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From @mail.uunet.ca:dleibold@gvc Tue Jan 3 23:51:09 1995
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Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 00:40:00 -0500
From: dleibold@gvc.com (Dave Leibold)
To: ptownson@eecs.nwu.edu
Subject: Area 403 - for archives
Status: RO
Exchanges - Area Code 403 - Alberta - 1 of 2 (21 December 1994)
44 000 3333 // 2222 000 000 55555 999 999
4 4 0 0 3 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9 9 9
44444 0 0 333 // 222 0 0 0 0 === 5555 9999 9999
4 0 0 3 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9
4 000 3333 // 22222 000 000 5555 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |20
21| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |21
22|<- Calgary ->|Wrenth|Taber |Bowden|<- Calgary ->|Innisf|<- Calgary ->|22
23|<--------------------------- Calgary --------------------------->|23
24|<--------------------------- Calgary --------------------------->|24
25|<--------------------------- Calgary --------------------------->|25
26|<--------------------------- Calgary --------------------------->|26
27|<--------------------------- Calgary --------------------------->|27
28|<--------------------------- Calgary --------------------------->|28
29|<--------------------------- Calgary --------------------------->|29
30| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |30
31| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |31
32|Lethbr|Assump|Nampa |Giroux|McLenn|Wildwo|Cereal|<--- Lethbridge --->|32
33|Lethbr|Callin|Grimsh|SwanHi|Anzac |Didsbu|Viking|Carsta|Berwyn|Tomaha|33
34|<-------- Red Deer ------->|Coutts|Coalda|<- Red Deer >|Clyde |Westlo|34
35|RedDee|Silver|Wetask|Bonanz|Beaver|Faust |Hythe |RedDee|Waskat|Eagles|35
36|GjoaHv|Wetask|Brooks|Chipma|Delia |Andrew|Myrnam|Willin|Rumsey|Widewa|36
37|Snowdr| Edzo |Bashaw|Bawlf |Daysla|Rosali|Sirome|Tilley|Duches|Bindlo|37
38|<--- Lethbridge --->|Warspi|Sedgew|Killam|Loughe|Millet|AlderF|Mulhur|38
39|Teslin|LdyFrk| Rae |PinePt|FtReso|Cayley|Holman|Marlbo|Thorhi|Tagish|39
40| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |40
41| - - |[Diry]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |41
42|<--------------------------- Edmonton -------------------------->|42
43|<--------------------------- Edmonton -------------------------->|43
44|<- Edmonton >|Trochu|ThreeH|<- Edmonton >|Edmo/C|<- Edmonton >|Sherwo|44
45|<-------------------- Edmonton ------------------->|< St Albert >|45
46|StAlbe|<--- Edmonton --->|Sherwo|<- Edmonton >|Sherwo|<- Edmonton >|46
47|StAlbe|<----------------------- Edmonton ----------------------->|47
48|<--------- Edmonton --------->|Vulcan|<------- Edmonton ------>|48
49|<------- Edmonton ------>|HinesC|<---------- Edmonton ---------->|49
50| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |50
51| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |51
52|<- Calgary ->|LkLoui|HighPr|Valley|Grassl|<----- Medicine Hat ---->|52
53|<- Calgary ->|GrPrai|Rockyw|Arroww|Meande|Watson|PellyC|<-Gr Prairie>|53
