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From dleibold@gvc.com Sat Jan 7 22:02:23 1995
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Date: Sat, 7 Jan 95 21:01 EST
From: dleibold@gvc.com (Dave Leibold)
To: ptownson@eecs.nwu.edu
Subject: NPA 306 - Canadian update
Status: RO
Exchanges - Area Code 306 - Saskatchewan - 1 of 2 (23 October 1994)
3333 000 66 // 2222 000 000 55555 999 999
3 0 0 6 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9 9 9
333 0 0 6666 // 222 0 0 0 0 === 5555 9999 9999
3 0 0 6 6 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9
3333 000 666 // 22222 000 000 5555 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |20
21| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |21
22| - - |Sask/S|Sask/?|Laird |Windth|Hague |Marcel| - - |Unity | - - |22
23| - - |Humb/S|Rosthe|Wakaw |(Adve)|Buffal|Meadow|Perdue|Goodso|Osler |23
24| - - |Sask/C|Saskat|Macror|Saskat|Franci|Speere|Scott |StWalb|Saskat|24
25| - - | - - |Kenast|Aberde|Dalmen|Colons|Cudwor|Allan |Vonda |Young |25
26| - - |Humb/C| - - |Limeri|Kincai| - - |WoodMt|Corona|Bengou| - - |26
27| - - | - - |FoamLk|Rhein |Lestoc|StBrie|Whitef|Ridged|Porcup|YellCk|27
28| - - | - - |Dillon|Langha|StonR*|Lashbu|Leroy |Watson|Beauva|StBene|28
29| - - | - - | - - |Climax| - - |Easten|Fronti|Shauna|ValMar|Consul|29
30| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |30
31| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |31
32| - - | - - |RoseVy|Archer|Margo |Lintla| - - |Kelvin|Elfros|Asquit|32
33|Hawkr%| - - |FtQuap|Aberne|Balcar|Lember|Lipton|Regina|Wadena| - - |33
34|TowrB%| - - |Glasly|Saskat|Paradi|Pense | - - |Regina| - - | - - |34
35| - - |(Sedl)|Regina|Riverh|Mossba|Mortla|Podsla|Wiseto|Denzil|Regina|35
36|McKen%| - - |Denare|Drake |Jansen|Laniga|StGreg|Middle|LkLeno|Bruno |36
37|(Sask)| - - |Lusela|<-Saskatoon->| Kyle |Meacha|Hersch|Elrose|Brock |37
38| - - | - - |Saskat|QuillL|Saskat|(Sask)|NBattl|Marsha|Bienfa|Maymon|38
39|Hatch%| - - | - - | - - |Coderr|Chapli|Patuan| Edam |CutKni|(RLLB)|39
40| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |40
41| - - |[Diry]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |41
43| - - | - - |Dysart|Creelm| - - |Moosom|Milest| - - | - - |StonyR|43
44|Carsw%|NBat/S|Pangma|Alida |(Serv)|<-- NBattl ->|LkAlma|Manor |Storth|44
45| - - | - - |Redver|Carlyl|Ceylon|Arcola|Tribun|Stough|Midale|Ogema |45
46| - - |Este/C|Kisbey|Kinder| Lang |YellGr|Leask |DuckLk|Canwoo|BigRiv|46
47| - - | - - |Laflec|Willow| - - |Ormist|Rockgl|Saskat|Mankot| - - |47
48| - - |NBat/C|Carndu|Oxbow |Govan | - - |Frobis|Lampma|Holdfa|Alamed|48
49| - - | - - |Dundur|Delisl| - - | - - | - - |Blaine|Uraniu|(RLLB)|49
50| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |50
51| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |51
52| - - | - - |Regina| - - |Semans|Regina| - - | - - |Nokomi| - - |52
53|Turtl%| - - |Wapell|(Regi)|SpyHil|(Regi)|Regi/S|Regi/?|Kenned|(Regi)|53
54| - - | - - |Kamsac|Regina|Hanley|<-- Regina ->|Preece|Sturgi|Haffor|54
55| - - | - - |(800P)|Neidpa|Wynyar|[Diry]| - - |[T-PT]|Piapot| - - |55
56| - - | - - | - - |Canora| - - |<-- Regina ->|Davids| - - |Regina|56
