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Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 13:27:32 EST
From: Rob Slade <roberts@mukluk.decus.ca>
Subject: Book Review: "E-Mail Security" by Schneier
"E-Mail Security", Bruce Schneier, 1995, 0-471-05318-X, U$24.95/C$32.50
%A Bruce Schneier schneier@counterpane.com
%C 5353 Dundas Street West, 4th Floor, Etobicoke, ON M9B 6H8
%D 1995
%G 0-471-05318-X
%I John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
%O U$24.95/C$32.50 416-236-4433 fax: 416-236-4448 800-CALL-WILEY
%O 212-850-6630 Fax: 212-850-6799 Fax: 908-302-2300 jdemarra@jwiley.com
%P 365
%T "E-Mail Security"
This is the third work that I have seen on the PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
text encryption and authentication system. (I understand that at
least two more are in the works.) It is also the first to truly
present the general concept of email security by covering the only
other realistic option -- the Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM)
standard and (Mark) Riordan's Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (RIPEM)
implementation. The book divides roughly into quarters discussing
background, practical use, the PGP documentation, and the PEM RFCs.
The work is considerably different, in style, to the Stallings
(BKPRTPRV.RVW) and Garfinkel (BKPGPGAR.RVW) efforts. Those books,
while not obtuse, were still written with a technical audience in
mind. Schneier's work, while definitely showing the expertise he
demonstrated in "Applied Encryptography" (BKAPCRYP.RVW), is clearly
aimed at the general, non-technical reader. (Interestingly, while he
*does* tell you where to find the RC4 algorithm posting, he *doesn't*
mention the loophole recently pointed out in the Clipper "Skipjack"
algorithm.) The straightforward style lulled me into thinking that
chapter one was too long. It isn't: Schneier makes the important
point that, for it to be *truly* effective, encryption must be used on
*all* correspondence, even trivial items. So well crafted is his
argument that it would be difficult to reduce the chapter by so much
as a paragraph.
Schneier uses this argument to good effect in pointing out some of the
major deficiencies in the two systems. PGP is awkward to use, and PEM
may use incompatible algorithms. Surprisingly, he does not emphasize
(though he does mention) what is probably the major problem with
each -- the inability to use the same system within and outside of the
United States. The PGP fiasco is too involved to get into here (see
the Garfinkel work for details) and there is not yet an "international"
implementation of PEM (although there may soon be an "authentication
only" version available).
This won't help you design your own algorithm, but it is definitely
for any user of email, manager of communications systems, or student
of privacy and confidentiality.
copyright Robert M. Slade, 1995 BKEMLSEC.RVW 950127. Distribution
permitted in TELECOM Digest and associated publications. Rob Slade's
book reviews are a regular feature in the Digest.
DECUS Canada Communications, Desktop, Education and Security group newsletters
Editor and/or reviewer ROBERTS@decus.ca, RSlade@sfu.ca, Rob Slade at 1:153/733
Author "Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses" 0-387-94311-0/3-540-94311-0