IMAGE 400_499\478.Lbm,Emblem for STS-51F, Challenger, July 1985: Fullerton, Bridges, Musgrave, England, Henize, Acton, Bartoe. Spacelab 2 mission.
IMAGE 1800_99\872.Lbm,The STS-51F crew have their traditional pre-flight meal, heading for a 5 pm lift-off. They are, from the left: John-David Bartoe, Anthony England, Story Musgrave, Gordon Fullerton, Roy Bridges, Loren Acton and Karl Henize.
IMAGE 1900_99\977.Lbm,Spacelab pallets carrying a full load of telescopes and other instruments, before installation in Challenger for the STS-51F Spacelab 2 mission in July 1985.
IMAGE 1800_99\873.Lbm,Challengers blasts off the launch pad on NASA's 50th manned mission, on July 29, 1985. (STS-51F)
IMAGE 1800_99\874.Lbm,Some of the instruments mounted on pallets in Challenger's payload bay for the Spacelab 2 instrument-only flight. (STS-51F)
IMAGE 1800_99\875.Lbm,Karl Henize photographing out of the windows on the aft flight deck of Challenger. (STS-51F)
IMAGE 1800_99\876.Lbm,Anthony England (left) communicates with Mission Control. John- David Bartoe is carrying out observations with binoculars. (STS- 51F)
IMAGE 1800_99\877.Lbm,'One giant burp for man', Anthony England tests a familiar product in a special carbonated drinks dispenser! (STS-51F)
IMAGE 1800_99\878.Lbm,Loren Acton photographing the starry heavens through the aft flight deck overhead windows. (STS-51F)
IMAGE 1800_99\879.Lbm,STS-51F Earth photography: The 'heel' of Italy and the Gulf of Taranto.
IMAGE 1800_99\880.Lbm,The STS-51F crew, who man Spacelab's instruments in two shifts, red and blue. From the left, Loren Acton, Roy Bridges and Karl Henize make up the red shift; John-David Bartoe, Story Musgrave and Anthony England, the blue shift. Commander Gordon Fullerton is in stripes.