54|Calg/C| Calg |Drayto| Calg |Ralsto|BowIsl| Acme | Calg |RedCli|Stavel|54
55|[C400]|[C400]|Altari|FtMcLe|[C400]|[Diry]| Olds | Edm |Longvi|Conkli|55
56|Calg/C|Spence|Blairm|Colema|Bellev|Empres|Cessfo|Clairm|Sexsmi| Calg |56
57|[T-PT]| - - |Carbon|LacMar|Gadsby|Vetera|Newbro|Consor|Corona|Byemoo|57
59| Calg |Kanana|Innfre|Minbur|GrCent|BearCa|Whitel|Brownv|FtGood| Milo |59
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchanges - Area Code 403 - Alberta - 2 of 2 (21 December 1994)
44 000 3333 // 66 000 000 999 999 999
4 4 0 0 3 // 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9
44444 0 0 333 // 6666 0 0 0 0 === 9999 9999 9999
4 0 0 3 // 6 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9
4 000 3333 // 666 000 000 9 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
60| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |60
61| - - |[Repr]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |61
62| - - | Edm |FoxCre|LacLaB|PeaceR|Clares|Glenwo|Pinche|Cowley|LitBuf|62
63| Calg |Torrin|Vegrev|Porter|Haines|Glendo|Vilna |Cremon|Sundre|ColdLk|63
64| Calg |Bassan|Warner|Carman|Standa|StPaul|Nanton|MilkRi|BlueRg|RedEar|64
65|<- Calgary ->|HighRi|Cardst|Vauxha|Grassy|SmokyL|TwoHil|Lavoy |FoxLak|65
66| Calg |[RPag]|Tofiel|Riley | Oyen |Craigm|Etziko|<--- Whitehorse --->|66
67| Calg |[RPag]|Camros|Exshaw|Barrhe|Athaba|Sibbal|Rosebu|<- Camrose ->|67
68| Calg |Flatbu|Winfie| Zama |Blacki|Worsle| Calg |Granum|Holden|Boyle |68
69|SachsH| Calg |Cadomi|Peers |Wanham|FtSimp|Breton|FtChip|Roches|FtProv|69
70| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |70
71| - - |[TTYR]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |71
72| Calg |Nordeg|Caroli|Edson |ElkPt | Hays |Ashmon|Evansb|Spruce|Leslie|72
73| Calg |Keephi|Pictur|NewDay|Gleich| Calg |Radway|Stando|IronSp|Enchan|73
74|Stettl|Derwen|Stettl|FtMcMu|Islay |Paradi|Eckvil| Alix |Bentle|Delbur|74
75| Calg |Grouar|Raymon|Provos| Irma |Edgert|Stirli|Barons|Magrat|JeanDP|75
76|Banff |SaskRi|Banff |Mannvi|Mundar|Rycrof|Wemble|GiftLk|HairyH|PellyB|76
78| - - | - - |Lacomb|Ponoka|Clive |Sangud|Mayert|Hussar|Mirror|Thorsb|78
79|<Ft McMurray>|Lomond|<--- Robb -->|NitonJ|Bruder|SebaBe|Plamon|FtMcMu|79
80| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |80
81| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |81
82|Drumhe|Carcro|ECoule|Drumhe|Noblef|Lloydm|Bonnyv|GrCach|FtMack|Smith |82
83| Calg |GrPrai|SevenP|Burdet|Irvine|Fairvi|Mannin|Falher|Hilda |Schule|83
84|GrCent|Destru|Wainwr|Rimbey| - - |RockyM|Kitsco|Marwai|Warbur|SlaveL|84
85| Calg |SwiftR|Jasper|Vermil|Hanna |NewNor|Hughen| Czar |Chauvi|Watert|85
86| Calg |Calg/C|BeavCr|Carmac|Spirit|Hinton|JasprE|Foremo|Manybe|Peerle|86
87| Calg |Lloydm|FtSmit|Yellow|HayRiv|Lloydm|BigVal|Ferint|HayLak|Allian|87
88|Nisku |Morley|Castor|Donald|Halkir|Blackf|Fenhol|Stefan|Hardis|Heisle|88
90| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |90
91| - - |[Emrg]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |91
93| Edm | Calg |Cochra|Turner|Strmor|Irrica|Langdo|Walsh |Okotok|Morinv|93
