IMAGE 200_299\239.Lbm,IRAS spent months mapping the heavens in the infrared and was able to see through the dust clouds that normally mask the heart of our Milky Way galaxy.
IMAGE 200_299\266.Lbm,An IRAS picture of the Andromeda galaxy, showing regions (red, orange and yellow) where stars are forming.
IMAGE 200_299\267.Lbm,Scattered throughout our Galaxy are puffs of gaseous "cirrus clouds", which IRAS spotted on its all-sky survey.
IMAGE 500_599\596.Lbm,The Andromeda galaxy, or M31, one of the very few outer galaxies we can see with the naked eye.
IMAGE 800_899\826.Lbm,This map of our Milky Way galaxy was prepared from data returned to Earth by IRAS. It shows most infrared sources concentrated in the plane of the galaxy.
IMAGE 900_999\934.Lbm,The closest galaxy to our own, the irregular Large Magellanic Cloud. Some 30,000 light-years across, it is located in the constellation Dorado about 170,000 light-years away.
IMAGE 900_999\935.Lbm,A cluster of galaxies in the constellation Virgo. This cluster has up to about 2,500 members.
IMAGE 900_999\937.Lbm,Central region of the Andromeda galaxy, showing the central bulge and the dark spaces between the spiral arms. Note the faint satellite trail over the image.
IMAGE 900_999\947.Lbm,A well-known double galaxy, the Whirlpool galaxy, or M51, in the constellation Canes Venatici.
IMAGE 900_999\948.Lbm,A radio telescope image of the Whirlpool galaxy (M51).
IMAGE 900_999\955.Lbm,The dense star clouds that make up the Milky Way in the constellation Sagittarius.
IMAGE 900_999\959.Lbm,The peculiar galaxy Centaurus A in the constellation Centaurus, which is bisected by a dense dust lane.
IMAGE 900_999\960.Lbm,A radio telescope image of the peculiar galaxy Centaurus A, which is a powerful source of radio waves.
IMAGE 900_999\965.Lbm,IRAS view of our neighbouring galaxy in Andromeda, M31, at infrared wavelengths.
IMAGE 900_999\968.Lbm,The galaxy M83, viewed at radio wavelengths.
IMAGE 900_999\994.Lbm,A galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, M101. It is an Sc type, with wide-spaced spiral arms.
IMAGE 900_999\995.Lbm,This Sc spiral galaxy is in Canes Venatici. The constellation abounds in all kinds of galaxies.
IMAGE 900_999\996.Lbm,A cluster of far-distant galaxies in the constellation Hercules. Galaxies tend to group together in space.