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- Minitel/PC V2.3 Technical Documentation
- The following documents version 2.3 of Minitel Services Company's
- Minitel/PC terminal emulator. This software allows your IBM or IBM-
- compatible PC to imitate a Minitel or TTY terminal.
- This document is divided into the following sections.
- Section 1.0 - Hardware and Operating System
- Requirements
- Section 2.0 - Installing Minitel/PC
- Section 3.0 - How to run Minitel/PC
- Section 4.0 - Minitel/PC Commands
- Appendix A - Command Line Parameters
- Appendix B - Files distributed with Minitel/PC
- Appendix C - Configuration Parameters
- Appendix D - Keyboard Mapping
- Appendix E - Script Language Description
- Appendix F - Entering Control Characters
- Appendix G - Use of the Minitel Function Keys
- Appendix H - Error Messages
- Appendix I - Printing the screen
- Appendix J - Modem switch settings
- Appendix K - Version Differences
- Appendix L - Differences from a real Minitel
- 1.0 Hardware and Operating System Requirements
- ------------------------------------------
- The following minimum hardware configuration is necessary to run
- Minitel/PC:
- - 192K RAM (emulator needs 128K bytes of free memory)
- - MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules video display adaptor
- - One 5.25 or 3.5 inch floppy disk drive with a capacity
- of 360K or more.
- Minitel/PC requires MS or PC-DOS version 2.0 or higher.
- 2.0 Installing Minitel/PC
- ---------------------
- The specific steps you must take to install Minitel/PC depend on whether
- you received it on a Getting Started Diskette or whether you downloaded
- it from a bulletin board. If you downloaded Minitel/PC from a bulletin
- board, proceed with section 2.1, otherwise skip to section 2.2.
- 2.1 Minitel/PC Downloaded from a Bulletin Board
- The file you downloaded from the bulletin board is a self-unpacking
- archive containing Minitel/PC and its documentation. The best way to
- proceed is to create a Getting Started diskette from this archive. To do
- this follow these steps:
- i) Obtain a blank formatted floppy diskette. If you have a system with
- two floppy disk drives, insert this diskette in drive B:, otherwise save
- this diskette until you are prompted with:
- "Insert diskette for drive B:"
- ii) Put the diskette containing the archive in drive A:, then type the
- following commands:
- a: [Enter]
- rename ARCHIVE_NAME runme.exe [Enter]
- b: [Enter]
- a:runme [Enter]
- iii) If you have a single-drive system, insert the diskette containing
- the archive when prompted with "Insert diskette for drive A:" and insert
- the blank formatted diskette when prompted with "Insert diskette for
- drive B:".
- Now that you have created a Getting Started diskette, you can proceed to
- section 2.2.
- 2.2 Minitel/PC Received on a Getting Started Diskette
- To install Minitel/PC from a Getting Started diskette, put the diskette
- in drive A:, set the default drive to A:, then type 'install', and just
- follow the instructions. INSTALL will prompt you for information such as
- your modem type, display type, and the drive and directory in which you
- want Minitel/PC installed.
- The installation program creates a configuration file (mt.cfg) and copies
- the emulator to the installation drive/directory. The configuration file
- contains hardware-specific parameters for your machine such as display
- adaptor type, communication port, and modem speed. See Appendix C for a
- complete description of all configuration file parameters.
- 3.0 How to Run Minitel/PC
- ---------------------
- Once Minitel/PC has been installed, you can run it by performing the
- following steps.
- If you installed Minitel/PC on a floppy disk:
- i) Insert the Minitel/PC Program diskette in drive A:
- ii) Log to the A: drive by typing:
- a: [Enter]
- iii) Start the program by typing:
- mt [Enter]
- If you installed Minitel/PC on a hard disk, type the following commands:
- c: [Enter] (if installed on drive C:)
- cd\mt [Enter] (if installed in \mt subdirectory)
- mt [Enter]
- A real Minitel terminal contains nine special keys (called function keys)
- that are not on the PC keyboard. The nine keys are labelled INDEX,
- Since these keys are not available on the PC keyboard, the function keys
- on the PC keyboard (labelled F1 to F9) are used as replacements. Some of
- the Minitel special keys have more than one replacement on the PC
- keyboard. For example, if an application asks you to press the SEND key,
- you can press either F8 or the ENTER key. The following table shows the
- mapping of the Minitel function keys to their equivalents on the PC
- keyboard:
- English Minitel French Minitel
- Key Label PC Equivalent(s) Key Label
- --------------- ------------------------- --------------
- From within Minitel/PC, you can press the PC key labelled F10 to get a
- help menu showing the above Minitel function key mapping. The help menu
- also displays a listing of the following important commands that control
- your link with the network:
- Logon to Network SHIFT-F1
- Change Service SHIFT-F2
- Logoff Network then Quit SHIFT-F3
- See Appendix D for the complete mapping of the Minitel keyboard to the PC
- keyboard.
- The most commonly used Minitel function keys are SEND, which is used like
- ENTER (or Carriage Return) on a normal terminal, CORRECTION, which allows
- you to correct your typing errors, and GUIDE, which is used to request
- help from the service you are using. See Appendix G for a more complete
- description of the uses of the Minitel function keys.
- As shown in the above table, Minitel/PC uses the ENTER (carriage return)
- key and the BACKSPACE key to emulate the Minitel SEND and CORRECTION keys
- respectively. When using Minitel/PC it is sometimes necessary to send a
- real carriage return or a real backspace, for example when issuing
- commands to your modem or a network. Commands to your modem must be
- followed by a carriage return and not a Minitel SEND. Corrections to
- errors in modem commands must be made with a backspace and not a Minitel
- CORRECTION. The following table shows the Minitel/PC key combinations
- that are used to send real carriage returns and backspaces:
- To send real carriage return: [Ctrl-Enter] (i.e. hold down the
- [Ctrl] key and press [Enter])
- or [Ctrl-m]
- To send a real backspace : [Ctrl-Backspace] (i.e. hold down the
- [Ctrl] key and press [Backspace])
- or [Ctrl-h]
- Minitel/PC displays certain status information on the upper right hand
- corner of the screen. In column 39 of the top row of the screen, a
- reverse video 'C' is displayed once a connection is made to the network
- (i.e. when the DCD signal is high), and a reverse video 'L' is displayed
- when there is no connection to the network (i.e. when the DCD signal is
- low). This indicator may not be correct if you do not have a proper
- cable between your PC and modem or if your modem switch settings are not
- correct (see Appendix J for more details on modem switch settings). A
- reverse video 'M' is displayed in column 40 of the top row of the screen
- while a script language program is running. Script language programs can
- be stopped prematurely by pressing the [ESC] key (see Appendix E for more
- details on script language programs).
- 4.0 Minitel/PC Commands
- -------------------
- Minitel/PC commands of the form [ALT-letter] are issued by holding down
- the [ALT] key and pressing the 'letter'. For example, the command [ALT-
- x] means hold down the [ALT] key and press the [x] key. Commands of the
- form [SHIFT-Fx] are issued by holding down the [SHIFT] key and pressing
- the key labelled [Fx].
- 4.1 Send Break Signal [ALT-b]
- This command sends a break signal to the remote system. A BREAK is
- usually not necessary when communicating with videotex systems. On some
- data switches and modem pools, a BREAK is used for a local attention.
- The length of the break sent is specified by the BREAK_LEN configuration
- parameter. The value in the BREAK_LEN parameter is rounded up to the
- nearest multiple of 55 milliseconds (this is the default granularity of
- the PC clock interrupts).
