SENATOR SMITH: Did you see any women there would not leave their husbands­­
MR. LOWE: I saw some women there, but I did not have time to go and drive them away. I simply shouted, "Women and children."
SENATOR SMITH: That is all apart. You do not need to say that; that simply takes time. Did you see any women, when you were loading lifeboat No. 3, who were unwilling to be separated from their husbands and their families and refused to go into the lifeboat?
MR. LOWE: Well, they did not respond to the call.
SENATOR SMITH: So, after 45 people had been put into lifeboat No. 3 it was lowered?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you help lower it?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: What did you do?
MR. LOWE: I was standing at the side of the ship watching the after end.
SENATOR SMITH: Watching the after end; and was the boat lowered without difficulty?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you see it when it struck the water?
MR. LOWE: Yes; we lowered it right down into the water.
SENATOR SMITH: And when it reached the water, did you see it again?
MR. LOWE: No; I did not see it again.
SENATOR SMITH: You are unable to say what officer, if any, had charge of it?
MR. LOWE: It was Mr. Pitman­­
SENATOR SMITH: There is a possibility that it was Officer Pitman. That is all you are able to say?
MR. LOWE: That is all I am able to say. I know it was nobody else­
SENATOR SMITH: What did you do next?
MR. LOWE: I went to the emergency boat.
SENATOR SMITH: That is a smaller boat?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: How many will that hold?
MR. LOWE: She is supposed to carry, I think, 40 ­ that is, floating.
SENATOR SMITH: And how many lowering?
MR. LOWE: I should say 30.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you help fill that boat?
MR. LOWE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Do you know anybody that was in that boat?
MR. LOWE: No; I think there were about five women. I think there were parties in this boat­­­
SENATOR SMITH: Do you know who they were?
SENATOR SMITH: What was the number of that boat?
MR. LOWE: No. 1.
SENATOR SMITH: How many women were there in No. 1?
MR. LOWE: I do not know whether it was three ­ I suppose it would be about five.
SENATOR SMITH: And how many men?
MR. LOWE: I suppose there would be, about as near as I can judge, 22 men.
SENATOR SMITH: Any children?
MR. LOWE: I do not remember seeing any children.
SENATOR SMITH: Do you know any of these men?
MR. LOWE: I do not.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you know any of them at the time?
MR. LOWE: No, sir; I never met any of them.
SENATOR SMITH: Do you know whether there was an officer in that boat?
MR. LOWE: No; there was not any officer.
SENATOR SMITH: Were there any sailors in that boat?
MR. LOWE: I think there was a quartermaster, unless I am mistaken.
SENATOR SMITH: What is his name?
MR. LOWE: I do not know, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Is this the same boat that was referred to by Maj. Peuchen?
MR. LOWE: Which boat did he refer to?
SENATOR SMITH: I am asking you. He said there was a quartermaster in his boat.
MR. LOWE: No. I think it was boat No. 3 that he went in. We are now speaking of boat No. 1.
SENATOR SMITH: How many sailors were in that boat?
MR. LOWE: I think there were four or five.
SENATOR SMITH: Who were the other men; were they passengers or members of the crew?
MR. LOWE: The others were passengers.
SENATOR SMITH: All passengers?
MR. LOWE: Yes, sir; as far as I can remember; as far as I could make out.
SENATOR SMITH: And all men?
MR. LOWE: And all men.
SENATOR SMITH: But you can ­ not recollect anybody that was in that boat, with the possible exception of the quartermaster?
MR. LOWE: No, I can not.
SENATOR SMITH: Were you particular to see that some one was put in the boat who could handle it?
MR. LOWE: As far as my own judgment could tell me; yes, sir. I remember asking, I remember I hollered down from the boat deck to the water and said, "Who is that in the emergency boat?" And I could not quite hear what he said.
SENATOR SMITH: You mean that you helped load the emergency boat No. 1, and lowered it down to the water, 70 feet below the place where you loaded it, before you asked who was in it?
MR. LOWE: I knew that there was a quartermaster in it, but I did not know his name.
SENATOR SMITH: You waited until he got 70 feet below you?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: And then tried to ascertain his name?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: Was that the first attempt you had made to ascertain his name?
MR. LOWE: As far as I remember.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you ascertain his name?
MR. LOWE: I heard something, but I do not remember what he said, now.
SENATOR SMITH: And you do not know the name of any other person in lifeboat No.1?
MR. LOWE: That is the emergency boat, not lifeboat No. 1. It is emergency boat No. 1.
SENATOR SMITH: How long did it take to lower a lifeboat or an emergency boat and clear her away ­ lower her into the water?
MR. LOWE: I could not tell you how long it would take, because it varied.