94| Edm |NewSar|Redwat|Heinsb|<--Edmonton->|Crossf|Beisek|Airdri|BraggC|94
95|(950S)| Edm |FtMcPh|ArcRed|Jarvie|Nisku |Rainbo|Debolt|(T-PT)|(T-PT)|95
96|SprucG|Legal |SprucG|StonyP|Rollin|Brocke|OldCro|Onoway|StonyP|RossRi|96
97| Edm |Dixonv|Acadia|Namao | Calg | Edm |(976S)|Tuktoy|Aklavi|Inuvik|97
98|Leduc |KegRiv|Coffee|Cambri|Enterp|Calmar|Leduc |Devon |Edm/El|Sunchi|98
99| Edm |Edmo/C|FtSask|Dawson| Faro | Elsa | Mayo |RaeLak|FtSask| Calg |99
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart
A l b e r t a
Acadia - Acadia Callin - Calling Lake ECoule - East Coulee
Acme - Acme Calmar - Calmar Edgert - Edgerton
Airdri - Airdrie Cambri - Cambridge Edm - Edmonton
AlderF - Alder Flats Camros - Camrose EdmAir - Edmonton Int'l
Alix - Alix Carbon - Carbon Airport
Allian - Alliance Cardst - Cardston Edm/El - Ellerslie (Edmtn.)
AltaBc - Alberta Beach Carman - Carmangay Edson - Edson
Altari - Altario Caroli - Caroline ElkPt - Elk Point
Andrew - Andrew Carsta - Carstairs Elkwat - Elkwater
Anzac - Anzac Castor - Castor Elnora - Elnora
Ardros - Ardrossan Cayley - Cayley Empres - Empress
Arroww - Arrowwood Cereal - Cereal Enchan - Enchant
Ashmon - Ashmont Cessfo - Cessford Enterp - Enterprise
Assump - Assumption Champi - Champion Etziko - Etzikom
Athaba - Athabasca Chauvi - Chauvin Evansb - Evansburg
Banff - Banff Chipew - Chipewyan Lake Exshaw - Exshaw
Barons - Barons Chipma - Chipman Fairvi - Fairview
Barrhe - Barrhead Clairm - Clairmont Falher - Falher
Bashaw - Bashaw Clares - Claresholm Faust - Faust
Bassan - Bassano Clive - Clive Ferint - Ferintosh
Bawlf - Bawlf Clyde - Clyde Flatbu - Flatbush
BearCa - Bear Canyon Coalda - Coaldale Foremo - Foremost
Beaumo - Beaumont Cochra - Cochrane Forest - Forestburg
Beaver - Beaverlodge Coffee - Coffeemine FoxCre - Fox Creek
Beisek - Beiseker ColdLk - Cold Lake FoxLak - Fox Lake
Bellev - Bellevue Colema - Coleman FtAssi - Fort Assiniboine
Bentle - Bentley Conkli - Conklin FtChip - Fort Chipewyan
Berwyn - Berwyn Consor - Consort FtMack - Fort Mackay
BigVal - Big Valley Corona - Coronation FtMcLe - Fort McLeod
Bindlo - Bindloss Coutts - Coutts FtMcMu - Fort McMurray
Blackf - Blackfalls Cowley - Cowley FtSask - Fort Saskatchewan
Blacki - Blackie Craigm - Craigmyle FtVerm - Fort Vermilion
Blairm - Blairmore Cremon - Cremona Gadsby - Gadsby
BlueRg - Blue Ridge Crossf - Crossfield Galaha - Galahad
BonAcc - Bon Accord Czar - Czar Gibbon - Gibbons
Bonanz - Bonanza Daysla - Daysland GiftLk - Gift Lake
Bonnyv - Bonnyville Debolt - Debolt Giroux - Girouxville
Bowden - Bowden Delbur - Delburne Gleich - Gleichen
BowIsl - Bow Island Delia - Delia Glendo - Glendon
Boyle - Boyle Derwen - Derwent Glenwo - Glenwood
BraggC - Bragg Creek Devon - Devon Granum - Granum
Breton - Breton Didsbu - Didsbury Grassl - Grassland
Brocke - Brocket Dixonv - Dixonville Grassy - Grassy Lake
Brooks - Brooks Donald - Donalda GrCach - Grand Cache
Brownv - Brownvale Donnel - Donnelly GrCent - Grand Centre
Bruder - Bruderheim Drayto - Drayton Valley Gremsh - Gremshaw
Burdet - Burdett Drumhe - Drumheller Grouar - Grouard
Byemoo - Byemoor Duches - Duchess GrPrai - Grande Prairie
