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From dleibold@gvc.com Thu Jan 5 20:53:01 1995
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Date: Thu, 5 Jan 95 21:17 EST
From: dleibold@gvc.com (Dave Leibold)
To: ptownson@eecs.nwu.edu
Subject: Canadian NPA 416 update for archives
Status: R
Exchanges - Area Code 416 - Metro Toronto (23 October 1994)
44 1 66 // 2222 000 000 55555 999 999
4 4 11 6 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9 9 9
44444 1 6666 // 222 0 0 0 0 === 5555 9999 9999
4 1 6 6 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9
4 111 666 // 22222 000 000 5555 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20|Toro/B|<---------- Toronto --------->| - - |<---- Toronto --->|20
21| Tor | - - | - - |<----------------- Toronto ---------------->|21
22| - - |<------------- Toronto ------------->| - - | - - | Tor |22
23|Toro/C|<---------------- Toronto ----------------->| - - | Tor |23
24|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|24
25|<------------------ Toronto ----------------->| - - |Toro/C| Tor |25
26|<- Toronto ->| - - | - - |<------ Toronto ------>| - - | Tor |26
27| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |27
28|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|28
29|<------ Toronto ------>| - - | - - |<------ Toronto ------>|29
30| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | Tor | - - | - - |30
31|[S800]| - - | - - | - - |<- Toronto ->| - - | - - | - - | - - |31
32| ??? |<------------------------ Toronto ----------------------->|32
33|[To/I]| Tor | - - | - - | Tor | - - | - - | Tor | - - | Tor |33
34|<- Toronto ->| - - | Tor | - - |<- Toronto ->|Toro/B| Tor | - - |34
35|<- Toronto ->| - - | Tor | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | Tor |35
36|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|36
37|[Pgr?]| - - | - - | - - | - - |[PgCa]|[PgCa]|[PgCa]|[PgCa]|[PgCa]|37
38| ?P? |[Pgr?]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |38
39|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|39
40| - - |<---- Toronto --->| - - |<- Toronto ->|Toro/B| Tor |Toro/C|40
41| Tor |[Diry]|<------ Toronto ------>|[L416]|<- Toronto ->| - - |41
42| - - |<------------- Toronto ------------->| - - | - - | Tor |42
43| - - | Tor | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |<- Toronto ->|43
44|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|44
45| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |45
46|<---------------------- Toronto -------------------->| - - | Tor |46
47| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |47
48|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|48
49|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|49
50| - - |<------------- Toronto ------------->| - - | - - |(SPk%)|50
51| Tor | ??? | Tor | - - |[P514]|<------- Toronto ------->|[P519]|51
52|Toro/C| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |52
53|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|53
54|Toro/B| - - | - - |Toro/C| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |54
56| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |Toro/C| - - | - - | - - | - - |56
57| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |57
58|<------- Toronto ------->| - - |<---------- Toronto --------->|58
59|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|59
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchanges - Area Code 416 - Metro Toronto (23 October 1994)
44 1 66 // 66 000 000 999 999 999
4 4 11 6 // 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9
44444 1 6666 // 6666 0 0 0 0 === 9999 9999 9999
4 1 6 6 // 6 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9
4 111 666 // 666 000 000 9 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
60|[PgCo]| Tor | - - |<- Toronto ->|Toro/B| Tor | - - |<- Toronto ->|60
61| - - |[Repr]| - - |[P613]| Tor | - - |Toro/?|<- Toronto ->| - - |61
62|<---- Toronto --->| - - | - - | - - | Tor | - - | - - | - - |62
63|<- Toronto ->| - - | Tor | - - |<- Toronto ->| - - | Tor | - - |63
64| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |64
65|<---------- Toronto --------->| - - |<---- Toronto --->| - - |65
66| - - | Tor | - - | Tor | - - | Tor | - - | Tor | - - | - - |66
67| - - | - - | - - | - - |<- Toronto ->| - - | - - | - - | - - |67
68| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |68
69|<- Toronto ->| - - |<------- Toronto ------->| - - |<- Toronto ->|69
70| - - | Tor | - - | Tor | - - |[P705]| - - | - - | - - | - - |70
71| - - |[TTYR]| - - | - - | - - | - - | Tor | - - | - - | - - |71
72|Toro/C| - - | - - | - - | Tor | - - |Toro/C| - - | - - | - - |72
73| Tor | - - | - - | Tor | - - | - - | Tor | - - | - - | Tor |73
74|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|74
75|<---- Toronto --->| - - |<------------- Toronto ------------->|75
76|<------- Toronto ------->| - - | - - |<- Toronto ->| - - | Tor |76
77| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |<- Toronto ->| - - |77
78|<------------- Toronto ------------->| - - | Tor | - - | Tor |78
79| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | Tor | - - |79
80| - - |<- Toronto ->| - - |<---- Toronto --->| - - |<- Toronto ->|80