SENATOR SMITH: About how long?
MR. LOWE: I do not know that I could tell you how long.
SENATOR SMITH: Did it take 20 minutes; or approximately how long?
MR. LOWE: Yes; I should say, from the start to finish of putting a boat over, until you get her into the water, it will take you somewhere about 20 minutes.
SENATOR SMITH: And does that include uncovering the boat, taking the canvas or covering off of it?
MR. LOWE: You will have to uncover it, and let go your gripes, and all that.
SENATOR SMITH: I say, does that time include that?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: You had lowered 5 and 3 and 1. If it took you about 20 minutes on each, you were an hour in loading these 3 boats and getting them off?
MR. LOWE: I do not know how long I was, sir, because I did not know the time, or anything else. I was anxious to do all I could to help everybody, and I did not know anything about time.
SENATOR SMITH: Where did you next go?
MR. LOWE: I next went across the deck.
SENATOR SMITH: To the other side?
MR. LOWE: To the other side, that is the port side, and I met the sixth officer, Moody, and asked Moody, "What are you doing?" He said, "I am getting these boats away." So we filled both 14 and 16 with women and children.
SENATOR SMITH: Which one did you fill first?
MR. LOWE: No. 14. I did not fill 16; Moody filled 16.
SENATOR SMITH: You filled 14?
MR. LOWE: Yes.
SENATOR SMITH: Was Mr. Lightoller, the second officer, there?
MR. LOWE: He was there a part of the time, and he went away somewhere else. He must have gone to the second boat forward.
SENATOR SMITH: Who had charge of the loading of lifeboat No. 14?
MR. LOWE: I had.
SENATOR SMITH: And how many people did you put into it?
MR. LOWE: Fifty­eight.
SENATOR SMITH: How many women; do you know?
MR. LOWE: They were all women and children, bar one passenger, who was an Italian, and he sneaked in, and he was dressed like a woman.
SENATOR SMITH: Had women's clothing on?
MR. LOWE: He had a shawl over his head, and everything else; and I only found out at the last moment. And there was another passenger that I took for rowing.
SENATOR SMITH: Who was that?
MR. LOWE: That was a chap by the name of C. Williams.
SENATOR SMITH: Where did he live?
MR. LOWE: I do not know where he lived.
SENATOR SMITH: Have you ever seen him since?
MR. LOWE: Yes; I saw him since, on board the Carpathia.
SENATOR SMITH: Was he one of the men whose names you have on that paper.
MR. LOWE: I have his name; that is, his home address, but not his New York address.
SENATOR SMITH: I would like his home address.
MR. LOWE: I can give you that. Will have it now?
SENATOR SMITH: Yes; also the name of any other man or woman in the boat that you know, and their address.
MR. LOWE: (referring to book). "C. Williams, racket champion of the world," he has here, "No 2 Drury Road, Harrow­on­the­Hill, Middlesex, England."
SENATOR SMITH: Give all the others.
MR. LOWE: You want them in my own boat, sir?
SENATOR SMITH: Yes; you said you had the names of all in the boat.
MR. LOWE: You see, I was in charge of five boats.
SENATOR SMITH: But this is of the boat you were in yourself, No. 14?
MR. LOWE: Yes. I will give them to you.
SENATOR SMITH: This is the one you loaded?
MR. LOWE: You want those in the boat from the davits, not what I picked up?
SENATOR SMITH: No, I am going to ask you that later.
MR. LOWE: The next were Mrs. A. T. Compton, and Miss S. R. Compton, Laurel House, Lakewood, N.J.
SENATOR SMITH: Go ahead a little faster, if you can.
MR. LOWE: That is all.
SENATOR SMITH: Those are the only names you took down?
MR. LOWE: Out of my own particular boat.
SENATOR SMITH: I thought you had a card there that they had signed with the autographs?
MR. LOWE: Who?
SENATOR SMITH: These passengers who were in your own boat, No. 14.
MR. LOWE: No, sir; I am not autograph hunter.
SENATOR SMITH: I understand; but I thought you told me you had a card of that kind.
MR. LOWE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: You say there were how many people in your boat?
MR. LOWE: Fifty­eight, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And that was when you left the davits?
MR. LOWE: That was when I left the davits.
SENATOR SMITH: How many people got into that boat after it reached the water, or at any other deck?
MR. LOWE: None, sir. You see, I chased all of my passengers out of my boat and emptied her into four other boats that I had. I herded five boats together.
SENATOR SMITH: Yes; what were they?