Cadomi - Cadomin Eagles - Eaglesham HairyH - Hairy Hill
Calg - Calgary Eckvil - Eckville Halkir - Halkirk
Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart (continued)
A l b e r t a
Hanna - Hanna Lomond - Lomond Porter - Porter Creek
Hardis - Hardisty Longvi - Longview Provos - Provost
HayLak - Hay Lakes Loughe - Lougheed Radway - Radway
Hays - Hays Magrat - Magrath Rainbo - Rainbow Lake
Heinsb - Heinsburg MaMeOB - Ma-Me-O Beach Ralsto - Ralston
Heisle - Heisler Mannin - Manning Raymon - Raymond
HighLe - High Level Mannvi - Mannville RedCli - Red Cliff
HighPr - High Prairie Manybe - Manyberries RedDee - Red Deer
HighRi - High River Marlbo - Marlboro RedEar - Red Earth
Hilda - Hilda Marwai - Marwaine Redwat - Redwater
HinesC - Hines Creek Mayert - Mayerthorpe Riley - Riley
Hinton - Hinton McLenn - McLennan Rimbey - Rimbey
Hobbem - Hobbema Meande - Meander Harbour Robb - Robb
Holden - Holden MedHat - Medicine Hat Roches - Rochester
Hughen - Hughenden MilkRi - Milk River RockyM - Rocky Mountain
Hussar - Hussar Millet - Millet House
Hythe - Hythe Milo - Milo Rockyw - Rockywood
Innfre - Innisfree Minbur - Minburn Rollin - Rolling Hills
Innisf - Innisfail Mirror - Mirror Rosali - Rosalind
Irma - Irma Morinv - Morinville Rosebu - Rosebud
IronSp - Iron Springs Morley - Morley Rumsey - Rumsey
Irrica - Irricana Morrin - Morrin Rycrof - Rycroft
Irvine - Irvine Mulhur - Mulhurst Sangud - Sangudo
Islay - Islay Mundar - Mundare SaskRi - Saskatchewan
Jarvie - Jarvie Myrnam - Myrnam River Crossing
Jasper - Jasper Namao - Namao Schule - Schuler
JasprE - Jasper East Nampa - Nampa SebaBe - Seba Beach
JeanDP - Jean d'Or Prairie Nanton - Nanton Sedgew - Sedgewick
Jenner - Jenner Newbro - Newbrook SevenP - Seven Persons
Joussa - Joussard NewDay - New Dayton Sexsmi - Sexsmith
Kanana - Kananaskis NewNor - New Norway Sibbal - Sibbald
Keephi - Keephills NewSar - New Sarepta Silver - Silver Valley
KegRiv - Keg River Nisku - Nisku SlaveL - Slave Lake
Killam - Killam NitonJ - Niton Junction Smith - Smith
Kinuso - Kinuso Noblef - Nobleford SmokyL - Smoky Lake
Kitsco - Kitscoty Nordeg - Nordegg Spirit - Spirit River
LacLaB - Lac La Biche Okotok - Okotoks Spruce - Spruceview
Lacomb - Lacombe OldCro - Old Crow SprucG - Spruce Grove
LaCret - La Crete Olds - Olds StAlbe - St Albert
Lamont - Lamont Onoway - Onoway Standa - Standard
Langdo - Langdon Oyen - Oyen Stando - Standoff
Lavoy - Lavoy Panoka - Panoka Stavel - Stavely
Leduc - Leduc Paradi - Paradise Valley Stefan - Stefan Lake
Legal - Legal PeaceR - Peace River Stettl - Stettler
Leslie - Leslieville Peerle - Peerless Lake Stirli - Stirling
Lethbr - Lethbridge Peers - Peers StMich - St Michael
LitBuf - Little Buffalo Penhol - Penhold StonyP - Stony Plain
LkLoui - Lake Louise Pictur - Picture Butte StPaul - St Paul
Lloydm - Lloydminster Pinche - Pincher Creek Strmor - Strathmore
Lodgep - Lodgepole Plamon - Plamondon Strome - Strome
Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart (continued)
A l b e r t a
Sunchi - Sunchild O'Chiese Vegrev - Vegreville Watert - Waterton Park
