print mode: Normal, Compressed, or Tiny.
/PRMArg:left:right => Set left or left and right margins.
/BColor:color => Background color: Black, BLUe, Green,
Cyan, Red, Magenta, BRown, Lgray, GRAy,
LBlue, LGReen, LCyan, LRed, LMagenta,
Yellow, White.
/FColor:color => Foreground color (as above).
/DColor:color => Directory color (as above).
/ANSI => Color support through xANSI.SYS
/Quiet => Inhibit informative messages.
/NLines:n => Set screen or page height.
/ALign => Align extensions.
/ANgle => Use "<DIR>" instead of "--dir--".
/ARCDT:Log/Nolog => Validate ARC/LBR timestamps.
/ALTernate:xy => Use 'x' for '+' and 'y' for ';'.
File Matching Options:
/Full => Display all files.
/ATtr:!fadhnrs+- => Select file attributes.
/Command => Match .COM/.EXE/.BAT files.
/SIze:low:high => Range of size (inclusive).
/SIze:-low:high => Range of size (exclusive).
/SINce:datetime => Start of date/time range.
/BEfore:datetime => End of date/time range.
/DOTstar- => Turn automatic ".*" addition off.
Page 66 0.0 Quick Reference
Version 2.0 Directory eXtended
Utility Options:
/SOrt:nesdac*- => Sort files according to "NESDTAC*-".
/FFind => Search multiple directories.
/FFind:option => Search: All/Directory/ARchive/Library.
/FSize:d => Test for room to transfer to drive "d".
/FSize:nnnn => Test for room needed to transfer to a
drive with cluster size "nnnn".
/FSBlink => Cause /FSize message to blink.
/Ldir => List directory names only.
/CKsum => Checksum files.
/CRC => Cyclic Redundancy Checks.
/SWatch => Show runtime and DOS ERRORLEVEL.
/INfo => Report switch names and abbreviations.
Special Processing:
/MOve:target => Move files.
/COPy:target => Copy files.
/APpend:target => Append files.
/COMPare:target => Compare files.
/REName:target => Rename files.
/GOBak:.ext => Go back to backup file.
/FDate:datetime => Set a file's date/time.
/FAttr:!ahnrs+- => Change file attributes.
/TDate:datetime => Set target file's date/time.
/TAttr:*!ahnrs => Set target file's attributes.
/DELete => Delete files.
/RUn:'command' => Single-line batch-like commands.
/VIew => View files.
/Verify- => Turn off special processing verification.
/OVerwrite:option => Overwrite options: Yes, NO, Ask, Newer,
Older, Larger, Smaller, Mustexist,
/ROnly:option => Read-only handling: Ask, Never, Ignore.
/LIst:filespec => List utility for /Verify and /VIew.
/VLevel:option => Verify level: Default, Compare,
Ifcompare, Off, ON.
/RDir:Log/Nolog => Remove empty directories.
/MDir:Log/Nolog => Create missing directories.
/DEfer:Log/Nolog => Force deferred special processing.
/MSP => Multi-pass Special Processing.
Compatibility Options:
/VIDeo:mode => Screen I/O: Direct, DIRECTSnow, or Bios.
/NONSTD => Prevent non-documented DOS function call.
/NETaccess:mode => Action to take on network conflict:
Criterr, Wait, Fail
Batch File Generation:
/Batch => Read template from DOS Standard Input
allowing redirection and piping.
/Batch:filespec => Read template from filespec (the default
extension is ".TPL").
/EXec- => Inhibit automatic execution.
/CDir => Generate CHDIR commands.
Copyright (C) 1985-1989, Robert K. Blaine/ECONO-SOFT Page 67
Directory eXtended Version 2.0
Template File Variables (/Batch and /RUn):
$D => Drive id (A:).
$F => Filename only (FILE).
$E => Extension only (.EXT).
$N => Filename and extension (FILE.EXT).
$P => File's path (\SUB1\MISC).
$S => Full spec (A:\SUB1\MISC\FILE.EXT).
$_ => New Line (Carriage Return/Line Feed).
$( => "<" -- input redirection.
$) => ">" -- output redirection (overwrite).
$] => ">>" -- output redirection (append).
$! => "|" -- piping.
$$ => "$" -- to actually output a "$".
$% => Unique number.
$# => Last unique number.
Template File Variables -- Beginning of Line Only (/Batch):
${ => Generate as batch file header only.
$} => Generate as batch file trailer only.
$( => Beginning of directory only.
$) => End of directory only.
Remember that file specifications may contain multiple patterns
separated by '+' or spaces to include multiple patterns and
separated by ';' to exclude patterns:
Also remember that patterns may have characters between and after
the '*'s and any number of '*'s:
*TEST*.*X* F*TE*LF F*?*X
The following may be typed anytime:
^C or ^Break => Abort DX immediately.
ESC => Skip to statistics.
^S => Force a pause.
Use a comma at the end of a command for continuation.
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