PC Press 1997 July
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!short: Where to find NETTO
The NETTO project was begun on the CompuServe Information Service
(CIS) by developers who frequent the CLIPPER forum. Each forum
has message sections and library sections. The library sections
are where files are stored. Currently, library 5 is devoted to
the Nanforum Toolkit (which is required to use NETTO) and thus
the entire current, up-to-date NETTO distribution can be found
there as well.
If you got NETTO from somewhere else, you have no guarantees that
the full distribution was available to you, however we hope it
was. Please make certain that your BBS operator or other
benefactor is keeping up with the NETTO distribution.
You are certainly free, and are encouraged to, spread NETTO around to
BBSes, user group libraries, other networks, wherever you want.
Again, be sure to take the entire distribution and try to keep tabs
on the CompuServe site because that is where `official' patches will
be placed.
No matter where you get NETTO, you must be aware that
NETTO is released with complete source code. If you
did not get source code as part of this distribution,
you should inquire with your source, or get it yourself
from CompuServe.
!short: Books and Publications
You may find certain third party publications and books useful
when doing NetWare programming. Not all of these will be of
interest to the CA-Clipper programmer, but you might want to
know about them.
Many of the books and periodicals are written for the C
programmer, with the notable exception of Joe Booth's book.
This doesn't mean the others won't help a Clipper programmer
(indeed, NETTO proves Clipper programmers can work from assembly
language documentation if necessary).
Note that some of these publications may have ceased publication
or the books may be out of print. Just be prepared and don't
blame us!
Comments by Glenn Scott (GS). Other comments and reviews are
^bNetWare Technical Journal^b (Attn: Subscriber Services, 1900
O'Farrell St, Ste. 200, San Mateo, CA 94403-9836.
NTJ started out as a Novell publication and was oriented towards
developers. Novell eventually sold the publication to McGraw-Hill,
and it was soon cancelled. Apparently, interest never ceased and
McGraw-Hill continued to receive subscription cards two years after
the magazine stopped publishing. In any case, this is a brand new
magazine aimed at "systems integrators", and as of April 1993 I
had not seen the "Premiere Issue" so it isn't clear how much
developer-related information NTJ will have. Publishes 6 times
per year, $30/year. (GS)
^bNetwork Developer's Resource^b (RoseWare, Inc).
This is a brand new newsletter devoted completely to NetWare
developer issues and is published and edited by Charles Rose,
the author of _Programmer's Guide to NetWare_, a book used
by many of the NETTO authors. The subscription price should
be approximately $95 per year and I don't have all the details
but RoseWare maintains a forum section on the CompuServe NOVVEN
forum (GO NOVVEN) so you can talk to Charles himself if you like.
I met him in person at a Novell conference and he's a pretty
nice guy. (GS)
^bBullets^b (Novell, Inc).
If you become a member of the Professional Developer's Program, you
will receive Bullets, Novell's developer programs newsletter.
A typical issue of Bullets will include a feature article
describing some aspect of NetWare development, and there are often
generous slabs of code provided, usually in C. In addition you'll
find descriptions of Novell development products and bug lists.
There's another section of this on-line guide that discusses
the developer's program; head there soon. (GS)
^bNetWare Programmer's Guide^b by John T. McCann
^bNetWare Programmer's Guide^b by Ralph Davis
^bNetwork Programming in C^b by Barry Nance
^bNetwork Programming with Clipper^b by Joe Booth
This is a new book by one of the NETTO contributors and an
author of the well-known _Clipper 5 Developers Guide_ by
Booth/Lief/Yellick. I haven't had a chance to see it yet
but as it is the only book I know of specifically
about Clipper networking, it should be worth a look. (GS)
^bProgrammer's Guide to NetWare^b by Charles G. Rose
This is the book used by many of the NETTO authors to create this
library. It's old, it has typos, but it's well respected and
it gets most of the information across. It's published by
McGraw-Hill and is oriented toward's the assembly language
programmer in that it documents what should be put in
each register, and so on. However, Rose implements all the
examples in an older version of Borland C -- this caused him
trouble when a newer version rendered most of his source
unusable without some minor edits. The book contains a
couple of completely useless chapters on Windows and C-Worthy
programming, and it's rapidly getting way out of date but it
was worth every penny. About $49. CompuServe users can
order it on-line (GO MH). (GS)
!short: Novell PDP
Novell has a program called the Professional Developer's Program
(PDP), which gives NetWare-aware application developers streamlined
access to NetWare products, development tools, and support services.