- 4.2 Exit Minitel/PC without disconnecting [ALT-e]
- This command allows you to exit to DOS from Minitel/PC without
- disconnecting from Minitel.
- 4.3 Disconnect and exit Minitel/PC [ALT-q]
- This command drops the line and then terminates execution of the
- Minitel/PC. For HAYES modems the line is dropped by first sending three
- plus signs (+++) to go into local mode and then issuing the ATH
- command. For other types of modems the line is dropped by dropping
- the RS232 DTR signal. In Minitel mode a LOCAL LINE key is sent prior
- to dropping the line to disconnect from the current service.
- During Minitel emulation the program function key SHIFT F3 is set by
- default to perform the same function as [ALT][q].
- 4.4 Program Function Keys [SHIFT-F1] -> [SHIFT-F10]
- The program function keys can be used to extend the functionality of
- Minitel/PC by adding your own commands. A program function key can be
- used to execute a script language program (see Appendix E for
- instructions on writing your own script language programs) or to cause a
- predefined series of characters to be sent to the remote system as if
- they had been typed at the keyboard. See Section C.5 (Appendix C,
- Section 5) for a description of how to assign values to function keys.
- During Minitel emulation the program function keys [SHIFT-F1] through
- [SHIFT-F4] are set by default to perform the following functions
- Automatically dial and log on to the Minitel kiosk.
- This is normally the first command that you will
- issue after starting Minitel/PC.
- When connected to a service this command can be
- used to return you to the Minitel kisok so that
- you can select a new service.
- This command disconnects you from the current
- service, drops the line and returns you to DOS.
- If you have an auto-dial modem that does not
- work with [SHIFT-F1], you can manually instruct
- your modem to dial and then issue this command to
- logon to the Minitel kiosk.
- It is possible for these commands to fail for a number of reasons,
- including a bad communication line, a service not available, or network
- failure. See Appendix H (Error Messages) for a list of possible errors
- and instructions on how to recover in case of an error.
- The remaining program function keys [SHIFT-F5] through [SHIFT-F10] can be
- used to add your own commands to Minitel/PC. The command [ALT-f] can be
- used to display the current settings of the program function keys.
- During TTY emulation all ten program function keys are available to add
- new commands.
- 4.5 Display Help Menu [F10] or [ALT-h]
- This command displays a menu containing the Minitel function keys and the
- most often used Minitel/PC commands. To leave the menu you can either
- press the [ESC] key or execute one of the commands on the menu.
- 4.6 Program Function Key Menu [ALT-m]
- This command displays a menu containing all of the program function key
- settings. To leave the menu you can either press one of the program
- function keys (to run the key) or press [ESC] to leave the menu without
- running a program function key.
- 4.7 Save screen to disk [ALT-s]
- This command causes the contents of the screen to be saved to a disk
- file. After entering this command you will be prompted with:
- Enter file name:
- In response to this prompt enter the name of the DOS file in which you
- would like the screen to be saved. If the file that you enter already
- exists, you will be prompted with:
- File xxxx
- already exists. Overwrite ? (y/n)
- Answering 'y' to this prompt will cause the original file to be
- overwritten.
- 4.8 Load screen from disk [ALT-l]
- This command is used to display screens that were saved with the [ALT-s]
- command. After entering this command you will be prompted with:
- Enter file name:
- In response to this prompt, enter the name of the DOS file that contains
- the screen you would like displayed.
- 4.9 Switch to TTY/Minitel mode [ALT-o]
- This command is used to toggle Minitel/PC between Minitel emulation
- mode and TTY emulation mode. The default mode of operation is
- 'Minitel emulation mode'.
- 4.10 Print Text [Shift-PrtSc]
- This command causes the current screen (text only) to be sent to the
- printer. This command does not print graphics.
- 4.11 Dial [ALT-d]
- This command causes Minitel/PC to run the logon script (logon.mto).
- The command [ALT-d] is the same as the default setting of [SHIFT-F1].
- 4.12 XMODEM File Transfer [ALT-f]
- Use this command to send or receive a file using XMODEM protocol.
- This command only works during TTY emulation mode. After entering
- this command you will be prompted with:
- PRESS [R] to receive File using XMODEM
- PRESS [S] to send File using XMODEM
- PRESS [ESC] to exit
- At this point you can press the 'R' key to receive a file, the 'S'
- key to send a file, or press the ESC key if you decide not to
- transfer a file.
- If you press the 'R' or 'S' keys you will be prompted with:
- ENTER FILE NAME (Leave blank to exit):
- If you are receiving a file enter the name that you want the file to
- be called on your local PC. If you are sending a file enter the name
- of the file that you want to send. If you decide that you do not want
- to transfer a file after all, hit ENTER without typing in a file
- name.
- If you have read sections 1 through 4, you now know all you need to know
- to use Minitel/PC. The appendices describe advanced information and
- features that are not required during normal use.
- APPENDIX A Command Line Parameters
- -----------------------
- During startup, Minitel/PC reads the contents of the file MT.CFG to
- determine hardware-specific information and obtain function key and
- terminal settings (See Appendix C for a complete description of the
- configuration file).
- It is possible to have more than one configuration file. This is useful
- if you routinely access more than one service and you need to have
- different configuration parameters for each. To create a new
- configuration file, use the DOS copy command to create a copy of the
- default configuration file (MT.CFG), then use a text editor such as EDLIN
- to change the parameters to the values required by the new system.
- Example:
- C>copy mt.cfg newconf.cfg <- make a copy of mt.cfg
- C>edlin newconf.cfg <- change parameter values
- C>mt newconf <- invoke Minitel/PC using
- the new configuration file
- In this example we created a new configuration file called 'NEWCONF.CFG'
- and invoked Minitel/PC with the new configuration. Note that on the
- command line we typed 'mt newconf' rather than 'mt newconf.cfg'. If you
- do not specify an extension on the configuration file name then
- Minitel/PC automatically appends a '.CFG'.
- Some configuration parameters can be temporarily changed using command
- line options. For example suppose that our configuration file
- 'MT.CFG' specifies that COM1: is to be used for communications and
- we want to use COM2: for this session. This can be done with the
- following command.
- mt /c2
- The above command will start Minitel/PC using COM2: for
- communications. This change only affects the one session. The next
- time you invoke Minitel/PC it will use COM1: for communications
- (unless of course you use the /c2 option again).
- The backslash in parameter tells Minitel/PC that you are specifying a
- command line option and not a configuration file name. The 'c' specifies
- that we want to change the communications port, and the '2' says that we
- want to change the communications port to COM2:. Command line parameters
- can also be used in combination with a configuration file name. In the
- following example, the configuration file 'NEWCONF.CFG' is used instead
- of 'MT.CFG'.
- mt newconf /c2
- The general form of all command line options is:
- backslash single_character_option option_parameter
- No spaces are allowed between the single_character_option and the
- option_parameter. Not all options have an option parameter. Either
- upper or lower case can be specified for both the option name and
- parameter. The following table lists all the available command line
- options and the valid parameter values for each.
- Equivalent
- Config file
- Option Parameter Description
- ------ ----------- -----------
- c COMMPORT Set communications port
- Valid parameter values are 1 and 2
- b SPEED Set line speed in bits per second
- Valid parameter values are:
- 300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200
- p PARITY Set the character parity type.
- Valid param values are o,e,n,m,s,
- where o=ODD,e=EVEN,n=NONE,m=MARK,s=SPACE
- d DATABITS Set the number of data bits per character.
- Valid parameter values are 7 and 8.
- s STOPBITS Set the number of stop bits per character.
- Valid parameter values are 1 and 2.
