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Moons of Jupiter Orbital Clock
── Version 1.00 ──
Most of us are familiar with the path and phases of Earth's only
satellite - the moon. Orbiting the Earth every 27 days or so, the
moon controls the tides of our oceans, provides illumination at night,
and also gives us an excellent object to observe in our telescopes,
binoculars, or just the naked eye.
Imagine what it might be like if the Earth had four satellites of
different sizes, different orbital periods, different topographical
and geographical features, all having an effect on the tides and
eclipsing each other and the sun. Quite a scenario, wouldn't you
think? That's what it would be like if you lived on the planet
Jupiter. Although the moons of Jupiter are tiny in comparison to the
size of the planet itself, they are so varied in features and
properties that they are the most unique satellites in our solar
While Jupiter is on the average more than 2000 times farther away
from us than our moon is, we can still marvel at the four largest
satellites circling this vast gas giant of a planet. In a telescope
and even in a pair of strong binoculars, the movements of these moons
can be observed. Below are the names and some interesting data about
each of Jupiter's four largest moons.
Average Distance Time to Orbit Diameter
Name from planet (km) planet (km)
──────── ──────────────── ───────────── ────────
Io 422,000 1d 18h 28m 3630
Europa 671,000 3d 13h 14m 3138
Ganymede 1,070,000 7d 3h 43m 5262
Callisto 1,883,000 16d 16h 32m 4800
And just for comparison, here's the same data for our moon.
Moon 384,400 27d 7h 43m 3476
All this data for the moons of Jupiter add up to a never ending
panorama of circling objects. From our viewpoint here on Earth,
however, we can really see only one dimension of these movements,
motion that occurs from side to side. That is the purpose of this
program. To show the relative position of each of the moons in
relation to Jupiter itself at a given date and time.
To start the program, type the word "JMOONS" in at your DOS
prompt and press the enter key. After a brief blurb, the first screen
to appear is where you respond to four inquiries so the program will
know what you would liked displayed.
Here's what the program needs to know:
1) DATE - The moons will appear in their positions as they
were/are/will be on the date you type in. The format
required is MM-DD-YYYY. No dates earlier than January 1,
1801 (01-01-1801) will be accepted, nor will any dates
later than December 31, 2200 (12-31-2200). These aren't
just arbitrary dates, but a range where the program operates
fairly efficiently. Dates outside this range produced
unpredictable results. A quick shortcut around having to
type in the current date all the time is to just press the
"ENTER" key. This will retrieve the DOS date from your
computer. You entered the DOS date when you turned on your
computer or the DOS date may have been set by your
computer's internal clock.
2) TIME - The moons will appear in their positions as they
were/are/will be at the time you enter. The required format
for this prompt is HH:MM:SS in military style. That's the
same as 24-hour format. For example, if the regular time is
08:36:15 PM, the corresponding 24-hour format would be
20:36:15. If you just press the "ENTER" key, the time will
be retrieved from DOS. Again, either you set the time
yourself or your computer's internal clock did it for you.
By the way, don't worry about resetting the date and time
before you exit the program, the program does not affect the
computer's internal date and time. (A few seconds may be
lost internally while the program is run - a result of doing
intensive graphics.)
3) ZONE - This is a value between -12 and +15 indicating the
number of hours before or after Universal Coordinated Time.
Universal Coordinated Time, or UTC for short, is the time at
the zero meridian which crosses the Eastern portion of
Europe and Africa. This imaginary line passes through
Greenwich, England, therefore UTC is also known as Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT). The continental United States covers four
different zones that are offset from UTC by -5,-6,-7, and -8
hours when in Standard time and -4,-5,-6, and -7 hours when
in Daylight Saving Time. These four zones are Eastern,
Central, Mountain, and Pacific respectively. A table is
shown at the bottom of the input screen that includes all
the time zones in North America, Alaska, Hawaii, Australia,
and a few other locations around the world.
4) NAME - This field is for descriptive purposes only. Whatever
3-letter abbreviation you enter here will be shown on the
Orbital Clock display. The zone table lists the time zone
abbreviations for the continental U.S. You may just press
enter at this prompt if you do not wish to have the
abbreviation appear or don't know what the abbreviation is.
Now on to the Orbital Clock!
The large rectangular box that appears at the top of your screen
is the window looking into the Jovian system. South is at the top of
the display, matching a view through a telescope. The large circular
object in the center is the planet Jupiter, and the four smaller
objects are the four Galilean satellites. (These are not shown to
scale in relation to Jupiter.) Just what order the satellites appear
in from left to right depends on the date and time. Speaking of the
date and time, they appear at the upper right above the Orbital
Clock. The satellites are color-coded throughout the program for easy
identification. Io will appear in red, Europa in blue, Ganymede in
green, and Callisto in magenta (purple).
You may look in your telescope and see a satellite that is close
to Jupiter and a little above or below the center of Jupiter. This
means that all the satellites' orbits are not in line with a head-on
view from Earth, but inclined up or declined down a bit. The Orbital
Clock on your screen does not take that into consideration. It shows
a direct head-on view all the time. Also, the moons may eclipse
Jupiter and each other so one object may be hidden by another. The
Orbital Clock will show the satellites at all times whether they are
behind Jupiter or in front of it. (See the 3- or 15-Day Orbital Graph
below.) If, however, a satellite passes in front of another satellite,
the Orbital Clock may show the hidden one and not the real one that is
in front. (See the Bi-Dimensional display below.)