Through the program you can get discounts on additional copies of
NetWare OS and Communications products with a one-year renewable
Joining the PDP is the only way to get access to some Novell Software
Development Kits (SDKs). There is a private forum on CompuServe
for PDP members. In addition, through the PDP, Novell offers some
marketing support.
This program is available to professional developers of NetWare-Aware
software products. Contact Novell's PDP in the U.S. and Canada at
International developers should contact their local Novell office
regarding the PDP features in their area. Services vary from country
to country.
Note from Glenn:
Clipper developers will not likely need or be able to use
most of the PDP's development kits. But if you build
NetWare-Aware applications, you should be testing them on
NetWare networks. The PDP currently offers a cost-effective
way to set up a test environment and keep it current.
!short: Bindery object list
Some bindery object types:
1 Network User 24 Remote Bridge Servr 103 Oracle DB Server
2 User Group 26 Async Bridge 107 RConsole
3 Print Queue 28 X.25 Bridge 141 LanSpool Server
4 File Server 2D Synch Timer 429 Site Lock Virus Files
5 Job Server 2E Archive Server 529 Site Lock Checks
6 Gateway 45 DI3270 Gateway B29 Site Lock
7 Print Server 47 Advertising PServer C29 Site Lock Apps
8 Archive Queue 4B Btrieve Server 2380 Site Lock
9 Archive Server 4C NW SQL Server 4808 Site Lock Server
A Job Queue 53 Print Queue User 5555 Site Lock User
B Administration 7A TES (VMS) 6F00 Rabbit Gateway
21 NAS/SNA Gateway 102 Bindery 8002 LANPort
23 Async Gateway
!short: API availability across NetWare versions
NetWare APIs supported in NW v2.1x or later (many supported in v2.0x)
21x 3xx AbortSendingPackets
21x 3xx AbortServicingQueueJobAndFile
21x 3xx AccountingInstalled
21x 3xx AddBinderyObjectToSet
21x 3xx AddTrusteeToDirectory
21x 3xx Advertiser
21x 3xx AdvertiseService
21x 3xx AllocPermanentDirectoryHandle
21x 3xx AllocTemporaryDirectoryHandle
21x 3xx AppendToCaptureFile
21x 3xx AttachQueueServerToQueue
21x 3xx AttachToFileServer
21x 3xx AttachToFileServerWithAddress
21x 3xx BeginDiagnostics
21x 3xx BroadcastToConsole
21x 3xx CancelCaptureFile
21x 3xx CancelLPTCapture
21x 3xx CancelSpecificLPTCapture
21x 3xx ChangeBinderyObjectPassword
21x 3xx ChangeBinderyObjectSecurity
21x 3xx ChangeDirectory
21x 3xx ChangePropertySecurity
21x 3xx ChangeQueueJobEntry
21x 3xx ChangeQueueJobPosition
21x 3xx ChangeToClientRights
21x 3xx CheckConsolePrivileges
21x 3xx CheckNetWareVersion
21x 3xx ClearFile
21x 3xx ClearFileSet
21x 3xx ClearLogicalRecord
21x 3xx ClearLogicalRecordSet
21x 3xx ClearPhysicalRecord
21x 3xx ClearPhysicalRecordSet
21x 3xx CloseBindery
21x 3xx CloseFileAndAbortQueueJob
21x 3xx CloseFileAndStartQueueJob
21x 3xx CloseSemaphore
21x 3xx CreateBinderyObject
21x 3xx CreateDirectory
21x 3xx CreateProperty
21x 3xx CreateQueue
21x 3xx CreateQueueJobAndFile
21x 3xx DeallocateDirectoryHandle
21x 3xx DeleteBinderyObject
21x 3xx DeleteBinderyObjectFromSet
21x 3xx DeleteDirectory
21x 3xx DeletePrintQueueEntries