- a DISPLAY_ADAPTOR Specify display adaptor type.
- Valid parameter values are H,C,E,M,
- where H=Hercules,C=CGA,E=EGA,M=MDA.
- e EMULATION Specifies the type of terminal to be
- emulated. Valid parameter values are
- T and M, where T=TTY and M=Minitel.
- m <none> Specifies the name of a script (macro)
- language program to run after startup.
- n PHONE Specifies a telephone number to use
- when dialing.
- x X3_MODE Specifies whether X.3 PAD compatibility
- is to be used. 0=NO and 1=YES.
- ? Causes this table to be printed at the
- terminal. This option has no parameters.
- More than one command line parameter can be specified when starting
- Minitel/PC. The syntax of the Minitel/PC command line is:
- mt config_file_name /c* /b* /p* /d* /s* /a* /e* /m* /x* /n /?
- Notes:
- The '*' denotes the position of the option parameter. Command line
- options can be specified in any order. The configuration file name(s)
- can also appear after or between command line options. If more than one
- configuration file is named on the command line, they are read in the
- order specified, and only the last one is updated to reflect any changes.
- Having more than one configuration file allows you to separate the
- different types of parameters into separate configuration files. For
- example, you may wish to put the communications parameters in one file
- and the program function key settings in another.
- Examples:
- In this example, we start Minitel/PC using the configuration file
- 'XXX.CFG' and specify that the line speed is to be changed to 2400 bps
- (bits per second) and the display adaptor is to be changed to EGA.
- mt xxx /b2400 /ae
- The following example is the same as the first except that we specify two
- configuration file names.
- mt origconf newconf /b2400 /ae
- APPENDIX B Files distributed with Minitel/PC
- ---------------------------------
- The following files are distributed with Minitel/PC:
- MT.EXE - The MINITEL/PC main program
- CGA.FNT - Data file containing character font descriptions
- for the CGA display adaptor (only necessary
- when using a CGA display adaptor)
- EGA.FNT - Data file containing character font descriptions
- for the EGA display adaptor (only necessary
- when using a EGA display adaptor)
- HERCULES.FNT - Data file containing character font descriptions
- for the HERCULES display adaptor (only necessary
- when using a HERCULES display adaptor)
- MT.DOC - The file you are now reading.
- INSTALL.EXE - Minitel/PC installation program.
- PHONE.DAT - Minitel Services Company telephone access listing
- (used by INSTALL)
- MTINST.FIL - Emulator file list (used by INSTALL)
- MTC.EXE - Script Language Compiler
- LOGON.MTO - Script language program to dial and logon to the
- Minitel kiosk (needed by the [SHIFT-F1] command)
- LOGON.MT - Source code for the above program
- CHANGESE.MTO - Script language program which causes a disconnect
- from the current service and returns you to the kiosk
- so you can select a new service (needed by the
- [SHIFT-F2] command)
- CHANGESE.MT - Source code for the above program
- NETLOGON.MTO - Script language program to that logs on to the Minitel
- service kiosk (needed by the [SHIFT-F1], [SHIFT-F2],
- and [SHIFT-F4] commands)
- NETLOGON.MT - Source code for the above program
- APPENDIX C Configuration parameters
- ------------------------
- This section describes the parameters in the Minitel/PC configuration
- file (MT.CFG). The configuration file contains one parameter per line.
- Lines are separated by CR/LF pairs. All lines have the following format:
- parameter_name=parameter_value
- The equal sign (ASCII 3D) separates the parameter name from its value.
- Control characters can be specified in the parameter value by using a
- circumflex (^) followed by another character. For example ^M (control M)
- can be used to specify a carriage return. Two circumflexes in a row can
- be used to specify a circumflex. See Appendix F for a detailed
- discussion on entering control characters in a string.
- The following table describes all of the configuration parameters that
- are implemented in this version of Minitel/PC:
- C.1) Modem Paramters
- Parameter Name Type Description
- -------------- ---- -----------
- MODEM int Describes the type of modem. Valid
- values are:
- 0 = HAYES300
- 2 = HAYES1200
- 3 = HAYES1200B
- 4 = HAYES2400
- 5 = HAYES2400B
- 6 = MANUAL
- 7 = DIRECT
- 8 = OTHER
- MODEM_INIT char String that must be sent to initialize
- the modem (if any)
- MODEM_RESPONSE char String that the modem sends in response
- to an initialization command.
- MODEM_DIAL_PREFIX char String that must prefix the telephone
- number in a dial command
- MODEM_DIAL_SUFFIX char String that must follow the telephone
- number in a dial command
- MODEM_SUCCESS char Specifies a successful response to a
- modem dial request. There can be more
- than one of these parameters present if
- there are multiple success responses
- (maximum of ten).
- MODEM_FAILURE char Specifies a failure response to a modem
- dial request. There can be more than one
- of these parameters present if there
- are multiple failure responses
- (maximum of ten).
- C.2) User Information
- Parameter Name Type Description
- -------------- ---- -----------
- PHONE char Telephone number of nearest Minitel
- Services Company access point
- USERID char Minitel User ID
- PASSWORD char Minitel Password
- SERVICE char A standard Minitel Service Code.
- If this parameter is present, the
- [Shift-F1] auto-logon procedure will
- automatically connect to the specified
- service, as if the Service Code had
- entered at the Minitel broadcast screen.
- C.3) Communication Parameters
- Parameter Name Type Description
- -------------- ---- -----------
- COMMPORT int Number of the port to use for
- communications (1=COM1, 2=COM2, etc)
- SPEED int Communications speed in bits per second
- (one of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
- 19200)
- PARITY char Parity (one of O,E,N,M,S = ODD, EVEN,
- NONE, MARK, SPACE respectively)
- DATABITS int Data Bits (either 7 or 8)
- STOPBITS int Stop Bits (either 1 or 2)
- BREAK_LEN int Duration of BREAK signal in milliseconds
- (a break signal can be sent with the
- [ALT-b] command)
- CARRIER_DETECTABLE int This parameter informs the emulator
- if the presence of carrier is
- detectable by looking at the state of
- the RS232 CD pin. In some cases the
- carrier is not detectable because the
- modem keeps this signal high or the
- pin is missing from the cable that
- connects the modem to the PC.
- FLOWCONTROL int This parameter can have one of the
- following values.
- 0 = NONE
- 1 = XON/XOFF (TTY emulation only)
- 2 = CTS/RTS hardware protocol
- (XON/XOFF protocol should not be used
- during Minitel emulation)
- X3_MODE int Specifies whether the access network
- uses X.3 PADs.
- 0 = NO
- 1 = YES
- Default value is "0" as X.3 PAD
- compatibility is not required for
- access via the normal Minitel network.
- If the port is other than COM1 or COM2, the following parameters must
- also be specified (values must be specified in a decimal radix).
- ADDR8250 int I/O address of 8250 UART
- INTVECTOR int Interupt vector number
- ADDR8259 int Absolute I/O address of 8259 Interupt
- Controller
- IRQ int IRQ number for 8259
- C.4) Display Parameters
- Parameter Name Type Description
- -------------- ---- -----------
- DISPLAY_ADAPTOR int Type of display adaptor in the PC.