Sundre - Sundre Vermil - Vermilion Wemble - Wembley
SwanHi - Swan Hills Vetera - Veteran Westlo - Westlock
Taber - Taber Viking - Viking Wetask - Wetaskiwin
Thorhi - Thorhild Vilna - Vilna Whitec - Whitecourt
Thorsb - Thorsby Vulcan - Vulcan Whitel - Whiteland
ThreeH - Three Hills Wabamu - Wabamun Widewa - Widewater
Tilley - Tilley Wabasc - Wabasca Wildwo - Wildwood
Tofiel - Tofield Wainwr - Wainwright Willin - Willingdon
Tomaha - Tomahawk Walsh - Walsh Winfie - Winfield
Torrin - Torrington Wander - Wandering River Woking - Woking
Trochu - Trochu Wanham - Wanham Worsle - Worsley
Turner - Turner Warbur - Warburg Wrenth - Wrentham
TwoHil - Two Hills Warner - Warner Youngs - Youngstown
Valley - Valleyview Warspi - Warspite Zama - Zama
Vauxha - Vauxhall Waskat - Waskatenau
N o r t h w e s t T e r r i t o r i e s
Aklavi - Aklavik FtSmit - Fort Smith PinePt - Pine Point
ArcRed - Arctic Red River GjoaHv - Gjoa Haven Rae - Rae
Edzo - Edzo HayRiv - Hay River RaeLak - Rae Lakes
FtFran - Fort Franklin Holman - Holman SachsH - Sachs Harbour
FtGood - Fort Good Hope Inuvik - Inuvik Snowdr - Snowdrift
FtLiar - Fort Liard LacMar - Lac La Martre Spence - Spence Bay
FtMcPh - Fort McPherson LdyFrk - Lady Franklin Tuktoy - Tuktoyaktuk
FtNorm - Fort Norman (Test Pack) Tungst - Tungsten
FtProv - Fort Providence Norman - Norman Wells Wrigle - Wrigley
FtReso - Fort Resolution Paulat - Paulatuk Yellow - Yellowknife
FtSimp - Fort Simpson PellyB - Pelly Bay
Y u k o n
BeavCr - Beaver Creek Faro - Faro SwiftR - Swift River
Carcro - Carcross Haines - Haines Junction Tagish - Tagish
Carmac - Carmacks Mayo - Mayo Teslin - Teslin
Dawson - Dawson OldCro - Old Crow Watson - Watson Lake
Destru - Destruction Bay PellyC - Pelly Crossing Whiteh - Whitehorse
Elsa - Elsa RossRi - Ross River
Other abbreviations and notes
??? - exchange seems active, but not in official service yet or
may be active in error or for test purposes only
[C400] - "Cellular 400" service (listed as Edmonton-based)
[Data] - Data service (eg. to get Envoy 100)
[Diry] - Directory Assistance Exchange
[Emrg] - Emergency 911 service
[Repr] - Repair
[RPag] - Radio paging exchange
[TTYR] - TTY/TDD Relay service
[T-PT] - used in some exchanges for phone test
[T-??] - reserved for miscellaneous test or other purpose
Calg/C - Calgary cellular exchange - Cantel on 560 exchange
Edmo/C - Edmonton cellular exchange
(T-PT) - reserved for testing purposes
(950S) - reserved for special long distance service
(976S) - reserved for special announcements service
Northwest Territories & Yukon future exchanges
(Bayc) - Baychimo (Naha) - Nahanni Butte [a]
(Colv) - Colville Lake (Trou) - Trout Lakes
(JeMa) - Jean Marie [b] (Whit) - Whitehorse
(MacM) - MacMillan Pass [c]
[a] 686 prefix was once reserved for Nahanni Butte but now seems to
be a Calgary number
[b] 691 was reserved for Jean Marie NWT, but now seems to be in use
as a Calgary number
[c] 730 was reserved for MacMillan Pass, but now seems to be in use
as a Calgary number
[d] 720 was reserved for Kakisa, but now assigned to Calgary service.