21x 3xx DeletePrintQueueEntry
21x 3xx DeleteProperty
21x 3xx DeleteTrusteeFromDirectory
21x 3xx DestroyQueue
21x 3xx DetachFromFileServer
21x 3xx DetachQueueServerFromQueue
21x 3xx DisableBroadcasts
21x 3xx DisableFileServerLogin
21x 3xx DisablePrinterDefaults
21x 3xx DisableTransactionTracking
21x 3xx DLLVersionString
21x 3xx DownFileServer
21x 3xx EnableBroadcasts
21x 3xx EnableFileServerLogin
21x 3xx EnablePrinterDefaults
21x 3xx EnableTransactionTracking
21x 3xx EndDiagnostics
21x 3xx EndLPTCapture
21x 3xx EndOfJob
21x 3xx EndSpecificLPTCapture
21x 3xx EnterLoginArea
21x 3xx EraseFiles
21x 3xx ExamineSemaphore
21x 3xx FileServerFileCopy
21x 3xx FindComponentOffset
21x 3xx FinishServicingQueueJobAndFile
21x 3xx FlushLPTCapture
21x 3xx FlushSpecificLPTCapture
21x 3xx GetAccountStatus
21x 3xx GetAllKnownNetworks
21x 3xx GetAllKnownServers
21x 3xx GetBannerUserName
21x 3xx GetBinderyAccessLevel
21x 3xx GetBinderyObjectDiskSpaceLeft
21x 3xx GetBinderyObjectID
21x 3xx GetBinderyObjectName
21x 3xx GetBridgeDriverConfiguration
21x 3xx GetBridgeDriverStatistics
21x 3xx GetBridgeDriverStatus
21x 3xx GetBridgeStatistics
21x 3xx GetBroadcastMessage
21x 3xx GetBroadcastMode
21x 3xx GetCaptureInfo
21x 3xx GetCompletePath
21x 3xx GetConnectionID
21x 3xx GetConnectionInformation
21x 3xx GetConnectionNumber
21x 3xx GetCurrentDirectory
21x 3xx GetDefaultCaptureFlags
21x 3xx GetDefaultConnectionID
21x 3xx GetDefaultDrive
21x 3xx GetDefaultLocalPrinter
21x 3xx GetDirectoryHandle
21x 3xx GetDirectoryPath
21x 3xx GetDiskUtilization
21x 3xx GetDOSVersion
21x 3xx GetDriveInformation
21x 3xx GetEffectiveDirectoryRights
21x 3xx GetExtendedFileAttributes
21x 3xx GetFileServerDateAndTime
21x 3xx GetFileServerDescriptionStrings
21x 3xx GetFileServerExtendedInfo
21x 3xx GetFileServerInformation
21x 3xx GetFileServerLoginStatus
21x 3xx GetFileServerName
21x 3xx GetInternetAddress
21x 3xx GetIPXSPXVersion
21x 3xx GetIPXStatistics
21x 3xx GetLocalTables
21x 3xx GetLockMode
21x 3xx GetLPTCaptureStatus
21x 3xx GetMaxSearchOrder
21x 3xx GetNetWareShellVersion
21x 3xx GetNetworkSerialNumber
21x 3xx GetNumberOfLocalDrives
21x 3xx GetObjectConnectionNumbers
21x 3xx GetOSVersionInfo
21x 3xx GetPreferredConnectionID
21x 3xx GetPrimaryConnectionID
21x 3xx GetPrimaryServerNumber
21x 3xx GetPrinterDefaults
21x 3xx GetPrinterQueue
21x 3xx GetPrinterStatus
21x 3xx GetPrintQueueEntry
21x 3xx GetQueueJobEntrysFileSize
21x 3xx GetQueueJobList
21x 3xx GetQueueJobsFileSize
21x 3xx GetSearchDriveVector
21x 3xx GetSearchOrderFromDriveLetter
21x 3xx GetServerAddressTable
21x 3xx GetServerInformation
21x 3xx GetServerNameTable
21x 3xx GetShellAddress
21x 3xx GetShellDriverConfiguration
21x 3xx GetShellDriverStatistics
21x 3xx GetShellRevision
21x 3xx GetShellStatistics
21x 3xx GetShellVersionInfo
21x 3xx GetSpecificCaptureFlags
21x 3xx GetSpecificNetworkInfo
21x 3xx GetSpecificServerInfo
21x 3xx GetSPXStatistics
21x 3xx GetStationAddress
21x 3xx GetVolumeInfoWithHandle
21x 3xx GetVolumeInfoWithNumber
21x 3xx GetVolumeName
21x 3xx GetVolumeNumber
21x 3xx GetWorkstationEnvironment