- Valid values are:
- 0 = HGC (Hercules)
- 1 = CGA
- 2 = EGA
- 3 = MDA (Monochrome)
- C.5) Program Function Keys
- Parameter Name Type Description
- -------------- ---- -----------
- PF1 char Setting of program function key 1
- PF2 char Setting of program function key 2
- PF3 char Setting of program function key 3
- PF4 char Setting of program function key 4
- PF5 char Setting of program function key 5
- PF6 char Setting of program function key 6
- PF7 char Setting of program function key 7
- PF8 char Setting of program function key 8
- PF9 char Setting of program function key 9
- PF10 char Setting of program function key 10
- Each program function key value is either NULL or has the following
- format:
- Positions Meaning
- --------- -------
- 1 Type of value stored in the key. Must be one of the
- following:
- M - A MACRO (script language program) to be run
- S - A string to be sent
- 2 A single dash character (ASCII 2DH). This is just a
- separator to make the line readable.
- 3- Value to be stored in the function key:
- Pos 1 Contents of pos 3-
- ----- ------------------
- M Name of file containing the script language
- program to be run when this key is pressed.
- S String to be sent to the remote system when
- this key is pressed. Control characters can
- be specified in this string by using a
- circumflex (^) followed by another
- character (See Appendix F).
- Example:
- --------
- To assign a HAYES dial command to program function key five, the
- following line could be added to the configuration file.
- PF5=S-ATDP438-8304^M
- ^ ^ ^ ^
- | | | |
- | | | The ^M specifies a carriage return
- | | Program function key value
- | Program function key type
- Names the program function key to be set
- The following special values can also be assigned to program
- function keys.
- M-<DROPLINE/QUIT> This is the default value of PF3. This
- value causes the emulator to drop the
- line then exit to DOS.
- M-<DROPLINE> This value causes the emulator to drop
- the line. Same as the above value except
- the emulator does not exit to DOS.
- M-<QUIT> This value causes the emulator to exit
- to DOS without dropping the line.
- C.6) Terminal Parameters
- Parameter Name Type Description
- -------------- ---- -----------
- EMULATION int Type of emulation to perform.
- Value must be one of:
- 0 = TTY
- LOCAL_ECHO int Local echo on or off (0=OFF, 1=ON).
- During MINITEL emulation this flag works
- with the CARRIER_DETECTABLE flag. If
- the carrier is detectable and local echo
- is on then keystrokes will be echoed to
- the screen when there is no carrier
- (i.e. when 'L' appears on status row).
- During TTY emulation keystrokes are
- always echoed when this parameter is on.
- PAGE_MODE int Page or scroll mode flag (0=SCROLL MODE,
- X3_MODE int X.3 pad compatibility mode enabled flag
- (0=OFF, 1=ON).
- VT_LF_NL int This paramater only has effect during TTY
- emulation. If the parameter has a
- non-zero value a CR/LF will be displayed
- on the screen whenever a LF is received
- from the remote system
- APPENDIX D Keyboard Mapping
- ----------------
- The following describes the mapping of the Minitel keyboard to the PC
- keyboard.
- Single Codes
- Code Sent Key or Combination
- (in hex) Character of Keys
- Minitel PC
- --------- --------- ------- -------
- 00 NUL Ctrl' Ctrl @
- 01 SOH Ctrl A
- 02 STX Ctrl B
- 03 ETX Ctrl C
- 04 EOT Ctrl D
- 05 ENQ Ctrl E
- 06 ACK Ctrl F
- 07 BEL Ctrl G
- 08 BS Ctrl H
- 09 HT Ctrl I
- 0A LF Ctrl J or Ctrl: Ctrl J
- 0B VT Ctrl K or Ctrl; Ctrl K
- 0C FF Ctrl L
- 0D CR Ctrl M or Enter Ctrl M
- 0E SO Ctrl N
- 0F SI Ctrl O
- 10 DLE Ctrl P
- 11 Cursor ON Ctrl Q
- 12 REP Ctrl R
- 13 SEP Ctrl S
- 14 Cursor OFF Ctrl T
- 15 NACK Ctrl U
- 16 SYN Ctrl V
- 17 ETB Ctrl W
- 18 CAN Ctrl X
- 19 SS2 Ctrl Y
- 1A SUB Ctrl Z
- 1B ESC Esc
- 1C FS Ctrl , Ctrl | or Ctrl \
- 1D SS3 Ctrl - Ctrl } or Ctrl ]
- 1E RS Ctrl . Ctrl ^
- 1F US Ctrl ? Ctrl _
- 20 Space Spacebar Spacebar
- 21 ! SK 1 **
- 22 " SK 2 **
- 23 # # or SK 3 **
- 24 $ SK 4 **
- 25 % SK 5 **
- 26 & SK 6 **
- 27 ' 'or SK 7 **
- 28 ( SK 8 **
- 29 ) SK 9 **
- 2A * * or SK : **
- 2B + SK ; **
- 2C , , **
- 2D - - **
- 2E . . **
- 2F Box with diagonal line SK ? /
- 30 0 0
- 31 1 1
- 32 2 2
- 33 3 3
- 34 4 4
- 35 5 5
- 36 6 6
- 37 7 7
- 38 8 8
- 39 9 9
- 3A : :
- 3B ; ;
- 3C < SK , **
- 3D = SK - **
- 3E > SK . **
- 3F ? ? **
- 40 @ SK ' **
- 41 A A Shift A
- 42 B B Shift B
- 43 C C Shift C
- 44 D D Shift D
- 45 E E Shift E
- 46 F F Shift F
- 47 G G Shift G
- 48 H H Shift H
- 49 I I Shift I
- 4A J J Shift J
- 4B K K Shift K
- 4C L L Shift L
- 4D M M Shift M
- 4E N N Shift N
- 4F O O Shift O
- 50 P P Shift P
- 51 Q Q Shift Q
- 52 R R Shift R
- 53 S S Shift S
- 54 T T Shift T
- 55 U U Shift U
- 56 V V Shift V
- 57 W W Shift W
- 58 X X Shift X
- 59 Y Y Shift Y
- 5A Z Z Shift Z
- 5B [ SK * **
- 5C 10 o'clock diagonal line SK Cancel \
- 5D ] SK # **
- 5E Up Arrow SK 0 ^
- 5F Low horizontal line Ctrl 6 _
- 60 Middle horizontal line Ctrl 5 `
- 61 a SK A A
- 62 b SK B B
- 63 c SK C C
- 64 d SK D D
- 65 e SK E E
- 66 f SK F F
- 67 g SK G G
- 68 h SK H H
- 69 i SK I I
- 6A j SK J J
- 6B k SK K K
- 6C l SK L L
- 6D m SK M M
- 6E n SK N N
- 6F o SK O O
- 70 p SK P P
- 71 q SK Q Q
- 72 r SK R R
- 73 s SK S S
- 74 t SK T T
- 75 u SK U U
- 76 v SK V V
- 77 w SK W W
- 78 x SK X X
- 79 y SK Y Y
- 7A z SK Z Z
- 7B Left vertical line Ctrl 1 or {
- SK repeat
- 7C Middle vertical line Ctrl 2 |
- 7D Right vertical line Ctrl 3 or }
- SK send
- 7E Upper horizontal line Ctrl 4 ~
- 7F Filled in Box Ctrl <-- Ctrl BS
- Sequences of two or three codes:
- Code sent Key or combination
- (in hex) Character of keys
- Minitel PC
- --------- --------- ------- -------
- 19,41 ` (grave accent) SK Next (not impl)
- 19,43 ^ (circumflex) SK Index (not impl)
- Sequences sent by function keys:
- Key or Combination
- of keys PC Key Codes Sent
- ------------------ ------ ----------
- Send F8 or Enter 13,41
- Previous F3 or Shift-Tab or PgUp 13,42
- Repeat F4 13,43
- Guide F5 13,44
- Cancel F2 or End 13,45
- Index F1 or Home 13,46
- Correction F6 or Backspace 13,47
- Next F7 or Tab or PgDn 13,48
- Line/Local F9 13,49-Modem
- SK Line/Local (not supported on PC) 13,49-Socket
- Ctrl Line/Local Alt b Break to modem
- Notes:
- 1) SK = Special key on Minitel
- = Shift key on PC
- 2) Where there is no PC key specified, the PC key is the same as the
- Minitel key.