57|[T-??]|[T-??]|[T-??]|Birsay|Plato |(T-RI)|Wishar|Carlyl|(T-RI)|(T-RI)|57
58| - - | - - |Vangua|(Regi)|<--- Regina --->|Cabri |Aneroi| - - |58
59| - - | - - |Buchan|Inverm|Norqua|Pelly |Regi/C| Togo |Annahe|(SLLB)|59
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchanges - Area Code 306 - Saskatchewan - 2 of 2 (23 October 1994)
3333 000 66 // 66 000 000 999 999 999
3 0 0 6 // 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9
333 0 0 6666 // 6666 0 0 0 0 === 9999 9999 9999
3 0 0 6 6 // 6 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9
3333 000 666 // 666 000 000 9 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
60| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |60
61| - - |[Repr]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |61
62|Besna%|York/S|Tompki|Sceptr| - - |Pontei|Pennan|Nevill|Leader|Morse |62
63| - - |Moos/S|Pelica|Wollas|Esteva|Stanle|<- Estevan ->|Bethun| - - |63
64| - - |York/C|Assini|Tantal|Lorebu|Rocanv|Maryfi|Theodo|Gravel| - - |64
65| - - | - - |<-Saskatoon->|Prudho|Saskat|Harris|(Sask)|Landis| - - |65
66| - - |(LlyP)|MapleC|Waskes|<-Saskatoon->|FoxVal|(800P)|Saskat|Richmo|66
67| - - |(LlyP)|GullLa|Prelat| Webb |Kellih| - - |Hodgev|Hazlet|Bursta|67
68| - - |Moos/C|Humbol|Saskat| - - |Gainsb|FondLc|(Flin)|Creigh|Abbey |68
69| - - |<------- Moose Jaw ------->|Indian|Broadv|Grenfe|Wolsel|QuAppe|69
70| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |70
71| - - |[TTYR]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |71
72| - - |Regina|Fillmo|Cupar |Debden|Strasb|Southe|Sintal|Melvil|ReginB|72
73| - - |Lumsde|Wilcox|Welwyn|Craik |Whitew|Kiplin|(Regi)|Riceto|Wawota|73
74| - - |SwCu/S|Calder|Langen|Saltco|Esterh|Raymor|Shellb|Neudor|BirchH|74
75| - - |Regina|Melfor|Mackli|SandyB|Trampi|Caron |Regina|Sthend|Eyebro|75
76| - - |Regina|Vibank|<-- PrAlbe ->|(SwCr)|(Regi)|ZenonP|Carrot|Arborf|76
78|<-- Regina ->|<- Yorkton ->|Herber|Cadill|Yorkto|Regina|Marqui|Regina|78
79| - - |Regina|Spring|Stockh|Grayso|Ituna |CeButt|Regi/P|Regina|Brierc|79
80| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |80
81| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |81
82| - - |Lloy/S|LaLoch|Neilbu|Rabbit|Lloydm|Marsde|Radiss|[TolF]|CanoeN|82
84| - - |Lloy/C|Weybur|Wilkie| - - |Turtfd|Dinsmo|Libert|Weybur|Sheho |84
85| - - |Rose/C| - - | - - |Elbow |Haward|Conque|Strong|LuckyL|Beechy|85
86| - - |Weyb/S|Nipawi|StarCy|Kinist|Hudson| - - |Outloo|Avonle|Radvil|86
87|KeyLk%|(Lloy)|Spaldi|Tisdal|Naicam|(Lloy)|Goodev|Dubuc |Tisdal| - - |87
88| - - |(Theo)|Roseto|Sprint|Pineho|Sedley|Tisda*|Kinist|Cumber|Mistat|88
89| - - |Weyb/C|Meota |Maidst|Turnor|Paynto|Church| - - |Breden| - - |89
90| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |90
91| - - |[Emrg]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |91
93| - - |Saskat|Plenty|<-Saskatoon->|Milden|Regina|NBattl|Saskat|EarlGr|93
94|(T-RI)|Melf/C| - - |Alvena|Viscou|Waldhe|Watrou|Hepbur|Biggar|Regina|94
95|(950S)|[T-PT]| - - |PrAlbe| - - |< Saskatoon >|Odessa|(Swit)|(T-PT)|95
96| - - |PrAl/S|Eston |Imperi|(USsk)|Colevi|Saskat|Eatoni|Alsask|Ceylon|96
97|(T-TX)| - - |Narrow|(RPag)| - - |Saskat|(976S)| - - |Saskat| - - |97
98| - - |PrAl/C|ChriLk| - - |Leovil| - - |[T-RI]|(Radi)| - - |Paddoc|98