81| - - | - - |<---- Toronto --->| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |81
82| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |82
83| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |83
84| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |84
85| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |85
86|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|86
87| Tor | - - | Tor | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |87
88| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |88
89| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |89
90| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |[L905]| - - | - - | - - | - - |90
91| - - |[Emrg]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |<- Toronto ->| - - |91
92|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|92
93| Tor |Toro/B|<- Toronto ->| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |93
94| - - | Tor | ??? |<- Toronto ->| - - | - - | Tor |Toro/B| - - |94
95|[950S]| - - |[T-??]|[T-??]|<----- Toronto ---->| - - |[T-TK]|[T-??]|95
96|<--------------------------- Toronto --------------------------->|96
97|[T-VA]|<----------- Toronto ---------->|[976S]|<---- Toronto --->|97
98|<------- Toronto ------->| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |98
99| - - | - - |[T-??]|[T-??]| - - |[T-??]|[T-??]|[T-ID]|[T-??]|[T-??]|99
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchanges - Area Code 416 - Appendix
Tor - Toronto
Other abbreviations
??? - This exchange seems active, but details are unknown
?P? - 380 was a pager exchange at one time; appears to be defunct now
Toro/B - Bell Mobility cellular exchange, Toronto
Toro/C - Cantel cellular exchange, Toronto
Toro/? - unknown cellular/other exchange, Toronto
(SPk%) - Toronto before 4 October 1993 split; will move to 905 to
become South Pickering West exchange
[Diry] - Directory Assistance Exchange
[Emrg] - Emergency 911 service
[L416] - protected for 416 - may allow local dialing as 416+number
[L905] - to be used for dialing 905 area (outside Metro Toronto) local numbers
[P514] - protected prefix - for 514 Montreal - presumably to avoid confusion
[P519] - protected prefix - for 519 area code boundary
[P613] - protected prefix - for 613 area code boundary
[P705] - protected prefix - for 705 area code boundary
[PgCa] - This exchange active for pagers (Page Canada, etc)
[PgCO] - Customer-owned toll paging exchange
[Pgr?] - This exchange active for some special service, likely for pagers
[Repr] - Repair
[S800] - Bell business office; reserved for 7-digit speed dial to 800 numbers
[To/I] - Toronto exchange, needs valid identifier number though
[TTYR] - TTY/TDD Relay service
[T-ID] - Used for identifying current telephone number
[T-VA] - used for various tests or communications
[T-TK] - listed as a talk test exchange
[T-??] - possibly a phone test active using this exchange
[950S] - alternate long distance service access
[976S] - 976 Service - for special announcements, party lines, etc.
(Tor?) - reported as an exchange for Toronto; not found to be in service yet
(T-??) - reserved for phone test
Notes on Area 416
416-983, a new exchange discovered October 1994, is one of the first
known duplicates with 905. 905-983 is a long-time Orono exchange. A
new 905-242 Oshawa exchange now exists (416-242 existed for some time).
On 4th October 1993, 905 area code was officially active, meaning
the only numbers in 416 will be in Metro Toronto. 905 consists of
all those places in the former 416 territory outside Metro Toronto.
As a result, the 416 exchange list was altered accordingly.
Some potential pitfalls of the 905 area code are 1) that 905 used
to be the area code used to dial Mexico City (Mexico can now be
called under the overseas dialing setup); 2) 905 somewhat resembles
the adjacent area code 705 to the north thus risking other confusion;
3) at the time of assignment, other area codes such as 210 could have
been assigned which would provide faster rotary dialing; there were
few area codes left to be assigned in the traditional format in any
event, thus limiting the choices of area code.
This split will change the dialing of local calls that cross the Toronto
boundary ie. dial area code + local number if dialing a local call into or
out of Toronto (no 1 + is needed beforehand unless the call is indeed long
distance). The split will be completed 25 March 1994 (the end of the
"permissible" dialing period in which 905 may or may not be used for calls
outside Toronto).
In March 1990, the dialing system in 416 was changed to allow for NXX codes
(N is a digit from 2 to 8, X is any digit 0 to 9) from the previous
NNX prefix format. Basically, area codes style numbers may now be used
for exchanges. At the time of the change, the area code 416 had to be
dialed for all long distance calls within the old 416 (previously, just
1 + number has to be dialed). Obviously, there will be no longer be any
such thing as long distance dialing within 416 any more with the split.
1+905+number will be needed for such calls to Hamilton or Oshawa that
are long distance from Toronto.
