IMAGE 400_499\480.Lbm,Emblem for STS-51I, Discovery, August 1985: Engle, Covey, Lounge, Fisher, Van Hoften. Repair of Leasat 3.
IMAGE 1800_99\881.Lbm,Three comsats are stowed in Discovery's payload bay ready for launch: Aussat-1, ASC-1 and Syncom IV-4. (STS-51I)
IMAGE 1800_99\882.Lbm,Discovery makes a spectacular dawn lift-off on August 27, 1985, aiming for another satellite capture. (STS-51I)
IMAGE 1800_99\883.Lbm,A chase plane shoots this picture of the dawn lift-off of Discovery. (STS-51I)
IMAGE 700_799\706.Lbm,A communications satellite springs out of Discovery's payload bay on STS-51I. Its attached PAM booster will take it to high orbit.
IMAGE 0_99\84.Lbm,In August 1985 on the STS-51I mission, James van Hoften moves in to capture the dead Leasat 3, inactive since its launch on STS- 51D.
IMAGE 800_899\878.Lbm,William Fisher hangs on to the Leasat 3 satellite during the STS-51I recovery and repair mission.
IMAGE 800_899\884.Lbm,STS-51I astronaut William Fisher has his feet anchored to Discovery's payload bay as he gets to grip with Leasat 3.
IMAGE 800_899\880.Lbm,Newly repaired by the STS-51I astronauts, Leasat 3 is pictured against a cloudy backcloth.
IMAGE 700_799\712.Lbm,James van Hoften relaxes after relaunching the repaired satellite Leasat 3 during an exciting EVA on STS-51I.
IMAGE 1800_99\884.Lbm,Riding on Discovery's robot arm above Brazil, James van Hoften has just re deployed the repaired Leasat 3. (STS-51I)
IMAGE 1800_99\885.Lbm,James van Hoften pretends to be Atlas holding up the world. Very convincing! (STS-51I)
IMAGE 1900_99\980.Lbm,William Fisher pictured during the EVA in which he and James van Hoften repaired Leasat and re deployed it. (STS-51I)
IMAGE 700_799\708.Lbm,Discovery kicks up the dust as it touches down at Edwards Air Force Base at the end of STS-51I.