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595 lines
= P =
= Version 2.1 =
= - by - =
= Steven E. Margison =
Program and Documentation Copyright 1986
by Steven E. Margison -- All Rights Reserved
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 1
P -- the Super Printing Utility
Ever notice how many ways there are under MS-DOS or
PC-DOS to get a file from your disks to a printer? It seems
like every editor and utility program has some variation on the
same theme. So why does the world need another one? Simple. P
does a few things the others do not. But more importantly, it
combines features found in a variety of utilities into one
single program.
This program will print one or more files (concatenating
them) to the PRN: channel (unless specifically re-directed using
the "+" option). P will by default print the file with a form
feed character every 64 lines, and perform no other processing.
However, an extensive command line option set will add many
other features, such as:
* line numbering
* heading at top of page with page numbers
* current date/time at top of page (usually used with
* pause between pages for single sheet printing
* extra form feed at file end to clear paper from
printer path
* "raw" mode to override automatic page ejects
* "ascii" mode to strip all bit 7's and illegal
control codes
* optional slashed zeros
* optional left margin setting (handy for three-hole
* specification of beginning page number to print
* specification of ending page number to print
* specification of number of copies to print
* option to put MX-80 printer in 132 or 80 character
* "typewriter" mode to enter text from keyboard
The command line may be entered in true UNIX style; i.e., all
options are preceded by a hyphen (-) and any number of options
may be combined following a hyphen. More than one option
argument can be given, and the input filenames may be
interspersed with the options. All of the following commands
are acceptable:
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 2
p -hd file1
p file1 file2 file3 -l -h -d
p -c3m8b1e7lhd0 file1 -fw file2 +file.out
Page numbers are reported to the display (except with option R)
and a control-C aborts the program at any time.
Report version number of program and exit. Overrides all other
Give short usage message and exit. Overrides all other
Add line numbers to left margin. Adds about 6 extra spaces to
left margin.
Add heading to top of each page. Heading consists of filename
and page number.
Add current date & time to top of each page. Usually used with
-H option.
Pause between pages. Pressing Q or q quits program, 0 resumes
printing without further pauses, and any other key except ^C
prints next page and again pauses.
Suppress extra form feed at end of file.
Set a left margin of nn spaces. Use 6, 7, or 8 to allow spacing
for three-hole punching.
Print nn number of copies of each file before proceeding to
next. Note that if the keyboard is providing the text input,
this option is ignored.
Begin printing on page number nn.
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 3
End on page number nn. To print one page of a file, specify the
begin and end pages the same.
Slash all zeros encountered in the file (except for heading
line). This is done by sending a backspace and '/' after each
zero. If printer does not support true backspacing, do not use
this option.
Preface printout with Epson MX-80 control code to enter 132
column (Wide) mode. Upon completion, restores 80 column
(Normal) mode.
Preface printout with Epson MX-80 control code for 80 column
(Normal) mode. Normally not necessary, unless the printer has
been left in another mode.
ASCII print mode. Strips bit 7 from all characters, and strips
all control characters except carriage return, line feed,
backspace, and tab.
Raw print mode, for files which are already formatted. This
option overrides options H L D M P B E and forces option F.
Options C A 0 still function.
For options M, C, B, E, numbers may range from 0-255. However:
* If copies 0 are entered, copies default to 1;
* Margins should be kept <10, or line wrapping will be
* Missing or invalid values of nn report the error and
abort program;
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 4
To eliminate the need to redirect output to PRN: each
time P is used, the program automatically re-opens stdout (the
console display) to PRN:, unless a redirection option is used.
Because of this manner of handling output, the normal DOS
redirection with the (>) character doesn't work. To redirect
all output to a file or another channel besides PRN: use the
plus sign (+) followed immediately by the output specification
as follows:
p file1 +LPT2: (sends file 1 to LPT2)
p file1 +tempfile.out (sends file1 to tempfile.out)
p file1 +COM1: (sends file1 to serial port COM1:)
All error messages, prompts, and other informative messages are
sent to the "stderr" channel, which is always the display and
cannot be changed.
Make sure there is no space between the '+' character and the
output specification.
If no files are specified to print, the program reads
lines entered from the stdin device (keyboard) and sends these
to the printer. All options perform as specified above. Note
that input redirection will be effective. You could, for
example, enter
"p <COM1: +COM2:"
which would read lines from serial port COM1, format them, and
send them to serial port COM2. Why you would want to do this
boggles the imagination, but it is possible! Note that the
multiple copy option doesn't work, since there is no way to
rewind to the beginning of keyboard input. During keyboard
input, all normal line editing features are available.