- 3) '**' Means to use the Key marked for this purpose on your particular
- keyboard.
- APPENDIX E Minitel/PC Script Language
- --------------------------
- E.1 Script Language Compiler (MTC.EXE)
- The Minitel/PC script language is a semi-compiled language. To create a
- script language program, any text editor which creates an ASCII format
- file can be used. Once a script program has been created, it must be
- compiled by the program 'MTC.EXE' (Minitel/PC Compiler) before it can be
- executed. MTC checks the source for syntax errors and produces a
- compiled program as its result. Script source files are expected to have
- an extension of 'MT'. MTC gives compiled scripts an extension of 'MTO'
- (Minitel/PC Object).
- To compile a program with MTC, type the command:
- mtc source_file_name
- in response to the DOS prompt. It is not necessary to specify the '.MT'
- extension of the source file name. If you do not specify the source file
- name on the command line, MTC will prompt you with the line:
- 'Source file name ?'.
- If you enter only a carriage return in response to the source file
- prompt, MTC will prompt you to enter the program source at the terminal.
- The following diagram illustrates the script creation process:
- Create Script Source
- file with text editor
- (create myscript.mt)
- |
- |
- V
- mtc myscript
- |
- |
- V
- myscript.mto
- E.2 Running a Script Language Program
- Scripts can be started by assigning them to a program function key, then
- pressing the program function key at run time, or by using the /m command
- line parameter. For example typing 'mt /mlogon' starts Minitel/PC, then
- invokes the script program named 'logon'. Only one script language
- program can be specified on the command line. If more than one is
- specified, only the one that was last named is run. While a script
- language program is running, a reverse-video 'M' will appear in column 40
- of the status row. A running script language program can be aborted at
- any time by pressing the [ESC] key.
- E.3 Script Language Description
- A Minitel/PC script language program consists of a series of statements.
- Each statement can be preceded by a label. A label consists of up to 15
- alphanumeric characters (and underscores) followed by a colon. The first
- character of a label must be alphabetic. Comments can be placed anywhere
- in a program by enclosing the comment within curly brackets ({}). The
- END directive must follow the last statement of a script language program
- (the END directive is a message to the script language compiler (MTC)
- telling it that it has reached the end of the program).
- Following is a description of all script language statements:
- E.3.1) DIAL statement
- The dial statement causes the modem to dial the Minitel Services Company
- node using the phone number and modem information from the MINITEL/PC
- configuration file. If the dial attempt fails, the script language
- program is aborted, and a failure message is displayed on the screen.
- The DIAL command supports all required modems for the HOST machine. For
- example, on the PC the DIAL command supports the HAYES modem, MANUAL dial
- modems, DIRECT modems, and any command-driven auto-dial modem.
- The following algorithm details the logic used by the DIAL command:
- a) If the modem type is direct, terminate successfully, otherwise proceed
- with step b).
- b) If the modem type is manual, proceed with step c), otherwise go to
- step e)
- c) Prompt user to dial the number
- d) Prompt user for a key;
- If the user enters an ESC, terminate with failure
- If the user enters a key other than ESC, terminate successfully
- If the carrier signal goes from low to high while waiting for
- a key, terminate successfully.
- e) If there is a MODEM_INIT parameter in the configuration file, send it
- and proceed to step f), otherwise proceed to step h).
- f) If there is a MODEM_RESPONSE parameter in the configuration file,
- proceed to step g), otherwise wait till two seconds elapses with no data
- received from the remote system, then proceed to step h).
- g) If the modem response is not received within 10 seconds, terminate
- with failure, otherwise proceed to step h).
- h) Build a dial command from the MODEM_DIAL_PREFIX, PHONE and the
- MODEM_DIAL_SUFFIX configuration parameters and send the dial command to
- the modem.
- i) If there are no MODEM_SUCCESS configuration parameters, inform the
- user that a dial command has been sent and proceed to step d).
- j) Wait for any of the MODEM_SUCCESS or MODEM_FAILURE responses to be
- received.
- If 90 seconds go by with none of the success or failure responses
- received, terminate with failure.
- If a success response is received, terminate successfully.
- If a failure response is received, proceed to step k).
- k) Prompt the user to see if he wants to try another dial attempt. If
- 'YES' proceed to step e), otherwise terminate with failure.
- E.3.2) BRANCH statement
- BRANCH label
- The BRANCH statement causes program execution continue with the statement
- following the given label, rather than the next statement.
- statement 1
- statement 2
- BRANCH skip
- statement 3
- statement 4
- skip: statement 5
- In the above example, the statements will be executed in the this order:
- statement 1
- statement 2
- statement 5
- E.3.3) PAUSE statement
- PAUSE tenths_of_second
- The PAUSE statement causes the program to halt for the given number of
- tenths of a second before proceeding with the next statement.
- e.g.
- PAUSE 10 <- pause for 1 second
- E.3.4) TYPE statement
- TYPE string
- The TYPE statement causes the characters in the given string to be sent
- to the remote system as though they had been typed at the terminal.
- The string can consist of any combination of the following.
- - a quoted string. The quoted string can contain diagraphs
- of the form '^letter' to include control characters in the
- string. For example the digraph ^M is a carriage return.
- See Appendix F for a complete description of digraphs. See
- notes at the end of section E.5 for more details on quoted
- strings.
- - a Minitel function key (one of LOCAL_LINE, INDEX,
- - a character constant (CR, LF, BS, BELL)
- - any of the following configuration parameter names
- e.g.
- TYPE 'AT?' CR <- send string AT? followed by a CR
- TYPE 'AT^M' <- same as above
- TYPE 'CHAT' SEND <- send the string CHAT followed by
- the Minitel send key
- TYPE USERID CR <- send the value of the configuration
- file USERID parameter followed by
- a CR (carriage return)
- E.3.5) QUIT statement
- Terminates execution of the current script program.
- E.3.6) DOPF statement
- DOPF number
- Causes the named program function key to be executed. This causes the
- same effect as the user pressing the given function key at the keyboard.
- Script language programs can invoke other script language programs using
- function keys.
- e.g.
- DOPF 2 <- execute PF2
- E.3.7) MESSAGE statement
- MESSAGE string
- This command causes the given string to appear in a pop-up window on the
- screen, along with the message 'PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE'. After the
- user presses a key, the pop-up window disappears, and the underlying
- screen is restored. The string containing the message to be printed must
- have the same format as a string in a TYPE statement.
- e.g.
- MESSAGE 'Logon Procedure has failed'
- E.3.8) LOOP statement
- LOOP number
- statements
- statements
- The LOOP statement causes the statements between the LOOP keyword and the
- AT_END_DO clause to be executed 'number' times. After the last time, the
- statements following the optional AT_END_DO clause are executed. The
- loop can be terminated prematurely by using the BREAK statement or the
- BRANCH statement. The BREAK statement causes program execution to
- continue following the ENDLOOP clause. If the loop is terminated
- prematurely for any reason, the statements following the AT_END_DO clause
- are not executed. The BREAK statement is ignored if it is encountered
- anywhere other than within a LOOP.