The table of values in the left center of your screen are the
apparent distance of each moon from the center of Jupiter and the
percentage of each moon's maximum apparent distance. The first column
shows in kilometers how far away the satellite appears to be from the
center of Jupiter. Of course, each moon is really a fixed distance
away from Jupiter with only minor variations, but since the Orbital
Clock shows a head-on view, and the view through a telescope is
similar, it seems like the different satellites get nearer or farther
away from Jupiter. The second column of numbers represent the
percentage of the maximum apparent distance a particular moon can be
from Jupiter. This is handy if you wish to know exactly when a
satellite is passing directly in front of or behind Jupiter (the
percentage will be 0.0000), or when a satellite is at it's maximum
apparent distance from the planet (100.0000 %). The negative and
positive values just show which side of the display the object
appears, negative for the left side and positive for the right side.
Both the Orbital Clock and table of values will be automatically
updated at the beginning of every minute as shown in the time display.
When you press the "5" key on your keyboard, the 15-Day Orbital
Graph is created at the lower right hand portion of your screen. The
reason it isn't displayed for you automatically is that on some
computers it may take several seconds to complete. So, it will only
appear if you request it.
On this graph are 15 days, seven before and seven after the date
you specified on the Date, Time, and Zone screen. A line will appear
within this date that corresponds to the time of day you specified.
In the middle of the graph, running from top to bottom is a thick line
that represents the diameter of Jupiter. Swirling around this central
line are four graphs or sine waves. These represent the apparent
distance of the four moons from Jupiter. Again, South is at the top,
matching the view in a telescope.
The one wave that completes a period (starting at one point on
the sine wave and continuing down to the same relative point) of a
little more than a day and a half and never gets too far away from
Jupiter belongs to Io. (Appearing in the color red.) The next sine
wave that completes a period in about 3 and a half days is Europa's.
(In blue.) The third is Ganymede's with a period of about 7 days
(green), and the last is Callisto's (magenta) whose period is
approximately 16.75 days and therefore one full period cannot be shown
on this graph. You may notice that on the graph the sine waves may
disappear while about to pass over the center Jupiter line. This
indicates that the moon, from our view point on Earth, is passing
behind Jupiter. The very next time that same wave crosses Jupiter, it
will be visible and indicates that the moon is passing in front of
An alternative to the 15-Day Graph is the 3-Day graph. This
option follows the same description above, but is displayed by
pressing the "3" key on your computer keyboard.
These graphs are useful for determining when all four moons will
be to the right or left of Jupiter, or when a particular moon is
eclipsing Jupiter or another moon, or the rare (maybe impossible) time
when all four satellites are either directly in front of or behind
Another feature that helps to determine whether a satellite is in
front of or behind Jupiter is the Bi-Dimensional Orbital Display.
This display shows a view of Jupiter and it's moons from an angle
slightly above the head-on view that the Orbital Clock displays. As
with the Orbital Clock and Graphs, South is at the top. Jupiter is in
the middle of this window. Satellites that are passing in front of
Jupiter appear in the lower half of this window, and those passing
behind Jupiter appear in the upper half. The moons in this window are
not shown to scale in relation to the size of Jupiter. If they were
shown to scale, you probably wouldn't be able to see them on this
small display. The four rings around Jupiter are there just to show
the paths of the four satellites. Again, the moons are color-coded in
the same scheme as above.
This display is also updated at the beginning of every minute as
shown in the time display in the upper right corner of the screen.
Quick Reference to active keys
The following keys may be pressed while the Orbital Clock is
"3" = 3 Day Orbital Graph.
"4" = Allows changes in Date, Time, and Time Zone.
"5" = 15 Day Orbital Graph.
"9" = Exits the program and returns you to DOS.
Computer Requirements and Notes
The Moons of Jupiter Orbital Clock is designed to run on MS-DOS
compatible machines. Memory should not be a problem, but 256K or more
seems like a good idea. A CPU that runs at 8 MHz or faster (80286 or
80386) is a good idea also, otherwise some of the displays may take
considerable amount of time to complete. An EGA card and monitor is
required for this program.
The Moons of Jupiter Orbital Clock program is great for rainy
days, or cloudy nights. Sometimes your favorite observing time
doesn't coincide with the time Jupiter is in the night sky. Below is
a general list of when Jupiter is in the sky through 1989.
Key: r = Jupiter rises in the East during twilight.
R = Jupiter rises in the East after twilight.
t = Jupiter transits during twilight.
T = Jupiter transits after twilight.
s = Jupiter sets in the West during twilight.
S = Jupiter sets in the West after twilight.
S S S s r R R R Rt RT rTs TS
Opposition: November 22, 1988
tS S S S s r r R R Rt RT rT
Opposition: December 27, 1989
A monthly astronomy magazine will be more specific about the
dates Jupiter rises, transits, and sets, and usually has a chart
indicating the positions of Jupiter's satellites at a certain time
every day. These types of publications greatly enhance your knowledge
of astronomy, and this program can keep you up to date on the moons of
Jupiter, but don't forget to check out the real thing in your
Moons of Jupiter Orbital Clock
by: Andrew Jones
JMOONS is written in BASIC and compiled using
Microsoft's QuickBASIC 2.0
JMOONS.EXE and JMOONS.DOC are hereby declared
public domain and may be freely copied and
distributed. Comments and inquiries may be
sent to me through the Starport Information
Service or to Compuserve ID number 73767,557
or to:
Andrew Jones
Eagle Rock Village 4-6B
Budd Lake, NJ 07828
Menzel, Donald H. and Pasachoff, Jay M. 1983. A Field Guide to
the Stars and Planets. Second Edition, Revised. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Sennitt, Andrew G. 1988. World Radio TV Handbook. 1988 Edition.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Billboard A. G.
Rugg, Tom and Feldman, Phil. 1981. TRS-80 Color Computer
Programs. Radio Shack Book # 62-2313.
U. S. Naval Observatory. 1987. Astronomical Almanac.