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart
Abbey - Abbey Church - Churchbridge Govan - Govan
Aberde - Aberdeen Climax - Climax Gravel - Gravelbourg
Alamed - Alameda ClufL% - Cluff Lake % Grayso - Grayson
Aberne - Abernethy Coderr - Coderre GreenL - Green Lake
Alida - Alida Colevi - Coleville Grenfe - Grenfell
Allan - Allan Colons - Colonsay GullLa - Gull Lake
Alsask - Alsask Conque - Conquest Haffor - Hafford
Alvena - Alvena Consul - Consul Hague - Hague
Aneroi - Aneroid Corona - Coronach Harris - Harris
Annahe - Annaheim Craik - Craik Hatch% - Hatchet Lake %
Arborf - Arborfield Creelm - Creelman Haward - Hawarden
Archer - Archerwill Creigh - Creighton Hawkr% - Hawkrock %
Arcola - Arcola Cudwor - Cudworth Hazlet - Hazlet
Asquit - Asquith Cumber - Cumberland House Hepbur - Hepburn
Assini - Assiniboia Cupar - Cupar Herber - Herbert
Avonle - Avonlea CutKni - Cut Knife Hersch - Herschel
Balcar - Balcarres Dalmen - Dalmeny Hodgev - Hodgeville
Balgon - Balgonie Davids - Davidson Holdfa - Holdfast
Beauva - Beauval Debden - Debden Hudson - Hudson Bay
Beechy - Beechy Delisl - Delisle Humbol - Humboldt
Bengou - Bengough Denare - Denare Beach IlCros - Ile a la Crosse
Besna% - Besnard Lake % Denzil - Denzil Imperi - Imperial
Bethun - Bethune Dillon - Dillon Indian - Indian Head
Bienfa - Bienfait Dinsmo - Dinsmore Inverm - Invermay
Biggar - Biggar Domrem - Domremy Ituna - Ituna
BigRiv - Big River Drake - Drake Jansen - Jansen
BirchH - Birch Hills Dubuc - Dubuc Kamsac - Kamsack
Birsay - Birsay DuckLk - Duck Lake KaneL% - Kane Lake %
Blaine - Blaine Lake Dundur - Dundurn Kellih - Kelliher
Borden - Borden Dysart - Dysart Kelvin - Kelvington
Breden - Bredenbury EarlGr - Earl Grey Kenast - Kenaston
Brierc - Briercrest Easten - Eastend Kenned - Kennedy
Broadv - Broadview Eatoni - Eatonia Kerrob - Kerrobert
Brock - Brock Edam - Edam KeyLk% - Key Lake %
Bruno - Bruno Elbow - Elbow Kincai - Kincaid
Buchan - Buchanan Elfros - Elfros Kinder - Kindersley
Buffal - Buffalo Narrows Elrose - Elrose Kinist - Kinistino
Bursta - Burstall Esterh - Esterhazy Kiplin - Kipling
Cabri - Cabri Esteva - Estevan Kisbey - Kisbey
Cadill - Cadillac Eston - Eston Kyle - Kyle
Calder - Calder Eyebro - Eyebrow Laflec - Lafleche
CanoeN - Canoe Narrows Fillmo - Fillmore Laird - Laird
Canora - Canora FoamLk - Foam Lake LaLoch - La Loche
Canwoo - Canwood FondLc - Fond du Lac Lampma - Lampman
Carlyl - Carlyle FoxVal - Fox Valley Landis - Landis
Carndu - Carnduff Franci - Francis Lang - Lang
Carnev - Carnevale Frobis - Frobisher Langen - Langenburg
Caron - Caron Fronti - Frontier Langha - Langham
Carrot - Carrot River FtQuap - Fort Qu'Appelle Laniga - Lanigan
Carsw% - Carswell River % Gainsb - Gainsborough LaRoug - La Rouge
CeButt - Central Butte Glasly - Glaslyn Lashbu - Lashburn
Ceylon - Ceylon Glenav - Glenavon Leader - Leader
Chapli - Chaplin GlenEw - Glen Ewen Leask - Leask
Choice - Choiceland Goodev - Goodeve Lember - Lemberg
ChriLk - Christopher Lake Goodso - Goodsoil Leovil - Leoville
Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart (continued)
Leroy - Leroy Punnic - Punnichy Strasb - Strasbourg
Lestoc - Lestock QuAppe - Qu'Appelle Strong - Strongfield