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 5
By now, the ShareWare concept should be familiar to PC
users. In a nutshell, ShareWare is "try-before-you-buy"
software, reasonably priced and user-supported. This simply
means that you can get ShareWare software for free from anyone
who has a copy, or often from bulletin board systems. If you
use and like the program, then the author requests a donation to
support further software development. By registering and making
a donation, you will often also receive notice of available
upgrades or supplemental programs. Of course, payment under
ShareWare is voluntary, but if the program is useful and the
price is right, why not pay the dues and provide the incentive
and reward necessary to continue development of new and better
P is a ShareWare program. If you like it and use it, a
donation of $8.00 to the author will place you on a mailing list
for any future upgrade notices, and will register you as a user
of this program. You will also receive a diskette (DSDD 5.25"
DOS 2.0+) with the latest version of the program and
documentation, plus other documentation relative to ShareWare
programs by Steven Margison. A registration form is provided at
the end of this manual. If you have suggestions for the
improvement of this program, please send them to the author. If
they are incorporated into a future version of the program you
will receive a free disk with the newer version. Even if your
suggestions are not used, they are appreciated and will be given
due consideration. It is only through user feedback that future
programs and upgrades can answer the needs of the PC community.
P may be used in a commercial environment only upon
payment of a site licensing fee to the author, although it may
be tried for free under the ShareWare concept. A site license
for any number of computers at the same location is $35.00.
P may be freely exchanged or given away. However, it
may not be included or "bundled" with any software which is sold
or is a commercial product, nor may any charge be made for
copying or transferring the files. PC Users groups may request
from the author an exemption to this restriction.
P and its documentation may not be transferred nor
exchanged in any modified form. If you really want to "hack"
the program or the documentation, by all means do so; but don't
give the hacked version to anyone else. This author cannot be
expected to help others use this program if it is not the same
as it was when distributed. Under no circumstances may the
copyright notices be altered or removed from the program or this
P was written in the C language. The source code is
available from the author, but it is NOT in the public domain.
Source code on a DSDD 5.25" diskette may be obtained for
personal use upon payment of a $25.00 fee. The source code may
NOT be exchanged. The source code may be purchased for
commercial use by special request to the author, and the payment
of $50.00 if not for resale, or $100.00 if for resale.
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 6
Oh, this shouldn't be necessary among friends and
gentlemen, but it's really the lawyers who run the world and
they say we gotta do this:
** P is hereby placed in the Public Domain, subject to
the limitations specified in section VI of this
** P and this documentation are copyright 1986 by
Steven E. Margison.
** This program and documentation are provided "as is"
without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
implied, including but not limited to the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose.
** The user of this program and documentation agree to
hold the author and/or distributor(s) of this program
and documentation harmless for any direct or
consequential damages resulting from its use. In
other words, "you're on your own!"
** If this program was received by the user on a
diskette directly from the author (S.E. Margison) then
the diskette will be warranted to be free from defects
for a period of 30 days from date of purchase. Sole
liability of the author shall be to replace such
defective diskette with a like diskette upon return of
the defective diskette. "Defective diskette" shall
mean a diskette which is physically or magnetically
damaged in such a way as to make the contained data
inaccessible to a properly functioning computer of the
type intended for the media.
** IBM is a registered trademark of International
Business Machines Corporation.
** MS-DOS is a trademark of MicroSoft Corporation.
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 8
VIII. And Now A Word From The Author...
Well, if you got this far, you must be at least mildly
interested in what I have to say; for that I thank you. P
started out as a CP/M program and exercise in learning the C
language. Later, it was ported to the IBM PC/XT/AT and features
just kept getting added until it grew into the very versatile
program it has become. I couldn't get by without this program;
it is probably one of the most useful utilities I have written.
I hope that you will use the program and find it indispensable.
Besides money, user satisfaction is all that a REAL programmer
wants out of life. Even if you do not decide to donate, I'd
like to hear your comments on the program and this
Got an idea for a program which you would like to see
written? Let me know -- I pay commissions on ideas which I use
for new ShareWare programs!
A business-sized SASE will bring you a list of currently
available programs from me.
--- Steven E. Margison ---
--- CompuServe 74435,1042 ---
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 8
A separate form must be filled out for each product ordered or
registered. This form may be photocopied, printed out, or
edited to include all information and re-printed.
PRODUCT: --------- P SUPER PRINTING UTILITY -------------------
Check all that apply: Amount:
[ ] Standard non-commercial registration $8.00 $______
[ ] Commercial site license $35.00 $______
[ ] Non-commercial Source Code license $25.00 $______
[ ] Commercial Source Code license $50.00 $______
* for non-resale use only. Attach explanation
of need for source code and intended purpose.
[ ] Commercial Source Code license $100.00 $______
* for resale use. Attach explanation of intended
use in your product of source code or modified
program code.
Payment is by check[ ] or money order[ ] (Sorry - no COD or charges)
NAME _______________________________________________________
COMPANY ____________________________________________________
ADDRESS ____________________________________________________
CITY _______________________________________________________
STATE___________________________ ZIP _______________________
Send completed form and payment to:
Steven E. Margison
124 Sixth Street
Downers Grove, IL, 60515
- do not write below this line -
recd________________________ sent_______________________
version #__________ serial #________________
P -- Super Printing Utility Page 9