The first exchanges to get the new style of prefixes were of the form
50X, 51X, 60X and 61X. Note that exchanges like 514, 519, 613 were not
assigned, and may never be assigned since it may become necessary to
use the area codes for purposes of local dialing across area code
boundaries. Indeed, since 905+number will be required to dial from
Toronto to outlying local exchanges, 905 will not be assigned as a
prefix. New prefixes of the 40X, 41X and 81X form were subsequently
placed in service.
Some exchanges in the 90X or 91X series may be assigned for WATS line
service as has been the case previous to the change to extra exchange
prefixes. The exact assignments are unknown at this time. Possible
mistakes resulting in calls to 911 may also be a factor in avoiding
new prefixes of the 91X form at this time (and 911 itself will not
become a prefix in ordinary service for obvious reasons).
Any blanks in the list mean the exchange is not in service as of last
report, or the exchange number is being used for some other unknown purpose.
There are sometimes things like billing codes used internally by Bell,
for instance. There may also be other exchanges for such things as cellular
telephones, pagers and test circuits that are not usually mentioned in phone
books, etc. An effort was made to list each exchange that appears to be
active, even if it is listed with question marks to mark an unknown status.
Some exchange profiles follow. Sometimes an exchange can be primarily
devoted to use by a single company, since a Centrex or similar system can
take up most or all of a telephone exchange prefix. Here are some of these
exchanges in Toronto (note that not all numbers in a specific exchange need
to be related to a particular company or group of services; some parts of
these exchanges can go to other services, companies or even to ordinary
telephone lines):
205 - Canadian Broadcasting Corp. 217 - Canadian National
224 - Federal government 314 - Ontario government
392 - Metro Toronto municipal 393 - TTC/Metro schools/other Metro
394 - Etobicoke municipal 395 - North York municipal
396 - Scarborough municipal 539 - Toronto Transit "time line"
592 - Ontario Hydro 599 - Bell Canada
739 - Federal government 813 - Hospital for Sick Children
866 - Bank of Nova Scotia 867 - Bank of Montreal
954 - Federal government 956 - VIA Rail Canada
965 - Ontario government 973 - Federal government
974 - Royal Bank 978 - University of Toronto
980 - Bank of Commerce 982 - Toronto-Dominion Bank
The above list is not complete; there may be other exchanges designated for
a predominantly single company or usage.
Thanks to Ray Chow (ray.chow@canrem.com) for some updates to the chart
effective the 17 February 1993 edition.
Bell Mobility cellular uses the following 416 exchanges:
200, 201, 209, 254, 346, 347, 407, 460, 518, 540, 580, 592, 605, 606,
801, 802, 805, 806, 931, 948
Cantel cellular uses the following 416 exchanges:
219, 230, 258, 315, 399, 402, 409, 414, 417, 418, 440, 464, 505, 520,
543, 565, 587, 616, 617, 618, 716, 720, 726, 804, 917, 930
Note that cellular numbers sometimes share the same number space with other
(more conventional) phone numbers, while other exchanges are exclusively
dedicated to cellular or pager use.
In addition, 870 and 872 are Toronto exchanges used for recorded messages,
broadcast station contest lines, ticket agencies, and other "mass calling"
purposes. These kind of lines can be called "choke" exchanges, to handle
conditions that can get very congested.
Federal government in Toronto uses three SL-1 facilities: 1) 4900 Yonge
(presumably under 224 prefix), 2) 4905 Dufferin (739) and 3) a site
identified in a federal directory only as "6205 Kestrel" (Mississauga,
or some city other than Toronto? Or did they mean 6205 Keele? Presumably
this site takes care of the 954 and 973 numbers).
Provincial government prefixes are 324, 963, 965 (under Centrex I,
which had been using the older Intercity Network (ICN) but will be
replaced soon, if not already) and also 314, 325, 326 and 327 (under the
newer Queens Park Telecommunications System (QPTS) using the newer
Ontario Communications Network (OCN)). All Ontario government telephone
services are expected to be converted to QPTS/OCN as facilities are
put into place. The old methods of the ICN, including special city codes
of the form 8xx to get to certain destinations, will then be obsolete.
It also appears that many of the 965 numbers have been changed to
other prefixes, perhaps meaning 965 is being phased out for Ontario
government purposes.
Exchanges like 320 and 942 seem to be active from some places, but not from
others. These may be test exchanges, or exchanges to be activated in the
near future, or localised testing exchanges. It could also be a programming
error in a few telephone switches.
410 was used for testing or special purposes until recently when it
appears that this is in service for Toronto numbers.
997 is an exchange used for numbers that will identify the telephone
number that is calling. 996 is used for some testing as well. 958 and 970
are used for other tests and were accessed by dialing 1+416+ beforehand
(perhaps 1+905+ after the split?). 320 is also a possible test exchange.
999 is sometimes used for testing; if so, the exchange will give another
dial tone when 999 + the number that's calling is dialed.