- Example:
- LOOP 3
- type 'hello' CR
- type 'this is the last hello'
- The above example causes the following data to be sent to the remote
- system:
- hello
- hello
- hello
- this is the last hello
- Example 2:
- LOOP 2
- TYPE 'I am about to pause for 5 seconds'
- PAUSE 50
- The above example demonstrates a loop statement with no AT_END_DO clause.
- E.3.9) WAIT statement
- WAIT tenths
- CASE string 1
- statements
- CASE string 2
- statements
- .
- .
- CASE string N
- statements
- statements
- The WAIT statement causes the script program to WAIT for data from the
- remote computer system. If any of the strings named by one of the CASE
- clauses are received from the remote system, the statements following
- that CASE clause are executed. If 'tenths' tenths of a second go by with
- no data received from the remote system, or if the line drops, the
- statements following the optional FAILURE clause are executed. After the
- statements following a CASE or FAILURE clause are executed, execution
- continues after the ENDWAIT clause.
- The string parameter of the CASE clause must have the same format as a
- string in a TYPE statement. Multiple strings can be specified by
- separating them with a comma (,). If there are multiple strings
- separated by a comma, the statements following the CASE clause are
- executed if any one of the named strings are received from the remote
- system.
- Example:
- TYPE 'ATDP 438-8304' CR
- WAIT 600 { wait up to 60 seconds (600 tenths) }
- { the dial attempt has succeeded so just continue }
- { with the statement following the ENDWAIT }
- MESSAGE 'Dial attempt has failed, try again later'
- MESSAGE 'Fatal error during dial attempt'
- 'Timeout, line lost or user ESC during Dial Attempt'
- WAIT 5
- CASE CR LF { wait for rest of modem response }
- In the above example, we send a dial request to a HAYES modem and use the
- WAIT statement to check the result (note that you would normally not have
- to do this since the above and more can be performed automatically by the
- DIAL command).
- Example 2:
- LOOP 10
- MESSAGE 'PAD not responding with a # prompt.'
- In the above example, we send up to 10 carriage returns (one every three
- tenths of a second) in an attempt to get a '#' prompt from a Minitel
- Services Company PAD. The WAIT statement waits up to three tenths of a
- second for a '#'. If it fails, there is no effect (since there is no
- FAILURE clause). If the WAIT statement succeeds, the BREAK statement is
- executed, and the LOOP terminates prematurely. If the loop terminates
- prematurely, the statements following the AT_END_DO clause are not
- executed. Note that statements can be split over multiple lines. The
- above WAIT statement would be more clearly written as:
- WAIT 3
- CASE '#'
- E.3.10) IF statement
- IF string THEN
- statements IF string THEN
- ELSE OR statements
- statements ENDIF
- The IF statment tests the value of 'string' for a non-null value. If
- 'string' has a non-null value, the statements between the THEN and ELSE
- clauses are executed, otherwise the statements between the ELSE and ENDIF
- clauses are executed. The ELSE clause is optional. If there is no ELSE
- clause, and 'string' has a non-null value, the statments between the ELSE
- and ENDIF clauses are executed, otherwise execution continues after the
- ENDIF clauses.
- Example:
- { if there is a phone # in the config file then dial }
- if phone then
- message 'Your local access # is ' phone
- dial
- else
- message 'No PHONE parameter specified in config file'
- endif
- Example 2:
- { if there is a password in the config file then send it }
- if password then
- type password SEND
- endif
- E.4 Script Program Example
- The following example is a complete script language program that dials
- the Minitel Services Company kiosk and requests a service.
- { logon.mt - script program to dial the Minitel services company
- network and request a service }
- dial { dial Minitel Services Company network
- - uses config modem type & number }
- { try up to six times to get a pound sign }
- loop 6
- type CR
- wait 3 case '#' break endwait
- at_end_do
- message 'PAD not responding with #'
- quit
- endloop
- { perform network logon }
- type 'x' CR
- wait 50
- case '*' { success }
- failure
- message 'PAD not responding with *'
- quit
- endwait
- type '.vmt' CR { request network service }
- end
- E.5 Detailed Script Language Syntax Definition
- The following defines the syntax of all legal script language programs.
- Program -> Lines END
- Lines -> Lines Line
- -> Line
- -> <empty>
- Line -> Label Statement
- Label -> <identifier> :
- -> <empty>
- Statement -> WAIT <integer> Waitcases Failcase ENDWAIT
- -> LOOP <integer> Lines Endstmnts ENDLOOP
- -> IF Charexp THEN Lines ElseIf ENDIF
- -> MESSAGE Charexp
- -> DOPF <integer>
- -> DIAL
- -> BRANCH <identifier>
- -> PAUSE <integer>
- -> QUIT
- -> TYPE Charexp
- -> BREAK
- Waitcases -> Waitcases Waitcase
- -> Waitcase
- Waitcase -> CASE Charexplist Lines
- Charexplist -> Charexplist , Charexp
- -> Charexp
- Failcase -> FAILURE Lines
- -> <empty>
- Endstmnts -> AT_END_DO Lines
- -> <empty>
- ElseIf -> ELSE Lines
- -> <empty>
- Charexp -> Charexp Charterm
- -> Charterm
- Charterm -> Envcharvar
- -> Charconst
- -> Functionkey
- -> <string>
- Charconst -> CR
- -> LF
- -> BS
- -> BELL
- Envcharvar -> PF1
- -> PF2
- -> PF3
- -> PF4
- -> PF5
- -> PF6
- -> PF7
- -> PF8
- -> PF9
- -> PF10
- -> PHONE
- Functionkey -> LOCAL_LINE
- -> INDEX
- -> GUIDE
- -> NEXT
- -> SEND
- Notes:
- i) <empty> means that the construct is optional.
- ii) <identifier> is an identifier of up to 15 alphanumeric characters
- (and underscore) in length. The first character of an identifier must be
- alphabetic.
- iii) <string> is a character string enclosed in single quotes. Single
- quotes can be included within the string by putting two of them together.
- For example, to specify the string;
- that's all folks
- you would enter
- 'that''s all folks'
- iv) <integer> is an integer value in the range -32768 to 32767. Values
- outside this range will cause undefined results.
- v) Comments can appear anywhere in the program except within a token.
- Examples:
- WAIT { this is a legal comment } 10
- CASE 'hello'
- WAI{ this comment causes an error }T 10
- CASE 'hello'
- APPENDIX F Entering Control Characters
- ---------------------------
- Control characters can be entered into configuration file parameters,
- literal strings in a script language program, and in the answers to
- prompts in the installation program by using a two character digraph of
- the form ^x, where '^' is the circumflex character (ascii 94) and 'x' is
- any other character. The sequence ^x causes the control character whose
- value is the ascii value of the upper case version of the character minus
- 64 to be entered into the string. For example ^m causes a carriage
- return to be entered into the string (the ascii value of an upper case
- 'm' is 77. Seventy-seven minus 64 is equal to 13 which is the ascii
- value of a carriage return).
- The following table lists a number of useful digraphs:
- Digraph Control Character Ascii Value
- ------- ----------------- -----------
- ^M CR 13
- ^J LF 10
- ^H BS 8
- ^G BELL 7
- ^L FF 12
- ^I TAB 9
- ^[ ESC 27
- The following digraph/character combinations can be used to encode
- Minitel functions keys within a string:
- Code Function Key Ascii Values
- ---- ------------ ------------
- ^SA SEND 19 65
- ^SB PREVIOUS 19 66
- ^SC REPEAT 19 67
- ^SD GUIDE 19 68
- ^SE CANCEL 19 69
- ^SF INDEX 19 70
- ^SH NEXT 19 72
- ^SI LOCAL/LINE 19 73
- If you wish to enter a circumflex (^) in a string as itself, you must put
- two of them in a row. If you enter a sequence in a string of the form
- ^x, and the ascii value of the character x is less than 64, the
- circumflex (^) is ignored.