21x 3xx GetWorkstationOS
21x 3xx IdentifyToTBMI
21x 3xx IPXCancelEvent
21x 3xx IPXCloseSocket
21x 3xx IPXDisconnectFromTarget
21x 3xx IPXGetInternetworkAddress
21x 3xx IPXGetIntervalMarker
21x 3xx IPXGetLocalTarget
21x 3xx IPXGetMaxPacketSize
21x 3xx IPXInitialize
21x 3xx IPXListenForPacket
21x 3xx IPXOpenSocket
21x 3xx IPXRelinquishControl
21x 3xx IPXScheduleIPXEvent
21x 3xx IPXSendPacket
21x 3xx IPXSPXDeinit
21x 3xx IPXYield
21x 3xx IsBinderyObjectInSet
21x 3xx IsConnectionIDInUse
21x 3xx IsSearchDrive
21x 3xx LockFileSet
21x 3xx LockLogicalRecordSet
21x 3xx LockPhysicalRecordSet
21x 3xx LogFile
21x 3xx LoginToFileServer
21x 3xx LogLogicalRecord
21x 3xx Logout
21x 3xx LogoutFromFileServer
21x 3xx LogPhysicalRecord
21x 3xx MapDrive
21x 3xx MapDriveUsingString
21x 3xx ModifyLPTDevice
21x 3xx ModifyMaximumRightsMask
21x 3xx OpenBindery
21x 3xx OpenSemaphore
21x 3xx QueryServices
21x 3xx QueueExistingFile
21x 3xx ReadPropertyValue
21x 3xx ReadQueueCurrentStatus
21x 3xx ReadQueueJobEntry
21x 3xx ReadQueueServerCurrentStatus
21x 3xx ReceiveESRHandler
21x 3xx ReleaseFile
21x 3xx ReleaseFileSet
21x 3xx ReleaseLogicalRecord
21x 3xx ReleaseLogicalRecordSet
21x 3xx ReleasePhysicalRecord
21x 3xx ReleasePhysicalRecordSet
21x 3xx RemoveJobFromQueue
21x 3xx RenameBinderyObject
21x 3xx RenameDirectory
21x 3xx RespondToLocalQuery
21x 3xx RestoreQueueServerRights
21x 3xx ReturnReceivedPacketCount
21x 3xx ReturnVersion
21x 3xx ScanBinderyObject
21x 3xx ScanBinderyObjectTrusteePaths
21x 3xx ScanDirectoryForTrustees
21x 3xx ScanDirectoryInformation
21x 3xx ScanFileInformation
21x 3xx ScanForEquivalence
21x 3xx ScanProperty
21x 3xx SendBroadcastMessage
21x 3xx SendConsoleBroadcast
21x 3xx ServiceQueueJobAndOpenFile
21x 3xx SetBannerUserName
21x 3xx SetBroadcastMode
21x 3xx SetCapturePrintJob
21x 3xx SetCapturePrintQueue
21x 3xx SetDefaultCaptureFlags
21x 3xx SetDefaultLocalPrinter
21x 3xx SetDirectoryHandle
21x 3xx SetDirectoryInformation
21x 3xx SetDrivePath
21x 3xx SetEndOfJobStatus
21x 3xx SetExtendedFileAttributes
21x 3xx SetFileInformation
21x 3xx SetFileServerDateAndTime
21x 3xx SetLockMode
21x 3xx SetNetWareErrorMode
21x 3xx SetPreferredConnectionID
21x 3xx SetPrimaryConnectionID
21x 3xx SetPrinterDefaults
21x 3xx SetQueueCurrentStatus
21x 3xx SetQueueServerCurrentStatus
21x 3xx SetSearchDriveVector
21x 3xx SetSpecificCaptureFlags
21x 3xx SetSpoolFlags
21x 3xx ShutdownSAP
21x 3xx SignalSemaphore
21x 3xx SpecifyCaptureFile
21x 3xx SPXAbortConnection
21x 3xx SPXEstablishConnection
21x 3xx SPXGetConnectionStatus
21x 3xx SPXInitialize
21x 3xx SPXListenForConnection
21x 3xx SPXListenForSequencedPacket
21x 3xx SPXSendSequencedPacket
21x 3xx SPXTerminateConnection
21x 3xx StartCountingPkts
21x 3xx StartLPTCapture
21x 3xx StartSendingPktsTimed
21x 3xx StartSpecificLPTCapture
21x 3xx SubmitAccountCharge
21x 3xx SubmitAccountHold
21x 3xx SubmitAccountNote
21x 3xx TTSAbortTransaction
21x 3xx TTSBeginTransaction
21x 3xx TTSEndTransaction
21x 3xx TTSGetApplicationThresholds
21x 3xx TTSGetWorkstationThresholds
21x 3xx TTSIsAvailable
21x 3xx TTSSetApplicationThresholds
