IMAGE 500_599\540.Lbm,Stars in the Eta Carinae nebula, pictured by the X-ray satellite Einstein (HEAO-2).
IMAGE 600_699\606.Lbm,An infrared image of the Orion nebula obtained by the Kuiper Airborne Observatory, which is managed by Amers Research Center.
IMAGE 900_999\916.Lbm,An infrared image of the Swan nebula in the constellation Sagittarius, obtained by the Kuiper Airborne Observatory of Ames Research Center.
IMAGE 900_999\933.Lbm,One of the most aptly named features in astronomy, the Horsehead nebula in Orion.
IMAGE 900_999\956.Lbm,A colourful star field in the constellation Cygnus, including the North American nebula.
IMAGE 900_999\957.Lbm,Detailed view of the North American nebula in Cygnus, showing its uncanny likeness to that continent.
IMAGE 900_999\958.Lbm,One of the most beautiful of nebulae, the Trifid nebula (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius.
IMAGE 900_999\961.Lbm,The delicate tapestry of glowing gas which we know as the Veil nebula, in the constellation Cygnus. It is what remains of a supernova explosion long ago.
IMAGE 900_999\963.Lbm,The Crab nebula (M1), a huge cloud of matter ejected into space during a supernova explosion in AD 1054.
IMAGE 900_999\996.Lbm,A cluster of far-distant galaxies in the constellation Hercules. Galaxies tend to group together in space.
IMAGE 1100_99\112.Lbm,Astro-l ultraviolet image of the famous Crab nebula, the remnants of a supernova explosion that the Chinese witnessed in AD 1054. (STS-35)