[e] 735 was reserved for Trout Lakes, but now assigned to Calgary service.
[f] 860 was reserved for Baychimo, but now assigned to Calgary service.
Note and Comment
This is the updated edition of the 403 exchanges list. Any corrections
or additions to this area code list would be appreciated.
December 1994: some new exchanges here and there, generally in the
major cities of Calgary and Edmonton. 403 as an area code is approaching
saturation, thus an area code split is inevitable. However, the changes
to dialing to accomodate an expanded number of North American area codes
(ie. long distance requires 1+403 within Alberta) will also open up new
exchanges within 403 for extra capacity.
880 was once reserved for data services; now this has been assigned
to Nisku for an additional exchange.
Looks like 403 is approaching capacity; special action may need to
taken within the next few years such as expansion to "interchangeable"
(area code style) prefixes, or splitting the area code. This will be
possible after January 1995, as all of North America converts to
interchangeable area code formats, thus interchangeable prefix/exchanges
will also be possible.
Already, the rule of having Calgary numbers with 2## exchanges (like
232, 265) is broken. Some exchanges beginning with 5## or 6## are now
available in Calgary.
As of October 1992 update, newest prefixes since the November 1991 update
were 730, 850, 974 Calgary; 740 Stettler; 794 Robb; 840 Grand Centre;
930, 940, 945 Edmonton; 980 Leduc.
The Northwest Territories and the Yukon under Northwestel could get their
own area code, though there are no known plans for this. In fact, the
entire Northwest Territories could be included were it not for these
conflicts with Inuvik (979 exchange, area code 403) and Iqaluit (979
exchange, area 819). With a few conflicts resolved (noting that both
Iqaluit and Inuvik are relatively major centres in the north), one area
code could be used for both the NWT and the Yukon.
Some prefixes previously reserved for Northwest Territories and Yukon
points (under Northwestel) seem to have been put into service as Calgary
exchanges now, perhaps because they were not likely to be put into
service for Northwestel's use. One interesting addition is 391 which
seems to be for Lady Franklin and listed in one source as a "Test Pack".