21x 3xx TTSSetWorkstationThresholds
21x 3xx TTSTransactionStatus
21x 3xx VerifyBinderyObjectPassword
21x 3xx VerifyNetworkSerialNumber
21x 3xx WaitOnSemaphore
21x 3xx WritePropertyValue
NetWare APIs supported in NW v2.15 or later
215 3xx AFPAllocTemporaryDirHandle
215 3xx AFPCreateDirectory
215 3xx AFPCreateFile
215 3xx AFPDelete
215 3xx AFPDirectoryEntry
215 3xx AFPGetEntryIDFromName
215 3xx AFPGetEntryIDFromNetWareHandle
215 3xx AFPGetEntryIDFromPathName
215 3xx AFPGetFileInformation
215 3xx AFPOpenFileFork
215 3xx AFPRename
215 3xx AFPScanFileInformation
215 3xx AFPSetFileInformation
215 3xx AFPSupported
215 3xx PSAbortPrintJob
215 3xx PSAddNotifyObject
215 3xx PSAddQueueToPrinter
215 3xx PSAttachPrintServerToFileServer
215 3xx PSAttachToPrintServer
215 3xx PSCancelDownRequest
215 3xx PSChangeNotifyInterval
215 3xx PSChangeQueuePriority
215 3xx PSChangeServiceMode
215 3xx PSDeleteNotifyObject
215 3xx PSDeleteQueueFromPrinter
215 3xx PSDetachFromPrintServer
215 3xx PSDetachPrtServerFromFileServer
215 3xx PSDownPrintServer
215 3xx PSEjectForm
215 3xx PSGetAttachedServers
215 3xx PSGetNextRemotePrinter
215 3xx PSGetNotifyObject
215 3xx PSGetPrintersServicingQueue
215 3xx PSGetPrinterStatus
215 3xx PSGetPrintJobStatus
215 3xx PSGetPrintServerInfo
215 3xx PSGetQueuesServiced
215 3xx PSLoginToPrintServer
215 3xx PSMarkTopOfForm
215 3xx PSRequestRemotePrinter
215 3xx PSRewindPrintJob
215 3xx PSSetMountedForm
215 3xx PSSetRemoteMode
215 3xx PSStartPrinter
215 3xx PSStopPrinter
NetWare APIs no longer supported in NW v3.xx
21x CheckPipeStatus
21x ClearConnectionNumber
21x CloseMessagePipe
21x GetConnectionsOpenFiles
21x GetConnectionsSemaphores
21x GetConnectionsTaskInformation
21x GetConnectionsUsageStats
21x GetConnectionsUsingFile
21x GetDiskCacheStats
21x GetDiskChannelStats
21x GetDriveMappingTable
21x GetFileServerLANIOStats
21x GetFileServerMiscInformation
21x GetFileSystemStats
21x GetLANDriverConfigInfo
21x GetLogicalRecordInformation
21x GetLogicalRecordsByConnection
21x GetPathFromDirectoryEntry
21x GetPersonalMessage
21x GetPhysicalDiskStats
21x GetPhysicalRecordLocksByFile
21x GetPhysRecLockByConnectAndFile
21x GetSemaphoreInformation
21x GetVolumeInformation
21x LogNetworkMessage
21x OpenMessagePipe
21x PurgeAllErasedFiles
21x PurgeErasedFiles
21x RestoreDirectoryHandle
21x RestoreErasedFile
21x SaveDirectoryHandle
21x SendPersonalMessage
21x TTSGetStats
NetWare APIs supported in NW v3.xx or later
3xx ClearVolRestrictions
3xx ConvertDirectoryHandle
3xx DeleteTrustee
3xx FillNameSpaceBuffer
3xx GetDataStreamInfo
3xx GetDirEntry
3xx GetDirInfo
3xx GetEffectiveRights
3xx GetNameSpaceEntry
3xx GetNameSpaceInfo
3xx GetNumNameSpaceAndDataStreams
3xx GetObjectDiskRestrictions
3xx GetVolUsage
3xx IsV3Supported
3xx MoveEntry
3xx OpenDataStream
3xx PurgeSalveagableFile
3xx RecoverSalveagableFile
3xx ScanDirEntry
3xx ScanDirRestrictions
3xx ScanEntryForTrustees
3xx ScanFileEntry
3xx ScanFilePhysical
3xx ScanSalveagableFiles
3xx ScanVolForRestrictions
3xx SetDirRestriction
3xx SetEntry
3xx SetTrustee
3xx SetVolRestriction