- APPENDIX G Use of the Minitel Function Keys
- --------------------------------
- The following tables describe the most common meaning of each of the
- Minitel function keys. Pressing the asterisk key (*) prior to a function
- key modifies the meaning of a number of the keys.
- ------------ -------
- LOCAL LINE Causes a disconnection from the current service.
- SEND Validation of character strings or completion of a form.
- REPEAT Causes service to retransmit the previous screen.
- Used to clear transmission errors.
- *REPEAT Refresh the current display with updates made since
- the previous request.
- INDEX Return to the index of the service in use.
- *INDEX Access to the index at the highest level in the
- case of a hierarchical index.
- GUIDE Request HELP from the service.
- CORRECTION Used to erase the last character typed.
- The following function keys have slightly different meanings depending on
- whether you are in a data entry screen or are giving a command to an
- application.
- ------------ --------------- ------------------
- CANCEL Deletes the contents of Abort current enquiry.
- the current field.
- *CANCEL Delete all fields on the No Meaning
- current form and move to
- the first field.
- NEXT Move to following field. Move to following page.
- PREVIOUS Move to previous field. Move to previous page.
- *NEXT Move to following page. Move to following document.
- *PREVIOUS If there is a previous Return to the last menu
- page, return to the first page or message.
- field of the previous page,
- otherwise move to the first
- field of the current page.
- The above tables were adapted from tables in the Intelmatique document
- APPENDIX H Error Messages
- --------------
- This appendix lists the most common error messages that can occur and
- recommends corrective action that can be taken for each.
- If the suggested corrective action fails for the following group of
- commands, try exiting the emulator (with the [SHIFT-F3] command) and
- restarting the emulator (with the MT command).
- Command(s) Error and Corrective Action
- ---------- ---------------------------
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-F1] "Timeout or Line Lost while Dialing"
- Retry the [SHIFT-F1] command.
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-F1] "Modem not responding to init string"
- Make sure that your modem is connected and powered on,
- then retry the [SHIFT-F1] command.
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-F1] "DIAL Attempt has Failed."
- "Try Again ? (Y=Yes, N=No)"
- Enter 'Y' if you want Minitel/PC to try again. If
- you want to quit, enter 'N', then issue the [SHIFT-F3]
- command. If you want to try dialing manually, enter
- 'N', then enter the dial command. If you get a
- connection by dialing manually, you can use the
- [SHIFT-F4] command to logon to the kiosk.
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-F1], "Unable to connect to network service"
- [SHIFT-F2], "PAD not responding with #"
- [SHIFT-F4] "PAD not responding with *"
- If any of the above errors occur, issue the
- [SHIFT-F4] command (even if the error occured in a
- [SHIFT-F1] or [SHIFT-F2] command).
- If any of the following errors occur then you must exit the emulator
- to take corrective action.
- Command(s) Error and Corrective Action
- ---------- ---------------------------
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-F1],
- [SHIFT-F2], "User ID prompt not received"
- [SHIFT-F4]
- If this error occurs, exit the emulator with the
- [SHIFT-F3] command and start again.
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-F1] "Error: No PHONE param in config file"
- To use the auto dial feature of Minitel/PC, you must
- enter a value in response to the access number
- prompt in INSTALL. If this error occurs, re-run
- INSTALL and enter an access number.
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-Fx] "Script <xxx> not found."
- Make sure that the file 'xxx' is in the default drive
- and directory before starting the emulator.
- [ALT-d],
- [SHIFT-Fx] "Error reading <xxx>"
- "Aborting Script - Bad Instruction"
- "Aborting Script - Bad env var"
- "Aborting Script - Bad function key"
- "Aborting Script - Bad char item"
- If any of the above errors occur, the script
- program that was running when the error occurred
- has become corrupted. Try recompiling the script
- program with MTC.
- [SHIFT-Fx] "Illegal value in key PFx"
- This error occurs if there is a bad definition for
- the program function key PFx in the configuration
- file. Possible errors are:
- - A character other than an upper case 'M' or 'S'
- was specified as the first character of the key
- definition
- - A character other than '-' was specified as the
- second character of the key definition
- To correct this problem, fix the program function key
- definition in the configuration file.
- APPENDIX I Printing the screen
- -------------------
- From within the emulator you can send the text on your screen to the
- printer using the [Shift-PrtSc] key combination (i.e. hold down the
- Shift key then press the PrtSc key). This command will work no matter
- what type of display adaptor or printer you have in your system.
- Currently it is not possible to print graphics.
- APPENDIX J Modem Switch Settings
- ---------------------
- This section specifies the switch settings that are recommended for each
- of the modems that are supported by the emulator.
- 1) Hayes 300 and Hayes 1200 external modems
- switch: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- setting: - - - - - U - D
- D = down, U = up, - = don't care
- 2) Hayes 1200B internal modem
- switch: 1 2 3
- setting: - - D
- D = down, U = up, - = don't care
- 3) Hayes 2400 external modem, Hayes 2400B internal modem and direct
- connection:
- nothing needs to be set with these modems.
- 4) Manual Dial modems and Other (non-Hayes compatible) command-driven
- modems:
- For best results these modems should be configured so that:
- -> DCD tracks the state of the data carrier from the remote modem.
- -> An ON to OFF transition of DTR causes the modem to drop the line.
- If the modem is command-driven, it is recommended that during
- installation (while running INSTALL), you put the commands that configure
- the modem as above in the modem init string.
- APPENDIX K Version Differences
- -------------------
- This section provides a list of the changes that were made to
- Minitel/PC version 2.2 to produce version 2.3.
- 1) The keys used for many of the commands have been changed to bring
- the emulator into conformance with TOG standards.
- 2) An XMODEM file transfer command has been added (ALT-f). The XMODEM
- command only works during TTY terminal emulation.
- 3) The [Shift-PrtSc] command can now be used to send the text of any
- screen to the printer no matter what type of display adaptor you
- are using.
- 4) The [ALT-d] command now dials and performs an auto-logon.
- Previously it just dialed. The [ALT-d] command uses the provided
- script 'LOGON.MTO' for this purpose.
- 5) The following VT100 escape sequences and control codes have been
- implemented in the TTY portion of the emulator (some of these
- sequences were partially implemented in the previous version of
- Minitel/PC).
- ESC [ x J - clear screen
- ESC [ x K - clear line
- ESC [ x1 ; x2 ; ... m - set video attributes (bold, blink,
- inverse and underline have been
- implemented)
- HT - standard tabs every eight columns
- VT, FF - same as LF
- 6) Use of command line configuration parameters no longer updates the
- configuration file 'mt.cfg.' All command line configuration
- parameters are temporary - for that single execution of the Minitel
- emulator.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This section provides a list of the changes that were made to
- Minitel/PC version 2.1 to produce version 2.2.
- 1) The keypad plus and minus keys can no longer be used to send a
- real CR and LF. These keys now send plus or minus.
- 2) The following commands have been added.
- ALT d - auto dial
- ALT t - switch to TTY emulation mode
- ALT m - switch to Minitel emulation mode
- ALT p - send text of screen to the printer
- 3) The [ALT][q] command now works in Minitel mode (same as SHIFT F3).
- 4) The program function keys PF1 to PF4 can now be reassigned by
- the user.
- 5) The special program function key values '<DROPLINE/QUIT>',
- '<DROPLINE>' and <QUIT> have been added to the emulator (see
- Appendix C, section 5).