MR. LOWE: I was in No. 14. Then I had 10, I had 12, and I had another collapsible, and one other boat the number of which I do not know. I herded them together and roped them ­ made them all tie upand of course I had to wait until the yells and shrieks had subsided ­ for the people to thin out ­ and then I deemed it safe for me to go amongst the wreckage. So I transferred all my passengers ­ somewhere about 53 passengers ­ from my boat, and I equally distributed them between my other four boats. Then I asked for volunteers to go with me to the wreck and it was at this time that I found this Italian. He came aft, and he had a shawl over his head and I suppose he had skirts. Anyhow, I pulled this shawl off his face and saw he was a man. He was in a great hurry to get into the other boat, and I caught hold of him and pitched him in.
SENATOR SMITH: Pitched him in?
MR. LOWE: Yes; because he was not worthy of being handled better.
SENATOR SMITH: You pitched him in among the women?
MR. LOWE: No, sir; in the fore part of the lifeboat in which I transferred my passengers.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you use some pretty emphatic language when you did that?
MR. LOWE: No, sir; I did not say a word to him.
SENATOR SMITH: Just picked him up and pitched him into this other lifeboat?
MR. LOWE: Yes. Then I went off and I rowed off to the wreckage and around the wreckage and I picked up four people.
SENATOR SMITH: Dead or alive?
MR. LOWE: Four alive.
SENATOR SMITH: Who were they?
MR. LOWE: I do not know.
SENATOR SMITH: Have you ever found out?
MR. LOWE: I do not know who these three live persons were; they never came near me afterwards, either to say this, that, or the other. But one died, and that was a Mr. Hoyt, of New York, and it took all the boat's crew to pull this gentleman into the boat, because he was an enormous man, and I suppose he had been soaked fairly well with water, and when we picked him up he was bleeding from the mouth and from the nose. So we did get him on board and I propped him up at the stern of the boat, and we let go his collar, took his collar off, and loosened his shirt so as to give him every chance to breathe; but unfortunately, he died. I suppose he was too far gone when we picked him up. But the other three survived. I then left the wreck. I went right around and strange to say, I did not see a single female body, not one, around the wreckage.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you have a light in your boat?
MR. LOWE: No, sir. I left my crowd of boats together somewhere, I should say, about between half past 3 and 4 in the morning, and after I had been around it was just breaking day, and I am quite satisfied that I had a real good look around, and that there was nothing left.
SENATOR SMITH: Now, I am going to stop you there just for a moment. You can tell what you did then?
MR. LOWE: Then what?
SENATOR SMITH: After you looked around, then what did you do?
MR. LOWE: I then thought ­ well, the thought flashed through my mind, "Perhaps the ship has not seen us in the semigloom."
SENATOR SMITH: The Carpathia?
MR. LOWE: Yes. I could see her coming up, and I thought, "Well, I am the fastest boat of the lot," as I was sailing, you see. I was going through the water very nicely;, going at about, well, I should say, four knots, five knots, maybe; it may have been a little more; it may have been six; but anyhow I was bowling along very nice.
SENATOR SMITH: In the direction of the Carpathia?
MR. LOWE: In the direction of the Carpathia. And I thought, "I am the fastest boat, and I think if I go toward her, for fear of her leaving us to our doom" ­ that is what I was scared about, and you will understand that day was dawning more and more as the time came on.
SENATOR SMITH: I assume that to be so.
MR. LOWE: And by and by, I noticed a collapsible boat, and it looked rather sorry, so I thought, "Well, I will go down and pick her up and make sure of her." So I went about and sailed down to this collapsible boat and took her in tow.
SENATOR SMITH: Whom did you find in control of this collapsible?
MR. LOWE: I do not know, sir; because you must understand that when we are on shipboard we do not call men, so and so, by their names.
SENATOR SMITH: I did not know but what you might designate him.
MR. LOWE: If we want a quartermaster we do not say Bright or whatever his name is; we say "Quartermaster."
SENATOR SMITH: I do not care about that feature. I will ask you a straight question, whether you know anybody that was in that collapsible boat.
MR. LOWE: I knew one.
MR. LOWE: I think she was in that boat; that is Mrs. H. B. Harris, of New York. She had a broken arm.
SENATOR SMITH: But you did not know anyone else?
MR. LOWE: You must understand that by this time my first boat's crew had got scattered.
SENATOR SMITH: I am not asking about that, at all; I am asking whether you knew anyone in this collapsible boat that you attached to your own, except this woman?
MR. LOWE: Mrs. Harris; that is all.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you come to know any of them afterwards?
MR. LOWE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: I want to take you back a moment. Before you transferred the 53 people from your lifeboat, No. 14, to other lifeboats, including this Italian in woman's attire, you say you lay off a bit. Where; how far from the Titanic?