McKen% - McKenzie Falls % QuillL - Quill Lake Sturgi - Sturgis
Melvil - Melville Rabbit - Rabbit Lake StWalb - St Walburg
Meota - Meota Radiss - Radisson SwiftC - Swift Current
Midale - Midale Radvil - Radville Tantal - Tantallon
Middle - Middle Lake Raymor - Raymore Theodo - Theodore
Milden - Milden Redver - Redvers Tisda* - Tisdale
Milest - Milestone RegAgr - Regina/Agritex (Bjorkdale)
Mistat - Mistatim Regina - Regina Tisdal - Tisdale
Molan% - Molanosa % ReginB - Regina Beach Togo - Togo
Montma - Montmartre Rhein - Rhein Tompki - Tompkins
MooseJ - Moose Jaw Riceto - Riceton Torqua - Torquay
Moosom - Moosomin Richmo - Richmond TowrB% - Tower Beach %
Morse - Morse Ridged - Ridgedale Trampi - Tramping Lake
Mortla - Mortlach Riverh - Riverhurst Tribun - Tribune
Mossba - Mossbank Rocanv - Rocanville Turnor - Turnor Lake
Naicam - Naicam Rockgl - Rockglen Turtfd - Turtleford
Narrow - Narrow Lake Roseto - Rosetown Turtl% - Turtle Lake %
NBattl - North Battleford RoseVy - Rose Valley Unity - Unity
Neidpa - Neidpath Rosthe - Rosthern Uraniu - Uranium City
Neilbu - Neilburg Roulea - Rouleau ValMar - Val Marie
Neudor - Neudorf Saltco - Saltcoats Vangua - Vanguard
Nevill - Neville SandyB - Sandy Bay Vibank - Vibank
Nipawi - Nipawin Saskat - Saskatoon Viscou - Viscount
Nokomi - Nokomis Sceptr - Sceptre Vonda - Vonda
Norqua - Norquay Scott - Scott Wadena - Wadena
NPorta - North Portal Sedley - Sedley Wakaw - Wakaw
Odessa - Odessa Semans - Semans Waldhe - Waldheim
Ogema - Ogema Shauna - Shaunavon Wapell - Wapella
Ormist - Ormiston Sheho - Sheho Waskes - Waskesiu Lake
Osler - Osler Shellb - Shellbrook Watrou - Watrous
Outloo - Outlook ShellL - Shell Lake Watson - Watson
Oxbow - Oxbow Simpso - Simpson Wawota - Wawota
Paddoc - Paddockwood Sintal - Sintaluta Webb - Webb
Pangma - Pangman Smeato - Smeaton Welwyn - Welwyn
Paradi - Paradise Hill Smiley - Smiley Weybur - Weyburn
Patuan - Patuanak Southe - Southey Whitef - Whitefox
Paynto - Paynton Spaldi - Spalding Whitew - Whitewood
Pelica - Pelican Narrows Speere - Speere Wilcox - Wilcox
Pelly - Pelly Spring - Springside Wilkie - Wilkie
Pennan - Pennant Sprint - Sprintwood Willow - Willow Bunch
Pense - Pense SpyHil - Spy Hill Windth - Windthorst
Perdue - Perdue Stanle - Stanley Mission Wiseto - Wiseton
Piapot - Piapot StarCy - Star City Wishar - Wishart
Pierce - Pierceland StBene - St Benedict Wollas - Wollaston Lake
Pineho - Pinehouse StBrie - St Brieux Wolsel - Wolseley
Plato - Plato StGreg - St Gregor WoodMt - Wood Mountain
Plenty - Plenty Sthend - Southend Wynyar - Wynyard
Podsla - Podsland StLoui - St Louis YellCk - Yellow Creek
Pontei - Ponteix Stockh - Stockholm YellGr - Yellow Grass
Porcup - Porcupine Plain StonR* - Stony Rapids Yorkto - Yorkton
PrAlbe - Prince Albert (Black Lake) Young - Young
Preece - Preeceville StonyR - Stony Rapids ZenonP - Zenon Park
Prelat - Prelate Storth - Storthoaks
Prudho - Prudhomme Stough - Stoughton
% - apparently a point not direct dialable (access through operator only)
Other abbreviations and notes
Note: abbreviations in brackets represent reserved, undialable or protected
exchanges, and are not known to be part of the area code as of yet.