- 6) Some changes have been made to the Hercules screen driver to make
- dithered text easier to read.
- 7) The TTY emulation mode now implements the ANSI escape sequences
- to clear the screen (ESC [ 2 J) and position the cursor
- ('ESC [ Pr ; Pc f' and 'ESC [ Pr ; Pc H').
- 8) The special script language symbols for the function keys (NEXT,
- SEND, PREVIOUS, etc) were not returning X.3 versions of the
- function keys when in X.3 pad compatibility mode. This bug has
- been corrected.
- 9) When returning the terminal id request the emulator now ORs the
- version byte with hex 40 if X.3 pad compatibility mode is active.
- 10) The emulator now filters the function keys if they are echoed
- back. Also all other special filtering that is performed by the
- Minitel has now been implemented.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This section provides a list of the changes that were made to Minitel/PC
- version 2.01 to produce version 2.1.
- 1) The save screen to disk [ALT-s] and load screen from disk [ALT-l]
- commands were added to the emulator.
- 2) Some changes were made to the color shadow combinations that are used
- with the CGA adaptor.
- 3) The following videotex decoder bug was corrected:
- - Writing past column 40 when on row 23 in double height mode was
- not being handled correctly.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This section provides a list of the changes that were made to
- Minitel/PC version 2.0 to produce version 2.01.
- 1) For "hard to read" foreground/background color combinations the CGA
- screen driver now puts a shadow to the right of characters to make them
- easier to read.
- 2) Some speed improvements were made to the CGA screen driver.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This section provides a list of the changes that were made to Minitel/PC
- version 1.6 to produce version 2.0.
- In this release the videotex decoding software and screen drivers were
- completely re-written. The new decoding software and screen drivers
- provide the following improvments and new features:
- 1) The emulator now uses the Minitel M1B font (VPG5).
- 2) The blink/steady and conceal/reveal attributes are now implemented
- for all supported display adaptors. Reverse polarity blinking characters
- blink out of phase with normal polarity blinking characters, as on the
- Minitel.
- 3) "Scan forward" is now implemented. Writing a delimeter now updates
- the conceal attribute of all following characters and the background
- color and underline of all following text characters. Writing a graphic
- character now updates the background color of all following text
- characters.
- 4) Various bugs in the videotex decoding were corrected.
- This includes the following:
- - Receiving characters past the right margin caused the latent
- serial attributes to be lost.
- - The control characters 0B (ctrl k) and 0A (ctrl j) reset the
- background color in graphics mode.
- - The CAN control code (ctrl x) caused the latent background
- attribute to be validated.
- For example:
- ctrl l (FF), ESC T, ctrl x (CAN)
- Caused the first row to change to a blue background.
- - Occasionally when using an EGA adaptor random horizontal
- lines would appear through the characters.
- 5) The EGA driver now uses the 320x200 16 color mode instead of the
- 640x200 mode. This increases the speed of the EGA driver with no loss of
- display quality.
- 6) The CGA driver now uses the 320x200 four color mode (with the
- MAGENTA/CYAN/WHITE palette) instead of the 640x200 two color mode. The
- remaining 4 colors are simulated by combining the existing colors in a
- checkerboard pattern. The following table shows the color combinations
- that are used for the 8 Minitel colors:
- Minitel color Color on CGA
- ------------- ------------
- 7) The CGA driver now uses normal thin characters instead of the old
- thick ones.
- 8) The Hercules screen driver now simulates eight grey scales for text
- as well as graphics.
- 9) The MDA screen driver now works with the CGA and EGA adaptors as well
- as with the MDA and hercules adaptors. This is more of an advantage for
- the CGA adaptor, as it provides eight colors and high resolution text for
- services that are mostly text based (i.e. where graphics are not that
- important).
- 10) The MDA screen driver now simulates the graphics characters by using
- the closest available characters from the ROM font.
- 11) Cursor handling was enhanced for for the EGA, CGA and hercules
- adaptors so the cell under the cursor is displayed in reverse polarity
- when the cursor is on. This makes the character under the cursor visible
- at all times.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This section provides a list of the changes that were made to version 1.5
- to produce Minitel/PC version 1.6:
- 1) The name of the emulator was changed from MiniTerm to Minitel/PC.
- 2) Various minor bugs in the videotex decoding were corrected in the
- emulator. These include the following:
- - The emulator would switch from scroll to page mode when a
- FF was received.
- - The original graphic state was not restored when moving from
- the status row with a LF.
- - Scroll down did not work on the monochrome display adaptor
- - A CAN received in row 24 while in scroll mode would cause
- the screen to scroll up
- - CAN was causing some video attributes to be reset
- - Receiving an SI when already in alpha mode was not resetting
- double width, double high and inverse attributes
- - Receiving a double width or size attribute when in row zero or
- one was not being handled correctly
- i.e. - double size was not resetting double width in fact it
- was forcing double width
- - double high was not resetting double width
- - A CR was causing the latent serial attributes to be reset
- 3) A command line parameter (/n) to specify a new telephone number was
- added to the emulator. This allows a temporary alternate telephone
- number to be easily specified in cases where the normal number is not
- available due to network problems or if you are out of town. Numbers
- specified with the '/n' parameter are not stored in the configuration
- file on program termination.
- 4) The installation program now has a default value for most prompts that
- you can accept by just pressing the [ENTER] key.
- 5) The installation program now allows you to exit at any point with the
- [ESC] key.
- 6) The [SHIFT-TAB] key combination (hold down the [SHIFT] key and press
- the [TAB] key) now causes the installation program to return to the
- previous data entry screen.
- 7) The list of suggested modem switch settings has been moved from the
- installation program to the user manual (i.e. Appendix J of this
- document).
- 8) An option for tone dialing has been added to the installation program.
- 9) A new THIN font has been created for the EGA adaptor. This font is in
- the file EGA.FNT.
- 10) An IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF statememt has been added to the SCRIPT language
- (see Appendix E).
- 11) A optional SERVICE parameter has been added to the configuration file
- (see Appendix C).
- APPENDIX L Differences from a real Minitel
- -------------------------------
- Minitel/PC emulates the Videotex mode of the Minitel M1B terminal except
- for the following differences (ascii and mixed modes are not
- implemented).
- 1) The M1B is capable of displaying double-high and double-size
- characters with different colors on the top and bottom rows. The
- emulator always displays double-high/size characters with the same color
- on both rows, using the color of the lower row.
- 2) None of the CSI formatting functions are implemented. CSI sequences
- are filtered but are not acted upon.
- 3) The only software protocol commands and features of the software
- protocol that have been implemented are:
- - scroll mode on/off (no acknoledgement returned)
- - reset to power on state (acknowledgement returned)
- - ID request (The seqence SOH (01 hex) Cu7 EOT (04 hex)
- is returned in response to the ID request. The sequence
- SOH Cuw EOT CR is returned when the emulator is in X.3 pad
- compatibility mode. These are the same as the sequences
- that are returned by the Telic Alcatel M1B terminal)
- Protocol commands that have not been implemented are filtered out by
- Minitel/PC so that they do not appear on the screen.
- 5) When overwriting a double-width character with a single-width
- character, the M1B shifts the double-width character to the right one
- space. This was not implemented in Minitel/PC.
- 6) When overwriting the right half of a double-width character, the
- Minitel displays the character one space to the right. This is not
- implemented in Minitel/PC.
- 7) The emulator implements a TTY terminal emulation mode.
- 8) Keyboard differences are noted in Appendix D. The extended keyboard
- mode is not implemented.
- 9) The error correction protocol is not implemented.
- 10) The screen transparency commands have not been implemented.