Calgary prefixes by part of the city (may not include newest exchanges):
Airways: 250 291
Bonavista: 225 271 278
Bowness: 247 286 288
Capitol Hill: 220 282 284 289
Country Hills: 226
Crescent Heights: 230 276 277
Crowchild: 239 241 547
Elbow Park: 243 287
Forest Lawn: 235 248 272 273 569
Hillhurst: 270 283 521
Huntington Hills: 274 275 295
Killarney: 240 242 246 249
Kingsland: 252 253 255 258 259
Main: 221 231 232 233 234 237 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267
268 269 290 292 294 296 297 298 530
McKenzie: 257
Mount Royal: 228 229 244 245 541
Oakridge: 238 251 281
Ogden: 236 279
Priddis: 931
Shawnessy: 254 256
Temple: 280 285 293
(unknown area): 299 640 650 651 686
Calgary city sections by prefix (may not include newest exchanges):
220 Capitol Hill 230 Crescent Heights 240 Killarney
221 Main 231 Main 241 Crowchild
225 Bonavista 232 Main 242 Killarney
226 Country Hills 233 Main 243 Elbow Park
228 Mount Royal 234 Main 244 Mount Royal
229 Mount Royal 235 Forest Lawn 245 Mount Royal
236 Ogden 246 Killarney
237 Main 247 Bowness
238 Oakridge 248 Forest Lawn
239 Crowchild 249 Killarney
250 Airways 260 Main 270 Hillhurst
251 Oakridge 261 Main 271 Bonavista
252 Kingsland 262 Main 272 Forest Lawn
253 Kingsland 263 Main 273 Forest Lawn
254 Shawnessy 264 Main 274 Huntington Hills
255 Kingsland 265 Main 275 Huntington Hills
256 Shawnessy 266 Main 276 Crescent Heights
257 McKenzie 267 Main 277 Crescent Heights
258 Kingsland 268 Main 278 Bonavista
259 Kingsland 269 Main 279 Ogden
280 Temple 290 Main 520 Crescent Heights
281 Oakridge 291 Airways 521 Hillhurst
282 Capitol Hill 292 Main 530 Main
283 Hillhurst 293 Temple 531 Main
284 Capitol Hill 294 Main 540 Kingsland
285 Temple 295 Huntington Hills 541 Mount Royal
286 Bowness 296 Main 543 Main
287 Elbow Park 297 Main 547 Crowchild
288 Bowness 298 Main 560 Kingsland
289 Capitol Hill 299 Main 569 Forest Lawn
590 Temple
630 Kingsland
640 (unknown)
650 (unknown)
651 Kingsland
660 (unknown)
661 Main
670 Hillhurst
680 Kingsland
686 Killarney
691 Main
720 Ogden
931 Priddis
Edmonton prefixes by part of the city (may not include newest exchanges):
NE1: 472
NE2: 464 467
NE3: 472 473 475 476 478
DNE: 471 474 477 479 480 491
DCC: 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 441 445 448 492
493 495 496 498 951 990
DSW: 482 488
DS: 431 432 433 439
E: 440 465 466 468 469
SE1: 440
SE2: 450 461 462 463
S1: 988
S2: 430 434 435 436 437 438
SW1: 444 481 487
W1: 447
W2: 483 484 486 489
N1: 456 457
NW1: 447
NW2: 451 452 453 454 455
???: 490 497 499 557 944 (exact Edmonton area unknown)
Abbreviations: D: downtown; S:south; N: north E: east; W: west; CC: city centre
Edmonton city sections by prefix (may not include newest exchanges):
420 DCC 430 S2 440 E, SE1 450 SE2
421 DCC 431 DS 441 DCC 451 NW2 461 SE2
422 DCC 432 DS 452 NW2 462 SE2
423 DCC 433 DS 453 NW2 463 SE2
424 DCC 434 S2 444 SW1 454 NW2 464 NE2
425 DCC 435 S2 445 DCC 455 NW2 465 E
426 DCC 436 S2 446 cell 456 N1 466 E
427 DCC 437 S2 447 W1, NW1 457 N1 467 NE2
428 DCC 438 S2 448 DCC 468 E
429 DCC 439 DS 469 E
480 DNE 490 SE2 557 ???
471 DNE 481 SW1 491 DNE
472 NE1, NE3 482 DSW 492 DCC 944 ???
473 NE3 483 W2 493 DCC 951 DCC
474 DNE 484 W2
475 NE3 495 DCC 975 ???
476 NE3 486 W2 496 DCC
477 DNE 487 SW1 497 ??? 988 S1
478 NE3 488 DSW 498 DCC 990 DCC
479 DNE 489 W2 499 cell 991 (cell)