IMAGE 500_599\517.Lbm,The McMath solar telescope at Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona is the largest of its kind, with a heliostat 2 metres across.
IMAGE 500_599\518.Lbm,Kitt Peak Observatory has one of the largest concentrations of telescopes in the world. It is located atop a 2064-metre high mountain about 80 km from Tucson, Arizona.
IMAGE 500_599\519.Lbm,Three domes at the Kitt Peak Observatory. The largest houses the 4-metre Mayall reflector.
IMAGE 500_599\520.Lbm,The Mayall reflector, which has a mirror 4 metres across. Like most modern reflectors, it is of lightweight skeletal design.
IMAGE 500_599\539.Lbm,Telescope domes at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma in the Canary Islands. It is well located above the clouds.
IMAGE 800_899\845.Lbm,The Kuiper airborne observatory, which is based at NASA's Ames Research Center. It carries an infrared telescope, which becomes effective at high altitudes.
IMAGE 900_999\920.Lbm,One of the most famous of all telescopes, the 200-inch (508-cm) Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory, California.
IMAGE 900_999\921.Lbm,A 28-inch (71-cm) refracting telescope of the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
IMAGE 900_999\922.Lbm,The 3.9-metre reflector, Anglo-Australian Telescope, at the Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales, Australia.
IMAGE 900_999\923.Lbm,Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona is located above the clouds in a dry climate where skies are clear on all but a few days a year.
IMAGE 900_999\924.Lbm,Star trails over the domes of the Kapteyn and the Isaac Newton telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma, in the Canary Islands.
IMAGE 900_999\925.Lbm,General view of the complex of telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma, in the Canary Islands.
IMAGE 900_999\940.Lbm,The prehistoric megalithic marvel and observatory Stonehenge, which the ancient Britons used to follow the movements of the Sun and the Moon.
IMAGE 900_999\941.Lbm,Telescope domes dot the skyline at Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona. The dome on the right houses a 4-metre reflector.
IMAGE 900_999\988.Lbm,Aerial view of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in the Chilean Andes.