(Adve) - reserved for public advertising services
(Flin) - Flin Flon, MB, protected for local calling
(Lloy) - Lloydminster, AB protected for local calling
(LlyP) - Lloydminster, AB paging protected for local calling
(Port) - Portal ND, protected for local calling
(Radi) - North radio routing code
(Regi) - future exchange for Regina
(RLLB) - Regina, leased line billing
(RPag) - future exchange for national paging
(Sask) - future exchange for Saskatoon
(Sedl) - future exchange for Sedley
(Serv) - service codes
(SLLB) - Saskatoon, leased line billing
(SwCr) - future exchange for Swift Current
(Swit) - Switch Centre communications
(Theo) - Theoretical NXX billing
(T-TX) - Test for phone trunks
(T-PT) - reserved for phone testing
(T-RI) - ringing test
(USsk) - future exchange for University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
(2LSt) - 2 level toll bill code / South
(2LNt) - 2 level toll bill code / North
(800P) - protected for 800 service, presumably to avoid confusion if
someone in Saskatchewan tried to dial an 800 number without
dialing the 800 area code.
(950S) - reserved for 950 service (alternate long distance services)
(976S) - reserved for 976 service (announcements, other services)
[Diry] - Directory Assistance Exchange
[Emrg] - Emergency 911 service
[Repr] - Repair
[TTYR] - TTY/TDD Relay service
[T-RI] - ringer test code
[T-SR] - special test for step by step (Regina)
[T-TN] - Test code for tones
[T-??] - Other kind of test
Paging, other special services
Lloy/? - Lloydminster - unknown use, but dialable as Saskatchewan exchange
Regi/P - Regina page call terminal
[TolF] - Used for toll-free numbers (outside billing based in Regina)
SaskTel Cellular
Este/S - Estevan Regi/S - Regina
Humb/S - Humboldt Rose/S - Rosetown
Lloy/S - Lloydminster SwCu/S - Swift Current
Melf/S - Melfort Sask/S - Saskatoon
Moos/S - Moose Jaw Weyb/S - Weyburn
NBat/S - North Battleford York/S - Yorkton
PrAl/S - Prince Albert
Cantel Cellular
Este/C - Estevan PrAl/C - Prince Albert
Humb/C - Humboldt Regi/C - Regina
Lloy/C - Lloydminster SwCu/C - Swift Current
Melf/C - Melfort Sask/C - Saskatoon
Moos/C - Moose Jaw Weyb/C - Weyburn
NBat/C - North Battleford York/C - Yorkton
Regi/? - Regina Cellular (carrier unknown)
Sask/? - Saskatoon Cellular (carrier unknown)
Note and Comment
Welcome to Saskatchewan's updated exchange list...
For October 1992, new prefixes were found for 394 Coderre (new place),
489 Alameda (new place), 636 Estevan, 936 Regina.
And for December 1991, that means really updated. A number of serious
gaps were found - 150 or so prefixes worth of gaps. How these escaped
the general checking is unknown at this point, but it looks like
just about everything should be in this time. Regrets are given for
missing this information in previous editions.
Lloydminster is a border town of sorts: it is on the Alberta/Saskatchewan
provincial boundary. To call from the Saskatchewan side to the Alberta
side of town, it appears to be necessary to dial 403 then the number.
Why the 403+number scheme was chosen is a mystery; many areas can get
by with just a number when calling across an area code boundary
(Ottawa-Hull is a good example with its 613-819 cross-boundary dialing).
Some new prefixes are active as a result of manual or radio exchanges
getting connected to the dial network. Exchanges such as Besnard Lake,
Cluff Lake, Kane Lake, Key Lake, McKenzie Falls, Molanosa and Narrow
Lake are still listed in phone books as manual or otherwise non-dialable
exchanges; however it seems their prefixes have been formally
Changes for 16 April 1990 edition include 546 exchange for Regina as well
as active page call exchange in Regina (797) and a Lloydminster (825) exchange
active from area 306 (this borders with Lloydminster, Alberta) and a
slight change to indicate that the provincial toll-free exchange 828 is
active (though it carries a charge if dialed from outside area code 306).